MOEP - Abyssals

Alabaster Anathema

Junior Member
Anyone want to know anything off hand

i will say this much

at least one third of Solar Shards are now free of the great curse....minus they are abyssal exalted now...but still

Come to think about it, I never saw this one coming...

They have resonance, but, yeah, what happens to a redeemed abyssal... do the Great Curse comes back ?

I guess it could be justified by "the Neverborn just cursed your silly ass, just after you turned your back one them"...

But unless you make a house rule, yeah, logically, a former abyssal turned into solar should be freed of the Curse...

Thing is, does the Resonnance go away then... it can't be so "simple".
No i mean in the new book

it states that the neverborn lifted the curse from the solar shards they twisted into abyssals

so if you were some how able to turn said abyssal into a solar

he would no longer be affected by the great curse

thats what im saying
Obviously, a series should be based on capturing a Neverborn and the Unconquered Sun and using them as a laundering machine for cursed Solar shards.
Fuck redeeming abyssals...

MOEP said:
The Deathlords are nihilism incarnate.

But—and here’s thing—they don’t  have to

be. Each Deathlord was once a Solar Exalt, found

worthy by the Unconquered Sun to smite the un-

holy and bring justice and peace to Creation. The

Deathlords chose to reject that destiny and become

unholy, but their original natures just might still

be in there somewhere, buried deep inside a soul

steeped in misery, revenge and despair. It’s unlikely

that anything could fan that tiny, guttering spark

of humanity into a fire strong enough to awaken

a Deathlord’s long-forgotten self. If anyone could,

though, it would be an Exalt—especially a Lawgiver

who happened to carry within him the Exaltation

once possessed by the Deathlord herself.

Such a redemption effort would be an extraor-

dinary undertaking, every bit as difficult as figuring

out the Deathlord’s weakness in order to kill her. The

Solar heroes would need the inner strength to meet

the Deathlord’s cruelty with compassion instead of

a raised daiklave, as well as the wisdom and temper-

ance to resist the Deathlord’s attempts to corrupt

or slay them. Even then, it might not work. In the

hands of a good Storyteller, though, a redemption

saga can give the heroes an epic story that lets them

demonstrate the brightest and most noble attributes

of the Chosen of the Unconquered Sun.
Wow, now THAT's epic  :shock:

Could really work on Walker in the Darkness.

A solar carrying the essence of Meherin could do it (though it's not clear if Walker was Meherin, and if it is so, Meherin was one of the ruler of Denandsor).

But picture a solar "with he inner strength to meet the Deathlord’s cruelty with compassion instead of a raised daiklave, as well as the wisdom and temperance to resist the Deathlord’s attempts to corruptor slay him" :D
I rather like the idea of each Deathlord having one unique chink in their armor, thus leading to the story arc possibility of ridding the Underworld (and by extension, Creation) of their machinations.
I think it sucks.

Mainly because if one's weakness is found, then you still have 12 epic quests ahead to get rid of all of them...

But I don't like getting rid of the most charismatic vilains of the universe.
ha, it tickles me to think that a deathlords weakness could be something really simple, like...salad forks, or lactose intolerance

mind you, grand grimfork (salad variation) doesn't sound too implausible
Maybe it's your avatar, but I couldn't help but have severe flashbacks to AQ40 and BWL with the spellschool-vulnerable trash. >.<
I'd strangle the first person I ever see run something like that.
sorry, had flashbacks to larping where there was a monster (hag) that each individual one had an obscure method of being killed, like you had to shove a silver spoon up their arse on the 3rd wednesday of the month or something

the grand saladfork sprouted from my diseased mind from there

Rhapsody said:
Maybe it's your avatar, but I couldn't help but have severe flashbacks to AQ40 and BWL with the spellschool-vulnerable trash. >.<
alas, not had the pleasure of running those yet, but I believe out guild has plans, just for fun of course
I rather like the idea that each Deathlords have their own critical weakness stemming from their personalities. Just imagine the Lover, merely a moment after having discovered the transcendent joy of caring about someone, being stabbed by her true love. Her lover could have salvaged her from nihilism and maybe even convince her to work against the Neverborn goals, or, even at the least, someone's heart wouldn't have to be broken so pathetically. With all the power, all the forces and all the horrors she has, the Lover can't do anything but stare at her lover, trying to figure out what the hell just happened now. She can't, because she was so convinced that he would never hurt her as she would never hurt him. In the end, she gives up trying to escape the confusion. She embraces a form of nihilism that makes her millenia-long tyranny and psychopathy comically trivial, and she casts herself into the Oblivion.

Or something like that. I really want to see an epic philosophical verbal dual between a clever mortal and the Silver Prince which follows as the book hinted his weakness to be.
Just leave it...

If figuring out a deathlord's weakness was even possible, then only the Green Lady should have found it. And unless your game stops at the key event when one deathlord is defeated, then picture going after the 12 others...

The idea is cool dramatic and epic... but its application sucks me thinks.
And a redeemed Deathlord would be what? A regular ghost again?
Nope, I think it would just... be flushed into Lethe and reincarnated as a human who will be a chosen of the sun... again.

Yeah remember the "you cannot be blamed for what you did in the underworld because it is outside Fate" part  :twisted:

Since the last time fate registered the dead who became a deathlord, he was a solar, he is the ultimate form in the reincarnation process, he cannot really go higher.

Funny part is, the new solar could have memories of being a deathlord, from his own soul, but not from his essence... It could lead to an epic adventure (anybody remembers Star Wars: KOTOR ? :D "holy crap, I was a friggin DEATHLORD")
cyl said:
Just leave it...
If figuring out a deathlord's weakness was even possible, then only the Green Lady should have found it. And unless your game stops at the key event when one deathlord is defeated, then picture going after the 12 others...

The idea is cool dramatic and epic... but its application sucks me thinks.
You'd be right if the PCs were trying to destroy all Deathlords, but this secret weakness thing is more appropriate and dramatic for a series where only a single, specific Deathlord is the primary antagonist. :P
Yeah, but... what good does it do to you if you keep on the game past the point of defeating a specific deathlord...

I mean, just look at the Scavenger Lands... best place to run a solar game, 5 deathlords in the hood, Walker, Lover, Mask, the Eye and Dowager.
I kind of expected Abyssal Excellencies to include a pool reducer. Seems like they don't. Can Abyssals still consume dice of others?
I didn't....the SC 2.0 explicitly stated they wouldn't have such an Excellency. (The little boxed text on page 95; 'The Necrotic Excellency, Essence Entropic?') According to it, Excellencies affect only the Exalt themselves, being a manifestation of the Exalt's spiritual power channeled through the mortal core they once were, or something like that.

Though, the SC and Core book both say that they would have Charms with 'entropic' effects that eat other people's dice, but whether the Abyssals book backs this up remains to be seen. I don't have the money to buy a copy right now.
First Edition Sidereals were supposed to have Charms that changed the TN of rolls. They ended up with... 2?
I haven't read the Abyssal Charms thoroughly yet, but I don't think I saw any dice reducers... Kind of weird. Should I read more carefully or are they gone?
My book arrived today, but being a dumbass I left it at work.

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