Modernis Mundi as a PDF...and the TLSA Map is done.

Jakk Bey

One Thousand Club
They're done.

Where can I send the PDF?  Same with the map--it's a monster. 30"x20" and about 2M as a jpg. But, I have to say, that it is pretty.
I'm a fucking 'tard.  Thanks for reminding me.

You've got Gmail.

The map kills me. It's frippin' huge...
Preview size...

That map looks awesome Jakk, and I'm eager to see Modernis as a coherent document.


It was the first time I really delved into the GIMP, and there are certainly areas that are rough.

I'm not happy with the Wall, but I think the real purpose is to give folks the scale of the Creation in the Long Second Age, and give an idea where the new places that I described in the Modernis texts showed up.  A lot of folks were a bit confused as to where some things were, so I hope that helps clear some things up.  I may give it one more go, clean up The Wall, add the teocali that surround The Wall, and maybe prune out some of the vines if I can figure out how to do some custom brushes to replace them with trees, hills and mountains.

I had a blast learning how to mess with the GIMP though, and while I'm not entirely happy with the outcome, for a first run, I think that it fulfills its purpose well enough, and you certainly can't say I didn't give you enough material to work with.

By the way, I've also thrown these up on Thor. I've had DNS problems that I think are sorted out, so if the link doesn't work, wait a couple of hours and try it again.
Nice one, Jakk. This makes things so much clearer now. And whilst the map may be rough, it does, as you so correctly point out, do the job.

Yeah, but I wish I'd included my e-dress with it now.

Easy enough to track down here, not so much there...
I don't get what that Mac thing has to do with this thread.
Wordman loaded the GIMP for me on that iMac, and I've been learning how to use the puppy. My older PC wouldn't let Adobe convert files either.

My new flush with visual media is all wordman's fault.  And Macs just make it too damn easy too for Neo-Luddites like myself.

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