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Fantasy Moonlight Academy (Always Open)



full name: Daniel Gothica

nickname: Dan

age in human: 19

gender: male

class: pure blood


can teleport to a close distance, but it will ware out his stamina

Can fly,

and has incredible strength.

Personallity: mysterious, but kind to everyone.

Bio: Dan used to be a pure-blood when he was at his original home far away from here. When he was young, around the age of 3, a fire broke out of his manor killing his mother, and sivirely burning his father. He never mentions this accident to anyone, do to fear that he'll start to cry. Now, he doesn't want something like that happen to anyone close to him ever again. Which is why he goes to this school now. Hoping to save his friends, and family, from death again.

other: none. Other than that trench-coat he's wearing his mom made for him.

@Ayuna Kusado
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Appearance(Anime Please):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.e61e813ccfdc1ab241dedd898cfd9063.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108572" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.e61e813ccfdc1ab241dedd898cfd9063.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name:Acheron Parthenopaeus

Nickname:Ash, Akri, T-Rex, Achimou

Age in human years:(looks 18) is 1800 years old


Vampire Class:Pure Blood (but pretends to be a common)



Hypnosis-vampires of lower rank follow his orders

Mirror-can copy the powers of others upon contact (can only hold one at a time)

Mental block-can block off his mind from being read, controlled, ect.

Bio:raised by high ranking parents he ran away not liking the life of being a full blood and disguised himself as a common before joining the school

Other:(unless this counts as a power) for some reason is immune to pure iron



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Full Name: Octavian St.Clair

Nickname: 'Octin', 'Snow White'

Age in human years: 27

Gender: Male

Vampire Class: Aristocrat

Personality: Described by the people who know him as 'closed off and standoff-ish'; he's quiet and likes to be off in a corner more times than not. He's very protective once he gets attached to someone or something and becomes almost possessive. Despite some negative traits, he is very tenderhearted and loves to read and write; let his feelings out in poetry.


-Paralysis by venom(located in fangs)

-X-ray vision (cannot see through things beyond 20 ft.)

Bio: Born to a human mother and a Vampire father who he never knew, Octavian was sent away at an early age for 'unusual behavior' during his younger years and had not seen his mother since. Now he is set with the challenge of a Vampire High School and doesn't much appreciate how he ended up there.

Other: Loves strawberries, dislikes the smell of some peoples blood

Full Name:Hansel Frei

Nickname:Hans, Hato, Fairy

Age in human years:16 1/2(ages slower than others)


Vampire Class:Aristocrat

Personality:Hansel is an extremely complex individual as his actions always seem to be straight forward but there is always a motive behind what he does. He comes off as sheltered and ignorant due to his tendency to act mostly clueless even though he's quick-witted and extremely intelligent.

He tries to hold everyone at a distance with the use of his smiles and general friendliness persona which is almost impossible for most others to see through. When he is not wearing his persona, he lets out sarcastic remarks or takes pleasure in making people uncomfortable or when they give him weird looks.

Hans is pretty lonely and generally has trust issues which has made him come off as quite illogical due to his desire to entertain while being entertaining.


Misread-He is immune to powers that probe his mind or try to get information but also acts as a silent sneaking ability.

Agility-He is able to move his body fluently and efficiently with a boost to his speed and strength.

Strings-A skill that makes others believe his lies most of the time or want to trust him. A power that gives him a calming effect and sharp intuition which in turn creates fast reflexes.

Bio:Hans was introduced into the world of the vampire at a young age but generally did not make many friends even when his parents encouraged him to. He smiled and laughed but was not a great actor for the longest time so others would pick up on his strange behavior. His father's family hated him due to his aristocrat status in their line of pure blooded individuals and was considered a stain to them so was never acknowledged. He lived a pretty normal childhood excluding the fact that his parents were very busy so often unintentionally neglected him as they often left them with his grandfather who hated him. He was taught many things as he often spent time in the library trying to learn everything he can. He later got his puppets and they became his friends as he was quite lonely as he began to distrust and generally wear a persona as a way of dealing.

Other: Likes starry skies, enjoys intellectual conversation, bisexual, and loves strawberry flavored treats. He dislikes when ice cream isn't at the perfect temperature, poetry and being flustered.
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Appearance(Anime Please):

Name: Alexander Sanguine

Nickname: Alex

Age in human years: 15

Gender: male

Vampire Class:(Pure Blood, Aristocrat, Common): commen

Determined, clumsy, kind. He doesn't really like the pure bloods because he heard that they can control lower class people and neither does he like the fact that not all the vampire's are equal and is hesitant to call someone lord or lady. He's often deep in thought but can also be very talkative.

Powers:(No more than 3):

Sleep memorization:
He will remember everything which happened that day after he has slept no matter how short he sleeps.

Stubborn fool: He can resist mind control and when it's something he really doesn't want to do even disobey pure-bloods (They can't force him to bully someone but they can command him to get them something to drink.)

Bio: He was just any normal human till on the night of his seventeenth birthday a vampire turned him in his sleep. The next day he could notice that he had changed and he got an email inviting him to the moonlight academy. He's determined to find out who is the vampire who turned him but he still has no idea what to do after that.

Other: Hekind of likes the irony that his last name is Latin for blood but he thinks this could also give him a hint in the pursue after the vampire who bit him.
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Appearance(Anime Please):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Solana.png.b91c0055205d4d4efcd53dd946801362.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109639" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Solana.png.b91c0055205d4d4efcd53dd946801362.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name: Solana Ivy Mclellan

Nickname: Sunny, Sol, Lana

Age in human years: 16

Gender: Female

Vampire Class:(Pure Blood, Aristocrat, Common) Common

Personality: Selfish, Cold, Lonely, Standoffish and Shy. Solana doesn't like to speak much, as she prefers to save her singing voice over her speaking voice. Despite her shyness when communicating with people, she enjoys sharing her voice with the world, mainly for the wrong purposes. She is selfish despite her harsh background, and sometimes forgets she isn't rich anymore.

Powers:(No more than 3)

The Sun Song: Much like a mermaid, Solana can manipulate people with the sound of her voice.

Sharp Intuition: She can also see through emotional walls so that she can exploit any given weakness. This is, however, more of a hunch than a superpower, as it can sometimes go completely wrong.

Bio: Solana was a rich girl with a bad attitude. She was ungrateful, bratty and selfish, especially when it came to her singing lessons. Solana used to torment her teachers until they left, claiming they couldn't cope with the child, because she was so awful. The truth is, Solana didn't want singing lessons. It was something her mother wanted so that her daughter would sing with her one day. The day Solana was turned was the day she lost everything; her 18th birthday. Coming home from a shopping trip, she realised that an ambulance stood outside her house. Her family were murdered by a group of vampires her father had wronged. For a few days, the girl sat and cried in her house, refusing to leave it until her parents' wills arrived. Her fortune and house were to go to her cousin instead, as he was set to inherit everything as he was the closest thing to a male heir her family had (They were very old fashioned). Now with no money to support her, or a roof over her head, Solana was put on the street by her own cousin, and she grew very weak and pale. The vampires who killed her parents sensed she was barely alive, and through some act of pity or cruelty, they turned her into a vampire. Solana quickly learned that the best way to survive now was to steal and kill. She used her newfound singing voice as a weapon, and lured young men and women to their demise. Weather or not by an act of fate, Solana discovered the Moonlight Academy when torturing another common vampire for the hell of it. She figured she could use a bit of training, especially considering how vulnerable she felt being on the street with ignorant humans who thought of her kind as monsters.

Other: She prefers mainly to be alone, but if she really wanted to, she could be quite nice. (I like drawing pointy eared vampires, don't ask
xD )



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Appearance(Anime Please):

Full Name:
Mika Francois La Veuere


Age in human years: 89

Gender: Male

Vampire Class:(Pure Blood, Aristocrat, Common): A

Mika is like sugar coated candy with a dark chocolate center. He may act sweet, simple and adorable on the outside but hatred seethes within him.

Powers: Maxumus Effectus - The ability to amplify his strength and his speed 10 times over the limit.

He never considered it his power but he has the ability to receive visions from the near future not greater than a minute of events. The visions were usually random.

Mika was survived by his grandparents since his early childhood. His deep hatred for the nobles or the pure bloods was rooted from the death of his parents. His father was a pure blood who was executed by the order when he eloped and married a commoner.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/thCAQ9D688.jpg.810d83ec106780a4d21a8c474b2bc336.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111914" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/thCAQ9D688.jpg.810d83ec106780a4d21a8c474b2bc336.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(The Girl in the White dress....)

Full Name: Jacelyn Hamsoel

Nickname: Jac, Lyn, "Freak", "Out cast".

Age in human years: 16

Gender: Female

Vampire Class: Common


Jac takes nothing from anyone. SHe shows emotion only when she is alone. She is VERY mind speaking. She will spesk her mind and do as she wishes. She is a true rebel. She hates aristocrats for what they did to her brother.


Telepathic, Shield Casting, Enhanced strength.

Bio: (Can I posts this later....)

Other: She has a small dagger on her at all times. It was her brothers.



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  • Full Name // Jaspar J. Ridleynald

    Nick Name // J.J.

    Date of Birth // May 7th

    Age (In Human Years) // 15

    Sexual Orientation // Pansexual

    Gender // Female

    Classification // Aristocrat

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