Moonlight in the Sun - checking for interest

Arynne, Hybrid Body Rearrangement has been errata'd. IIRC when you take it, you're not limited to specific mutations anymore, but must commit a number of motes equal to the mutation cost of the specific mutation you want to add.

Check the errata exactly.
Is everyone else who expressed interest lost it? or do people need more time to write up some character? I'll wait for a week more, but then I'll start the game. 3 players would be enough if it comes to that.
"Hey! Why were you sneaking up on us? Are you a spy?"

"No, I'm just a PC who overslept and missed the big meeting at the inn."
I would still be interested, just haven't had time to think up a character as of late.
If you are still considering additional players...

Name: Ken "Slip" Torichi, aka. Wandering Paw (he goes by Slip generally)

Concept: Wise traveller

Caste: No Moon

Spirit Shape: River Otter

Tell: Silver whiskers

Motivation: To learn and teach. Through knowledge and understanding comes the ability to survive.


Strength â—â—

â—Dexterity â—â—â—

Stamina â—â—â—

â—Charisma â—â—â—â—

Manipulation â—â—â—

Appearance â—â—â—

â—Perception â—â—â—â—â—

â—Intelligence â—â—â—â— (3BP)

Wits â—â—â—â—


Archery â—â—â—

Martial Arts





Performance â—â—

Presence â—â—


â—Survival â—â—â— (2BP)


â—Investigation â—â—â—â—â— (4BP)

Lore â—â—â—

Medicine â—â—

Occult â—â—

Athletics â—

Awareness â—â—â—

Dodge â—â—


Stealth â—


Linguistics â—â—â— (Native: Riverspeak, Learned: Old-Realm, Forest-tongue, Claw-speak)



Socialize â—â—



1st Dexterity Excellency

Finding the Needle's Eye

2nd Charisma Excellency

New Friend Aroma

2nd Perception Excellency

Eye of the Cat

Blood-kin Sense (5 BP)

Counting the Elephant's Wrinkles


Humble Mouse Shape

Towering Beast Form

Prey's Skin Disguise


Artifact â—â— Moonsilver Short Powerbow

Heart's Blood â—â— (mouse, squirrel, swallow, black cat, leopard, strix, polar bear, shark, a trapper and river guide "Juro Katai", a weathered elderly man)

Mentor â—â— (Careth Shining-Beak is an elder member of the Winding Path and rarely devotes time to Slip. He does teach him occasionally, but usually in a cryptic and long winded nature only after Slip has completed some task. Slip is not yet aware of his mentor's connections.)

Reputation â—

Solar Bond â— (1 BP)


Compassion â—â—

Conviction â—â—â—

Temperance â—

Valor â—â—â—

Virtue Flaw: Conviction, The Curse of the Hungry Wolverine


The Hundred Kingdoms

Peace (esp among brothers)

WP: 6

Essence: 2


Moonsilver Short Bow

-Speed 6, Accuracy +3, Damage +2L, Rate 2, Range 350, Attune 4

Traveller's clothes

His trusty hunting knife


Dodge DV -

Parry DV -

Dodge MDV -

Parry MDV -


B__3__ L__1__ A__0__

Pierced Soak

B__3__ L__1__ A__0__

Hardness - 0

Move - 3

Dash - 9


~0 [ ]

~1 [ ] [ ]

~2 [ ] [ ]

~4 [ ]

Incapacitated [ ]

Dying [ ] [ ] [ ]

Ken was born to the ruling family of a moderate kingdom perforated by rivers among many others in the Hundred Kingdoms region. The fifth of nine sons Ken's life growing up was mostly unremarkable and he spent his time exploring the kingdom, it's wild space, taverns, and women. He rode with his brothers to quell uprisings and defend the borders of the kingdom from the sinister plans of thier neighbors. All in all it wasn't a bad life, but it never held much meaning for Ken who developed a habit of slipping away from his responsibilities to wander.

That was how he missed it. For all his touted powers of observation now, he missed the events that would tear apart his little world. His father's ill health drove his brothers to plot for power and soon the kingdom was divided up into seven parts all on the verge of war, one part loyal to the ill king, and the other 6 to one of his sons (two having been found dead). Ken returned from a nightly dalliance and was met by his brother's assassins. He fought them, but they were too many. Poison from their blades numbing him, he lept to the river in an attempt to escape. The river swept him out of reach of his attackers, but the poison had found its purpose and he struggled in futility to stay afloat. His eyes were filled with a vision, a cloaked figure commanded him to stop fooling around if he wanted to survive. In a flash of silver he swam as hard as he could and climbed up the muddy bank with his paws. The poison had been beaten, and in its place a new purpose.

After a week, a group of people came to teach him what he was. He passed his trials with wary observation and cunning and accepted the tattoos to fix his caste as a no moon. Left mostly to his own designs Slip has spent his time learning his powers and the thrill of the hunt, but he never forgot his origins. He keeps an eye on his brothers infiltrating the waring states as an old man. Occasionally he is able to bend the ear of one of his brothers to counsel. Now he has been sent to aid with Silent Weaver's mission.
If you're still accepting, I'd love to join. I'd have to look over the books a bit more, though, as I haven't thoroughly read them yet or made a character... What castes are still open?
Halcyone, if you could post, or PM me a character concept within the next week, that would be great, and I'll consider you. I alreayd have one Full Moon, and if Karregan's character joins in will have 3 No Moons, and one Changing Moon as well, so if you have a better chance if you make a Changing Moon.

Karregan, we'll need to discuss some changes to Pearl's Dew before she can join in, or at least, some new direction. PM me, I have to go to sleep for a while.
Alrighty. Working on one now, as it were..... One question, though. Do Red Pandas exist in Creation? Not sure if he should have one of them, a raccoon, or a fox as his totem. Basic idea for him was a more urban background, grew up in the slums... Mainly he dodged the line between gangs, preferring to walk alone for his own benefit as a rouge. Raccoon might fit with the more urban setting of past, but I like red pandas. >->

The difference between raccoon and red panda would most likely just be a color shift in his tell... Though it could also affect his name. Red pandas are also known as Firefoxes, and one name for them means "Shining Cat" .....

.... Also, the red panda is from China, and the book said that the Silver Faction undertook a few smugglings of newly Exalted Lunars on the isle, and I think the Dragon Blooded are sort of Chinese flavored if I'm reading right, so maybe he was rescued from growing up in a city culture under their influence? Not one that would require a major smuggling, but... I don't know, for certain. But it might make him more likely to be selected for infiltrating a Dragon Blooded city..
we can certainly say that red pandas exist on the Blessed Isle, if that is your desire. And if you wanna play someone who was rescued from the Blessed Isle, that's fine too.
Alright. I'll try and go through the rest of the creation process, then.... And post something soon, hopefully, if I don't get stuck anywhere else...
It'll most likely be Friday before I can post a completed character, sorry.. Life threw some unexpected complications...

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