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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

u k i y o

welcome to Moonlight Academy also known as M.L.A. You have been sent to this school because you are not what people would call normal, you look differently than others, or you have a special gift that most people don't. Well no worries! At this school everyone is normal and the teachers will not think otherwise either, they have gifts of there own. I hope you enjoy you wonderful stay at Moonlight Academy.
Joe walked into his new school, his black eyes analyzing everything about it. "Hmm, interesting, interesting indeed." Having no clue of where he was suppose to report to, he merely took out a cigarette. He lit it and took a long drag. "So, where do we report to?"

Avery walked through the school building his bags in his hand. He had heard from the other students talking that they were suppose to go to their dorm rooms and unpack everything for about an hour before they were suppose to go to the auditorium. He saw a guy smoking in the hallway, he looked lost, that or he didn't know what he was suppose to be doing. He stopped in front of the black haired boy and looked up. "Do you need help?" He asked staring into his eyes.

@Angel Lucifer
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"Thank you, my name is Joseph Spiritus Domini. Pleasure to meet you." He put out his hand for a handshake, but took a swig of wine from his flask with the other hand.
"My name's Avery and it's nice meeting you too." He said shaking Joey's hand. He looked around at the students passing by acting like he didn't notice the wine. He knew to mind his own business. He suddenly remembers what he came to Joey for, "what dorm number are you? I can show you where it is." He said looking back at Joey.
Joe saw Avery looking around, pretending not to notice the wine he gulped down. "Thank you, my dorm is number 106." He took another swig, as he is pretty much an alcoholic.
Hunter walked into the academy, looking incredibly weary as he eyed the grand architecture of the building. All he cared about at the moment was finding Room 108. He paid no mind to any other students, carrying his light bag in the general direction of the dorms. He figured if he just wandered for a bit, he'd find the place.

Avery's face brightened as he recognized where that dorm was. "I know where that is!" He said jumping up and down pointing in the direction of the dorms. "Follow me, follow me, follows me!" He said hovering above the ground and flying towards the dorms. He didn't go to fast that Joey would have trouble keeping up but he definitely wasn't going slow.

@Angel Lucifer
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Joe sighed, a pair of black feathered wings erupting from his back. He easily caught up and flew besides Avery. "So, what are your powers?" He turned around and flew backwards in an attempt to protect his still lit cigarette.
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As Hunter was walking, he caught the acrid smell of cigarette smoke as it wafted in his direction. He couldn't help but cringe, the distinct smell bringing him back to thoughts of run-down bars, motels, nights with strangers...

Focus, Hunter. He mentally scolded himself, shaking his head to rid himself of the intrusive thoughts. With an outward sigh, he turned to glance at whoever was holding the cigarette.

"Mind putting that out, mate?" He called out as calmly as he could, nodding to the cigarette the winged man held. Despite his calm facade, he was putting up a hell of a fight to shove out the intrusive thoughts. And for as long as that smell lingered, he wouldn't really be able to.

@Angel Lucifer
"Mind putting that out, mate?" Joe sighed, reversing time so that the cigarette would be good as new, but not burning. "Sorry, I did not realize anyone would mind me smoking." He took a big gulp of wine in compensation. He then continued his 'slow' paced flight with Avery.

"Oh I have telekinetics and telepathy, what do you have?" Avery asked eagerly looking at the black wings that appeared before him.

@Angel Lucifer
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Hunter took a deep breath, kind of estranged to what he had just witnessed. "Hate to be that guy... But thanks." He muttered before moving along, trying to seek out his dorm once more. He focused on reading the dorm numbers, keeping himself occupied with that. Thankfully, his train of thought didn't threaten to derail this time around.

"104... 106... 108." He spoke to himself before going into the appropriate dorm. He glanced around the room, figuring it was good enough. He left the door cracked, just in case his roommate came about at some point. He threw his bag onto the bed closest to the door before practically falling onto it. The mattress seemed comfortable enough, unlike the many broken box spring beds he had the displeasure of sleeping on.

Avery landed on the ground in front of room 106. "This is your dorm!! Tell me who your dorm partner is later, okay?" He said, without waiting for a response he ran down the hallway and into his own dorm. His dorm ate wasn't there yet and he claimed the bed farthest from the door as his placing his stuff down on the bed and shutting the door behind him.

@Angel Lucifer
Joe walked into his room, dropping his stuff next to the door. He lied down on his bed, setting his internal alarm to wake him up 5 minutes before the introductory ceremony before closing his eyes.
Avery unzipped one of his bags and started unpacking things, mostly using his telekinetics because he was too short to reach it. He finished unpacking with ten to twenty minutes and opened the window into the back gardens. He quickly took off his shoes and socks, and jumped from the window landing softly on the ground. He noticed a particularly big tree and ran up to it ready to climb it.

Mariah walks towards the school rolling her eyes really not excited for school today, she was still tired from all the partying she did last night. She dragged herself to the entrance, seeing how huge it is walking through the halls seeing everyone talking with their friends.

She looked down at her letter seeing she's in room 104.

"Ugh please Lord don't let me get lost today"

She continues to walk down various halls finally seeing a hall that leads to some rooms, she walks down that hall seeing a couple of guys.. too shy to speak she just keeps looking for her room...

"Ah 104, good to see you" She enters the room placing her bag down next to the bed, laying across the bed. Forgetting to close the back just leaves it open.
After laying a while on his bed, Hunter got out his phone and began blasting his music. Well, not really "blasting" as he had it on a low volume and next to his head. He would use headphones, but found that he'd get paranoid when completely isolated from other sounds. And the last thing he wanted was to feel uncomfortable in this new place. With a sigh, he just let the song quietly play on.

Finally gets up after five minutes to unpack her bags putting her clothes in the first two drawers and taking up half of the closet.

She see's she has time before her first class so she decides to get changed into something more comfortable


She walks out her room and seeing that everyone must be in their rooms so she just walks out to the beautiful garden sitting by a tree sitting by a cute stranger
Avery had been sitting in the tree looking up at the clouds in the sky. He noticed someone sit next to him and looked at her, he knew she was a fairy. He could tell by the way she looked, "Hi!" He said smiling at her.

She was really shy but his smile captivated her she moved a little closer.

"Hi. I'm Mariah. Everyone calls me Riah or Princess, um-I-Um saw y-y-you sitting her by yourself and I just thought I'd say Hi"

Mariah was so nervous, she's not used to talking to boys, she stutters when she's nervous she was hoping he didn't notice
"It's nice to meet you, my name's Avery!" He said his smile never fading, he noticed her stutters but he knew it was because she was nervous and he brushed it off. "Im glad you came to say hi" he said, he didn't think people would approach him because of how short he was, and most thought he was eight or nine. He hadn't noticed that he had been swinging his feet and looked around once more at the garden, it was very beautiful, if he said so himself.

His smile was so adorable

"I'm glad you're not a jerk" she giggled

"Yes I agree the garden is beautiful" She quickly covered her mouth forgetting to distinguish people's thoughts from their actual words

"I'm sorry, I gotta go!"

She quickly walks off embarrassed to have let her powers once again take her over.
Avery giggled as he realized his mind had been read. A mind reader, that's so cool! He thought she started walking away when he called back to her, "It was really nice meeting you Riah! Also I don't mind you reading my mind, sometimes I forget to distinguish thoughts from people's actual words too, so it's okay! He yelled waving.


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