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Fantasy ~Monster Idoru~ (OPEN)


One Weird Winker

Letter Box

"Welcome, pls no Junkmail or Spam"





Type of Monster: (description of the monster's usual traits and abilities here)

Job: (Idol or Manager)


: (e.g singing or really "good" organizer")

Appearance:(Human Form and/or Monster Form)

Likes and Dislikes:

Background:(eh your life story of whatever)

Secretly this Agency stores bottles of Boy Tears.






Type of race:




Likes and Dislikes:




Steven Von Lieutenant


23 years old


Bashful, charming, handsome. Is what he likes to think of himself like, but most who know him describe him as weird, violent and arrogant. However no matter what troubles he gets into he'll always find a way to make light of the situation. "Violence is the Question, Yes is the Answer"

Type of race:

A whole new breed of weeaboo

Is that a hello kitty bag?"

"No ziz is the whole new product of KELLO HITTY!"


Weeaboo officer and "great" papa.



Making bad puns, exploding things, spontaneously combustion, cooking and being a booty call.




Bombs <3

Corspes <3

Waifu <3

Kitties <3



"Filthy sodden fluffballs of disgusting spitballs"


I came from a land called Shmneithzer, tis a fun place where my daily conversations involved tea with long deceased comrades. Yet my obsession with KELLO HITTY reached a new high when I found out Pon Pon city held the newest product, so I moved my family (my waifu <3 and child) to the city. "All Heil KELLO HITTY!"






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Name: Aviadetta Civetta

Age: 26


Perceptive, Pensive, Attentive.

Once a more whimsical, up-beat girl, now a more complacent, hushed nature.

She'll communicate when needed but won't otherwise.

Avia ponders plenty and willing to change perspective on things.

An open minded girl without much of a hate toward anyone.

Do not be fooled, she is a fighter.

Type of race: Avian (Owl)

Job: N/A

Specialty: Agile, Nocturnal, Night-sight, Combat Proficient, Flying... (Pilfer)



Eye Color: Brown.

Skin Color: Natural Tan

Hair: Short front bangs. Long back and side hair. (Brown)

Outfit: Though she is not all feathers, Her attire is not too revealing but covers what needs to be.


Likes: Hunting, Calming Nights, Docks, Warm Rooms, Dim lights, Empty places, Porter Robinson

Dislikes: Crowded places, Bright lights, Consistent noises, Cold, Sidewalks.



Though Avia has a heavy history, she spends more time looking forward than behind, though since it was asked here...

Aviadetta (nickname) does not know her exact birth date due to being born in the wild, though she becoming accustom to the more modern life. She was an expert huntress for most of her life but due to the increasing lack of things to hunt and not wanting to resort to humans, she began to try working more toward a relationship with them. She feared the idea at first and did ended up stealing most of the time. It became clear that she needed a place to settle down to prevent the urges; this was during her much younger days.

This girl was caught during her acts of thievery in a mansion and was detained. She thought she was going to be taken to the authorities but she was more than wrong. This woman that would come to take in Avia was named Mistress Benevolence, A teacher of Anthropology at a nearby University; An Anthropologist/Teacher herself. Benevolence was a human driven by the idea of helping Avian Monster Girls. It turned out that she had built a Emporium of Harpy & Avian related goods, where she gained most of her money.

It took Avia awhile to get use to but she enjoyed her new home for the next few years. She trained in, what they called, The Birdcage, A playground for Aviadetta to get more experience in movement and calling. The room was large and it was practically a simulation of the wild for the owl-girl. Benevolence decided to give Avia a full name which would come to be Aviadetta Civetta, being that she was of the Owl Archetype. She accepted it with full appreciation and The Mistress devoted the next few years finding out about Avia's past for her.

There were many processes done that helped Avia unlock a bit about her past but much of it she did not share. Many instances, before a process, the owl-girl would enter smiling but leave almost seemingly scarred or changed on the inside. Time made her more and more quiet and perhaps darker. No longer was she the upbeat and whimsical girl that Benevolence had found. The Mistress took this as a sign that she needed a way of releasing this dark history and this Idol process may be just the thing.


It was then she received this invitation that she gladly accepts.

She cannot write particularly well so I'm doing it for her.

- Mistress Benevolence

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Name: Amantera Mantera

Age: 19

Personality: Amantera is uh, nice?

Yeah. Amantera is pretty nice. I guess.

I mean, personality wise, she's not a mean person. She's super-considerate, you know, like the kind of person who always makes sure that the person they're sharing a room is comfortable? The ones who like, adjust their habits and schedules so that they don't interfere with the lives of their room-mate? Those wonderful people? She's a lot like that. Not stopping there though, the young Mantis girl seems to have a fuse as long as her dresses are, never getting mad at someone unless the person at fault has like, killed someone or something. So, yeah, you can expect her to keep her cool at just about any given point in time. And, lastly, she's one of the most accepting people you'll meet. Not in the "Everyone is beautiful the way they are" sort of way, though, her thought process is more along the lines of "Oh, just make sure you fish out all the trout you put into the bathtub when you're done playing ocean, and there's no harm done, right?"

...Or something.

But ah, despite that, the girl isn't without her issues.

Culture shock is a big thing for a lot of Monster Girls coming into human society, they either bringing their own overwhelmingly different traditions and the like, or the vice versa. Either which way, someone winds up with the short end of the stick. The Mantis, are of the prior category. See, among their many cultures, a lot of things are regarded A LOT differently. Like, for example, where it's consider a god damn sin to leave your child alone for any longer than like two minutes in our society, the Mantis have a lot more of a... Devil may care approach to parenting. Like, they have a pretty large number of kids, being a bug type of race and all, so, it's not really their concern if one or two of them wanders off before they reach like, say... Seven? You know, stuff like that.

There's a whole lot more to talk about than just that, though. Like the difference in tolerance levels for... A good deal of things, but, hey, that's the sort of thing you can find about yourself in the RP, right?

Race: Mantis - So, the Mantis people are basically bigger, deadlier, and cuter versions of the normal kind that you find in your garden at home. Their scythes are basically just bigger versions of the ones that the insect keeps in stock. You know the kind? The ones that can 'Strike at speeds equaling 1/20 of a second'? Yeah, those. They carry just as much monstrous precision as they do in their smaller form, the average mantis being able to make movements so precise that they'd put a master artist to shame. Or, they would, if they actually had fingers. Their speed isn't quite as insane as that, their larger, heavier forms weighing them down significantly, pulling the quickness of one's strike down to around one-fifth of a second. Additionally, on a less insanely terrifying note, their eyesight is fairly terrible. Despite theoretically being able to pick out the tiniest of details and movements, their depth perception is among the worst of any species of Monster Girl, period. Traditionally, they had to make up for this by moving their head in an odd swaying motion, but with the Treaty between mankind and Monster Girl, a wonderful advent has taken place for their species. That of glasses.

Oh, and one last thing. Being an Insect type of Monster Girl, the Mantis aren't the most durable of species.

So please...

Please be gentle.

Job: Idol


-Not Instruments


-NOT Instruments



-Stuff that doesn't require hands






-Knives, Forks and Spoons


-Circular Door Knobs

-Everything else that requires fingers

You may be thinking right now, "Why would a girl from a race of humanized Mantis, the most hardcore of bugs want to be an Idol?". Well, you see, the answer to that is a lot simple than you'd think. With the peaceful times going on right now and all, there's a lot more cross-cultural exchange going on. Say, for example, you know how you get all those books translated from foreign languages in your library nowadays, and how you get to see ALL those Japanese cartoons every season, translated all nice and fast? Well, the same thing has been going on with the Monster Girl and Human populations. A whole lot of brand new stuff has been getting introduced to isolated cultures like that of the Mantis lately, and it's been having more of an effect than one would think? Like what? Well, imagine you're just some nice, reserved Mantis girl living out your life somewhere in Asia. You're a Mantis, so, you don't get a whole lot of individual attention from your folks, or, anyone really, until you've survived you first like... Twenty years of life?

Well, yeah. You're living a life like that, and then, suddenly, all this brand new technologies get introduced into your tribe or village or whatever. Electricity! Toasters! Televisions! And, most importantly, Computers! Suddenly, you've been introduced to a whole new world of... Stuff. And, while you're browsing the internet on that laptop with the wonderful 'keyboard' invention it's got built into it, you come across a video of some musicians preforming. "Idols" they call them, and, as you watch you notice something. Everybody loves them. There are whole crowds of people giving you their undivided attention! Like, holy shit! Well, you can basically sum up Amantera's discovery of the whole idol business, and her motivation to become one.

Around when she was 17, the whole tech craze shindig went down in her tribe, and, it was only a few months before she stumbled across some promotional material for the Yukihime Agency, and, a few months later, she'd convinced herself that was what she wanted to do with her life. Getting things pressed through with her parents, well, being a Mantis, wasn't exactly an issue. In fact, it wasn't even a concern in the first place. What WAS an issue though, was the fact that she had next-to-no experience in any of the musical arts. Like, despite how deadly a Mantis can be, they aren't the most... Handy of races. As in, they have no hands. AS IN, playing instruments is pretty much out of the picture for them, and... Well, a nice singing voice on it's on isn't going to get you extremely far, is it? So, for two years she went about figuring out just how in the hell she'd get into the business. Watching karaoke videos, going to a singing lesson once and then never again because it hurt her throat, and following whatever tutorials she could find on the web, and then finally going back to singing lessons because the other two methods weren't working. For two years she pushed herself through all that and, eventually, she met that fabled status of being a decent singer, and sent in her application to the Yukihime Agency right away.

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[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]


Name: Amantera Mantera

Age: 19

Personality: Amantera is uh, nice?

Yeah. Amantera is pretty nice. I guess.

I mean, personality wise, she's not a mean person. She's super-considerate, you know, like the kind of person who always makes sure that the person they're sharing a room is comfortable? The ones who like, adjust their habits and schedules so that they don't interfere with the lives of their room-mate? Those wonderful people? She's a lot like that. Not stopping there though, the young Mantis girl seems to have a fuse as long as her dresses are, never getting mad at someone unless the person at fault has like, killed someone or something. So, yeah, you can expect her to keep her cool at just about any given point in time. And, lastly, she's one of the most accepting people you'll meet. Not in the "Everyone is beautiful the way they are" sort of way, though, her thought process is more along the lines of "Oh, just make sure you fish out all the trout you put into the bathtub when you're done playing ocean, and there's no harm done, right?"

...Or something.

But ah, despite that, the girl isn't without her issues.

Culture shock is a big thing for a lot of Monster Girls coming into human society, they either bringing their own overwhelmingly different traditions and the like, or the vice versa. Either which way, someone winds up with the short end of the stick. The Mantis, are of the prior category. See, among their many cultures, a lot of things are regarded A LOT differently. Like, for example, where it's consider a god damn sin to leave your child alone for any longer than like two minutes in our society, the Mantis have a lot more of a... Devil may care approach to parenting. Like, they have a pretty large number of kids, being a bug type of race and all, so, it's not really their concern if one or two of them wanders off before they reach like, say... Seven? You know, stuff like that.

There's a whole lot more to talk about than just that, though. Like the difference in tolerance levels for... A good deal of things, but, hey, that's the sort of thing you can find about yourself in the RP, right?

Race: Mantis - So, the Mantis people are basically bigger, deadlier, and cuter versions of the normal kind that you find in your garden at home. Their scythes are basically just bigger versions of the ones that the insect keeps in stock. You know the kind? The ones that can 'Strike at speeds equaling 1/20 of a second'? Yeah, those. They carry just as much monstrous precision as they do in their smaller form, the average mantis being able to make movements so precise that they'd put a master artist to shame. Or, they would, if they actually had fingers. Their speed isn't quite as insane as that, their larger, heavier forms weighing them down significantly, pulling the quickness of one's strike down to around one-fifth of a second. Additionally, on a less insanely terrifying note, their eyesight is fairly terrible. Despite theoretically being able to pick out the tiniest of details and movements, their depth perception is among the worst of any species of Monster Girl, period. Traditionally, they had to make up for this by moving their head in an odd swaying motion, but with the Treaty between mankind and Monster Girl, a wonderful advent has taken place for their species. That of glasses.

Oh, and one last thing. Being an Insect type of Monster Girl, the Mantis aren't the most durable of species.

So please...

Please be gentle.

Job: Idol


-Not Instruments


-NOT Instruments



-Stuff that doesn't require hands






-Knives, Forks and Spoons


-Circular Door Knobs

-Everything else that requires fingers

You may be thinking right now, "Why would a girl from a race of humanized Mantis, the most hardcore of bugs want to be an Idol?". Well, you see, the answer to that is a lot simple than you'd think. With the peaceful times going on right now and all, there's a lot more cross-cultural exchange going on. Say, for example, you know how you get all those books translated from foreign languages in your library nowadays, and how you get to see ALL those Japanese cartoons every season, translated all nice and fast? Well, the same thing has been going on with the Monster Girl and Human populations. A whole lot of brand new stuff has been getting introduced to isolated cultures like that of the Mantis lately, and it's been having more of an effect than one would think? Like what? Well, imagine you're just some nice, reserved Mantis girl living out your life somewhere in Asia. You're a Mantis, so, you don't get a whole lot of individual attention from your folks, or, anyone really, until you've survived you first like... Twenty years of life?

Well, yeah. You're living a life like that, and then, suddenly, all this brand new technologies get introduced into your tribe or village or whatever. Electricity! Toasters! Televisions! And, most importantly, Computers! Suddenly, you've been introduced to a whole new world of... Stuff. And, while you're browsing the internet on that laptop with the wonderful 'keyboard' invention it's got built into it, you come across a video of some musicians preforming. "Idols" they call them, and, as you watch you notice something. Everybody loves them. There are whole crowds of people giving you their undivided attention! Like, holy shit! Well, you can basically sum up Amantera's discovery of the whole idol business, and her motivation to become one.

Around when she was 17, the whole tech craze shindig went down in her tribe, and, it was only a few months before she stumbled across some promotional material for the Yukihime Agency, and, a few months later, she'd convinced herself that was what she wanted to do with her life. Getting things pressed through with her parents, well, being a Mantis, wasn't exactly an issue. In fact, it wasn't even a concern in the first place. What WAS an issue though, was the fact that she had next-to-no experience in any of the musical arts. Like, despite how deadly a Mantis can be, they aren't the most... Handy of races. As in, they have no hands. AS IN, playing instruments is pretty much out of the picture for them, and... Well, a nice singing voice on it's on isn't going to get you extremely far, is it? So, for two years she went about figuring out just how in the hell she'd get into the business. Watching karaoke videos, going to a singing lesson once and then never again because it hurt her throat, and following whatever tutorials she could find on the web, and then finally going back to singing lessons because the other two methods weren't working. For two years she pushed herself through all that and, eventually, she met that fabled status of being a decent singer, and sent in her application to the Yukihime Agency right away.

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Amantera Mantera

?Acceptance letter?

Dear Mrs Mantera,

Congratulations on being accepted into the Agency! Don't worry about the lack of glasses. We always have some stored in the office.
a whole cupboard full, apparently the president needs them.

I hope you have read the terms and conditions, a car will be sent to you immediately so please be prepared.



Sincerely, Kite; Representative of Yukihime Agency
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Name: Silvan Karial

Age: 17

Personality: Silvan is one of those shy, quiet types who's always forced to do the jobs of others, because if he does anything out of line, he'll most likely die from the consequences. He can never really find anything to say, always bumbling about. Silvan's quite the pushover, since he usually lacks the courage to lash out in fear of being eaten by the ones he's supposed to be helping. He's also clumsy at times, tripping and falling in his own ineptness.

Silvan usually finds peace in gardening, taking care of the Agency's flora all around the grounds. He'll always have a smile as he does this, not having a care in the world.

Type of race: Human

Job: Errand Boy/Assistant

Specialty: Assisting, Knife-work, Cooking, Cleaning, Gardening



Height - 5'10"

Weight - 170 Lbs

Likes and Dislikes:



+Helping Others

-Being a pushover, though he can't really do anything about it.

-People who step on his flowers


Not much is known about Silvan's past. People from the Agency found him when he was 12, an orphan walking the streets They raised him and taught him everything he had to know: cooking, cleaning, chores, school subjects, all that stuff. And he was able to take it all in no problem. What they didn't tell him was that he was going to have to work for all these monster girls as a servant and errand boy because no one else wanted to be hired at the time.

[WIP, just to show that I am interested.]


Zene Sonata




Zene is what one may call "spirited". She is also what one may call "well aware of what she wants to do". Both terms mesh to give a rather stubborn creature that simply doesn't know when to give up. Zene, being a monster that just wants to do her clan proud, has nurtured an obsession of climbing to the top. She is, however, unwilling to cheat her way to the top, and instead pursues her dream through the true and tried way of improving herself to overcome her obstacles.

Zene is devoted entirely to her art, and gets very snappy when interrupted during her practices, emitting a shrill, discordant cry that has the frightening ability to cause migraines. It is generally observed by many of the staff that approaching her when she is practicing demands that one wait it out, or wear protection for the ears if the matter cannot wait. She also exhibits similar behaviour when she is playing one of her fighting games, especially when she is playing against another. Causing her to lose by disrupting her focus will earn one some very destroyed eardrums. Besides her hair-trigger temper, however, Zene is quite approachable on other times, and behaves just like a regular teenager.

She takes the role and stage of an idol merely to submerge herself in a world of music. She has expressed in many interviews that she would have been happy enough to be stage crew, much less an actual idol, as long as she was around music. She has also expressed no hard feelings towards her other idols, and does not wish to compete or compare with them in any way. However, her lack of competitive spirit ends here. If one were to challenge her in any 2D fighting game, be it Alley Brawler, or Take-N, be ready to observe an entirely new side of Zene Sonata. She is, by all means, no beginner in fighting games, and is extremely competent in them, and she WILL win in these games, by hook or by crook.



Also known as demons of song, the SΓ€ngerin were huge detractors of cannibalism, as well as the devouring of humans, and participated in the war as human sympathisers. It is, however, notable that they only turn to feeding on humans as a second resort, and as a result, are vilified by monsters that absolutely need flesh, human or monster, to survive. The SΓ€ngerin rely on sounds, mostly music, to survive. While variants exist that feed off the essence of noise alone, such as the Vacarme, most SΓ€ngerin draw strength and life from song, especially those of another. Despite this seemingly innocuous detail, they are known also to be rather powerful monsters by their own right, and their true forms are often a sight to behold. However, due their less obtrusive nature, as well as their monogendered status, their numbers are dwindling. What remains of them is still a sizable force, though, enough to dissuade other monsters from attacking them.

Over time, the SΓ€ngerin have evolved, just as the humans have. Modern SΓ€ngerin tend to sport headphones where their ears should be, each of them with a certain colouring and design. Music seems to emanate from the headphones constantly, and if one were to get close enough to study them, the music from the headphones change according to their moods. Some even have unique features to them. As an example, Zene's headphones sprout neon red holographic 'wings' when she detects hostility. Furthermore, some Sonata SΓ€ngerin’s headphones are connected to a small round mp3-player, which is in fact, their heart. These hearts, however, are quite tough, and do not break under normal circumstances, and the Sonata never reveal their hearts in the open, other than when to wield it as a weapon. Other variants of SΓ€ngerin may have different physiologies. However, one thing stays the same for all SΓ€ngerin: they all possess a β€˜true’ form. Their appearances as 'humans' are fairly normal, with the exception of their headphones. Their actual appearance however, tends to draw awe or fear from those who behold the sight. Zene's variant sprout three pairs of black and red wings from their back. Older, heavier Sonata SΓ€ngerin are incapable of flight, especially those with a more robust figure, but are capable of hovering around at best, with powerful beats of their wings. However, smaller and/or younger Sonata are able to replicate what seems to be short-distanced flights. Their hearts also transform into huge weapons that they are able to wield with little to no effort at all. The SΓ€ngerin's true forms are reason enough for their appellation of 'demons of song'.

SΓ€ngerin have difficulty talking, though aforementioned Vacarme SΓ€ngerin have an easier time doing so. The regular variants however, prefer humming or singing to express their feelings and thoughts. The Sonata variant is unable to speak at all, requiring them to sing their words at best, or emit sounds ranging from a low hum to high pitched screeching to communicate.




Zene Sonata was more or less born to sing. She is also capable of dancing and performing, but her main draw is her almost perfect pitch and unparalleled singing ability, although almost all SΓ€ngerin are gifted with said ability. She is often marketed for her arias and solo sections, both of which she delivers with chilling passion.


'Human' Form


True Form


Likes and Dislikes:


Due to her very essence being that of existing around the presence of music, Zene of the Sonata SΓ€ngerin was destined for a career in the idol industry.
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And yes I'll make the first post, it'll be the opening scene which will direct the idols and managers to where they as well as who they're roommates with or partnered up with
Zaxs said:

Name: Zaxs Effekt

Age: 19

Personality: He is shy at times, and doesn't initiate a conversation. He has his mind filled, and keeps himself bottled up, not that he is sad or enraged. He keeps his thoughts to himself, having time to think everything he can through. He is composite, and often gets lost in his train of thought, when he gets back from his mind, he is confused. He tries to communicate to anyone first time, being confident when talking. He cares for whoever he has the opportunity to call a friend.

Type of race: Human

Job:First year Manager

Specialty: Management, sympathy, and office work.



Likes and Dislikes:

+ Being Social

+Managing others

+Felling of power

-being eaten

-Being woken up

-Self loathing

Background: He was just the average person, having not the most exciting life, he grew tired of it all. Until he was able to find out about the great war between the monsters and humans, having read about this. He was excited, and tried to learn as much as he could, he wanted to know more about monster girls. He was able to find out about the Yukihime Academy. He applied for a job as a manger, and couldn't wait to work with his Monster girl.

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Zaxs Effekt

Manager Acceptance Email

Dear Mr Effekt,

Welcome to the Agency! So glad to have another fellow manager with me! Remember to follow the rules and have fun!


Sincerely, Stan (Head manager)
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simj22 said:
[WIP, just to show that I am interested.]


Zene Sonata






Also known as demons of song, the SΓ€ngerin were huge detractors of cannibalism, as well as the devouring of humans, and participated in the war as human sympathisers. It is, however, notable that they only turn to feeding on humans as a second resort, and as a result, are vilified by monsters that absolutely need flesh, human or monster, to survive. The SΓ€ngerin rely on sounds, mostly music, to survive. While variants exist that feed off the essence of noise alone, such as the Vacarme, most SΓ€ngerin draw strength and life from song, especially those of another. Despite this seemingly innocuous detail, they are known also to be rather powerful monsters by their own right, and their true forms are often a sight to behold. However, due their less obtrusive nature, as well as their monogendered status, their numbers are dwindling. What remains of them is still a sizable force, though, enough to dissuade other monsters from attacking them.

Over time, the SΓ€ngerin have evolved, just as the humans have. Modern SΓ€ngerin tend to sport headphones where their ears should be, each of them with a certain colouring and design. Music seems to emanate from the headphones constantly, and if one were to get close enough to study them, the music from the headphones change according to their moods. Some even have unique features to them. As an example, Zene's headphones sprout neon red holographic 'wings' when she detects hostility. Furthermore, some Sonata SΓ€ngerin’s headphones are connected to a small round mp3-player, which is in fact, their heart. These hearts, however, are quite tough, and do not break under normal circumstances, and the Sonata never reveal their hearts in the open, other than when to wield it as a weapon. Other variants of SΓ€ngerin may have different physiologies. However, one thing stays the same for all SΓ€ngerin: they all possess a β€˜true’ form. Their appearances as 'humans' are fairly normal, with the exception of their headphones. Their actual appearance however, tends to draw awe or fear from those who behold the sight. Zene's variant sprout three pairs of black and red wings from their back. Older, heavier Sonata SΓ€ngerin are incapable of flight, especially those with a more robust figure, but are capable of hovering around at best, with powerful beats of their wings. However, smaller and/or younger Sonata are able to replicate what seems to be short-distanced flights. Their hearts also transform into huge weapons that they are able to wield with little to no effort at all. The SΓ€ngerin's true forms are reason enough for their appellation of 'demons of song'.

SΓ€ngerin have difficulty talking, though aforementioned Vacarme SΓ€ngerin have an easier time doing so. The regular variants however, prefer humming or singing to express their feelings and thoughts. The Sonata variant is unable to speak at all, requiring them to sing their words at best, or emit sounds ranging from a low hum to high pitched screeching to communicate.




Zene Sonata was more or less born to sing. She is also capable of dancing and performing, but her main draw is her almost perfect pitch and unparalleled singing ability, although almost all SΓ€ngerin are gifted with said ability. She is often marketed for her arias and solo sections, both of which she delivers with chilling passion.


'Human' Form


True Form


Likes and Dislikes:


Due to her very essence being that of existing around the presence of music, Zene of the Sonata SΓ€ngerin was destined for a career in the idol industry.
Going to accept your cs, despite the likes and dislikes not being complete, please fill them in later, the rp will start today!


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Zene Sonata

✨Acceptance letter✨

Dear Mrs Sonata

Your application has been accepted, a car will be sent to where you live, please be ready to go.


Sincerely, Kite; Representative of Yukihime Agency


Name: Theorastenle Zero Ajareis

Age: 19


"If you would like me to bring an example of an asshole, IΒ΄d say Theo."

He might come off as dependable, upbeat and industrious. Helping old people cross the road is like second nature to him. In reality he just poses as someone like that. Theo even helps the old people just to make himself look good, not to actually make their lives easier. If youΒ΄d scale his ego from 1-10 it would be 11. ThereΒ΄s no one he loves more than himself. Theo`s not your anime hero who would die for his friends and family. No. This guy would rather sacrifice someone else than risk with his own life. Theo is very devious. He always gets what he wants no matter what he has to do to achieve it - Cheat, lie - whatever it takes. His ability to see in the future plays a big role in this, since he can often see their reaction before they even react. HeΒ΄s very observative.

But itΒ΄s not like Theo doesnΒ΄t like others. Quite the opposite. He acts this way because he finds others very interesting and loves the way everyone acts differently in the same situation. Theo also has a good side. He is very impulsive and intellegent. Every step he takes is carefully thought through.
ItΒ΄s not often he slips on a wet stone, you could say.

For some reason heΒ΄s very affectionate torwards animals. The reason is unknown.

Type of race: Witch - Sightseer

"A type of witches that could see the future. Sightseers were almost hunted to extinction. "

They used to live in their own dimenson of time, but many other races got together and decided to annihaliate Sightseers. Not because they did anything bad or anything, just because they were simply too strong. The other races destroyed their dimension and the Sightseers had to flee to the land of humans. Once again they were hunted, because silly delusional humans believed that all witches were accociated with The Devil. Humans also believed that The Devil is bad, but in the world of monsters there is no good or bad. Time went by and humans didnΒ΄t mind living with witches anymore.

PS: Theo`s father was a Sightseer, but his mother was a normal human. Being a hybrid, Theo canΒ΄t controll his powers very well. Most of the time he canΒ΄t choose what he sees.

PSS: Sightseers activate their powers by taking off their glasses. To deactivate them, they must put on their glasses. They donΒ΄t have them activated at all times since it can be bothersome (Seeing random visions, etc).

Job: Idol


Thanks to his wisdom heΒ΄s a very good actor. You could say "wooing" people is his speciality. HeΒ΄s overflowing with charisma that just pulls people to him. Once again his ability to see the future gives him an upper hand. His voice is good too, singing to his mother many times.



Height: 189cm

Weight: 65kg

Eye colour: Cyan

Hair colour: Light brown

Voice: Smoky, husky

Likes and Dislikes:

+ Animals

+ Cold weather

- Simplicity


TheoΒ΄s father was a very kind person. He was extremely giving. ThatΒ΄s also the reason why he died - he gave his life to someone. Not someone, but everyone. To be exact, his father was a herbalist trying to grow a herb that would become a cure for a certain illness. The herb was extremely poisonous in itΒ΄s growing state and his father knew that, but he couldnΒ΄t afford a protection suit. Not a single company was willing to sponsor his act, so he had to just risk his life growing the herb. His father saw the future. He would have to die to poison, but the herb would be found later on and itΒ΄d be made into the cure. Day by day his father grew weaker and his voice started to sound hoarse. TheoΒ΄s mother was bearing a child. She tried to stop her husband from growing that herb and said "For the sake of our child! Please!" TheoΒ΄s father answering "Yes, for our child." TheoΒ΄s mother later understood what that meant. The father had seen the future, where their child would be diagnosed with an uncurable illness.

Theo was born on the 7th of December. His father died on the 1st of October. Theo was diagnosed with a curable decease, that was uncurable until about a month ago. A herb that was able to be made into a cure was found in a private small facility. A body of a 25-year old herbalist was also found nearby it.

TheoΒ΄s mother named his son Theorastenle Zero after her husband, Theorundares Reth.

Theo grew up without a father. His mother often told about TheoΒ΄s father and how kind he was, hoping Theo would also grow up to be like him. Little did she know, Theo took it in a complete different way.
My father was an idiot. He was too nice. If he would have valued his own life over mine, he would still be alive. - All of those were TheoΒ΄s thoughts.

When Theo was about 13, he decided to be reffered to as Zero. He began to despise his father more and more, soon not accepting his own name. He didnΒ΄t let his mother see his true nature, since the only person he held dear was her. He used to often sing to his mother when she was crying about TheorundaresΒ΄ death. His mother was a strong person, but her love for her husband was even stronger.

When the time came for Zero to choose his career path, he thought of what would be the easiest, yet the most useful for him. He couldnΒ΄t decide between acting and singing, so he went with "Idol".

Last edited by a moderator:
VioletFires said:

Name: Theorastenle Zero Ajareis

Age: 19


"If you would like me to bring an example of an asshole, IΒ΄d say Theo."

He might come off as dependable, upbeat and industrious. Helping old people cross the road is like second nature to him. In reality he just poses as someone like that. Theo even helps the old people just to make himself look good, not to actually make their lives easier. If youΒ΄d scale his ego from 1-10 it would be 11. ThereΒ΄s no one he loves more than himself. Theo`s not your anime hero who would die for his friends and family. No. This guy would rather sacrifice someone else than risk with his own life. Theo is very devious. He always gets what he wants no matter what he has to do to achieve it - Cheat, lie - whatever it takes. His ability to see in the future plays a big role in this, since he can often see their reaction before they even react. HeΒ΄s very observative.

But itΒ΄s not like Theo doesnΒ΄t like others. Quite the opposite. He acts this way because he finds others very interesting and loves the way everyone acts differently in the same situation. Theo also has a good side. He is very impulsive and intellegent. Every step he takes is carefully thought through.
ItΒ΄s not often he slips on a wet stone, you could say.

For some reason heΒ΄s very affectionate torwards animals. The reason is unknown.

Type of race: Witch - Sightseer

"A type of witches that could see the future. Sightseers were almost hunted to extinction. "

They used to live in their own dimenson of time, but many other races got together and decided to annihaliate Sightseers. Not because they did anything bad or anything, just because they were simply too strong. The other races destroyed their dimension and the Sightseers had to flee to the land of humans. Once again they were hunted, because silly delusional humans believed that all witches were accociated with The Devil. Humans also believed that The Devil is bad, but in the world of monsters there is no good or bad. Time went by and humans didnΒ΄t mind living with witches anymore.

PS: Theo`s father was a Sightseer, but his mother was a normal human. Being a hybrid, Theo canΒ΄t controll his powers very well. Most of the time he canΒ΄t choose what he sees.

PSS: Sightseers activate their powers by taking off their glasses. To deactivate them, they must put on their glasses. They donΒ΄t have them activated at all times since it can be bothersome (Seeing random visions, etc).

Job: Idol


Thanks to his wisdom heΒ΄s a very good actor. You could say "wooing" people is his speciality. HeΒ΄s overflowing with charisma that just pulls people to him. Once again his ability to see the future gives him an upper hand. His voice is good too, singing to his mother many times.



Height: 189cm

Weight: 65kg

Eye colour: Cyan

Hair colour: Light brown

Voice: Smoky, husky

Likes and Dislikes:

+ Animals

+ Cold weather

- Simplicity


TheoΒ΄s father was a very kind person. He was extremely giving. ThatΒ΄s also the reason why he died - he gave his life to someone. Not someone, but everyone. To be exact, his father was a herbalist trying to grow a herb that would become a cure for a certain illness. The herb was extremely poisonous in itΒ΄s growing state and his father knew that, but he couldnΒ΄t afford a protection suit. Not a single company was willing to sponsor his act, so he had to just risk his life growing the herb. His father saw the future. He would have to die to poison, but the herb would be found later on and itΒ΄d be made into the cure. Day by day his father grew weaker and his voice started to sound hoarse. TheoΒ΄s mother was bearing a child. She tried to stop her husband from growing that herb and said "For the sake of our child! Please!" TheoΒ΄s father answering "Yes, for our child." TheoΒ΄s mother later understood what that meant. The father had seen the future, where their child would be diagnosed with an uncurable illness.

Theo was born on the 7th of December. His father died on the 1st of October. Theo was diagnosed with a curable decease, that was uncurable until about a month ago. A herb that was able to be made into a cure was found in a private small facility. A body of a 25-year old herbalist was also found nearby it.

TheoΒ΄s mother named his son Theorastenle Zero after her husband, Theorundares Reth.

Theo grew up without a father. His mother often told about TheoΒ΄s father and how kind he was, hoping Theo would also grow up to be like him. Little did she know, Theo took it in a complete different way.
My father was an idiot. He was too nice. If he would have valued his own life over mine, he would still be alive. - All of those were TheoΒ΄s thoughts.

When Theo was about 13, he decided to be reffered to as Zero. He began to despise his father more and more, soon not accepting his own name. He didnΒ΄t let his mother see his true nature, since the only person he held dear was her. He used to often sing to his mother when she was crying about TheorundaresΒ΄ death. His mother was a strong person, but her love for her husband was even stronger.

When the time came for Zero to choose his career path, he thought of what would be the easiest, yet the most useful for him. He couldnΒ΄t decide between acting and singing, so he went with "Idol".

Send New Email
New Email Received
[B]Theorastenle Zero Ajareis[/B]

✨Acceptance letter✨

Dear Mr Ajareis

I am pleased to inform you that your application has been processed and approved. Please make sure you have read over the "terms and conditions." A car will be sent to where you are currently located, I advise you to start packing.


Sincerely, Kite; Representative of Yukihime Agency
Name: Bishop Narshaw

Age: 22


Bishop is a very ambitious but cutthroat manager, seeing everyone that is not his client as a foe that he will see put under. Nothing satisfies him more than seeing him Client achieve what they want with his help, he does not care if he is in the spotlight because he knows he was one of the reasons why their client is even in the spotlight

He also has a strong protective instinct towards whoever his client is, making sure they are not doing anything that would either harm their career or themselves psychically, helping them with their issues and making their life less stressful, wanting to take most of the workload off them and would fist fight anyone on their behalf

But Bishop is also hostile towards other mangers, seeing them as competition that should be removed before threatening the career of his client, but he never goes after anyone's client, hes hatred is only aimed at other mangers

Type of race: Human

Job: manager

Specialty: Managing, care taking, negotiating


Likes and Dislikes

+His Client


+His Job


-His competition



Bishop had a dream of being the guy who manages the next generation of stars in the entertainment industry, to be that guy that the future superstars depends on, to be a factor in their success...But mainly to feel useful

Bishop at a young age never really could find a way to be useful to his friends and family...He felt like the people around him needed the air around him more than he did, he became depressed at a young age and dreamed of being useful. When he learned of a job of being a manager he thought that would be a dream job, a job where your entire purpose is to be useful...he studied and worked hard to obtain that sort of job...and he managed to do it

His first client was a Novice movie actor looking to break big,Bishop made it his mission to make his client's dreams come true...and he did, his client became a A list actor that stared ins some of the hottest blockbusters. Bishop took pride in his client and became protective, he finally felt useful and depended on...What he always wanted

But..He fucked up....His client became huge and everyone wanted him...A far more experienced manger kept harassing his client wanting to poach him form Bishop until one day Bishop got fed up and went to this man office...Not to have a pleasant conversation..but to send a message...What ended up happening was he brutally beat the man and trashed his office...it was not long until he was arrested for assault..he paid bail and got out as soon as possible but the event was the talk of the industry for awhile..The publicity made his client fire him to avoid the heat..

Bishop became depressed once more and looked for someone else ot high him..Sadly after his stunt nobody was hiring...applying to the Yukihime Agency is his last chance at finding a client that wants him...He never seriously considered working for his organization due to not wanting to work with monsters that would possibly eat him..but now that this is his last option..He rather be eaten by a monster than let the feeling of begin useless eat him...He prays he is accepted
Fendisteel said:
Name: Bishop Narshaw
Age: 22


Bishop is a very ambitious but cutthroat manager, seeing everyone that is not his client as a foe that he will see put under. Nothing satisfies him more than seeing him Client achieve what they want with his help, he does not care if he is in the spotlight because he knows he was one of the reasons why their client is even in the spotlight

He also has a strong protective instinct towards whoever his client is, making sure they are not doing anything that would either harm their career or themselves psychically, helping them with their issues and making their life less stressful, wanting to take most of the workload off them and would fist fight anyone on their behalf

But Bishop is also hostile towards other mangers, seeing them as competition that should be removed before threatening the career of his client, but he never goes after anyone's client, hes hatred is only aimed at other mangers

Type of race: Human

Job: manager

Specialty: Managing, care taking, negotiating


Likes and Dislikes

+His Client


+His Job


-His competition



Bishop had a dream of being the guy who manages the next generation of stars in the entertainment industry, to be that guy that the future superstars depends on, to be a factor in their success...But mainly to feel useful

Bishop at a young age never really could find a way to be useful to his friends and family...He felt like the people around him needed the air around him more than he did, he became depressed at a young age and dreamed of being useful. When he learned of a job of being a manager he thought that would be a dream job, a job where your entire purpose is to be useful...he studied and worked hard to obtain that sort of job...and he managed to do it

His first client was a Novice movie actor looking to break big,Bishop made it his mission to make his client's dreams come true...and he did, his client became a A list actor that stared ins some of the hottest blockbusters. Bishop took pride in his client and became protective, he finally felt useful and depended on...What he always wanted

But..He fucked up....His client became huge and everyone wanted him...A far more experienced manger kept harassing his client wanting to poach him form Bishop until one day Bishop got fed up and went to this man office...Not to have a pleasant conversation..but to send a message...What ended up happening was he brutally beat the man and trashed his office...it was not long until he was arrested for assault..he paid bail and got out as soon as possible but the event was the talk of the industry for awhile..The publicity made his client fire him to avoid the heat..

Bishop became depressed once more and looked for someone else ot high him..Sadly after his stunt nobody was hiring...applying to the Yukihime Agency is his last chance at finding a client that wants him...He never seriously considered working for his organization due to not wanting to work with monsters that would possibly eat him..but now that this is his last option..He rather be eaten by a monster than let the feeling of begin useless eat him...He prays he is accepted
Send New Email
New Email Received
Bishop Narshaw

Manager Acceptance Email

Dear Mr Narshaw

Your application has been accepted into the Agency, please make note when the car arrives to you to head straight into the Agency. I hope you have read all the rules, don't worry if another manager harasses your client report to me and I'll "take care" of it.


Sincerely, Stan (Head manager)


Name: Violet MAMA [Registered under the name Elaine MAMA]

Age: 485

Personality: Dominative

Violet likes controlling others. She is quite mature for her age, but still likes playing around with people. When it comes to the point where she wants something, she can be very manipulative. She enjoys sarcasm and dislikes people who donΒ΄t understand her. She is very tolerant when it comes to rudeness. She can be insulted a million times, but she acts ignorant about it.

Type of race: Reaper

There can only be one Reaper existing in the world at once. As soon as the existing Reaper dies, another replaces them. To have a chance of becoming a Reaper you must be a wizard and come from the Mama lineage. In the history men have always become Reapers, but for once a woman has taken the place. No one knows how one becomes a Reaper. The wizards belive itΒ΄s the Lord of Underworld that chooses the one who can connect between the living and the dead.

Reapers are blessed with unimaginable beauty. They can only die if a goddessΒ΄ sword is pierced through their hearts, but considering that the Reapers are very strong it isnΒ΄t easy. They never die of old age, but stay the same age that they got the powers at. In VioletΒ΄s case it was the age 17.

The Reapers possess a power of controlling souls. They can look through people and see the colours of their souls, having an easy time judging their true intentions. They can also add sorrow to them. Reapers have the ability to use darkness. They can make every single weapon out of darkness. They also use the power of swimming through shadows, which means they donΒ΄t only need to move on land, but can also through shadows. They also have the control over every dark magic element.

Because Violet trained herself only in Light magic when she was young, she also knows how to use those elements.

The Life element is an element that can only be used by Reapers.

ThereΒ΄s also a duty to Reapers - Sending people to the afterlife. To do so, they must sing a lullaby while looking in the eyes of the person.

List of elements:
Dark: Fear, Darkness, Shadow, Psion, Poison, Spirit, Void, Nightmare. Light: Water, Wind, Gravity, Ice, Earth, Sky, Crecent, Strenght, Mind. Neutral: Time, Life, Infinity.

Job: Idol

Specialty: Singing lullabies and slow songs.



Likes and Dislikes:

+ Spicy foods

+ Loyalty torwards her

+ Sarcasm

+ Darkness

+ Death

- Naive People

- Sunlight

- Sweet foods

Background: Violet was born into the family of MAMA - A royal family of wizards. Almost all MAMAs are dark wizards, because they believed in the Lord of Underworld. This all meant Violet had to become a dark wizard too. Her father was a Reaper, meaning she herself had extreme respect from everyone around her. When Violet was 4, her brother was born. Her family didnΒ΄t care about Violet anymore, because not a single woman had becoma a Reaper in the history. They practically disowned Violet, saying things like "You wonΒ΄t become the Reaper anyway, no point in training you." Violet took the chance and trained by herself. Every day she went to a nearby lake and trained in Light magic. Most Light magic elements are connected to the nature. For example: Wind, ice, earth, water, sky. For 8 years straight she spent hardly any breaths away from the lake. One day sitting by the lake practicing the element of Sky, a woman with unbelivable beauty came to her.

Violets eyes widened and she looked into the eyes of the woman, that were as yellow as the sun. "Who are you..?" Violet asked. The woman smiled and handed Violet a dagger thatΒ΄s handle was white as snow. The blade had an odd crest on it. "I am the goddess of the 7 seas, the ruler of all the worldΒ΄s waters. Lir is my name." the woman said. Violet was stunned. People had always told her that you must despise goddesses. At that moment Violet wasnΒ΄t able to do anything but listen carefully to the goddessΒ΄ words. "Take this dagger and pierce it through the heart of your father." "My father is a Reaper. He canΒ΄t be killed with a simple dagger." Violet said. The goddess once again smiled "I trust you, Violet." she said dissapearing into the lake. Violet held tight to the weapon the beauty had given her. The same night she went back home. She hadnΒ΄t been home for 3 weeks, but her family didnΒ΄t care about that much. When she silently opened the door, her brother was sitting on a black sofa. "Ohohoh look what we have here. Our slaveΒ΄s back home." he said. Growing up spoiled his attitude was horrible. Violet didnΒ΄t respond to his insults, because she was simply used to them. Her brother noticed Violet holding something behind her hands. "WhatΒ΄s that behind your hands?" he asked. Violet answering "Nothing.." and trying to walk upstairs. Her brother grabbed her hand and revealed his sisterΒ΄s dagger. Violet pushed him back and ran upstairs. She went to her bedroom and locked the door behind her. She sat on her bed and stared at the dagger. Hours passed and she finally heard her father go to sleep. She sneaked into his room and took the murder weapon between her hands. She was about to stab it through her fatherΒ΄s heart, but he opened his eyes. The father knew the daughterΒ΄s intentions all along, because one of his servants was made to watch his daughter. He grabbed the dagger out of his daughterΒ΄s hand and pointed it at her. Little did he know, that the girl also knew that the servant was watching her. The real weapon was behind he back and the other one was just a feint. She stabbed it right in his heart. The father fell on the floor slowly turning in to dust. Violet felt sharp pain in her chest. She tore her shirt open seeing a dark skull crest on her chest, where the heart is. She knew what it meant. It was the crest of a Reaper. For the first time in the history a female had become a Reaper. She felt powerful. Violet grabbed the dagger lying on the ground. She transformed it into a dark purple scythe. She was not only the single female Reaper, but also the only good-willed Reaper ever existing.

For 468 years she had sent people to the afterlife singing countless lullabies. Her voice was angelic. Violet felt like she wanted to do something special and different. Her daughter Elaine told her she should go join the Idol industry. Violet agreed.

Last edited by a moderator:
OneSoul said:

Name: Violet MAMA

Age: 485

Personality: Dominative

Violet likes controlling others. She is quite mature for her age, but still likes playing around with people. When it comes to the point where she wants something, she can be very manipulative. She enjoys sarcasm and dislikes people who donΒ΄t understand her. She is very tolerant when it comes to rudeness. She can be insulted a million times, but she acts ignorant about it.

Type of race: Reaper

There can only be one Reaper existing in the world at once. As soon as the existing Reaper dies, another replaces them. To have a chance of becoming a Reaper you must be a wizard and come from the Mama lineage. In the history men have always become Reapers, but for once a woman has taken the place. No one knows how one becomes a Reaper. The wizards belive itΒ΄s the Lord of Underworld that chooses the one who can connect between the living and the dead.

Reapers are blessed with unimaginable beauty. They can only die if a goddessΒ΄ sword is pierced through their hearts, but considering that the Reapers are very strong it isnΒ΄t easy. They never die of old age, but stay the same age that they got the powers at. In VioletΒ΄s case it was the age 17.

The Reapers possess a power of controlling souls. They can look through people and see the colours of their souls, having an easy time judging their true intentions. They can also add sorrow to them. Reapers have the ability to use darkness. They can make every single weapon out of darkness. They also use the power of swimming through shadows, which means they donΒ΄t only need to move on land, but can also through shadows. They also have the control over every dark magic element.

Because Violet trained herself only in Light magic when she was young, she also knows how to use those elements.

The Life element is an element that can only be used by Reapers.

ThereΒ΄s also a duty to Reapers - Sending people to the afterlife. To do so, they must sing a lullaby while looking in the eyes of the person.

List of elements:
Dark: Fear, Darkness, Shadow, Psion, Poison, Spirit, Void, Nightmare. Light: Water, Wind, Gravity, Ice, Earth, Sky, Crecent, Strenght, Mind. Neutral: Time, Life, Infinity.

Job: Idol

Specialty: Singing lullabies and slow songs.



Likes and Dislikes:

+ Spicy foods

+ Loyalty torwards her

+ Sarcasm

+ Darkness

+ Death

- Naive People

- Sunlight

- Sweet foods

Background: Violet was born into the family of MAMA - A royal family of wizards. Almost all MAMAs are dark wizards, because they believed in the Lord of Underworld. This all meant Violet had to become a dark wizard too. Her father was a Reaper, meaning she herself had extreme respect from everyone around her. When Violet was 4, her brother was born. Her family didnΒ΄t care about Violet anymore, because not a single woman had becoma a Reaper in the history. They practically disowned Violet, saying things like "You wonΒ΄t become the Reaper anyway, no point in training you." Violet took the chance and trained by herself. Every day she went to a nearby lake and trained in Light magic. Most Light magic elements are connected to the nature. For example: Wind, ice, earth, water, sky. For 8 years straight she spent hardly any breaths away from the lake. One day sitting by the lake practicing the element of Sky, a woman with unbelivable beauty came to her.

Violets eyes widened and she looked into the eyes of the woman, that were as yellow as the sun. "Who are you..?" Violet asked. The woman smiled and handed Violet a dagger thatΒ΄s handle was white as snow. The blade had an odd crest on it. "I am the goddess of the 7 seas, the ruler of all the worldΒ΄s waters. Lir is my name." the woman said. Violet was stunned. People had always told her that you must despise goddesses. At that moment Violet wasnΒ΄t able to do anything but listen carefully to the goddessΒ΄ words. "Take this dagger and pierce it through the heart of your father." "My father is a Reaper. He canΒ΄t be killed with a simple dagger." Violet said. The goddess once again smiled "I trust you, Violet." she said dissapearing into the lake. Violet held tight to the weapon the beauty had given her. The same night she went back home. She hadnΒ΄t been home for 3 weeks, but her family didnΒ΄t care about that much. When she silently opened the door, her brother was sitting on a black sofa. "Ohohoh look what we have here. Our slaveΒ΄s back home." he said. Growing up spoiled his attitude was horrible. Violet didnΒ΄t respond to his insults, because she was simply used to them. Her brother noticed Violet holding something behind her hands. "WhatΒ΄s that behind your hands?" he asked. Violet answering "Nothing.." and trying to walk upstairs. Her brother grabbed her hand and revealed his sisterΒ΄s dagger. Violet pushed him back and ran upstairs. She went to her bedroom and locked the door behind her. She sat on her bed and stared at the dagger. Hours passed and she finally heard her father go to sleep. She sneaked into his room and took the murder weapon between her hands. She was about to stab it through her fatherΒ΄s heart, but he opened his eyes. The father knew the daughterΒ΄s intentions all along, because one of his servants was made to watch his daughter. He grabbed the dagger out of his daughterΒ΄s hand and pointed it at her. Little did he know, that the girl also knew that the servant was watching her. The real weapon was behind he back and the other one was just a feint. She stabbed it right in his heart. The father fell on the floor slowly turning in to dust. Violet felt sharp pain in her chest. She tore her shirt open seeing a dark skull crest on her chest, where the heart is. She knew what it meant. It was the crest of a Reaper. For the first time in the history a female had become a Reaper. She felt powerful. Violet grabbed the dagger lying on the ground. She transformed it into a dark purple scythe. She was not only the single female Reaper, but also the only good-willed Reaper ever existing.

For 468 years she had sent people to the afterlife singing countless lullabies. Her voice was angelic. Violet felt like she wanted to do something special and different. Her daughter Lime told her she should go join the Idol industry. Violet agreed.

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Violet MAMA

Acceptance Email

Dear Mrs MAMA

I am happy to tell you that your application has been accepted into our Agency, orientation has already begun, a car will be sent to where you currently reside. When you arrive at the agency please head inside the building, go up the stairs, take a left turn, you'll pass by the kitchen and arrive at the living room.


Sincerely, Kite, Head Secretary



Destiny Miles




Kind, Caring, Quiet, Nervous

Type of race:

Neko / Miqo'te

A cat race who love the forest.




Singing and Dancing



Likes and Dislikes:

Milk, Walks, Lights, Playing, Fun, Singing, Dancing

Being Crowded, Boredom, Acting, Scary Stuff

Background: Destiny was born in a small town which was destroyed before he as two. His parents burned in a mysterious fire while some haunting music played. Scared, the forest took him in. Mysterious races raised him and taught him what he knows now. He loved the forest, not needing school to teach him. He played happily one day before finding out he could sing and dance for a living. As he left, he made a vow to protect the forest. He sent a small note to school and stayed in a small encampment nearby as he waited to be accepted.

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Name: Akeyra Meskasha

To see a picture of her click this spoiler!--->

Age: 25


Akeyra may seem like the type who would just eat you and laugh about you dieing.. Well okay she would be like that but she is not able to be like that! She is a manager and must act professional and she takes that job kind of seriously! Maybe if she is in a good mood anyways. At times she can be stubborn and seem very strict when it comes to managing but at heart she is just a tsundere. Underneath all that scaly skin she is a softy but does not like to let people know it! She also has a teasing side to her and a seductive side to her so if she thinks your cute well...have fun with that. She can't get away with a lot of things but that does not stop her from trying! At time she can be a bit scatter brained.

Type of race:

Lamia (For those of you who do not know Lamia's are snake people.)


Manager(Dat Plot Manager though....)


(Apparently she pro at being a tsundere.)

Her specialty lies in being great at motivating her idols by any means necessary! Don't worry though it is nothing too bad...hopefully! She is also very skilled in sleeping! Sleeping is important right? The other skills she has is being a great fighter,teasing men, and belly dancing!


I have posted a picture of her above but I will explain more details here. As you can she she has long black hair that goes down to her back. She has dark grayish skin which would be considered weird for a snake since they love to be out in the sunlight but due to her being in hiding for a long period of time her skin did not get exposed to much sun. Now she does get plenty of sunlight but it seems her skin will not change in color what a shame. Also her lower half of her body is black with smooth scales. At times when her skin starts to shed no one has seen what it looks like because she never comes out when she sheds. Apart from her snake like lower half her upper half seems human enough.

As far as outfits goes Akeyra likes to wear her traditional royal Lamia garb. But unfortunately she had to add a mini dress or some type of clothing to cover her chest area since apparently it was not normal to not cover that area. Akeyra likes to wear dresses or something light so whenever she was done with work it would not take much effort to get the clothing off. She also liked wearing colors like black,gold, and red, so most of her outfits consisted of those colors.

Likes and Dislikes:


  • Food

  • Heat

  • Anything cute

  • Constricting people

  • Sleep

  • Teasing men

  • Bending the rules

  • Fighting


  • Cold

  • Eagles

  • Shoes

  • Spiders

  • Pink

  • Boring People

  • The word "Whatever"

  • Being contained


Akeyra grew up in a dark cave which her Lamia family was living in. She never understood why their kind had to hide from the humans. The humans looked weak and frail and seemed like an easy target for food and domination. Her family was considered one of the royal bloodlines and thus they had better lives then the rest of the Lamia's. At the time Akeyra did not understand many things. Why did they have to suffer in the cold? Her kind were always slow moving in the cold and often spent their days sleeping. She did not like this kind of lifestyle it felt like her and her family were being imprisoned.

Sometimes she would sneak out into the sun and explore around. Her parents did know of this but decided to let it go seeing as Akeyra was so determined to be free. But of course they had their worries about their daughter being caught. But sadly four years after a huge war broke out and she was no longer allowed to leave the cave they were hiding in. Her family had a front row seat to the blood and carnage the war brought. The humans killed their own kind for stupid reasons and it was getting to the point that something snapped. The monsters who hide away from the world attacked and devoured the humans. It was then that her family made a choice and the choice they made was to slaughter the humans who caused them such great pain. But something deep down inside of Akeyra urged her to help the humans even though they caused her and her family misery. In the midst of all the chaos Akeyra was able to split away from her family but this only made this harder for her. She was now scared and terrified that her family would be slain and that they would hate her for choosing the humans over them.

The war lasted days and only seemed to bring more pain and misery to man and creature alike. Akeyra was not trained to fight and battle. All she knew how to do was to hunt but that skill alone seemed to help her remain alive but sadly her family did not remain. She looked all over for her family but she was not able to locate the bodies which caused her to let out a terrifying hissing scream. She was angry at herself and at what had happen and on that day she lost her heart. She grew cold and bitter and was tired and hungry and alone after the war. She knew she had to remain strong and decided to live out in the wild and train herself. After a year or so of training she returned to the city the war took place in. Her outfit was all torn and she looked like she got hit by a hurricane. Akeyra wandered the city aimlessly looking for work or something to keep her busy and in doing so Akeyra stumbled upon the
Yukihime Agency.

The Agency took her in and she became a Manager in training. She was hesitant about the job at first but as time passed she grew to like the place she worked. This would be her home for however long she decided to be here for. She has now been here for three years and has became quite the manager.

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OverlordSenpai said:

Name: Akeyra Meskasha

To see a picture of her click this spoiler!--->

Age: 25


Akeyra may seem like the type who would just eat you and laugh about you dieing.. Well okay she would be like that but she is not able to be like that! She is a manager and must act professional and she takes that job kind of seriously! Maybe if she is in a good mood anyways. At times she can be stubborn and seem very strict when it comes to managing but at heart she is just a tsundere. Underneath all that scaly skin she is a soften but does not like to let people know it! She also has a teasing side to her and a seductive side to her so if she thinks your cute well...have fun with that. She can't get away with a lot of things but that does not stop her from trying!

Type of race:

Lamia (For those of you who do not know Lamia's are snake people.)


Manager(Dat Plot Manager though....)


(Apparently she pro at being a tsundere.)

Her specialty lies in being great at motivating her idols by any means necessary! Don't worry though it is nothing too bad...hopefully! She is also very skilled in sleeping! Sleeping is important right? The other skills she has is being a great fighter,teasing men, and belly dancing!


I have posted a picture of her above but I will explain more details here. As you can she she has long black hair that goes down to her back. She has dark grayish skin which would be considered weird for a snake since they love to be out in the sunlight but due to her being in hiding for a long period of time her skin did not get exposed to much sun. Now she does get plenty of sunlight but it seems her skin will not change in color what a shame. Also her lower half of her body is black with smooth scales. At times when her skin starts to shed no one has seen what it looks like because she never comes out when she sheds. Apart from her snake like lower half her upper half seems human enough.

As far as outfits goes Akeyra likes to wear her traditional royal Lamia garb. But unfortunately she had to add a mini dress or some type of clothing to cover her chest area since apparently it was not normal to not cover that area. Akeyra likes to wear dresses or something light so whenever she was done with work it would not take much effort to get the clothing off. She also liked wearing colors like black,gold, and red, so most of her outfits consisted of those colors.

Likes and Dislikes:


  • Food

  • Heat

  • Anything cute

  • Constricting people

  • Sleep

  • Teasing men

  • Bending the rules

  • Fighting


  • Cold

  • Eagles

  • Shoes

  • Spiders

  • Pink

  • Boring People

  • The word "Whatever"

  • Being contained


Akeyra grew up in a dark cave which her Lamia family was living in. She never understood why their kind had to hide from the humans. The humans looked weak and frail and seemed like an easy target for food and domination. Her family was considered one of the royal bloodlines and thus they had better lives then the rest of the Lamia's. At the time Akeyra did not understand many things. Why did they have to suffer in the cold? Her kind were always slow moving in the cold and often spent their days sleeping. She did not like this kind of lifestyle it felt like her and her family were being imprisoned.

Sometimes she would sneak out into the sun and explore around. Her parents did know of this but decided to let it go seeing as Akeyra was so determined to be free. But of course they had their worries about their daughter being caught. But sadly four years after a huge war broke out and she was no longer allowed to leave the cave they were hiding in. Her family had a front row seat to the blood and carnage the war brought. The humans killed their own kind for stupid reasons and it was getting to the point that something snapped. The monsters who hide away from the world attacked and devoured the humans. It was then that her family made a choice and the choice they made was to slaughter the humans who caused them such great pain. But something deep down inside of Akeyra urged her to help the humans even though they caused her and her family misery. In the midst of all the chaos Akeyra was able to split away from her family but this only made this harder for her. She was now scared and terrified that her family would be slain and that they would hate her for choosing the humans over them.

The war lasted days and only seemed to bring more pain and misery to man and creature alike. Akeyra was not trained to fight and battle. All she knew how to do was to hunt but that skill alone seemed to help her remain alive but sadly her family did not remain. She looked all over for her family but she was not able to locate the bodies which caused her to let out a terrifying hissing scream. She was angry at herself and at what had happen and on that day she lost her heart. She grew cold and bitter and was tired and hungry and alone after the war. She knew she had to remain strong and decided to live out in the wild and train herself. After a year or so of training she returned to the city the war took place in. Her outfit was all torn and she looked like she got hit by a hurricane. Akeyra wandered the city aimlessly looking for work or something to keep her busy and in doing so Akeyra stumbled upon the
Yukihime Agency.

The Agency took her in and she became a Manager in training. She was hesitant about the job at first but as time passed she grew to like the place she worked. This would be her home for however long she decided to be here for. She has now been here for three years and has became quite the manager.

Accepted! Since your character has been working at the agency there's no need to send you an acceptance letter. So in your case your going to meet the new recruits. Head into the agency. There will be two staircases, take the left one and head into the living room. You'll probably pass by Kite, fuming of all sorts.
NightCasterZ said:


Destiny Miles




Kind, Caring, Quiet, Nervous

Type of race:

Neko / Miqo'te

A cat race who love the forest.




Singing and Dancing



Likes and Dislikes:

Milk, Walks, Lights, Playing, Fun, Singing, Dancing

Being Crowded, Boredom, Acting, Scary Stuff

Background: Destiny was born in a small town which was destroyed before he as two. His parents burned in a mysterious fire while some haunting music played. Scared, the forest took him in. Mysterious races raised him and taught him what he knows now. He loved the forest, not needing school to teach him. He played happily one day before finding out he could sing and dance for a living. As he left, he made a vow to protect the forest. He sent a small note to school and stayed in a small encampment nearby as he waited to be accepted.

I've discussed with you how to improve your cs, unfortunately after viewing your improvements I will have to decline it.

If you are willing to put more effort into it, please add more details into your race and background.

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