Gaius Danius Griinia
Apparently Infamous
Izuru: BananasTo be honest. Galith would like protest this idea that more strength it required, after all he literally trained the current king so. Prehaps listening to the old mans words would be wise?
Etienne: I could kill an Angel and fuse with it
Izuru: Not a good idea
Etienne: Why not?
Izuru: Too bright, skin burning
Etienne: Kill a dragon and fuse with it?
Izuru: Too limited
Etienne: Find the Angel of Death and fuse with it?
Izuru: Good idea, then I eat Galith
Galith: I'd like to see you tr-
*Is being gnawed on by Izuru*
Galith: OW! Is that venom? Bacteria? It hurts!
Etienne: Gramps stop eating the staff at my school