Moon Lake Orphanage


Two Thousand Club
Name: (Full name)

Age: (5 - 17)

Look: (your hair, facial features, clothes etc or picture .)

Personality: (how to describe your character - eg. shy, nerdy, sweet)

History: (your life before coming to Moonlake Orphanage)

Other: (any other information you have)
Name: Angela Corvus Terr

Age: 13

Look: Her long black hair blows against her golden skin, she stands tall below the sky, wearing a flowing white dress. She has a bruise on her back, witch is slowly healing. She also has blue eyes

Personality: Quiet and kind, but not necessarily shy. She can by mischievous at times.

History: Angela lived a happy life in the suburbs with her family, until she woke up and found them gone. She had been taken to the Orphanage, but where did her family go? No one knows.

Other: Haha, nope.
[QUOTE="Bea Delaine]Realistic or anime?

Doesn't Matter


Aetherstar0122 said:
Name: Angela Corvus Terr
Age: 13

Look: Her long black hair blows against her golden skin, she stands tall below the sky, wearing a flowing white dress. She has a bruise on her back, witch is slowly healing. She also has blue eyes

Personality: Quiet and kind, but not necessarily shy. She can by mischievous at times.

History: Angela lived a happy life in the suburbs with her family, until she woke up and found them gone. She had been taken to the Orphanage, but where did her family go? No one knows.

Other: Haha, nope.
Name: Nathan Adam Morrison

Age: 16



Personality: A true free spirit, charming, independent, energetic and compassionate to the younger orphans

History:It was him, his brother and their mom traveling from place to place never actually setting up a home so they only had each other. There mother was on vacation in Thailand where they believe she was kidnapped. Nathan and Cyril didn't really know the rest of their family and couldn't recall the missing father figure. They were split off to different orphanages until the case was solve or any memories resurface.

Other: (any other information you have)

I am SO sorry, I completely forgot this section, sorry!

Name: Joy Cooper

Age: 15


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/mid.jpg.5e44a42e4f1681c09f3c27db1f850675.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51069" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/mid.jpg.5e44a42e4f1681c09f3c27db1f850675.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Joy is normally a very difficult person to befriend, you normally need to stick around her enough for her to actually start speaking, from there on out, she's a pretty relaxed person, who prefers to take things calmly, thinking and analyzing the situation she is currently in, so, in general, you could say she's pretty clam

History: Her parents were mostly out on business trips, and she didn't mind much, except it made her an introvert, since she couldn't speak with many people on a daily basis, except her cat named midnight, still, she was happy, since she was raised like this since she was little, still, her parents were consistan with the calls, so when they stopped calling, she knew something bad had happened, she later went to tell her local police station, who, eventually figured out her parents location and found them dead, they wanted to give her to any close relatives, but they were all dead, so she was taken to the orphanage.

Other: Not for now ^^'

Again, sorry, completely forgot this section​



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Name: Amanda Diana Rosemind

Age: 14

Look: She has sliverish-white hair that reaches her mid back, blood red eyes, snow white skin, and stands at a short height of five foot five.

Personality: She is shy, timid, and very kind hearted. She is also very motherly and stubborn when she wants to be. She is very observant, quiet, and very intelligent, though she doesn't show it.

History: She was the only child of the Rosemind household and that led others to believe that she got everything she wanted. It wasn't, though, anywhere near the truth. Her parents beat and abused her to no end, making her do everything from the time she learned to walk. She was actually somewhat grateful that her parents died, though she will never openly admit it.

Other: She has a photographic memory that no one, not even her parents, knew about.
Name: Jack

Age: 14

Look: Grey eyes, Dark brown hair, Black jeans, Blue hoodie, black headphones which are always on him either on his ears or around his neck, and he has no left hand.

Personality: Aggressive, dishonest, and daring.

History: His parents died in a car crash coming home, his grandfather had to tell him the news. His grandfather took care of him until one day when he came home to find his grandfather murdered in his own bedroom which left him with no one to take care of him.

Other: He keeps a picture of his mother and dad in his backpack which he carries around almost everywhere.

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