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Fantasy Monsters & Humans (Closed)

Name: Dei-Loki Seamus Laufeyson (Or Dei-Loki Seamus Alaois)

Age: 14? (even though his height makes him look 10.)

Species: Nightmare/Shadow Wolf Child (He's also a Demigod, but that won't really effect anything... As long as him being a Demigod is okay, I mean.)

Height: 4'6"

Title: Prince/Demigod

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Single/Taken: Taken



- A horse named Tromluí.

- Two shadow shifters, One named Chaos, and the other is named Redbeard.

- A black and green dragon named Alec.


- A white demon ferret named Mayhem.

Likes: + Ferrets

+ His Family

+ Science

+ Creating Mischief

+ Messing around with his magic

+ Caramel candies

Dislikes: - Water

- Being called short

- Clowns

- Mannequins

- Puppets

- Dolls

- Wool socks and sheets. Any product made with the wool of a sheep, mainly.

- His biological mother. He took a vow that he'd kill her due to all of the suffering she caused both him and his older brother Akumu.

Personality: Mischievous, and a bit of a loner. He isn't really a people person.

Bio: (This is a VERY cut down version of his bio, as the full one is pretty long. If you'd like to know his full history, it's on my profile page.)

Dei-Loki was adopted by both King Adrian Alaois and Queen Zuzana Alaois when he was 4. They adopted both him and his brother after Loki - his biological father - asked them to, claiming the two came from an abusive family. And, boy... Was he correct.

Dei-Loki was born and raised in an alternate dimension known as Engranussia. He is currently visiting the city after his parents said it was alright, figuring it would be good for him to get out.

Currently; His corruption had been spread to a new level, which seemed to open a door within his mind, allowing it to actually speak to him - even though he is literally just speaking to himself.

As of right now, Dei-Loki had taken on the curse his adopted mam back home had, as part of being tricked by his biological mother Zelda. After the others found out, the group had aided Dei-Loki in killing Zelda. Thanks to Masaru and Kirara - as well as his father Loki - he was cured of this life-consuming curse.

What happened that night, after the couple of fights during the day, was that Dei-Loki had ranked up and became a Nightmare Shadow. This comes with a new form, new powers that have yet to be discovered, a darker and a bit more sinister look and aura, and a third voice in his head.

Role: Visitor of the city, but he will fight for it, nonetheless.


Nightmare form COMING SOON!)

Dual blades, and his magic is green, and sometimes black/dark purple. He also has a hand cannon given to him by his uncle that he keeps hidden and barely uses.

Extra: Due to being a Shadow creature, Dei-Loki has the ability to work with shadows. This is included but not limited to; Traveling through them, casting darkness in certain areas, being able to hide within them...

He also possesses the ability to use magic, as his biological mother was a witch, and his biological father is the God of Mischief - Loki. His magic colour is green, and occasionally a black/purple colour.

Now, on top of all of that, he also possesses the mark of corruption, which is a mark given by absorbing an object of great power - the Shadow Octahedron. The mark is seen on his chest, and when he grows angry or upset, it sprouts black veins that travel up the left side of his neck and face - changing the white of his left eye to black. This black substance is known as the corruption; and, like the name, it is slowly corrupting his mind and body. This cannot be stopped, as the mark cannot be removed. Proof that the corruption is taking over is that, on the palm side of his hands, the ends of his fingers are pitch black. This covers up his fingerprints. The top of his palm also is pitch black, the bottom slowly seeming to become that way, as well. The corruption is also the cause of him having a black, tattoo-like patch around his right eye.

To keep most of his powers at bay, he wears enchanted gloves.
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xXLittleLokiXx said:
Name: Dei-Loki Seamus Laufeyson (Or Dei-Loki Seamus Alaois)
Age: 14? (even though his height makes him look 10.)

Species: Shadow Wolf Child (He's also a Demigod, but that won't really effect anything... As long as him being a Demigod is okay, I mean.)

Height: 4'6"

Title: Prince/Demigod

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Single/Taken: Taken



- A horse named Tromluí.

- Two shadow shifters, One named Chaos, and the other is named Redbeard.

- A black and green dragon named Alec.


- A white demon ferret named Mayhem.

Likes: + Ferrets

+ His Family

+ Science

+ Creating Mischief

+ Messing around with his magic

+ Caramel candies

Dislikes: - Water

- Being called short

- Clowns

- Mannequins

- Puppets

- Dolls

- Wool socks and sheets. Any product made with the wool of a sheep, mainly.

- His biological mother. He took a vow that he'd kill her due to all of the suffering she caused both him and his older brother Akumu.

Personality: Mischievous, and a bit of a loner. He isn't really a people person.

Bio: (This is a VERY cut down version of his bio, as the full one is pretty long. If you'd like to know his full history, it's on my profile page.)

Dei-Loki was adopted by both King Adrian Alaois and Queen Zuzana Alaois when he was 4. They adopted both him and his brother after Loki - his biological father - asked them to, claiming the two came from an abusive family. And, boy... Was he correct.

Dei-Loki was born and raised in an alternate dimension known as Engranussia. He is currently visiting the city after his parents said it was alright, figuring it would be good for him to get out.

Role: Visitor of the city, but he soul fight for it, nonetheless.


Dual blades, and his magic is green, and sometimes black/dark purple. He also has a hand cannon given to him by his uncle that he keeps hidden and barely uses.

Extra: Due to being a Shadow creature, Dei-Loki has the ability to work with shadows. This is included but not limited to; Traveling through them, casting darkness in certain areas, being able to hide within them...

He also possesses the ability to use magic, as his biological mother was a witch, and his biological father is the God of Mischief - Loki. His magic colour is green, and occasionally a black/purple colour.

Now, on top of all of that, he also possesses the mark of corruption, which is a mark given by absorbing an object of great power - the Shadow Octahedron. The mark is seen on his chest, and when he grows angry or upset, it sprouts black veins that travel up the left side of his neck and face - changing the white of his left eye to black. This black substance is known as the corruption; and, like the name, it is slowly corrupting his mind and body. This cannot be stopped, as the mark cannot be removed. Proof that the corruption is taking over is that, on the palm side of his hands, the ends of his fingers are pitch black. This covers up his fingerprints. The top of his palm also is pitch black, the bottom slowly seeming to become that way, as well. The corruption is also the cause of him having a black, tattoo-like patch around his right eye.

To keep most of his powers at bay, he wears enchanted gloves.
You're accepted. Welcome to Monsters & Humans!
I have 8 more spots left before it become too crowded. If anyone wants to be the Rivert's Leader, then go ahead. Anyone else that wants to join can be in the Rivert's clan, Silver's clan, or save NightVale.
Name: Zetherian

Age: ageless

Gender: Male

Appearance: normal form:

<br />True demon form:

Race: Demon

Personality: Zetherian has always bin calm, calculating, at times deceitful and caring to a extent. He follows the old ways of honor while also seeing light in adaption to new codes of life. While his heart has bin darkened with the passage of time he still holds some compassion. Due to his demonic nature zetherian does crave power. Zetherian is a loyal ally if you prove worthy to him.

Likes: shadows, consuming souls and those with honor.

Dislikes: dishonorable beings, disrespect and betrayal.

Shade is an ancient blade zetherian forged in his own blood. It possesses some of his power to manipulate dark energy. Also feeds off the blood of living beings, which can increase its power

Abilities: Primordial Darkness Manipulation

Can not be killed by mortal weapons.

Immortal unless angelic weapons are used. Also significantly powerful attacks or special weapons can harm him too. Angelic or light magic/wepons just do more damage to him.

Sexuality: straight

Other: Has lived in Nightvale for a long time, and runs a biomedical corporation one of the largest in the city. He has run the corporation since the founding of the city. He has chosen to stay out of the feud, but times change things.

(How is this?)
PixieDusts said:
"Deadpool!! I'm joking, it's Khaleesi!!"


"Does that really matter? 18!!"






-A lot of people




-Some people





-Playing the flute



"To be honest I think I'm a very kind person. But of course I'll never show my sweet, loving, adorable side. I may be short, and I tell you that now, but I have a big temper, and trust me, it's pretty big. It's trigger easy per say, maybe a little harder than I make it seem. Anyways!! I wouldn't call myself bipolar... More tripolar. If you've heard about that it's when you have like three different sides, but I don't know, lemme explain it. It's where I'll laugh and cry as I beat the shit out of someone... So yeah. Here's the thing. I am a huge trouble maker. Yes I fight, Yes I get in trouble, No I don't listen to anyone, Yes I will get annoying so you're welcome!!"


"I grew up with a loving mother and father... When I was about 10 I was already in middle school. Yeah I know, Impossible, but I was a very very smart kid. My parents never paid for my grades... I did it all on my own. I didn't have any siblings though. I'm not really thankful for that... ANYWAYS, so I lived on with life, very easy, very easy. Until when I was 14 my parents got into a car crash. My mother died... My father didn't, sadly... After that... it all started happening... My dad began to rape me, I didn't have anywhere else to go! I didn't know what to do! But no matter, I got away. Ran away on my 16th birthday... I wouldn't stop running from place to place until I was caught and put into foster care. But, I wasn't there for long. I was told that I could leave the foster home if I had a job, and a house on my 17th birthday. So I did! And... I don't know... I guess it all just comes down to this..."


"Creature of


"I ugly!!"


Weapons (

"Wouldn't you like to see?" (WIP KINDA BUSY)


"I'm 4'6...."

(I'm busy atm I'll finish later and make my other character!!)
lol love the game of thrones reference if thats where the name comes from!
Primordial Darkness Manipulation[/URL]

Can not be killed by mortal weapons.

Immortal unless angelic weapons are used. Also significantly powerful attacks or special weapons can harm him too. Angelic or light magic/wepons just do more damage to him.

Sexuality: straight

Other: Has lived in Nightvale for a long time, and runs a biomedical corporation one of the largest in the city. He has run the corporation since the founding of the city. He has chosen to stay out of the feud, but times change things.

(How is this?)
You're accepted. (Just be careful on the OP spectrum.) Welcome to Monster & Humans!
JayJin said:
You're accepted. (Just be careful on the OP spectrum.) Welcome to Monster & Humans!
I will and thank you if i ever do step over my bounds due put me in my place lol no but seriously if i act to op in a post let me know lol!


Ashley Ven




Call her what you'd like, she's basically 1/4 snake.


Likes being alone, reading, tea, art, drawing, writing,...Killing. Dislikes crowds, her being the center of attention, coffee, being discovered


She's cold, merciless, and not much of a people person. She would rather work alone than with anyone else as she thinks that nobody cares for her. She is short tempered, easily offended, stressed easily when in a conversation, and very overdefensive of herself and her heritage. However, once you pierce that layer of sensitivity and become her friend, she will turn out to be like any other teenage girl. Sweet and nice. She's just very stressed out.


She went through life the hard way. She's been living on the street for quite some time after she got mad at her parents. And she didn't run away, she killed them once she figured they were going to send her out and that she's too horrific. She learned how to sell her venom, and how to hide her tail from public. She's killed over 15 people by time of writing.


After learning the hard way that nobody cared for her, she. Hates. Everyone.

Appearance (Both human and species):

Don't worry, I have a commission for her and a picture should appear in 15- days. I'll just describe important details here.

Ashley is 5'2" tall, moderately thin, and has american white skin color. Her hair is silky, smooth, black, and reaches almost to her shoulders. Her eyes are purple, and instead of canines, she has a pair of snakelike fangs that are small enough to fit in her mouth. These fangs inject a deadly venom that can kill in 2 days-6 hours.

She wears a purple leathery jacket that reaches a little under her breasts and wears a black undershirt that is barely over her inward belly button. The sleeves are short and the clothes aren't that tight on her. She wears black jeans to tuck her tail into. The tail is black, scaly, 2 feet long, and pointy at the end. She wears purple women's shoes with white stripes in a cross pattern around the top.

She only reveals her snake part when she feels safe with a friend, alone, discovered, or necessary.

Weapons (optional):

A pocket pistol, standard issue stolen from a dead cop. As said before, her fangs inject venom that is very deadly.


[QUOTE="Lord Anubis]lol love the game of thrones reference if thats where the name comes from!

Aww thank you!!I was going to put mother or dragons, and her last name Targaryen, but didn't really feel like it... xD
TheOnlyCatbug said:


Ashley Ven




Call her what you'd like, she's basically 1/4 snake.


Likes being alone, reading, tea, art, drawing, writing,...Killing. Dislikes crowds, her being the center of attention, coffee, being discovered


She's cold, merciless, and not much of a people person. She would rather work alone than with anyone else as she thinks that nobody cares for her. She is short tempered, easily offended, stressed easily when in a conversation, and very overdefensive of herself and her heritage. However, once you pierce that layer of sensitivity and become her friend, she will turn out to be like any other teenage girl. Sweet and nice. She's just very stressed out.


She went through life the hard way. She's been living on the street for quite some time after she got mad at her parents. And she didn't run away, she killed them once she figured they were going to send her out and that she's too horrific. She learned how to sell her venom, and how to hide her tail from public. She's killed over 15 people by time of writing.


After learning the hard way that nobody cared for her, she. Hates. Everyone.

Appearance (Both human and species):

Don't worry, I have a commission for her and a picture should appear in 15- days. I'll just describe important details here.

Ashley is 5'2" tall, moderately thin, and has american white skin color. Her hair is silky, smooth, black, and reaches almost to her shoulders. Her eyes are purple, and instead of canines, she has a pair of snakelike fangs that are small enough to fit in her mouth. These fangs inject a deadly venom that can kill in 2 days-6 hours.

She wears a purple leathery jacket that reaches a little under her breasts and wears a black undershirt that is barely over her inward belly button. The sleeves are short and the clothes aren't that tight on her. She wears black jeans to tuck her tail into. The tail is black, scaly, 2 feet long, and pointy at the end. She wears purple women's shoes with white stripes in a cross pattern around the top.

She only reveals her snake part when she feels safe with a friend, alone, discovered, or necessary.

Weapons (optional):

A pocket pistol, standard issue stolen from a dead cop. As said before, her fangs inject venom that is very deadly.


You're accepted. Welcome to Monsters & Humans!

"Nick!! Don't fuck it up!"


"Do I have an age? No..."


"Father of dragons!! Just a dragon..."


"I don't really like or dislike anything..."


"Don't fuck with me! I'm mean, I kill. I can be nice, rarely. No love!! I'm not loyal, sorry..."


"I was raised with no love. With no family. I hate everyone who loves!!"


"I am a





"I don't need any weapon!!"

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PixieDusts said:
"Nick!! Don't fuck it up!"


"Do I have an age? No..."


"Father of dragons!! Just a dragon..."


"I don't really like or dislike anything..."


"Don't fuck with me! I'm mean, I kill. I can be nice, rarely. No love!! I'm not loyal, sorry..."


"I was raised with no love. With no family. I hate everyone who loves!!"


"I am a





"I don't need any weapon!!"

This character is also accepted. Do you want to be just a Rivert or do you want to be the Leader of Rivert?
Dkingow said:
Name: Misty May
Age: 24

Species: Human

Likes: Music, Clubs, Rock, Metal, Dancing, Parties, Being Social.

Dislikes: People getting in her way. The idea of Humans and monsters living together.

Personality: She is a control freak. If things are not going her way she wants to change them. She wants to make sure all monsters leave or are killed to get rid of the taint that is them.

Bio: Born to the head of the Silvers, Misty has been in contact with monster haters her whole life. Being bullied by monsters for being a "normal" girl did not help their case when she took control of the Silvers. She has only been head for a little over a year now, but has made great stride to rid the city of monsters. She owns a nightclub that she uses as her HQ as well as a trap to get monsters to come to their death. Things must go her way or her temper will get the better of her and if she snaps, so do the heads of anyone within a few yards of her.

Role: (If not taken) Leader of the Silvers

Appearance (Both human and species):

Weapons (
optional): Being the head of a "criminal organization" as some people would put it, she has a variety of weapons that she has learned to use, from rocket launchers, to katanas, to sniper rifles, to machine guns, a mounted minigun, and many other unique weapons. Her favorite is her set of daggers that she coats with venom to slowly kill her pray.

Extra: She was the daughter of the late Head of the Silver, so she has been around it for her whole life hating monsters.
Can she kill someone with "Angelic" properties?
VirtualNotoriety said:
Can she kill someone with "Angelic" properties?
If she has the weapons to do so, then yes. Which i'll allow for her to have, so you're not to OP in the RP.
VirtualNotoriety said:
((Happy to know My character is still in the eyes of death :) ))
:) Of course, can't let anyone be so god-like that they could kill the city with one snap of the fingers.
JayJin said:
:) Of course, can't let anyone be so god-like that they could kill the city with one snap of the fingers.
You could consider his Father having abilities close to that. Though he will not be making an appearance per say but Nathan can talk to him sometimes.
VirtualNotoriety said:
Can she kill someone with "Angelic" properties?
i mean im the owner of an organization trying to kill all monsters. I would assume I try to collect all weapons known to kill all monsters

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