Monster Academy

Creature's Name: Helena Browmere

Nickname:"Conceited Henny" or just "Henny"





Personality: If there is one word to describe our delightful Helena, it would have to be Narcissistic. She love's herself more then anything and considers herself to be the prettiest girl out there. She's perfect in her eyes and if you say otherwise then you're dead wrong. Half the time she's focused on what make-up to put on, or what skirt fits the best. She tends to love being the center of attention at any event and if she isn't then she'll somehow find a way to make it so that she is. She's very flamboyant, loud, and isn't afraid to speak her mind-Weather you want her to or not. She has quite a temper and 'patience' is not a word in her vocabulary by any means. When she gets angry she tends to act like a spoiled child, she may even cast a few spells on you to prove a point. Despite all her bad quality's she can actually be a very good friend. Whenever you need her she'll be there in a second. When she realizes she may have angered you or she may have been wrong in a situation, she'll apologies despite her prideful personality.


Small Bio: She's always lived a rich and sophisticated life style. She's always been spoiled rotten ever since she could remember.Because her family is the richest witch family out there she's always been expected to live up to a high expectation of excellence. But Helena was always to focused on when the latest trends were coming out and what potions were best good for the skin, that she fell behind on her studies. Her parents sent her to this school expecting that she improved with her magical abilities.

Classes he/she/it Will be taking:-Potions, Poisons, and Piercings(dark class),-Toads, Lizards, and Insects(animal knowledge),-Hair, Nails, and Skin(self care),-Elementals, Spells, and Magic(Magic class)

Extra: She always wears a red cloak that her favorite grandmother gave her before she passed away.
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Appearance (I pulled it off google images)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf71bacb2_animevampire.jpg.6ca83e1403d0e17d21e1466dd622bb70.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20542" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf71bacb2_animevampire.jpg.6ca83e1403d0e17d21e1466dd622bb70.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

creatures name: Dante vilow

Nickname: None


Age: 349 (17 at the time of bite)

Gender: Male

Height: 5'10

Race/Species: Vampire

Personality: Dante is a vampire, he's not ancient though, he's only a couple of hundred years old, so in vampire terms he's pretty new to the whole...vampire thing. This is his main reason for going to the academy. He, though not very experienced, likes to think he is in some way higher than every one else, academically and physically, he show's this quite well through his words and actions. He is also reluctant to apologise and forgive, which doesn't earn many friends. Because of this the few friends he may obtain he is very loyal to, and they may be the only people he fully trusts. Despite his unlike-able exterior he has a softer centre. Having lots of empathy and feeling that he must help in bad situations.

Small bio: Dante was bitten in about 1665, during the great plague of London, which was, unsurprisingly, not pleasant. His 'father' (the vampire who bit him) sent him to the academy after he learnt the basics of being a vampire. Some may call this lazy parenting, he calls it 'time saving'.

Classes he will be taking: Potions, Poisons, and Piercings(dark class)

Toads, Lizards, and Insects(animal knowledge)

Elementals, Spells, and Magic(Magic class)

Extra: He requires human blood to survive,animal or any other substitute will not suffice. This can lead to trouble when living at a school in which human blood is not readily available.



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Creature's Name: Jaydon Pierce

Nickname: Jay

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race/Species: Human

Height: 5,7

Personality: Jaydon is not the one you get along with easily she is very funny though when you get on her good side and she can be charming and sweet as well. Jaydon is outgoing and Sneaky she is absolutely rude, She doesn't really care what people think about her, She hates conceited people... Etc.... (is that good enough?? cause it was kinda hard to explain her personality)

Appearance(no description, picture must be provided):

Small Bio: Jaydon was and always is a trouble maker and always had rough life but everyday she tries to forget and make others feel bad because she's insecure sue to the past. So her "parents" send her to this academy to get her head straight.

Classes he/she/it Will be taking: Dark Class, Magic Class

Extra: She loves fighting....

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ScarsOfWonderland said:
Creature's Name: Jaydon Pierce
Nickname: Jay

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race/Species: Human

Height: 5,7

Personality: Jaydon is not the one you get along with easily she is very funny though when you get on her good side and she can be charming and sweet as well. Jaydon is outgoing and Sneaky she is absolutely rude, She doesn't really care what people think about her, She hates conceited people... Etc.... (is that good enough?? cause it was kinda hard to explain her personality)

Appearance(no description, picture must be provided):

Small Bio: Jaydon was and always is a trouble maker and always had rough life but everyday she tries to forget and make others feel bad because she's insecure sue to the past. So her "parents" send her to this academy to get her head straight.

Classes he/she/it Will be taking: Dark Class, Magic Class

Extra: She loves fighting....

yay! thnx
Creature's Name: Alphontse Underhill

Nickname: Al

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Race/Species: Werewolf

Height: 5,3 and 1/2

Personality: Quiet and secretive, this young man doesn't open up to just anyone. It takes time. Lots of time. He doesn't like crowded places due to his claustrophobia. Due to his lack of a left eye, his balance perception is a bit wonky. Al looks to be cold and cruel by appearance when in actuality, he has quite a big heart.



Small Bio: When Al was a child, he wondered why his hair was so white and so different from all the other little kids. He was kept in the dark about his species his whole life. On Al's fifteenth birthday, his parents decided to tell him and it didn't go over so well. Alphontse ran away from home. He had to get used to the werewolf life on his own and he did, for two whole years. That's when Monster Academy found him. The headmaster had taken him in as his adopted son and decided to raise him right at the school with other kids like him.

Classes he will be taking: Animal Knowledge, Dark Class, and Music Class.

Extra: Al lost his left eye while he was fending for himself in the woods. A hunter was out, shooting arrows off one after the other in order to catch some dinner. Unknowingly, due to the full moon, Al was padding around as his white wolf form. The hunter saw a wolf, not a werewolf, and sent an arrow flying which pierced Al's left eye. Alphontse has never had many friends, some people would call him a loner.
Creature's Name: Angela Ride

Nickname: Ang

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race/Species: Demon-

Height: 5'6

Personality: Everyone believes that she is the shy, quiet, smart, and peaceful type of person but she isn't she has just become antisocial, when you do get to know her she is talkative, funny, sweet, caring, and violent when she wants to be.

Appearance(no description, picture must be provided):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-14_11-25-8.jpeg.9a6c1d0eb452a4b5de310637cbad0c74.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20540" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-14_11-25-8.jpeg.9a6c1d0eb452a4b5de310637cbad0c74.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
(her demon form)

Small Bio: When she was 5 her home was attacked by angels and vampires, out of the thousands of her race that lived there she was the only one to escape and she has yet to meet any other of her kind. She was found by a succubus and sent to monster academy after 12 years of being on her own.

Classes he/she/it Will be taking: dark classes, magic classes, music classes, animal knowledge

Extra: Hates angels and vampires, it will take her a long time to become friends with one if she knows what they are.



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Creature's Name: Kura Migami

Nickname: KK

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Race/Species: Succubi/Regular Demon

Height: 5'6

Personality: She is an extremely smart girl always acing her classes and forever being called the hottest nerd to walk the earth!

Appearance(no description, picture must be provided):

Monster Form:


Human Form:


Small Bio: Kura is still growing into her powers and dose not fully change when everybody else dose, ussaly she chamges once or twice a month unless her true powers are needed and then the demon side of her comes out.When Kura turns her raven black hair turns white and her warm purple eyes turn amber, her attitude dose not change though!

Kuras Mom was a Succubi that feel head over heels for half demon and then was sentenced to death after giving birth to Kura so she dose not have a mother but still has her father who has a girlfriend who Kura adores!

Classes he/she/it Will be taking:

-Toads, Lizards, and Insects(animal knowledge)

-Tunes, Notes, and Pitches(music class)

-Hair, Nails, and Skin(self care)

-Paper, Ink, and Water(art class)

-Elementals, Spells, and Magic(Magic class)

Extras: Kura also has a Symbol on her back that looks like a pair of wings and whenever anybody asks she says it is a Tattoo


Power: Kura can fly obviously and she has the ability to charm almost anybody she wants to.

Weaknesses: Hot/Cute guys, if she ever finds anybody she likes there's no stopping her from getting to him one way or another.

Strengths: She is an extremely smart girl always acing her classes and forever being called the hottest nerd to walk the earth!

Crush: A lot of people but none that she has taken seriously

Creature's Name: Usami Dartugia

Nickname: Dart

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Race/Species: Pure Bred Demon

Height: 6'8

Personality: Hes is bright in Math,French and most subjects abd and all around nice guy untill he gets mad.

Appearance(no description, picture must be provided):

Human Form:


Monster Form:


Small Bio:

Power: Super Strength, Speed and Agility.

Weaknesses: The fact that when he is in demon form all he thinks about when faced by an enemy is KILL! Unless a friend stops him.

Strengths: Hes is bright in Math,French and most subjects.

Crush: A girl that will be able to kick his but, he has not found one yet.

Other: Usami's parents were both pure breed demons coming from a long line of royal demons (In the underworld) He is the last left of his kind and is sought out by a lot of demon hunters!.

Classes he/she/it Will be taking:

-Toads, Lizards, and Insects(animal knowledge)

-Tunes, Notes, and Pitches(music class)

-Hair, Nails, and Skin(self care)

-Paper, Ink, and Water(art class)

-Elementals, Spells, and Magic(Magic class)
Creature's Name: Samantha Ruins

Nickname: Sam/Sammy/Sonnie

Age: 15

Gender: female

Race/Species: Mut.

Height: 5'7"

Personality: Shy, nice, sweet, lovely, keeps to her self usually.

Appearance(no description, picture must be provided): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf73425a8_SamanthaRuins.jpg.108b44aa537af011c13cb9834e858858.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20609" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf73425a8_SamanthaRuins.jpg.108b44aa537af011c13cb9834e858858.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Small Bio: My dad died when I was 3. I didn't know what was going on at the time. When I was 6 my mom decided to put me in a class to defend my self in. It was either karate or a weapon class. I chose the weapon class. I was taught how to wield a sword, dagger, and a knife. I was taught how to kill people, I was taught how to do a bunch of stuff with them. At age 14, my mom bought me my very first dagger. I hugged her because of it. I don't really like human touch. I don't really like people at all. At my age now, my mom put me in a hunting class. I was only interested in the Archery part of hunting. I don't like guns very much. I also was taught how to work a whip. I was raped and molested when I was younger.

Classes he/she/it Will be taking: Magic, Art, Dark




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Creature's Name:

Adeline Rose


Just Adeline. But feel free to make one up.


17 years old








Adeline is very short tempered and impulsive, causing her to do things without considering the consequences her actions can lead to. Despite her impulsiveness and short tempered nature, Adeline can keep a calm head in a dangerous situation, and is considered to be an amazing fighter. She is extremely intelligent in several ways, and has a very sharp intellect.


Human form:



Demon form:



(Eyes turn black when angry or frustrated)


Small Bio:

When Adeline was first born, she was a monstrosity. She was very bad at controlling her temper, and that led to her killing her own parents. From than on, Adeline took care of herself, and was exiled from her own family. However, she made it through the hard times, and she was brought back into the family once they saw how much she had grown up. They sent her to this academy as extra training, and to learn of other creatures around the world.

Classes he/she/it Will be taking:

-Potions, Poisons, and Piercings(dark class)

-Toads, Lizards, and Insects(animal knowledge)

-Elementals, Spells, and Magic(Magic class)


Do not anger her. You will regret it.

Creature's name: Arcus Elhromane

Age: 18 in human years

Gender: Female

Race/Species: Elf

Height: 6'0

Personality: Outgoing, kind, easy to start a conversation with, knows too little of what is outside the forest.


Small bio: Arcus comes from an enclosed elf village inside the forest, due to this she knows very little of what is outside the forest, but is open for new things. She talks very little about her past, but is very interested in the world outside. Arcus is a very skilled archer where she mixes in magical power to give her arrows a couple of more surprises than they would usually have, she has a large passion within art and music, where she plays a small lute and loves to paint. Her bow can also transform into two short swords, so if you believe that close combat will surely beat her, you are sadly mistaken.

Classes: Elemental, spells and Magic (Magic class) Toads, Lizards and Insects (Animal Knowledge) Paper ink and Water (Art class) Tunes, notes and pitches (Music Class)

Other: Due to her race she can communicate with animals, and have a high intelligence when it comes to everything that origins from the forest, animal life or magic, as she has been taught this from her own village. She also has better senses, she is a pure blood elf, which makes all of her senses three times better than an ordinary human.

Power: Her left eye can be used as a scope, to zoom in on enemies movement, but also be used to take a quick peek into the future to know her opponents next move. However, the future peek can only be used three times every 24 hour.
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have to finish later

Creature's Name: Metus

Age: 17 in human years

Gender: Male

Race/Species: Shadow person

Height: 6'9"

Personality: Joyous and

Appearance(no description, picture must be provided):

Humanoid form -


True form -


Small Bio: Shadow people are born of fear, from the darkest depths of hell they emerge.

A young boy has nightmares every night. The reality of these nightmares, the physical, feeling, breathing incarnation of them,

Classes he/she/it Will be taking:

what sort of creatures are allowed. I am asking so i can make sure my OC is acceptable in this rp 
even Nephilim? (demon/angel hybrid) 
alrighty then. and so you know..... my character i just thought of is kin to the four horse men. (not the biblical ones, but the ones from a video game franchise called Dark siders. if you have no knowledge of it, i can give you a run down of its characters and their attributes.) 
Name: Anya Mcintosh (Aka Annie)

Age:160 (16 in human years, since she ages slowly)

Gender: female

Height: 5 feet 10 inches

Race: Nephilim (angel/demon hybrid)


Human form

Small Bio: Anya was born to a nephilim named War, a horseman of the apocalypse in Scotland to a her mother in whom she cannot remember. When she was 10, he disappeared out of the blue, only her mother remained to care for her. at 14, she found out that her father had died trying to save mankind from Armageddon, that same night when she found out, she found out War had passed his powers he had onto her, which includes the ability to wield Chaoseater (his blade), wear his armor (since no other being besides Anya inherited War’s strength), shadow flight, and shift into Chaos form. at 15 she moved out and went to live with her uncle Death, who cared for her and gave her some of his abilities to use to help him reap lost souls. Which is turning into a Reaper at will, wield a scythe that no one but Death can wield. Death the died when she was 16, left alone with no one to care for her, she lived by herself, and learned how to control her powers in her lonesome. Decades later, she decides to attend Monster academy, where she will learn to better herself. (note, unlike War and Death, she can stay in her Chaos and Reaper forms as long as she needs, but has to be careful as her transformation will be permanent when used for too long. and she is also bisexual, but leans slightly more toward liking other girls than guys.)

Personality: timid, shy, affectionate, intelligent, Proud, Honorable, and caring to others, also violent to a high degree when angered. she is also easily set off by bullies and stress.

Classes she will take:Potions, Poisons, and Piercings(dark class)

Tunes, Notes, and Pitches(music class)

Hair, Nails, and Skin(self care)

Elementals, Spells, and Magic(Magic class)

Extra: She is an excellent weapon and armor smith, since her Scottish side has weapon and armor smith blood running through her body.

Chaos form

Reaper form with scythe death inherited

War’s armor and blade, Chaoseater (I know that there is a man wearing it, but i just wanted to show off the armor and sword.)
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Name: Victoria (Tori)

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Height: 6'1''

Species: Werewolf

Human Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/48680-wallpapers-ps3-wallpaper-cartoon-254875_800x600.jpg.88fa863a5b506d8b9f677649e372072c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21426" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/48680-wallpapers-ps3-wallpaper-cartoon-254875_800x600.jpg.88fa863a5b506d8b9f677649e372072c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

*She wears a golden bracelet around one of her arms and has one of ears pierced

Wolf Appearance

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/anime-wolves-wolves-10983865-623-800.jpg.a4b74253dccdb035dc2f8c2edb983d9e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21427" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/anime-wolves-wolves-10983865-623-800.jpg.a4b74253dccdb035dc2f8c2edb983d9e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Se has a very outgoing personality and isn't afraid to back down in a fight. She is a little tomboyish but when she feels like dressing up she does it very well! Due to her having never having lost a fight before she can be very cocky and downgrade people. But if she considers the person an equal or she befriends someone, you will receive complete loyalty and she would expect loyalty from you. She also has never ending stomach and continues to eat whenever and wherever she can.


Due to her still being slightly new to her new transformation her ears and tails pop out when her heart rate suddenly quickens. She loves to sing but she doesn't sing in front of others due to a complex, to counter this she plays the guitar very well. In addition to this she enjoys fighting and picking fights with others. She comes from a wealthy family but she lives by herself. After finding out that she was a Lycan Ace asked her parents to give her an apartment near to the school. Of course they were happy to due to the fact that they had been ignoring her existence for the past 2 years after her rebellious attitude had arisen. She doesn't mind though and is happy living by herself.

Classes that she will be taking: Animal Knowledge, Art Class, Music Class



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