Mooley Boarding School for the Troubled Teen


New Member
Character Sheet:







What crime did they do to get in the school:

How long have they been at the school:

Have they ever tried escaping the school:
Name: Damien Sheffield

Gender: Male

Age/Grade: 16, 11th Grade

Bio: He was born in California, as a Child he always hated work and just wanted to have fun all of the time, he often got violent when told no and never really talked to anybody except his parents, his anger ultimately cost him his freedom when he killed his 2nd grade math teacher in the class for giving him homework



Personality: He is legally insane,which has gotten worse thanks to the school, he gets violent when told no and gets into fits of rage for small things

What crime did they do to get in the school: Kill his Math Teacher

How long have they been at the school:10 Years

Have they ever tried escaping the school: Yes,Twice
Character Sheet:

Name: Kelsey willows

Gender: male

Age/Grade: 16/ sophomore


Born in a small town in Gorgia to a single mother he had a semi good childhood. He had no friends and was a loner often spending his time in the forest by his house. When he was ten he became a big brother after his mother met and married a realter before having a little girl named Lily. Kelsey took to the role like a fish to water and protected her fiercely so when he discoved his step father attempting to rape her at 13 he beat him over the head with a baseball bat. He doesn't regret what he did despite where it landed him and will do it all over again.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/upload_2014-12-7_16-21-13.jpeg.0bf5628c65e6d717350a89b19871bb32.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36312" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/upload_2014-12-7_16-21-13.jpeg.0bf5628c65e6d717350a89b19871bb32.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>Personality:

Kelsey loves adventure and strives for freedom. He's rebellious and hates being told what to do. He's smart and tough not to mention brave. He gets bored easily and often does dangerous stuff just to sate it. He has a sharp eye and sticky fingers with a kind heart.

What crime did they do to get in the school: Killed his step father

How long have they been at the school:

3 years

Have they ever tried escaping the school: yes once



  • upload_2014-12-7_16-21-13.jpeg
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[QUOTE="kira blackthorn]
Character Sheet:
Name: Kelsey willows

Gender: male

Age/Grade: 16/ sophomore


Born in a small town in Gorgia to a single mother he had a semi good childhood. He had no friends and was a loner often spending his time in the forest by his house. When he was ten he became a big brother after his mother met and married a realter before having a little girl named Lily. Kelsey took to the role like a fish to water and protected her fiercely so when he discoved his step father attempting to rape her at 13 he beat him over the head with a baseball bat. He doesn't regret what he did despite where it landed him and will do it all over again.


View attachment 90286Personality:

Kelsey loves adventure and strives for freedom. He's rebellious and hates being told what to do. He's smart and tough not to mention brave. He gets bored easily and often does dangerous stuff just to sate it. He has a sharp eye and sticky fingers with a kind heart.

What crime did they do to get in the school: Killed his step father

How long have they been at the school:

3 years

Have they ever tried escaping the school: yes once

Accepted !
Sneether said:
Character Sheet:
Name: Scarlet

Gender: Female

Age/Grade: 17/ junior

Bio: Once the brightest dancer at her art school, she was expelled when someone ratted out her heavy involvement in a mafia based drug ring.


Personality: wicked smart, quick witted, stand offish, fiery, antsy

What crime did they do to get in the school: drug smuggling and distribution

How long have they been at the school: 6 months

Have they ever tried escaping the school: yes, she tries to leave all of the time, shes new, and cannot stand the idea of being on lock down

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