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Fantasy Monster Cafe


I'd take a monster to prom
Character sheet


(any age is fine if a monster but try to keep the humans like 16+)

Race: (can be human)

Customer/Staff: (ask me about staff positions that you'd like)




(family, pets, friends, romantic, crushes, etc.. whatever you think should go here)

Info: (tell me about their life up to this point and their personality)

Extra: (anything you feel needs to go here that you might not have covered in the other sections)
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Name: Jeremy Hyss

Age: 21

Race: Lamia/Naga. Type of snake he's based on: Garter Snake.

Customer/Staff: Head Waiter at the cafe.

Appearance: (these are all from different artists who drew my character for me. Please excuse the large picture!)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c45bdc040_Jeremyrefs.png.0344e1bb1782747ed719812b847f1676.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72637" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c45bdc040_Jeremyrefs.png.0344e1bb1782747ed719812b847f1676.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Likes: Flirting with anyone and anything, making people question their sexuality, teasing people, wrapping things and people up in his tail and sweet foods.

Dislikes: Hurting peoples feelings, people not really understanding him, people disrespecting others especially his boss, humans being rude to monster patrons, sour things and people stepping on his tail.

Relationships: He has a large family of other Lamia though he does not see them often due to him leaving their village to pursue a career in the city. He has a good relationship with his boss Wolfgang although this might not appear to be the case, Jeremy idolizes Wolfgang and is very grateful that he gave him an opportunity to work.

Info: Jeremy lived in a large village with his tribe (family for Lamia) and decided that the quiet life out in the countryside, hidden from all was not for him. He wanted to get out there and make something of himself. He also wanted to choose his own mate and not just a female Lamia to further the tribes line. Jeremy honestly doesn't care about age, race or gender he would just like to choose for himself and find love rather than be forced into a marriage because children are needed. He ventured out to the city and found the monster cafe in his first week away from home at the age of 18. Wolfgang was doing many jobs around then even waiting on patrons. He hired Jeremy on the spot upon hearing his story and seeing his charm and charisma with other people in the cafe. Jeremy lives at the cafe now with one of the back rooms having been turned into his bedroom due to his not really being able to go out and get himself a proper house due to his lower half.

Extra: Garter snakes mate in large groups all at the same time when trying to go after the one female, many males are often tricked into mating with other males. Lamias of this breed of snake will often be flirty and competitive when vying for a mate. They very rarely have a preference for gender these days and would probably mate with anything that moved. These are all reason Jeremy will often be seen flirting with everyone in the shop and also getting territorial over those who reciprocate his flirtations.



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Name: Wolfgang Lash

Age: 55 but looks 30. His bite has kept him the same age he was when he was bitten.

Race: Werewolf.

Customer/Staff: Boss man. He owns the cafe.

Appearance: I don't have an image of Wolfgang yet but for reference he'd probably look something like the image below only all black/dark brown fur with black trousers and sometimes a white shirt. (the sometimes is due to the shirts ripping often and fur poking out through them although the ladies seem to like it.)


Likes: Making money, money, keeping patrons happy, his staff and savoury foods.

Dislikes: Losing money, customers getting bad service, his shirts ripping and vegan food.

Relationships: He doesn't really have a family apart from his staff and his days as a male escort/ host has left him unable to pursue a romantic relationship.

Info: Wolfgang was once human and to make ends meet he went into the escort/host business to earn money and it was easy for him due to his looks. One day one of his female patrons at the host club he worked at requested to see him at a private place after hours. This led to him getting bitten. After a while Wolfgang became used to the transformation and soon decided he much preferred to stay in his werewolf form than his fully human one. A few years later he decided to run the cafe as he realised there were probably other people like him out there. He used to work as many things in the cafe and was very popular with customers but now works in the back room and only comes out for special events. The customers are always very anxious to see him out on the main floor once more.

Extra: Very few have seen his human form these days and even then only for short periods of time.
Name: xeren

Age: (any age is fine if a monster but try to keep the humans like 16+) 17

Race: (can be human) doll

Customer/Staff: (ask me about staff positions that you'd like) chef


Likes: feeding people, watching them eat, studying them after there full

Dislikes: being hungry

Relationships: (family, pets, friends, romantic, crushes, etc.. whatever you think should go here) unknown

Info: (tell me about their life up to this point and their personality) born from a human soul entering a doll. He took on the form of a plauge doctor, this doll soon discovered he was good with spices, just like a doctor would be with meficine.

Extra: (anything you feel needs to go here that you might not have covered in the other sections)

Name: Aspen

Age: Only a century old, most of her kind are at least a millennium. She resembles a child or teen in appearance. Her birthday is March 18th, the year uncertain to her.

Race: Forest Nymph

Customer/Staff: Barista

Appearance: Above. Art Credit goes to Natalie Ilincic, the piece is called "Forest Child". A fellow forest nymph gave her the mask as tradition for her hundredth birthday and though it is meant mostly for formality, Aspen refuses to go anywhere without it, always wearing it on top of her head or on her face.

Likes: Aspen enjoys preparing beverages of all different sorts and growing her own tiny versions of coffee and tea plants using her powers. These are on display all around the cafe in little clay pots that Aspen made (somewhat poorly) herself. She enjoys reading, especially fairy tales about humans (She adores anything written by The Brothers Grimm), and making up stories to tell to the regulars. Most of all, Aspen loves going outside, rain or shine. She always seems so much more cheerful when she's enjoying the outdoors. This young lady is also quite skilled at the pan flute and will graciously play you and her plants a tune if you desire. Aspen's favorite thing to drink is a tie between peppermint tea and hot chocolate.

Dislikes: Aspen hates being inside for too long, she will start to get anxious for fresh air and sunshine. She also hates it when people destroy her plants or rip leaves from them. Only she is allowed to gather tea leaves and coffee beans from her plants, it seems to physically hurt her when another person does it. Aspen flinches when people yell at her, she is highly sensitive to anger and other negative emotions and may start to cry if put under too much stress.

Relationships: Aspen loves to follow Jeremy around and see what he gets up to for sport, appreciating the mischief he gets himself into. She has a close relationship with the plants, and seems to whisper little secrets to them. Some say they tell her things only the ears of nymphs can hear.

Info: Aspen, like all forest nymphs, was conceived from a plant as it's guardian. For most of her life, she lived in a forest with nymphs and fairies. When she encountered other kinds of monsters and humans for the first time, she grew curious and decided she would like to explore their culture. After a bit of experimenting, she found if she took a small stem of her ivy plant with her, she could go anywhere she please, provided the part she took with her isn't destroyed. So, with that, she ran off at the tender age of ninety to learn about the world outside of the forest, deciding to work at the Monster Cafe.

Aspen is adventurous and strong spirited. She loves learning about new creatures, especially humans. The novelty of reading fascinates her, and she will get her hands on anything with a speck of writing on it. She can be rather forgetful and naive, which may lead people to take advantage of her kind nature. Aspen can be somewhat of a pushover and will apologize even when something is not her fault. Despite this, she will get very angry if someone harasses her friends. If the situation calls for it, she can be quite rageful and although she will only do so with the upmost cation, she is very much capable of inflicting ailments and curses. Overall, Aspen is an optimistic young lady who enjoys the company of others and loves doling out affectionate hugs.

Extra: Aspen's powers involve growing plants to any size she pleases, casting a peaceful aura with the use of her pan flute, and inflicting curses similar to a skin condition or causing bracelets made of thorns to appear around her aggressor's wrists. She does not require food, only water and sunlight, but she does enjoy other culture's delicacies provided no creature was harmed in the making of it. She can feel the energy of plants and if someone brings harm to one around her, she will experience pain. If she's drastically wounded, she will start to have a sort of wilting appearance, her hair growing long and gray-brown, and her body becoming fragile and defenseless.

Regarding Gender: Nymphs are born as agender beings, however, when Aspen was introduced to the idea of gender when she left her forest, she felt she identified strongly as female.
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Name: Five

Age: Looks 24 (Though her age doesn't matter, because she can be whatever age she pleases.)

Race: Xenomorph

Customer/Staff: Customer



Human Form (For disguises):

Obeying superiors, having things go according to plan, being able to relax, quick thinking, and attacking things when told to.

Dislikes: Chaos, tons of stress, puzzles, having to attack things without proper orders, and disobeying orders.

Relationships: Superior: (Anyone? :3) All else: TBR

Info: Shes very advanced and straight forward, willing to do anything asked of her. No questions, no comments. Though, she does have feelings, and on her off time she is able to have feelings. But when given an order, she goes into lock down mode, doing only her task. When created, she was the most advanced Xenomorph ever, but still willing to listen to anyone above her. She could take over as a superior, but that would go straight to her head... That's why her superiors have to take advantage of her loyalty. Keep that in mind.

Extra: (I would like someone to be her superior... If that's alright... Someone other than myself, preferably)
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Sarya Chnid




Flies, Knitting, Surprising People, Anyone who isn't afraid of spiders, Making people smile, Spinning Webs

Dislikes: Arachnophobes, Scissors, Fire, People who Lie, People who get tangled in her webs


-Family Sarya's family are fairly closed off, living in the center of a spooky forest and not really communicating much with anyone. Still, Sarya feels the love when she goes to visit them and they share what they've caught in their collective webs with her. They tend to be a pretty quiet bunch.

-Friends Sarya's best friend is a mermaid, MayLene, who likes to drown sailors by telling them they can't swim in a storm. You know humans- they have to prove you wrong, no matter the cost.

Sarya has a sort of friend in Nicholas. At least he doesn't hate spiders.


Sarya grew up deep in a forest where her only human contact was when she was having them for supper. One day she ended up stumbling across to lost mini humans who, unlike their adult counterparts, didn't take an immediate fear or disliking to her but found her interesting. She lead them back out of the forest safely, only to be chased by the adult humans when she was spotted. She had come to understand that most dislike her because of her being half spider, and she finds it annoying that people should judge her on this.

When she came across the cafe, she found that there was something fascinating about being around other monsters. For one, they weren't deadly silent the way her family was. In fact most were extremely loud in comparison. But it was nice to hear things outside of the twanging of the strings in her web and the chirping of the birds in the forest. The ones that were too smart to fly into Sarya's web.


Sarya actually really doesn't like using her web to catch food... she things the threads are quite beautiful on their own, and become dirtied and unpleasant when something tangles in it. She tends to eat the creature out of spite instead of hunger... kind of a 'how dare you wander into my web. Now I'm going to eat you for being dumb' line of thinking. At least she hasn't gone hungry! Though, of course, she hasn't really spent much time eating things from her web since as of late she's been trying to seem less terrifying.

Nicholas Spree





Likes: Monsters, Books, Knowledge, Intelligent Conversation, Coffee done right

Dislikes: Coffee with too much sugar, Dimwitted People, Judgmental People, Most Humans


-Family Not really one to keep in contact with his 7 siblings or his mother or father. He went out into the world and didn't look back.

-Friends He doesn't really have friends... though it's a goal he hopes to accomplish someday. He likes to count off the names of people he knows and has conversations with but he doesn't need more than two hands to do that.


When you're fighting 7 siblings to get your parent's attention things get a bit hectic and exceptionally strained. Nicholas gave up trying at a rather young age and buried his nose in mythology, filling his head with anything and everything that the world said wasn't real.

One day he stumbled across a cafe and of course at first, believed it to be some hoax or a very impressive display of costume... in fact he still feels like it isn't real whenever he's not actively in the building. He often visits the place to sit in a corner and either read or observe the inhabitants- he hasn't really mustered but the nerve to really converse with anyone yet.


His hair is actually ash blonde but he bleaches it as white as it can go, preferring that then to the yellowy color he inherited from his family.

Once, when he was really young, he thought he saw a unicorn.
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Character sheet

Wilhelm Falke

Age: 240

Race: Immortal

Customer/Staff: Customer

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.a3588f2fd7c404c627499d80a8b9ec04.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73237" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.a3588f2fd7c404c627499d80a8b9ec04.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Food, cooking, reading and telling stories

Dislikes: Spiders,

Relationships: None, family died and he rarely makes friends

Info: It's unknown how he became a mortal, even he doesn't know, but he figured it when he was 60 years old and only looked 24. His family and friends all died over the years, making it hard for him to establish relationships. Now he mostly sits in the Cafe reading or telling stories to anyone who listens.

Extra: Is a very friendly man, but if aggravated enough he will lash out.



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Name: Ray Ingram

Age: 20

Race: Stomach Mouth Monster

Customer/Staff: Customer


Raves/parties, spicy food, cuties, loud music, nights, animals.

Dislikes: Silence, drama, riding in cars, comments on his weight, the heat.

Relationships: Has a single mother who he keeps in contact with. Knows many people and generally on friendly terms with just about everyone.

Info: Ray spent all of his time pretending to be human in the city, and trying to play off his crop tops as confidence in his body and not that he had some bizarre second mouth. Nope, not at all. His mother raised him alone as his father died in a car crash, and they struggled financially. Even then, he did the best in school and managed to get a scholarship for college. He even went so far as to skip a few grades, hurrying to get through school as fast as possible so he could help support him and his mother.

He went on to major in audio engineering, and earned a reputation in the places he frequented of how he'd do...quite a lot for money. But, people enjoyed his company nonetheless and he loved hanging out with just about anyone.

It's not hard to see that Ray's very confident in himself, and absolutely loves hanging around people. It's not hard to convince him to do something stupid, especially for cash, but he is very intelligent and knows a lot about engineering and technology. In the end he's just a fun-loving dude and always ready to try something new.

Extra: Ray works as a DJ currently. He has a tongue piercing in his second mouth. Despite having a ton of self-confidence, it's easy to fluster or upset him if you talk too much about his weight.
Name: Vlad (sometimes goes by Brad, in front of humans, no one is named Vlad anymore.)

Age: has lost count of his true age, but has been around since the medieval ages. looks to be around 21

Race: Vampire

Customer/Staff: Customer


Likes: Mocha Frappachino's with a bit of blood mixed in, preferably virgin (don't ask). girls, refer to his earlier preference. having a good time

Dislikes: werewolves, but not so much that he can't enjoy himself in an establishment owned by one. stakes. sunlight.

he had a daughter when he was human, but she is long dead.

Info: Vlad was the son of a wealthy Duke during the age of kings, knights and chivalry. he was blooded by a highborn vampire who was on the verge of death, because a highborn can transfer his status at the end of his life in order to save the ones he had created from the sudden death of losing their master. torn from the human world and thrust into power over a world he had only heard scary stories of, Vlad was afraid. hundreds of years later and he has all but gotten over it. he his one of the heads of the London Vampires and is left pretty much alone by other vampires, who know he is a trouble maker, one with the power of a head vampire who is not afraid to wave that power around like a child on a playground with an oversized stick.

Extra: (anything you feel needs to go here that you might not have covered in the other sections)
Name: Patrick O'leary

appears 17

Race: Leprechaun

Customer/Staff: Staff, book keeper.


Likes: money, having fun

Dislikes: anything that gets on his nerves

Relationships: none

Info: Patrick has been around quite a while, maybe not as long as most of his kind, but enough to see some things. he knows how to count money, how to spend it, and how to make it, so he is a perfect accountant for the cafe. a bit hot headed sometimes, but forgive him, he is Irish.

Extra: (anything you feel needs to go here that you might not have covered in the other sections)
Name: Nessiel

Age: 22

Race: Anthropomorphic

Customer/Staff: Customer, but hopes to obtain a position within the cafe


Humans, Mythical beings, and anything else that may or may not want to kill her! Also, pancakes and omelettes, their her favorites!

Dislikes: Rude people and beings, those who consider themselves above everybody else. Generally, jerks.

Relationships: She has enough family to fill up an entire book. But currently she lives with her younger brother Elvindor, but he's busy with his ¨summer job¨ to spend time with her. So she's looking for new friends and possibly a job along too, hopefully. She is single and willing to mingle

Info: So she's looking for new friends and possibly a job along too, hopefully. She is single and willing to mingle and she would have a significant other already if she didn't have so much sass, or as her brother would put it ¨Shut her trap every once in a while.¨ She doesn't care though. She likes who she is, and knows her brother is just teasing her, yet secretly she yearns for the affection of another.

Extra: She has a slight accent. (Whenever I use her I can never tell if she's British or Irish, no one has bothered to correct me or her so...yeah)
Name: Danny savage

Age: (any age is fine if a monster but try to keep the humans like 16+) 29

Race: (can be human) metal head

Customer/Staff: (ask me about staff positions that you'd like) customer (very new)


Likes: heavy metal, guitar solos, being loud.

Dislikes: opera, soft, cute things

Relationships: (family, pets, friends, romantic, crushes, etc.. whatever you think should go here) as long as they like music, he cares!!!

Info: (tell me about their life up to this point and their personality) looking human, Danny is classed as a species called metal heads. There a race of monsters with thick iron skulls, though not used for fighting there used during monstrous head bangs groups. At a young age he loved all types of heavy metal, and after hearing meatloaf - bat out of hell, he exploded into a man of awesome bad assness.

Extra: (anything you feel needs to go here that you might not have covered in the other sections) he has an electric guitar known as the power.

Can this guy be allowed??
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[QUOTE="the lick]

Would you mind maybe defining him some more? I'm still not really sure what they are or what they're about.

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