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Fandom MLP!

"this is good you got a good talent there"he said as he look at the picture for a second he saw another pony his evil side dark runner that was strange.
"why thank you"he levitate bowl of berry oatmeal and he started to eat the berry oatmeal.

((got to go to bed :sleep:))
Vixen Galaxia appeared in a halo of blue near the shop, her hair vibrating gently. The mare looked exhausted, four days of travel making her weary. There was a small column of purple smoke around her hooves, coming from her dark colored rings. She touched her horn to them and they instantly cooled down and begun recharging. Now where am I?
The mare turned to the little pony, curious as to who was speaking to her.

"So that's where I am..." she muttered. "Thank you for the welcome," she stated briskly, before starting to trot away.
Storm spotted an Allicorn in front of Rusty's house and landed down near by. "An Allicorn? What is a Allicorn doing here?" He spoke to himself as he trotted over.
"I'd rather not," she stated, earning a sad glance from the little one. "Maybe some other time - I am very busy."
Storm took off his goggles and looked at the Allicorn. "Are you new around here?" He asked the Allicorn, trying to welcome her.
Where are all these ponies coming from? "Yes, I am new," she replied to Storm, turning around. "But I'm busy and I have no time for you ponies," she added, not intending to sound harsh. She spread her wings and lifted to the sky slowly, looking for some peace and quiet.
"Nothing that concerns you," she said, facing the other directions. Will they please leave me alone?
Storm rolled his eyes and stood up, dusting himself with his wings. He glanced at the Allicorn before heading to the front door of Rusty's house.
Vi tsked at the unorganized state of Rusty's home. She wanted to do something about it, but that would be awkward, busting into a stranger's house to do some cleaning.
when he heard the word alicorn he look to the outside seeing a black Pegasus coming in

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