Modifying Exaltations: The Reconstruction Gem (Artifact N/A)


(( - Edit: Gah, almost forgot. This is just something I'm looking for opinions on as well as getting vetted by people who know more than me about the setting. If you find any flaws in my logic/story or anything you don't like at all, tell me. I'm mostly trying to get second opinions on this before I try and pitch it to anyone.

Many artifacts were created in the First Age, some were mightier than others. The Twilights of the time crafted the greatest weapons and artifacts that had ever been seen, wonders that had never been seen before, and may never be seen again. Artifacts capable of amazing things, altering the very world around them with ease.

But what may have been the greatest artifact crafted by the hands of those First Age artifisans, could very well have been created after the Usurpation.

The Solars had been frustrated by their limited access to Necromancy. Frustrated and angered. Many attempts were made to push those limits just a bit farther.

One Ancient Twilight took a route different from those of his companions.

He had studied with Autochon and Gaia both, spoken with and studied the essence patterns of the Incarnae and his fellow Exalts, and as the pall of the Great Curse fell across the souls of the Exalted, with no being to question him, the Twilight's huberis grew. He became obsessed with accessing the power of the untainted Primodeals and that of the Oblivion, and in his pride and madness, decided that altering the Exaltation itself was the only way to accomplish this.

He was one of those who sought to slaughter the Dragon Kings to discect them and study their souls, unintentionally driving away Autochon not only with this, but his own dabbling into modifying the Exaltations.

In his huberis, he assumed that Autochon was simply unwilling to see his work improved upon.

The Twilight spend millenia gathering test subjects, performing expiriments, and losing his sanity. He fell to the Great Curse faster than many of his compatriots, and many a Dragon-Blooded died on his discection table, stained forever red with the blood of thousands.

He concluded that a simple ritual would not suffice, he would need a focal peice, an artifact to perform much of it for him. An artifact of power that would allow him to manipulate the exaltations, the power of the Yozi's and even Oblivion itself, fusing these with the shard of exaltation and increasing it's power.

And thus, the Reconstruction Gem was concieved.


Millions of mortals died, hundreds more Dragon-Blooded and a number of Lunars simply dissappeared in the Twilights domain. Questions were asked, but the Twilight's domain was at the edge of the Wyld, it was no surprise if the occasional Behemoth attacked and struck down the Exalted. The Twilight always provided the proper evidence for the Deliberative, leaning on the younger Solar's and diverting their attention.

It took centuries of work, and the sacrifice of millions, but the Twilight finally began to make a breakthrough. It would take a fusion of pure Wyld chaos given form, wrapped around an Oblivion core and weaved with the power of the Yozi's... and all given structure with the blood and souls of mortal and exalted alike.

This would be his focus.

This would be the gem that would allow him (and the rest of the exalted of course, it was certainly also for them, he wouldn't sacrifice so many for selfish reasons!) to fuse the power of Oblivion and the Yozi's with that of the Incarnae and the Exalted, raising the Exalted beyond simple Princes of the Earth, but making them Kings.

It was then that the Usurpation came.

However, that is not where the story ends.

The Twilight survived the first attempt on his life, fleeing the Dragon-Blooded and seeking his home, reaching it faster than could be anticipated. He set up his defenses, activated his many automona, sent out his demon gaurds and his armies... and truly began to work.

Terrified, truly afraid of the death he saw coming, he saw that the only way to put the fool Dragon-Blooded and Sidereals in place was to increase his own power! To become something more than a Solar! For what could mere Terresterials and Sidereals do to a new Primordeal? To a true Neverborn?

He removed all of the safeties he'd been working under, the barely created gem of power needed to be finished soon, whatever the risks to himself. The armies of the Twilight held off the Dragon-Blooded and Sidereals long enough that Calibration came around once more... and the Twilight did what was neccessary to finish the sphere in time.

The Twilight summoned a Third Cicle demon every night of Calibration, binding the greatest of the Crafts Demons to the singular task of creating the Reconstruction Gem, each was in addition to numerous Second Circle demons already working on the project.

He consorted with the Rakshasa and used his own powers over the Wyld in conjuction to rip the purest forms of chaos from beyond Creation.

He used the most powerful Necromancy available to him to rip Oblivion from the Neverborn and Soulsteel of his own manufacture, refining it until the purest Oblivion, no longer tainted with the impurities of Soulsteel, was in his hands.

Only five years later, five years of war outside his gates, each day the fools that dared attempt to usurp his throne pushed closer to his sanctuary, five years of a war of attrition to reach the Twilight... he succeeded.

The Reconstruction Gem was complete.


The Twilight did not simply succeed, if only it were that simple.

He crafted a wonder beyond that of any seen before... succeeding beyond his wildest dreams... and yet failing on a fundamental level...

The Twilight thought he merely succeeded, crafting a gem that would allow Solar's to access the power of Oblivion and the Yozi's in addition to the power they already wielded.

But it could do so much more.

The Twilight used the Gem first to fuse the power of Oblivion into his shard, granting him the power of the Neverborn and granting him access to the powers of what would come to be known as the Abyssals. He believed that this death magic would allow him to force back the foolish usurpers barely a mile from his sanctuary.

He was right.

The immense power a multi-millenial Solar, granted access to the power of Oblivion itself, completely devestated the Dragon-Blooded and Sidereals outside his gates, forcing their armies back all on his own. Had the Twilight simply done this every day, the casualties he would have inflicted on the usurpers would have been catastrophic, he may have even survived the Usurpation.

He did not.

Drunk on his own power, he retired to his santuary at the end of the day. If this was the power of merely Sol Invictus and the Neverborn... what would his power be if he also could use the power of the Primordeals? He would be unstoppable! Invincible! He could overthrow heaven itself all on his own and rewrite the world into something where no one could simply over-throw their betters like this!

That night, the Twilight's sanctuary vanished in a blast of power beyond that any had seen since the Primordeal War. A multi-kilo-mote explosion reduced the entire sanctuary and even some of the armies of the usurpers miles away, to mere ash as the Twilight unwittingly discovered a flaw in his design, discovering where he had failed.

The Reconstruction Gem, for all it's power, cannot give any Exaltation more that one extra aspect. A Solar cannot access the power of the Neverborn and that of the Yozi's. It is one, or the other, never both.

The Usurpers fled the area as the Wyld surged in, the defenses against it in that area destroyed in the explosion, however, failsafes in the grid kept the surrounding areas stable, preventing any further Wyld incursion.

And so, the Usurpers assumed that whatever the mad Twilight had done, was either powerful sorcery, a one time thing, or had simply been destroyed in the massive explosion.

They were wrong.


The Reconstruction Gem, by it's very nature, is the single most indestructible thing currently in Creation. Nothing, not even the concerted power of the whole Primordeals and Incarnae working together could even scratch it's smooth surface. It was the cause of the massive explosion, but it was unharmed by it, merely sent flying away into Creation by the force, burried and undiscovered for ages, it's power simply waiting to be used.

When it is discovered, it shall change the playing field of Creation buch like a bulldozer can alter a house. Whomever possesses the Gem will have power unlike what has been seen since the Primordeals themselves... and possibly power even greater than that.

((As for what it actually does, I'll post that after I get out of class))
Re: Modifying Exaltations: The Reconstruction Gem (Artifact

I'm guessing it didn't just make him into an Abyssal.

The only thing I'd say for setting features is that it needs to be clear that, if you use this thing, you aren't really a Solar any more. You may well have been planning that anyway, and other than that... Cool.
Re: Modifying Exaltations: The Reconstruction Gem (Artifact

So its a plot-driving Artifact N/A? Sounds good enough as that. Just don't expect us to tell you that a device that can monkey with an Exaltation should only be a four dot artifact.
Re: Modifying Exaltations: The Reconstruction Gem (Artifact

((No, it didn't make him an Abyssal, but-, you know what, you'll see :twisted:

And I'm not worried too much about that first part (except for inconcsistencies I might've missed) but about this one. This post and it's bits... I'm not too sure about, because it's the actual crunchy bits for the thing))

The Reconstruction Gem is the definition of indestructible. Nothing in any known realm can so much as scratch it, no power in existence can match it. It alone can change the paradigm of battle in whatever realm it is introduced, Creation, Yu-Shan, Malfeas, and the Underworld, maybe even all of them at once.

But what does it actually do?

In the simplest of terms: It has the power of plot.

At it's most basic level, the Reconstruction Gem has the ability to massively enhance the ability of anyone to manipulate Essence structure. Even a mortal who is aware of the full power of the Gem could cast Solar Circle Sorcery with the expenditure of a point of willpower and a couple rolls.

This exponential increase of power is cumulative, not additive. A mortal could access the Solar Circle of Sorcery or the Void Circle of Necromancy, a powerful Solar could surpass the collective Primordeals by themselves.

If they were aware of its full power.

As it is, only a select few Third Circle demons are even aware of the possibility of its existence, and many of them believe it was blasted further into the Wyld rather than into Creation, and even they are unaware of how powerful the Gem is.

These numbers are guidelines for the begining levels of power for the Gem, any limits are not of the Gem, but rather of what it is modifying.


The Reconstruction Gem, for all its power, looks very unassuming. It could easily be mistaken for a hearthstone (and this is likely what your players would think it is at first if they find it on accident).

It appears to be a perfect, crystaline sphere about the size of a chicken egg, a faded purple color that is darker at the center with the slightest green sheen in the light.

This is an illusion.

With charms that enhance ones ability to see and access Legendary successes on awareness rolls, the microscopic details of the sphere's construction become more apparent.

It is not truly a smooth, perfect sphere. Instead, thousands of microscopic grooves cover it in unusual swirling patterns, almost like a fingerprint, these grooves slowly shift and move at all times, sometimes fast enough for the naked eye to see, other times at the speed of the growth of ones fingernails. These grooves are millions of microscopic engravings of runes of power, each encompassing an aspect of reality.

The sphere is not truly a uniform purple, instead, it is an optical illusion. The gem itself is a dark red, much like freshly spilled blood or a new scab. The purple effect is caused by the thousands upon thousands of small blue-white fibers interwoven into the red gem, tangled chaotically around a core of blackness so absolute, it would hurt the eyes of any who could truly see it.

Entwined with these blue-white fibers is a sickly green weave, far more ordered and controlled, it holds the blue-white together and gives it a semblance of structure.

Essence sight or other forms of essence-based senses on their own reveal the Gem to be a coalesced ball of power, much like a hearthstone, but yet not. If used in conjuction with the Awareness enhancements, they are able to identify the red as the power of souls and blood given form and concentrated a thousand-fold, the blue-white is the contained power of pure chaos, the essence of the Wyld itself, the black core is a core of purest Oblivion contained behind and interwoven with layers of power to keep it from destroying a peice of Creation, the green is the power of all the Yozi's, diluted, refined, and purified a million times over to hold the other powers in line.

This is the Reconstruction Gem.


If someone assumes that the Gem is a hearthstone (and they likely would, there's nothing to truly indicate otherwise) they could place it within the hearthstone slot of an artifact they are attuned to.

This is not an issue. It works just fine if used in this manner as detailed later.

If the people possessing the stone suspect that the stone is beyond a mere hearthstone, or simply examine it closely upon first aquiring it, they might find that it's powers are far more reaching than simply that.

Examing it with Essence-based senses allows the examiner to make a roll of (Intelligence + Lore or Occult) at a difficulty of 5. Depending on how many successes they get, they may get more hints at the powers of the Gem. These levels are cumulative. This roll may be retried, keeping in mind the retry rules in the Core book.

  • Meeting the difficulty or a Threshold of 1 : This allows the character to deduce that while it is not a hearthstone, the Gem may be used as one, and a powerful one at that, having a vague sense that it deals with Shaping in some way. This only gives a vague sense of the 'hearthstone' abilities.
  • Threshold 2 : This many successes reveals a more detailed version of the Gem's 'hearthstone' powers.
  • Threshold 3 : This reveals that the Gem may be used to augment a Shaping attack, though not exactly how.
  • Threshold 4 : This reveals how it may be used to augment a Shaping attack (seen below)
  • Threshold 5 : Gives the impression that it could be used to alter exaltations themselves, though not how or in what way exactly.
  • Threshold 7+ : At this point, the examiner has a basic understanding of how the Gem may alter exaltations, though not how to do so.

Using it as a Hearthstone

If used as a hearthstone, the Gem acts as a five-dot hearthstone in all respects, though the Gem itself does not require attunement. In addition to respiring additional motes every hour, if the Gem is inserted into the slot of an attuned artifact, it also has these two effects:

  • It grants the attuned weilder a perfect immunity to all shaping effects that the weilder does not explicitly allow. This is considered a perfect defense against any and all shaping that is always on and includes unexpected shaping, even if it is not an attack.
  • It grants the attuned the ability to respire essence normally regardless of where they are. For example: A Solar with the Gem inserted into their attuned daiklave could respire essence in Shadowlands or the Underworld as if it were Creation. Or, an Abyssal with it inserted into their daiklave could respire in Creation or Shadowlands as if they were the Underworld. This does not remove discomfort from being in somewhere different from your own natural habitat, but it does allow you to respire essence normally. This is due to the Gem purifying and refining any essence in the area into something the weilder can better absorb. Reconstructing it.

Augmenting a Shaping Attack

If used to augment a shaping attack, the Gem cannot be in a hearthstone slot and must be either held in the hand or otherwise on the users person. Banished to Elsewhere with something like Many-Pockets Meditation does not count as 'on your person' for this power.

If it is used to augment a shaping attack, the weilder need not be aware of its power, merely have it on their person and not inserted into a hearthstone slot.

If these simple criterion are met, the Gem grants its possesor an extra five successes on all rolls involving Shaping and allows the possesor to automatically succeed at any shaping attack unless countered with a perfect defense. If another effect (other than a perfect defense) contests the automatic success, the automatic successes still apply in addition to anything else.

If Aware of the Ability to Alter Exaltations

If the person in possesion of the stone is aware of its ability to alter exaltations (Threshold 5+ successes on their examination roll), they may study the Gem and the runes upon it to discover exactly how it may do so.

By taking an extended dramatic action, the character may roll (Intelligence + Lore or Occult) to examine the stone.

This action has an interval of 2 weeks and a difficulty of five. In order to discover how to alter one group of exaltations, the examiner must accumulate 30 total successes. These dramatic actions need not be consecutive.

(This does not neccessarily require Essence-based senses nor powerful Awareness charms, but if the examiner does not have one of these, increase the difficulty by 3. If they lack both, double the required successes.)

((Use this template as a baseline for discovering any further powers of the Gem after these))

Every time the examiner accumulates 30 more successes, they may choose another group of exaltations which they are able to alter from the list below:

  • Mortals
  • Dragon-Blooded
  • Sidereals
  • Lunars
  • Abyssals and Infernals
  • Solars

When an examiner learns how to manipulate a group, they may alter someone that falls under that category (those categories) in one of two ways using an extended ritual requiring the Reconstruction Gem and the Exalted (or their shard).

This is a dramatic action requiring 25 hours of meditation and will. By expending 5 points of temporary willpower over the period with the being to be modified nearby (this may include the one doing the modification, hereafter refered to as the Sorcerer) the Sorcerer may alter the very soul(s) and exaltation of the affected.

  • All groups aside from Solars/Infernals/Abyssals may be turned into 'Akuma'. Either replacing the Yozi with the person performing the ritual or allowing the 'Akuma' to retain their free will. Doing this forces the 'Akuma' to choose a second flawed virtue as well as a second Limit Break from the Solar list. The source of the 10th point of Limit determines which Limit Break the 'Akuma' enters.
    Otherwise, these 'Akuma' gain all the physical advantages of an Akuma created by the Yozi's, however they are automatically able to learn the charms of one of the Yozi's as an Infernal might.
    This does not remove the Exalted's ability to attune to their own Magical Material, it merely grants them the ability to attune to Vitrol-Tainted ones.
    For the purposes of Holy effects, the augmented character counts as a Creature of Darkness.

Each individual group of exalts may instead be altered in a specific way according to type:

  • Mortals).- The Sorcerer may give them a 'false' exaltation. From the end of the ritual on, they age as a Lunar or Solar Exalt, they may freely learn Terresterial Martial Arts or Terresterial Circle Sorcery as a Dragon-Blooded might. They also share the traits of all exalted, including healing, resistance to disease, and all that other stuff I can't think of right now.
  • Dragon-Blooded).- May be given the power of all of the elements rather than simply one. The Terresterial exalt may treat all charms as 'in aspect' for the purposes of any surcharges. They also consider all Immaculate Styles 'in aspect' for all purposes. Interrupting the flow of a the charms in learning an Immaculate style does not increase the experience cost of learning other charms in any way, as if they were a Celestial Exalt learning the style instead. This ritual also automatically increases the Dragon-Blooded's Breeding background to 5 if it was less than such. If it was already 5, their Breeding instead becomes Legendary.
  • Lunars).- The Sorcerer may give them the ability to ignore the effects of their tattoos at will (They are still always active unless the Lunar decides otherwise for an instance and if they posses them in the first place). Also, all Lunars affected by this ritual gain free access to Rakshasa charms as if the Lunar was a Rakshasa themselves. They may freely create/discover these charms without a tutor. ((I'm not too sure on this one, I'm open to suggestions))
  • Sidereals).- ((I have no freakin' clue yet. I've got to read through their book again to get ideas and I'd like suggestions))
  • Infernals/Abyssals).- This grouping is unique in that it allows access to two 'types' of exaltations (Though it really only allows the alteration of previously altered Solar exaltations). The Sorcerer may use the ritual to purify Abyssals or Infernals (even against their will) as if the individual in question had been redeemed 'naturally'. If desired, this ritual may also shift a Solar into one of the two types of corrupted Solar. If the Sorcerer is aware of the Great Curse, they may remove such from any type of exalt with this ritual.

Solars, however, are a special case. The Twilight who crafted the Reconstruction Gem created it for Solars, to allow them to reach the power of Oblivion as well as that of the Primordeals. The ability to modify other Exalted (and mortals) was an unintended side effect.

((As this is getting long, I'll save what the Solar ritual can do for the next post as well as some of the other limitations to this.))
Re: Modifying Exaltations: The Reconstruction Gem (Artifact

((Finally got the fluff/defining the counter-part done, now for what you get out of it/the costs :| ))

The rituals previously mentioned are bought with experience as a Terrestrial Circle Spell and are treated as such in every way aside from their lack of mote cost and higher than usual Willpower cost. Access to Terrestrial Circle Sorcery is required to learn the rituals and they may be taught to others only while both teacher and student have access to the Reconstruction Gem.

Choosing the Solar ritual once an examiner of the Reconstruction Gem has gathered another 30 successes (or with their first 30) allows the examiner to perform a ritual on Solar Exalted (including themselves if applicable) to modify the exaltation.

Upon starting the ritual, the Sorcerer chooses which of the two options they are applying: Oblivion, or Malfean.


Both rituals give the Solar another peripherial pool calculated using their counterparts virtues instead of the Solars.

Both rituals allow completely free access to either Abyssal or Primordeal charms respectively.

The modified Solar may access this pool and charms only sparingly and for a limited amount of time, to be described later.

The Character gains a unique trait called Control and is rated 0 - 5, this rating may not exceed the Solars (Integrity + Essence)/2, rounded up as per usual for Exalted.

Both permanently gain the ability to attune to the respective magical materials of the ritual. The Ritual Obsidian grants the ability to attune to Soulsteel as if the Solar was an Abyssal while The Ritual Infernal grants the Solar the ability to attune to Vitrol tainted substances as if they were an Infernal or Akuma.

For the purposes of Holy effects, the augmented character counts as a Creature of Darkness, however, this does not exclude them from abilities that cannot harm Creatures of Darkness.

Ritual of Oblivion (Ritual Obsidian)(The Mask of the Dead):

This ritual requires a mass of Soulsteel equal to the mass of the affected Solars' heart. This is then shaped into a crude dagger while retaining the shape of a heart. (Resources 1 in the Underworld, Resources 3 anywhere else)

The ritual must be started an hour before dawn. Chanting mystical words over the Solar with the Reconstruction Gem in one hand, the Soulsteel dagger is stabbed into the heart of the Solar just before the first light of dawn crosses the horizon. The presence of the Reconstruction Gem is all that is required at this point, the Sorcerer (if they are not the recipient of the ritual) is no longer necessary.

The Solar dies, but their exaltation does not flee their body, neither do their souls escape. Instead, they enter a comatose state, their mind now in a battle for their soul.

The Solar appears in an empty world representative of their soul(s) with full essence and temporary willpower, still retaining any attuned artifacts and clothing they were wearing at the time, but nothing else. Across from them, is their opposite, their Abyssal counterpart.

This Abyssal counterpart is the ideal Abyssal. A twisted opposite of their Solar counterpart. This counterpart has the following statistics:

  • Attributes and Abilities = Same as Solar
  • Essence = Same as Solar
  • Caste = The Abyssal Mirror of the Solar's
  • Virtues = The Abyssal has the opposite Virtues from the Solar. One dot in Temperance becomes five and vice-versa. Only the Valor of the Abyssal counterpart is constant, it is always five. If the Solar has a high Valor as well, the Abyssal expresses it differently. If the Solar is honorable, the Abyssal is a berserker, etc.
  • Motivation = The Abyssals motivation is to beat their progenitor Solar, steal their life, (insert a twisted, abyssal version of the Solar's motivation) and then kill everything.
  • Charms = The Abyssal has spent an equal amount of experience on their charms as their Solar progenitor. They always purchase the Abyssal Mirrors of whatever charms their Solar has. Buying Necromancy in place of Sorcery and vice-versa where applicable. The Storyteller should try to keep the Abyssal along the same concept of charms as the Solar where possible, and buy the closest Necromantic counterparts to Sorcery Spells the Solar has when possible.
  • Panalopy = The Abyssal has Soulsteel versions of every artifact to which the Solar is attuned, if there is no Soulsteel version of the artifact (such as a Jade artifact without a Soulsteel counterpart) the Abyssal simply has the artifact instead. The Abyssal is attuned to any manse/demanse the Solar is and has the same hearthstones. The Abyssal also has access to the same backgrounds as the Solar, though few other than the Cult background will have any relevance.
  • The Abyssal appears how the Solar would if they were instead exalted as an Abyssal with the Abyssals temperament.
  • The Abyssal is a Storyteller controlled character.
The Solar must now defeat their Abyssal counterpart in a Battle of the Soul, following the normal rules for such as described later.

The pseudo-corpse of the Solar lays perfectly still, neither dead nor alive during the ritual, their anima flickering over their deathly still body, warring with the ghostly anima of their inner Abyssal.

When the ritual is completed, whomever the victor is, the crude soulsteel knife absorbs into the body of the Solar permanently. The souls consumed to forge the soul of the Solars' Abyssal counterpart and bind it to the Solars exaltation. The Labyrinth ore remolded into a metaphysical attachment to the Solars exaltation.

If the Solar is victorious, their anima flickers like a candle guttering out, the dark Abyssal energy fading with that of the Solars only for the Solars normal, living anima to flare up to the 16+ mote level as the Solar takes their first breath in a day.

This is the Third Breath.

Most are unable to stay awake in this state for more than a few minutes before the rigors of the Ritual finally take their toll and the character passes out from fatigue. (Make a Stamina + Resistance roll at difficulty 7 to stay awake for more than a minute after the end of the ritual. Remembering that the character is completely drained of motes and temporary willpower at the end of the Ritual)

Ritual of Primordeal (Ritual Infernal)(The Mask of the Damned):

This ritual requires a single Demon of at least the Second circle, or five separate species (and it must be five if this option is chosen) demons of the First Circle.

The ritual is begun an hour before sunset, the Gem set on the floor between the Solar and the Demon (or alternatively, at the Solars feet as the five demons are arranged around him in a pentagram). The Sorcerer begins the chant, calling upon powers unheard of in Creation. As the sun finally dips beneath the waves in the West, it flashes green as the ritual truly begins.

The Demon(s) burn away from the inside out with green, Malfean flames, creating a sickly green cloud of smoke. The smoke extends out towards the Solar, slowly surrounding them without touching them... and then it surges inward, forcing itself into the Solars lungs and under their skin. Few do not scream as the power of Hell itself forces its way inside and binds itself to the very fiber of their being.

Thankfully, as intense as the pain is, it is mercifully brief, in only moments the Solar passes out standing up as a green haze settles over them.

Much like in the Ritual of Oblivion, the Solar has been sucked into their own mind and soul... but while this seems very similar, it is also extremely different.

While the Soulscape encountered by Solars who go through the Ritual of Oblivion is quiet, almost still, oftentimes even serene... the Soulscape of those who seek the Mask of the Damned is a hellish place. Tainted by the power of the Yozi's, their Soulscape shows their memories, but in a twisted and deranged fashion. Their counterpart stands across from them and, much like in the Ritual Obsidian, the Solar must defeat their counterpart in a Battle of Souls and bring them to heel, however, as similar as this is, it is at the same time, completely different.

The Demonic Counterpart (use the rules for Infernal Exalted) has the following statistics:

  • Attributes and Abilities = Same as Solar
  • Essence = Same as Solar
  • Caste = The Sorcerer chooses the Infernal’s caste by their choice of Second/Third Circle Demon or by favoring one of the five First Circle Demons consumed in the ritual. If the choice is not obvious, the Storyteller may either roll randomly to determine the Infernals caste or simply use the ‘Mirror-Caste’ of the Solar.
  • Virtues = If a single Second or Third Circle Demon is used in the ritual, use their Virtues. If five First Circles are used, use the highest value amongst them for each virtue. The Infernal always expresses these traits in a mockery of the Solars’ own, expressing the Virtues in their negative value. Valor is expressed as vain-glory, Conviction is a cold cruelty and an unwillingness to see the other side, etc.
  • Motivation = The Demonic Counterparts motivation is to beat their progenitor Solar, corrupt them, (insert an appropriate Infernal Urge here related to the Infernals respective Yozi), and push the Solar as far into the madness of the Great Curse as they can (even if they are not aware of the Great Curse as it is).
  • Charms = The Infernal uses the Solars full experience pool to purchase charms, not just the amount the Solar spent on charms. Unlike in the Ritual Obsidian (in which the Abyssal spends the same amount of experience on Charms as the Solar does), the Infernal uses the Solars full experience pool aside from what has been spent on backgrounds. However, the Infernal only buys charms from their patron Yozi’s tree. This does not necessarily follow the characters current progression, though it generally follows a similar (if darker) one.
  • Panalopy = The Infernal has Hell-Tainted versions of every artifact to which the Solar is attuned. The Infernal is attuned to any manse/demanse the Solar is and has the same hearthstones. The Infernal also has access to the same backgrounds as the Solar, though few other than the Cult background will have any relevance.
  • The Infernal always appears as a twisted version of the Solar. One of the few constants between these apparitions is that the Infernals sclera is a sickly Malfean green and their irises are a tainted version of the Solars own.
  • The Infernal is a Storyteller controlled character.
  • The Infernal should represent everything that the Solar fears/dislikes about themselves as this is the mirrored component of the Solar that makes it part of them rather than simply a demon bound to their soul. Storyteller and Player should discuss what the characters deepest fears about themselves and the world are to best create the Demonic Counterpart and this fact should be kept in mind during all interactions between them. The Infernal also always embodies the Solars Limit Break and constantly tries to push the character to Limit Break.
    For example: The Demonic Counterpart of a Solar with the Heart of Tears Limit Break would always be crying regardless of what it was doing and would continuously bring up the times the character had witnessed suffering, pointing out their inability to help in any meaningful way, and would expand this as far as the characters knowledge would go, going so far as to accuse their progenitor Solar of being a failure for not freeing the slaves of the Realm, for not assuaging the pain of the dead, and any other such larger concepts that could potentially bother the Solar and risk them gaining Limit.
The Solar must now defeat their Infernal counterpart in a Battle of the Soul, following the normal rules for such as described later.

The pseudo-corpse of the Solar lays perfectly still, neither dead nor alive during the ritual, their anima flickering over their deathly still body, warring with the ghostly anima of their inner Abyssal.

When the ritual is completed, whomever the victor is, the crude soulsteel knife absorbs into the body of the Solar permanently. The souls consumed to forge the soul of the Solars' Abyssal counterpart and bind it to the Solars exaltation. The Labyrinth ore remolded into a metaphysical attachment to the Solars exaltation.

If the Solar is victorious, their anima flickers like a candle guttering out, the dark Abyssal energy fading with that of the Solars only for the Solars normal, living anima to flare up to the 16+ mote level as the Solar takes their first breath in a day.

This is the Third Breath.

Most are unable to stay awake in this state for more than a few minutes before the rigors of the Ritual finally take their toll and the character passes out from fatigue. (Make a Stamina + Resistance roll at difficulty 7 to stay awake for more than a minute after the end of the ritual. Remembering that the character is completely drained of motes and temporary willpower at the end of the Ritual)

The Reconstruction Gem's effects on a Solar are many and subtle. Both Rituals create a Soulscape within the Solar's heart, mind, and soul. A world which they may retreat to to meditate. Based off their soul and mind, a Solars' Soulscape is unique to them.

Colored by the power of the Ritual, Oblivion Soulscapes are often quiet, at low Control Ratings they are morbidly silent like a tomb or grave, almost desolate. At higher control ratings however, it is a serene quiet, small appropriate noises permeate the Soulscape and give it life.

Tainted by the power of the Ritual, Primordeal Soulscapes often resemble a manglement of the world-body of the Primordeal of which the Solar has the most charms and the Solar's own memories. At low control ratings, the memories in the Soulscape are twisted and deformed by the impression of the Yozi World-Body, their meaning and truth distorted by infernal power. At higher control ratings, the Yozi's World-Body is more tamed, closer to a true Primordeal than that of a horridly broken Yozi, and the memories are simply set within it with it as a backdrop. As pure as they can be with the distortion of time.

However, this is merely the backdrop of a war. A war between the Solar and his other rages here many times after the Solar undergoes (and survives) the Ritual.

In this alternate world inside their mind and Soul, the Solar must beat their Abyssal or Infernal counterpart in combat, be it Social, Physical, or Mystical.

Both Solar and their counterpart start out with maximum health and essence. Their counterpart normally has maximum willpower and virtue channels (though the Storyteller may decide otherwise for whatever reason).

Storytellers and Players who wish to forgo this extended (and sometimes completely unnecessary) combat scene may instead make a contested roll against their own pool of (Willpower + Essence), the player may stunt this roll by affirming who their character is and expressing the Solars dominance over the Abyssal portion created by the ritual. The Solar is also allowed to channel virtues for this roll. The first one to gain successes equal to the other's essence in this manner is the victor.

A Battle of the Soul may seem to take hours or even days for the Solar and their counterpart, but time is distorted in the Soulscape. When entering it through meditation or some other dramatic method, the Solar's real body remains in a comatose state for approximately twelve hours as a rule of thumb. If entered in the middle of combat, only a few seconds may pass in the real world even as hours of combat rage inside (this is probably best represented as a Miscellaneous Action).

If the Solar loses a Battle of the Soul, their counterpart takes over for a period of time as determined by the Solars' Control Rating. Also, roll a single die, if it is a success, reduce the Solars control rating by one. The Solar also gains a point of Limit.

This is a lot worse than it sounds at first. The Demon/Abyssal regains control of the body with full health, virtue channels, temporary willpower, and mote pools (Including the second peripheral added by the ritual itself) as well as access to the Solars attuned artifacts and charm-set, in addition to their own, which they can use freely with no surcharge. When the Solar re-engages their darker half in their combat within the soul, the Solar no longer has whatever advantages the Sorcerer had first imparted upon them. They must defeat their counterpart entirely on their own power.

Normally, if a Solar wins their Battle of the Soul they exit it with the same essence pools they had going in, but they regain all Virtue channels as well as all temporary willpower. Depending on the cause of the Battle of the Soul, the character may receive other benefits aside from not allowing his darker side to control him.

There are a number of situations that may instigate a Battle of the Soul.

  • The condition mentioned in the Solar's control rating is met.
  • The Solar enters limit-break. Whenever the Solar would enter limit-break, roll a single die. If it is a success, instead of their normal Limit Break, the Solar must choose to either enter a Battle of the Soul or simply allow their darker side to have control. The former counts as if the character had chosen partial control for their Limit Break regardless of whether they win or lose. The latter allows the Solar to regain willpower and such as if they had simply allowed the Limit Break to take its course.
  • A Solar may intentionally enter a Battle of the Soul with the explicit intention of increasing their Control Rating. This takes a full day of meditation to enter their Soulscape and properly challenge their counterpart, the conflict itself taking the rest of the night. If the Solar wins, they roll a die, on a success they increase their Control Rating by one. A botch has no problems in this case as long as they win. The Solar may not choose to use the (Willpower + Essence) roll off method to decide a Battle of the Soul started in this fashion.
  • The very Ritual that gives the Solar these powers induces their very first Battle of the Soul. As a special exception to assistence in this normally personal matter, the Sorcerer who performed this ritual may spend motes during the Ritual to enhance this first Battle of the Soul. Motes the Sorcerer spends are instead added directly to the Solars Peripheral pool regardless of limits or type. If the Sorcerer is using this ability on himself, he may explicitly increase his own Essence Pool for the purposes of this first Battle of the Soul. Effectively doubling his mote pool for this first battle and only the first battle. If the Solar wins, they subjugate their new, darker half, forcing it to bow to the power of the sun. They awaken drained from this first combat of the soul. Their mote pools are both completely drained, their willpower is completely spent, and they are considered incapacitated through bashing damage. These heal normally.
    If the Solar defeated their counterpart on their first go, they gain a 'Control Rating' of 2. If they defeated the new, darker side of them in a subsequent duel, they gain a Control Rating of 1 instead.

  • Control ----- : The Solar has no control over their other side. It reins free and controls their body, the Solar must defeat their other side in a Battle of the Soul to even gain control of their body once again.
  • Control â—---- : The Solar has only the barest control over their darker side. If at any point the characters wound penalty reaches -3, the Solar's counterpart rises up and begins a Battle of the Soul that takes up the characters next action with a miscellaneous action. If the dark counterpart wins, it steals away the characters body until the sun next crosses the horizon.
  • Control â—â—--- : The Solar has a passable control of their darker side, though it still strains against its cage. This level is functionally identical to Control â—---- except the counterpart only begins a Battle of the Soul when the characters wound penalty reaches -4 and the counterpart only controls them for the rest of the scene.
  • Control â—â—â—-- : The Solar has begun to subjugate their darker side (or it has begun to break free). At this control rating the Solar is only in danger of their counterpart breaking free when they would be rendered Incapacitated through combat. And even then, the Solar may engage in another Battle of the Soul to wrench control back on their counterparts next action.
  • Control â—â—â—â—- : The Solar has begun to master their darker side, bending it to their will. The character is only in danger of their darker side breaking free when they enter Limit Break. The character no longer pays a surcharge when using the wrong type of essence to fuel a charm.
  • Control â—â—â—â—â— : The Solar has completely mastered their inner demon or little death, gaining absolute control of it. The Solar no longer pays a surcharge when using the wrong mote pool to fuel a charm. They reduce the Limit-per-scene gain from tapping into the other power by one (to a minimum of zero). At this point the character is also capable of choosing which charms their counterpart learns. However, Abyssal Counterparts must learn Mirror charms when applicable.

((Gah, more mechanics in the next post, though I have a pretty good idea what I'm doin'))
Re: Modifying Exaltations: The Reconstruction Gem (Artifact

Did Aizen just pop by? :lol:
Re: Modifying Exaltations: The Reconstruction Gem (Artifact

Haku said:
Did Aizen just pop by? :lol:
I was thinking the same thing.

Just embed this in your chest and you're good to go.
Re: Modifying Exaltations: The Reconstruction Gem (Artifact

Well obviously :D

And no, Aizen did not stop by, I just yoinked Uruhara's idea. I'm still statting out what happens to Solars when they access the power, but its takin' a while to write up :|

I mostly know what I'm writing, but I don't know if the stuff comes across as 'balanced' or not.

Heh, balanced.

Anyways, that's a lot of what I'm asking, does the crunchy stuff for this thing seem fair? Given that it's entirely supposed to boost the power of the characters a full degree of magnitude regardless of type (Dragon-Blooded -> Celestial Level ; Lunars/Sidereals -> Solar Level ; Solar's -> Hax), does it seem right so far?


And does anyone have the slightest clue what a Siddie's alternate choice would be? 'Cause I don't have a clue :?

A Sidde can become an 'Akuma' OR a/get the power of (Insert Suggestion Here).
Re: Modifying Exaltations: The Reconstruction Gem (Artifact

Hmmm... Autochthon made the Loom of Fate, right?

And currently, Siddies don't have the authority to ask the Design Weavers of Autochthon to do anything- while Alchemicals can order the Design Weavers as well as the Pattern Spiders, seeing as Autochthon, like any good programmer, left a back-door in his creations.

Give Siddies some Autochthonian stuff, maybe? Seeing as they're Chosen by the gods that work one of his greatest creations and all...
Re: Modifying Exaltations: The Reconstruction Gem (Artifact

I don't have the Alchies book, so I can't use that to get ideas :(

Good suggestion though, I like it, I just can't implement it myself...
Re: Modifying Exaltations: The Reconstruction Gem (Artifact

Ah, shame. There may still be something you can do with that, just riffing on the theme of machines, his three great inventions- Faith, Dogma and Tools- and the whole "Look-at-me-I'm-a-Primordial" thing.

Then again, you may want to do something completely different.
Re: Modifying Exaltations: The Reconstruction Gem (Artifact

A thought. A lot of Sidereal fluff seems to be about their limits. They can't make new Charms of their own, their powers are diminished against anything outside Fate, they can't make friends with normal people, can't use most of their stronger Charms without asking for permission or channeling their power through toilet paper, can't even use their divine chocolate money to wreak havoc on the stock market without Kejak going all Grandmother Spider Mastery on their asses. In short, Ultimate Cosmic Power, itty bitty living space.

A logical trick would be to remove some of these metaphorical shackles and free up the Sidereals to do some real damage. Presumably, it involves giving Kejak an addiction to stocks.

Or you can give them God-Machine Protocols (an Autochtonian form of pseudo-Sorcery that's somewhere between the Celestial and Solar Circles in power). I guess that works too.
Re: Modifying Exaltations: The Reconstruction Gem (Artifact

God-Machine Protocols would probably work; unfortunately, they run into the previously stated problem of him not having the book...
Re: Modifying Exaltations: The Reconstruction Gem (Artifact

Well, if I could get a concensus on it (as in, is it on par with the other stuff I suggested), then I could just say: Siddies get access to Man-Machine and God-Machine Protocols as per Autchonians. :D

If that works (and it'd be awesome if it did), I could just say that and not worry about it, 'cause I'm not runnin' a game that modifies a Siddie like that, anyone who wants to yoink this for their own use and runs into the issue would probably also have the Autobot book.

Only issue is giving the Siddies something directly on part with the other stuff while still being thematic...

See, most of what this does is just infusing some kind of power into the exalted that shouldn't be there...

  • Lunars: Get either Yozi power, or a controled infusion of Wyld energy, allowing them to break some rules and tap into pure chaos. I know that's what they get, I just wasn't sure what it would do mechanically, so I went with not needing/able to ignore the tattoo's and able to learn Fair-Folk tricks freely.
  • Dragon-Blooded: Can either get Yozi power, or be infused with all of the elements, letting them ignore the whole 'In-Aspect' limitation thing as well as increasing their effective breeding, which helps in general.
  • Mortals: They get an infusion of AWESOME. Which basically amounts to a 'pseudo-exaltation'. Either that or the whole infusion of Yozi power again.
  • Infernals and Abyssals: You're actually yanking the power out of them and restoring the shard to normal, same theme though, just in reverse.
  • Solars: They get either an infusion of Yozi energy and kinda become Solar/Pseudo-Infernals hybrids... or they get an infusion of Oblvion and become a Solar/Abyssal cross.

My problem is: What can I shove into a Siddies exaltation (other than Yozi power) that could give them powers on a similar level...?
Re: Modifying Exaltations: The Reconstruction Gem (Artifact

If you go with the pattern-weaving option (which I think would work), I'd say they immediately gain the equivalent of the Man-Machine and God-Machine Weaving Engines, so they can immediately start learning Protocols. Maybe let them freely develop Protocols? That'd seem to match with the Lunar ability to suddenly develop Raksha charms untutored.
Re: Modifying Exaltations: The Reconstruction Gem (Artifact

If a Solar is able to survive the Ritual (which is mostly defeating their counterpart before said counterpart gets them both killed) they gain certain abilities.

The Ritual Obsidian grants the Solar these advantages/disadvantages:

  • The Solar is now always able to attune to Soulsteel artifacts as if they were an Abyssal.
  • The Solar may now create and learn expansions for Dark Messiah Style (and any other Abyssal specific style) as if they were an Abyssal.
  • The Solar now respires Essence as either a Solar or Abyssal, depending on which would be more favorable at the time. For example: They regain Essence as an Abyssal while in the Underworld, a Solar while in a Shadowland during the Day, and as an Abyssal while in said Shadowland at night.
  • The Solar gains a -2 internal penalty on stealth rolls vs. Essence based senses due to the sheer weight and density of their anima, however they also gain a 3-die bonus to any intimidate attempts against someone who is able to sense/see their essence or a 1 die bonus to intimidate other essence users within (Permanent Essence X yards).
  • Attempts to determine the characters current permanent Essence score returns a half again as large as it should. Additionally, any attempts to read their current mote pools consider their Abyssal peripherial pool as part of their normal mote pools.
  • The Solars Personal Mote Pool is now calculated as ([Essence x 2] +Willpower) as this new, unnatural power conflicts with the absolute control required for their essence. As such, while they gain a second, larger secondary Peripherial pool which they control imperfectly, they lose some of the fine control required for their personal pool.
  • The Solar regains motes to their Personal pool first, but for every two motes they recover to one of their peripherials, they gain one in the other.
    For Example: In Creation, after emptying both peripherial pools, with no attuned hearthstones or cult, and completely relaxed, the Solar would regain eight points per hour to their Solar Peripherial pool and four to their Abyssal Peripherial pool. In the Underworld, the same Solar in the same situation would regain eight motes per hour to their Abyssal pool and four per hour to their Solar pool.

The Ritual Infernal grants the Solar these advantages/disadvantages:

  • The Solar may now attune to any Vitrol-Purified/Hell-Tainted materials as if they were an Infernal.
  • The Solar may now create and learn expansions for Infernal Monster Style (and any other Inferna/Yozi specific styles) as if they were an Infernal.
  • The Solar gains a -2 internal penalty on stealth rolls vs. Essence based senses due to the sheer weight and density of their anima, however they also gain a 3-die bonus to any intimidate attempts against someone who is able to sense/see their essence or a 1 die bonus to intimidate other essence users within (Permanent Essence X yards).
  • The Solar recieves a 2-die bonus on any intimidate attempts against demons of equal or lower Essence. This stacks with the above bonus where applicable.
  • Attempts to determine the characters current permanent Essence score returns a half again as large as it should. Additionally, any attempts to read their current mote pools consider their Abyssal peripherial pool as part of their normal mote pools.
  • The Solar regains motes their Personal Essence pool first. Once it is full, the Solar regains motes in their Solar Peripherial pool. Only once that is full do they finally regain motes to their Infernal Peripherial pool. All at the normal Solar rate for the area.
  • The Solars Personal Mote Pool is now calculated as ([Essence x 2] +Willpower) as this new, unnatural power conflicts with the absolute control required for their essence. As such, while they gain a second, larger secondary Peripherial pool which they control imperfectly, they lose some of the fine control required for their personal pool.
  • Whenever the Solar rolls limit due to meeting the condition of their specific Virtue Flaw, they roll normally. However, they are also to reroll the dice as if they had used the Third Ability Excellency on the roll, taking the roll with the most successes to determine the points of Limit gained. This is due to the darkest side of them whispering into their ear and into their soul, tugging at them and pushing them towards Limit Break.

These are merely the permanent changes to the Solars nature, adding a second, darker pool of essence to their own and wedging a dark counterpart into their very soul.

However, in order to access this second pool (as well as the charms of their dark counterpart) the Solar must take a special action known as 'Donning the Mask' (which hereafter may be refferred to as DtM).

Donning the Mask is a Speed 8, DV -3 action that counts as a miscellaneous action. This grants access to the second peripherial pool as well as the charms of their Dark Counterpart for a number of ticks equal to (Permanent Willpower + Control rating). Donning the Mask automatically sets the Solars Solar Anima banner as if they had used 11+ peripherial motes.

When taking the DtM action, the character must pay 2 wp and rolls their Essence in dice, gaining the successes as Limit (Recipients of the Ritual Infernal do not reroll this Limit).

* If the Solar uses DtM more than once in a scene, they only roll for Limit the first time in the scene.

While the Solar has access to both pools, track their anima banner for each one individually. Taking any effects into account, all effects explicitly stack. Stealth penalties, and any bonuses from anima banners explicitly stack when both pools are at the 11+ levels.

The Solar also gains access to a special set of charms. These charms require a certain Control Rating to learn as stated and generally do not have an effect if the Solars Control Rating later drops below that level, though there are exceptions and they will be noted in the description of the charm.

(Insert Totally Awesome Name Here)

Cost: - Mins: Control 2, Essence 2 Type: Permanent

Keywords: -

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Charms: None

(Insert really cool fluff here)

Subtract the Solars Control Rating from the speed of their Donning the Mask actions and reduce the cost of doing so by 1 wp.

Bursting with Power

Cost: - Mins: Control 2, Essence 3 Type: Permanent

Keywords: -

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Charms: (Insert Totally Awesome Name Here)

As they tap into the massive stores of power within their soul, there is a bit of ineffeciency. The Solar has learned how to harness that ineffeciency to their advantage, letting the essence coalesce around them in a physical shell, protecting them as they concentrate.

Forgoing sending their anima to the 11+ mote level, the Solar instead reduces the DV penalty of their DtM action by their (Essence). This is explicitly allowed to give the Solar a DV bonus at 4+ Essence to a maximum of +3. If the Solar wishes to send their anima to the 11+ mote level as part of this action, they must pay 3 motes as part of the Donning the Mask action. This does not count as charm use.

Channeling the Strength of (Oblivion/Hell)

Cost: - Mins: Control 3, Essence 3 Type: Permanent

Keywords: -

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Charms: Bursting with Power

With time and practice, the Solar has learned how to properly channel the power of their counterpart through their body, the second power no longer as taxing and explicitly unnatural to their body.

The Willpower cost of Donning the Mask is reduced by another point, removing it entirely in all but extrodinary circumstances. Also, instead of rolling Limit upon their first usage of Donning the Mask, the Solar instead rolls for Limit at the end of the scene, representing the sudden weakness and fragility of their psyche with the loss of the extreme power.

Surge of the (Unclean/Infernal)

Cost: - Mins: Control 3, Essence 4 Type: Permanent

Keywords: -

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Charms: Channeling the Strength of (Oblivion/Hell)

Their power settling, the Solar is able to call upon their second power more freely, almost naturally. Now it is the sudden loss of power that bothers them and strains their mind rather than the pressure of it weighing them down, and even then, they are more accustomed to the change.

From now on, the Solar gains a flat point of Limit at the end of the scene if she takes the Donning the Mask action.

In addition, the Solar may forgo taking the normal Donning the Mask action and instead Don the Mask as a Reflexive action that does not count against charm use. Every time the do so gains the Solar a point of Limit. This is in addition to the point gained at the end of the scene. Also, activating their Mask in this manner like this forces the power to last (Willpower + Integrity + Control Rating) ticks, regardless of any charms the character has that increase the time limit on the Masked state.

Containing (Oblivions/Hells) Might

Cost: - Mins: Control 3, Essence 2 Type: Permanent

Keywords: -

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Charms: None

The Solar, already a cauldron of unbelievable power, was granted even vaster resevoirs of energy by the Ritual. It is difficult to contain this immense power, but as always, the Solars are masters of whatever they put their mind to. The Solar has begun to enforce their will on their darker side, bringing it to heel and controlling the terrible power of their counterpart longer before it slips away again and their mask shatters.

The time the Solar is able to access their Secondary Peripherial Pool permanently increases by the Solars Integrity. From (Permanent Willpower + Control Rating) ticks to (Permanent Willpower + Control Rating + Integrity) ticks.

The Solar also finally masters their personal power once again, calculating the size of their Personal Mote Pool as ([Essence x 3] + Willpower) once again.

Bound (Infernal/Obsidian)

Cost: - Mins: Control 4, Essence 3 Type: Permanent

Keywords: -

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Charms: Containing (Oblivions/Hells) Might

The Solar has learned that just as they are burdened with their personal demons and little death, so are those flaws bound to them, merely a part of them given strength and voice by the Ritual. Their Counterparts power is theirs and they will not steal it away from the Solar.

Upon the purchase of this charm, the amount of time the Mask lasts increases from (Willpower + Integrity + Control Rating) to a number of 'actions' equal to the Solars permanent Willpower. Actions in this sense are defined by the time between DV refreshes.

Meditation of (Hell/Oblivion)

Cost: - Mins: Control 4, Essence 4 Type: Permanent

Keywords: -

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Charms: Bound (Infernal/Obsidian)

Centering themselves as they don their mask, the Solar can hold onto its fleeting power for even longer, the Mask no longer simply a brief surge of power, but instead a powerful wave of corrupted energies.

This charm permanently upgrades its prerequisite. The Solar adds their Integrity and Control Rating to the number of 'actions' the Mask lasts. Granting the Solar access to their Secondary Peripherial Pool and the charms of their Counterpart for a total number of DV refreshes equal to (Willpower + Integrity + Control Rating).

Becoming the Mask

Cost: - Mins: Control 5, Essence 4 Type: Permanent

Keywords: -

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Charms: Meditation of (Hell/Oblivion)

The Solar understands that Death or Hell is merely a part of who they are. All the Ritual does is give that part of them strength. A strength that is just as much a part of them as is the power of the Sun. Accepting this and the power it brings, the Solar has an easier time controling their Counterparts energies.

Once the Solar has taken the Don the Mask action, they may access their Secondary Peripherial Pool and the charms of their Counterpart for a number of Long Ticks equal to the characters (Willpower + Integrity + Control Rating).

Generally, this is the entire scene in normal combat time, however the Solar may now use their Mask in Mass combat time (and Social combat time if they so desired).

This is My Face

Cost: - (+1 wp, +1 Limit) Mins: Control 5, Essence 5 Type: Permanent

Keywords: -

Duration: Scene

Prerequisite Charms: Becoming the Mask

There is no Mask, merely a revealing of another face.

Once the 'Mask' is donned, it does not come off easily.

The Solar may pay an extra point of Temporary Willpower and accept another point of Limit when donning their second face to allow it to last for the rest of the scene regardless of time limits.

If Surge of the (Unclean/Infernal) is used while this Charm is in effect, the Solar does not accrue Limit with every Reflexive Donning of the Mask.

((And there's still more stuff to write~! :D ))
Re: Modifying Exaltations: The Reconstruction Gem (Artifact

Andoriol said:
My problem is: What can I shove into a Siddies exaltation (other than Yozi power) that could give them powers on a similar level...?
You could let them pirate god-style essence use and gain access to spirit charms. Stealing the power they are so close to, but unable to match ordinarily. The basic function of this (other than charms) would be bigger essence pools and the ability to mix and match any charms they like at any time with no need for combos.
Re: Modifying Exaltations: The Reconstruction Gem (Artifact

Virjigorm said:
You could let them pirate god-style essence use and gain access to spirit charms. Stealing the power they are so close to, but unable to match ordinarily. The basic function of this (other than charms) would be bigger essence pools and the ability to mix and match any charms they like at any time with no need for combos.
This idea, I don't like. Maybe giving them the whole God-Essence thing to give them access to spirit charms or somethin' yeah... but not the whole bigger Essence pools and mix-n'-match charms without combos. That ones a no.

That ones a BIG no.

A siddie's mote pools can be almost as big as a Solars, and bigger than a Lunars, just not as soon as a Lunar, they don't need more motes as far as I'm really concerned. Free access to Spirit charms alone, when they're basically surrounded by them, is a lot. And the free ability to mix-n-match charms when the big thing about Siddies is their MA's? Yeah... no... it's a whole step of power above of everything else I've suggested...


That said, is it in the power of the Reconstrcution Gem to do so? Yeah, probably, but it'd have costs due to the strain on an Exalted as they do something they're really not built to do.
Re: Modifying Exaltations: The Reconstruction Gem (Artifact

These are the ingrained powers of the Reconstruction Gem.

Either by Design of its Twilight artificer or those of the numerous Demons bound to the task of "Making the Gem as best they could", the Gem was originally built to modify the Solar Exaltations, Oblivion, the Wyld, pure Yozi power, and even Exaltation Shards in general.

These abilities are built into the Gem and encoded upon its surface in its millions of shifting runes. Through a (relatively) cursory study, the Sorcerer could discover how to properly manage the immense power of the Gem to modify the current Exaltations along certain lines and even shape the Wyld.

However, due to a fluke combined with so much raw talent and skill poured into a single purpose, backed by kilo-motes of magical power and thousands of years of previous research all thrown into one prototype, one experiment made in desperation... the Reconstruction Gem is far more powerful than intended.

It is able to fundamentally alter Essence, Wyld Chaos, Primordeal Power, and even Oblivion itself.

As such, someone who takes the time to learn the Gem's powers and practice its ability to shape the world at a whim can perform amazing feats (Probably best represented by buying a Craft (Essence Reconstruction) with experience as if it were an exotic Craft).

Some things the Reconstruction Gem can do in the hands of a skilled user.

The Reconstruction Gem is explicitly allowed to capture exaltations of recently slain Celestial Exalted. If the Gem is in hand, the Sorcerer may take a miscellaneous action (DV -4) during a scene in which a Celestial Exalted has been slain. This captures the Exaltation within the Gem with a succsesful (Wits + Occult) roll at difficulty 5.

Once an Exaltation is captured, it may be altered freely on a fundamental level (something not possible while the shard is still within a host). The possesor of the Gem may also grant the Exaltation to whomever they wish with a ritual similar to those used to modify still held Exaltations. The Sorcerer may also explicitly trim the shard of its memories or personality much as Lytek may.

The Reconstruction Gem may hold up to three Exaltation Shards at one time.

The Gem inherently makes organization into chaos into order. And it can do so even with Exaltation shards.

Beings of enough power can make Exalted Shards with the Reconstruction Gem, however, the Gem does not make something out of nothing, it merely shapes what is there into a new form.

As such, in order to make the exceedingly efficent and powerful essence converter that an Exaltation shard is, the Reconstruction Gem needs a powerful source of Essence to craft it from.

The essence from an Essence 2 or 3 Exalted is only able to make Exaltations of their own type and caste from their own power.

Using the Essence of an Exalted with an Essence score of 4 - 6 will allow the crafter to make a shard of any caste of that Exalteds type.

An Exalt with an Essence of 7+ can give their power to create an entirely new type of Exalted, however, doing so below Essence 10 causes the Exalted to lose one dot of permanent essence for every five Exalted shards crafted from their essence.

An exaltation cannot be crafted from the essence of a Non-Exalted below Essence 8.

This act takes six months, minus one week for every dot of Essence of the crafter as well as every dot of "Craft: Essence Reconstruction" they have.

((TBC later))
Re: Modifying Exaltations: The Reconstruction Gem (Artifact

to bad you dont have anything for the Alchemicals on this, if you still dont have the book pm me with an email address and ill send you a pdf version of it
Re: Modifying Exaltations: The Reconstruction Gem (Artifact

a possible for alchies is to allow them access to charms based on what caste of the creation exalted have without giving them grimlin syndrome, Orichalcum get access to solar charms, Jade get access to dragon blooded charms, Moonsilver get access to lunar charms, Soulsteel get access to abyssal charms, Starmetal get access to sidereal charms, not sure what Adamants would get though
Re: Modifying Exaltations: The Reconstruction Gem (Artifact


Siddies: In lieau of recieving the power of the Yozi's, a Sidereal may instead get an infusion of fate itself. This allows the Sidereal to consider themselves in or out of Fate freely in all situations, choosing whichever is most advantageous to them in any given situation. This also allows them to consider creatures normally outside of Fate as bound by Fate for the purposes of charms on a personal level. The Sidereal may also forcibly induct a creature normally outside of Fate *into* Fate. By spending 5m 1wp, the Sidereal may forcibly ensnarl a being normally outside of Fate with the Loom. Bringing them entirely under the purview of the Loom instantly as if they'd spent the requisite amount of time in Creation.

As a wonderful side effect, the Sidereal also accrues Paradox at half the rate they normally would and loses it at twice the speed, as their very strand of Fate organizes those around it, reducing the workload of the Pattern Spiders. It doesn't completely remove the snarls caused by their meddling with Fate, but it does mitigate them and appease the Pattern Spiders some.

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