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Mizuchi Crush

Kazuo looked at his teacher and smiled softly. "Kurokawa-sensei I could never hate you for doing such a thing. If it's a one sided love that's okay. I can live with it." He whispered giving his hand a tight squeeze before giving him directions to his house. Looking out the window he bit his lip slightly a small sigh escaping his lips. "Kurokawa-sensei. Thanks for everything. I really appreciate what you have done for me this school year. You are my favorite teacher since I started." He said giving him a gentle smile that show pure happiness. Because to Kazuo it was true, he was one of his favorite teachers he never liked any of his teachers as much as he did Kurokawa and it did scare him slightly.

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xxxxKohaku stayed silent as he drove. A one-sided love, huh? He was definitely attracted to Fujimoto, but was it love or lust? Could he promise to give the fragile, perfect boy what he wanted? He grinned when Fujimoto said that he was his favorite teacher; many of his students had told him he was their favorite, but hearing it from Fujimoto made him feel warm and light inside. When he glanced over, Fujimoto's brilliant smile made him feel like he was flying. He wanted to make Fujimoto smile like that all the time. By the time they reached Fujimoto's house, the sun had set. "Your parents must be worried out of their minds. Do you want me to talk to them?" he asked gently.
Kazuo shook his head and grabbed his bag, "I'll be fine Kurokawa-sensei. I'll see you at school tomorrow." He whispered, "I told them that I stayed back for a little bit they said it was fine." He murmured and then got out of the car yawning softly, "I'll see you tomorrow." He murmured softly and then walked into his house leaning against the door closing his eyes tightly. Walking quickly upstairs telling his mother that he wasn't hungry he closed his door and got in bed. "I'm so stupid." He whispered holding his pillow tightly to his chest.

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xxxx"Okay. See you tomorrow." Kohaku waited until Fujimoto was inside to start driving home. He lived pretty far from him, but the long drive was worth the fact that things were less awkward between them now. When he got home, he immediately called up one of his friends and finished the rant that he had started with Fujimoto.

xxxx"Ah, well I honestly always though she was a little jealous of you anyways," Reihiko said.

xxxx"How do you mean?" Kohaku had been sitting on his couch for a while, staring at a framed picture of himself and Etsuki on their trip to an art museum a year ago. He was smiling brightly and she was staring at the camera. The photo had somehow captured the twinkle in her dark eyes, a twinkle that Kohaku knew had faded away around the time when they started bickering. He would miss that twinkle, her sulky mouth, and the way her fluffy wheat blonde bob curled at the ends when it rained. But it seemed that memory of her was fading fast from his mind, and he couldn't bear to turn the picture away from himself, lest he completely forget everything he had loved about her.

xxxx"I mean, you were always the center of attention when you two went out together. Maybe she wanted people to pay attention to her as much as they did to you."

xxxx"But she wasn't the type of person who begged for attention; that's what I liked about her!"

xxxxA short sigh. "Maybe that changed. Maybe she felt like she was always in the background."

xxxx"And how is that my fault?" Kohaku got up from the couch and retreated to his bedroom, changing out of his work clothes and into sleepwear.

xxxx"I'm not saying it's all your fault. I'm just saying... you both could've done better."

xxxx"Okay, I have to go. Talk to you later."

xxxx"Hey, don't be--" he hung up and put his phone on the side table, flopping into bed with a groan.

xxxxKohaku got to school on time the next morning, though not early enough to help Harada as he'd promised. "Need any help today Nagamine?" he asked the science teacher.

xxxx"Oh, you were a big help yesterday, but I think I've got the handle of this lesson. I think Imamura said he needed a hand?"

xxxxHe went into the English classroom, feeling weirdly disappointed until he realized it was because he wanted to see Fujimoto that morning. Maybe he could drop by in Fujimoto's second period.
Kazuo fell asleep with his uniform on without realizing it. He woke up the next day and sighed softly looking down at his crumpled up uniform. Rubbing at his eyes he got up and changed his shirt and pants. When he was done he walked downstairs and then went to the train station. He knew he was going to be late for school, but he didn't care. His first class was science and even though he likes Kurokawa he doesn't want to see him at all right now. Shaking his head at the thought he boarded the train and then got off when the train stopped. He got to school in a couple minutes going to the front office first.

"I'm sorry I'm late." He said sheepishly and then signed in for his second period class. He grabbed the pass the secretary gave him and sighed softly going to his locker. He was going to be a little late for second but that was okay also. Sighing softly he walked to his classroom and then walked to his classroom knocking on the door.

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xxxxKohaku glanced up at the door when someone knocked, but quickly went back to answering a student's question. It was probably just some kid who overslept. Fujimoto wasn't in class today, so he must have decided to stay home for the day. Kohaku couldn't blame him, not after everything that had happened yesterday. "So if you look for the key elements that Satoshi-sensei taught you to and remember the patterns, all of it becomes a piece of cake," he assured. Jintani grinned at him. "Gee, thanks Sensei! We can always count on you!"

xxxx"Oh, you flatter me," Kohaku said, laughing as the door opened. His laugh choked off as he caught sight of the head of white hair. He immediately turned his back on the door, feeling anxious to see Fujimoto despite his eagerness earlier that morning.

{{ sorry it's so short
Kazuo looked at his teacher and gave her a small smile. He then grabbed the worksheet they were working on, "If you need help Kurokawa-sensei will help you Fujimoto okay?" She said giving him a small smile. Returning her smile he nodded his head and then glanced over at Kurokawa sighing softly. He soon sat down and looked at the worksheet biting his lip, "Kurokawa-sensei can you help me please?" He asked softly raising his hand. He didn't want to ask for help, but because Kazuo was gone for at least half the period. And the teacher did say Kurokawa was going to help even though it killed him slightly inside to talk to the teacher. He would be civilized and try not to be hurt by how distant they were becoming of each other.

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xxxx"You should go and help someone else, Sensei, I don't wanna feel like I'm hogging you."

xxxx"G-Good idea, Jintani-kun," Kohaku stammered. He smiled nervously and turned away from the student. Someone raised their hand, and a familiar gentle voice beckoned him. He forced himself to walk slowly over to Fujimoto, his cheeks tinged pink.

xxxx"Sure, Fujimoto. You just came in, so you must be confused." He quickly went over the lesson, trying not to think of the warmth coming from Fujimoto's body as he leaned over his shoulder. He must be nice to hold. His hair must be fun to play with. It looked so fluffy and wispy and soft. He wondered if it smelled good too. Kohaku was still explaining, but he hadn't realized how close he was to Fujimoto until he bumped into him. "Ah! Sorry," he murmured, pulling back just a bit. He liked speaking to Fujimoto this way, this close. There was something intimate about the way he could talk in the shyest whisper and the boy would still catch every word.
Kazuo looked at Kurokawa and smiled softly, "Thanks." He said softly and then glanced at the worksheet nodding his head slightly. "Ah, thanks Sensei! I really understand it now!" He exclaimed giving him a gentle smile. Kazuo went back to his work and then began doing it himself. Kazuo just wanted to go back to normal, if Kurokawa didn't want to have more than a teacher and student relationship than to him it was okay. He would bare through the pain with fake smiles and laughter. All he wanted to do was talk to him again like normal. Blushing deeply when Kurokawa bumped into him he shook his head, "D-Don't worry about it." He mumbled looking out the window sighing a little.

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xxxx"Okay, I'll leave you to it. Don't hesitate to ask if you need anything." Kohaku smiled at Fujimori and ruffled his hair affectionately. The rest of the day passed as usual, and by the end of it he could almost convince himself that he and Fujimoto were back to normal, as if yesterday's events had never occurred. Almost. There was still the thin veil of tension present and underneath it was something he couldn't identify.

xxxx"Ah, Kuro-san! Could you please get me some paper from... where they keep copy paper?"

xxxx"Sure thing, Hayashi. Be right back." He swung into the hall and sent charming smiles at anyone who passed. The bell had rung only a minute or two ago, and there were still students leaving the building or heading for their club room. He ducked into the copy room (Hayashi could be so oblivious sometimes) and stood on his tiptoes to retrieve a sleeve of paper from the top shelf.
Kazuo rubbed the back of his head and looked up at the blushing boy named Seiji, he was a year older than him and someone he has seen around the third years. He was popular amongst them, playing baseball and everything so he didn't know why the boy was actually confessing to Kazuo.

"I-I'm sorry if this is so sudden Fujimoto-Kun." He said a small blush appearing on his cheeks.

Kazuo blushed deeply and looked at Seiji shaking his head, "N-no it's fine Seiji. I just I don't know what to do." He said softly looking down at his hands.

Nodding his head slightly Seiji looked at Kazuo, "I like you a lot and that's all I really wanted to say. I mean I know I don't know you that well, but I think we can get to know each other through this relationship if you want?" He asked softly

Kazuo furrowed his eyebrows and bit his lip, he really didn't know what to think. Maybe Seiji was joking around and heard he was gay? Looking around to see if anyone was coming sighing softly he ran his fingers through his hair. He really didn't know what to do, he still likes Kurokawa a lot.

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xxxxKohaku held the paper between his arm and his side. A sheet of paper escaped his hold and fluttered ahead of him, landing just past the door. He knelt to retrieve it and paused when he heard voices outside. One of the voices he immediately recognized as Fujimoto's, but the other was unfamiliar. He peered out from behind the door. His amber eyes widened as they took in the scene before him. A tall, blushing boy, a handsome boy was talking to Fujimoto. And not just talking, Kohaku quickly realized, but confessing. Fujimoto himself looked hopelessly lost and unsure of himself. Before he could weigh his options, Kohaku was already emerging from the copy room. "What are you two still doing out here, school's over! AH, Fujimoto, I need to talk to you about, um, homework stuff!" He took hold of Fujimoto's wrist before turning to the other boy. "And you, get to your club or whatever it is. Stop dawdling out here blocking people's way!" He led Fujimoto away without another word, wondering if he'd been too harsh on the other kid. Naaaah. They went up the stairs and slowed down as they walked down the mostly empty second year hall. Kohaku left the stack of paper on the table in front of Hayashi's room and then went into Nagamine's classroom, turning on the light. He pulled Fujimoto inside and closed the door, then put his arms on either side of Fujimoto's head, trapping the boy between himself and the door. He bent his head and whispered against the side of Fujimoto's neck, "Who was that you were talking to?" Kohaku didn't know what was coming over him now that he and Fujimoto were alone, but he really wanted to act on it.
Kazuo jumped slightly at the voice coming from down the hallway. Looking back he saw Seiji still standing there, he gave him an apologetic look before turning back to Kurokawa. Looking at his back he widened his eyes slightly when he felt his back pressed against the door. "S-Seiji." He whispered softly closing his eyes tightly, "W-why do you care Sensei? I'm just a student and getting confessed to is something that normally happens around here." He whispered looking up at Kurokawa shaking his head slightly. "P-please just leave me alone, I don't want to get hurt again." Kazuo said tears brimming his eyes once more.

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xxxx"I care because for some reason, I found the thought of you getting confessed unbearable," Kohaku admitted, raising his head. He was alarmed to see that Fujimoto was on the brink of tears again. "I don't want to hurt you, Fujimoto. I... I want you to be mine. I want to hold you and kiss away your tears and make you smile. I want to be able to do all of that without you crying." His lips quirked up into a pained smile.
Kazuo looked at Kurokawa and widened his eyes slightly the tears this time happy ones falling down his cheek. "Kurokawa I'm so happy." He cried softly holding onto him tightly and burying his head into his chest. "I want to do the same things you want to do with me Sensei." Kazuo whispered looking up at him.

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xxxxKohaku smiled and wrapped an arm around Fujimoto, wiping away some of the boy's tears with his free hand. "Then it's settled? Your mine, I'm yours?" he said lightly. He paused. "My first name is Kohaku," he said after a moment. He distractedly played with Fujimoto's bangs as he thought of what to say next. Though there was no end to the thoughts running through his mind, he didn't really feel the urge to say or do anything but kiss Fujimoto, but he wanted the younger to say whatever was on his mind first.
Kazuo looked at him and nodded his head slightly, "Yeah, I'm yours and you're mine." He whispered smiling softly and then bit his lip. "K-Kohaku?" He whispered looking up at Kurokawa and blushing deeply. "C-Can I call you that out of school?" He whispered softly looking down at his hands. "If we hang o-out." He mumbled softly shaking his head.

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xxxxHe laughed. "Course you can call me that outside of school, that's why I told you," he said playfully. "Your first name's Kazuo, right? Is it okay if I call you that outside of school too? Oh, that's right!" He released Fujimoto and went over to the desk, picking up a sharpie from the cup of pens. He walked back to Fujimoto and held up the sharpie. "Now where can I write my number on you?" If they were going to seriously do this, they needed to do it right. Kohaku was already imagining all of the places he and Fujimoto could go together. The movies, the amusement park, his favorite coffee shop by the river.
Kazuo looked up at Kurokawa and smiled softly nodding his head, "Yeah, Kazuo. You can call me outside of school Kazuo." He murmured a small smile appearing on his lips. He loved that this was finally happening to him. After so many years, it's finally happening and he's happy. Finally happy with his life. "Ah, here." He said softly, flip his arm over so he could write it there. "I'll text you when I get home." Kazuo mumbled a small smile appearing on his lips.

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xxxxKohaku gently held Kazuo's wrist with one hand to steady his arm while he wrote down his cell in a small, neat row of numbers on Kazuo's forearm. "And I'll text you back," he replied playfully. He tossed the sharpie back over his shoulder, and it landed right next to the cup it had come from. "Dang. Whatever, it was close." He turned his attention back to Kazuo and rested his arms on the boy's waist, lacing his fingers at the small of the other's back. "So, can we kiss now?" he asked, his voice dropping a note lower.
Kazuo looked at Kohaku and smiled softly, he then blushed deeply. "Okay good." He murmured softly, and then looked back up at his teacher. Nodding his head slightly he wrapped his arms around his neck and smiled softly. "Yeah, we can." Kazuo mumbled softly and then soon kissed Kohaku's lips softly closing his eyes tightly. He didn't want this to end, all he wanted was to be in his arms. Even if it was wrong, and he shouldn't be doing this. They shouldn't be doing this, but, they were.

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xxxxKohaku pulled Kazuo closer as their lips met. Hanging out with Kazuo made him happy. Seeing Kazuo's smile made him feel warm inside, made his heart stutter. Then there was this feeling. He felt like he was floating. He wanted to roll around with the boy like a kitten in a meadow of dandelions. He opened his mouth slightly as a test. He wouldn't care if innocent kisses were as far as Kazuo wanted to go, but making out was fun too.
Kazuo opened his mouth slightly to when Kohaku opened his. He looked up slightly and soon his tongue was in the others slowly tangling against each other's. It was actually a nice feeling for Kazuo a really good feeling, one that Kazuo was happy that he got to share with Kohaku with. Someone who he cares deeply about. And hopefully they could be together for a while no matter what happens in the future hopefully they can get through any obstacle. Soon Kazuo pulled away his face a deep red and his eyes closed slightly, "Kohaku." He whispered softly.

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xxxxKohaku gasped in surprise when he felt Kazuo's tongue meet his. The gasp was stifled by the other's mouth, of course. The floating feeling turned into a flying feeling, like he was doing something exhilarating and dangerous. Kazuo broke the kiss and Kohaku bent his head until their foreheads were touching. His eyes were lidded, his face felt red, and his mouth parted as he took halting breaths. "I don't think the last transit's left yet. You should go before it does. Don't want to repeat what happened yesterday, do we?" He raised his head and hugged Kazuo, squeezing the small boy tight before releasing him.
Kazuo looked at Kohaku and smiled softly, "Yeah, I should go." He whispered softly and then hugged Kohaku tightly breathing in his scent and closing his eyes. He soon pulled away and grabbed his bag, "I'll text you Kohaku. See you tomorrow." Kazuo murmured softly and then pecked his lips once more before leaving the room before he refused to leave. He walked out the door and sighed softly running his fingers through his hair at the nice breeze. Slowly walking down the side walk Kazuo closed his eyes, and headed toward where the transits were.

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