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Fantasy Monster Love OOC

I was looking through the possible pairings and there’s like. Two options for Dolores because we have so few humans, one of whom has no sense of personal space when Dolores is uncomfortable being touched, so kind of a big oof there.

Aileen has a lot of options on the other hand, and I like the idea with her and Marshall (kind of an opposites attract- a bubbly girl and a reserved boy), but I also like her and Marceline with them both having quite a big presence.
Nathan x Novalie <3 (forever!!!)
Telith x Faith
Etienne x Coraline
Mawlock x Honeyrose
Howard x Kai

Evan (H)
Veril (M)
Marshall (M)
Woz (H)
Ruben (H)

Kalama (M)
Dolores (M-prefers female partner)
Duri (M)
Marceline (M)
Aileen (H)

Heavenchi Heavenchi cherub. cherub. Northless Northless SimplySugar SimplySugar if you plan to join please start/finish your CS the Rp starts tomorrow or tonight if you neee time let me know. I can do no longer than Friday.

thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Dak Dak Radio_Rat66.6 Radio_Rat66.6 MasterRed MasterRed Tetro Tetro

Start pairing up to see who needs a partner
Well Evans still up for whatever monsters left over I guess...(poor lad) btw I refuse to let him be paired with siren girl....don’t trust her and having that lad with siren powers is going to end badly considering you know...

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