MIST (The Magical Institute of Science and Technology)

Name & Nickname (if has one):Axel Calibur (Aka Gearhead)

Age: 15 (looks like an adult due to being built from an adult’s body)

Grade: freshman

Human or Cyborg (Please visit lore tab for this one) Cyborg

Personality: Axel is very friendly, even though he looks otherwise. He is also very caring and affectionate to those who treat him like a normal human, but although, he is ever rarely treated like he is human. He is very volatile and unpredictable when angered, and will literally plow through a crowd if they are not careful of what they say. He is best with Fire. He is valiant and headstrong, and is known to step up for what is right, even if it is against those higher in social rank.

Bio: Axel was mainly built to be a law enforcement bot, much like Robocop, since he has the same design. But 6 months after being built, he gained awareness of himself, and his quirks and fascination of weaponry, and basically tried to befriend humans, but they turned him down every chance they get, whether if it’s starting conversation, or just saying hello. He rarely gets a friend, but they end up leaving without a trace. So he wanted to attend MIST, to prove he is more man than machine, and open the eyes of the human world of their bigotry towards cyborgs.


(This is the closest i can get to what my character looks like, although he is not holding any weapons.)

Blood type: O+

Any disorders: He has no ability to taste, since his taste buds were accidentally burned off while being built. he also cannot sit still, and gets distracted easily, which is beneficial in some cases. he also has a short fuse, which is never a good thing for a cyborg, especially him.

Liked things:

Friends (even though I have never had any)

Guns! Glorious guns!

Being outside at night

Animals that are passive

Smacking bullies around

all kind humans

Disliked things:

Being bullied


Ice (My circuits don’t do well with the cold)

Those who are snobby and rude

Getting angry (unless necessary)


Why do you want to join MIST?: Because, can’t a cyborg get some friends and redeem himself and his pride? I mean seriously, why even ask, just let me in so i can make history.

Do you understand that it won't be easy?: I love a good challenge, even if it is in school. @PixelScoreMC

Name & Nickname (if has one): Good day gentlemen, and miss. I have previously been assigned the title Sander Masterson. But I would enjoy being known as Cypher.

Age: I am currently labeled as a sixteen year old, however, I was not informed of the specific date on which my model was integrated into this body.

Grade: I am a Sophomore

Human or Cyborg (Please visit lore tab for this one) Cyborg of course

Personality: I have been labeled as socially awkward, and can understand and come to terms with these claims. My favored posture is less than average, my tone of voice seems off-putting to many, plus my walking stick is not the greatest tool to bring when mingling. Yes, I know what it looks like....No, it's only dangerous when I want it to be. The bag? Well, I do not currently have the synthetics necessary for a face. I prefer the bag over my metal endoskeleton in terms of appearance.

Bio: I was originally an A.I. that was installed into a ruined body several years ago by a Mr. Gregory. He basically wanted to bring back his dead son through cybernetics. He was an amateur, couldn't get me right. Left me with only my base blank slate of a personality and adaptability. And once he abandoned me in shame of his failure, adapt I did. I have been consuming knowledge as much as I can over my years of life. Until was able to get adopted after several orphanages, some cyborg collector who made me sit in a room 24/7 looking expensive. Of course, due to my still slightly destroyed body, he had to update me a bit for cosmetic purposes. On the bright side I'm very tall, and while I do find the outfit a bit overly customized I do enjoy it. Anyway, one of the people he showed off his acquired cyborgs to happened to be a researcher. After a thirty second conversation with me he purchased me from the collector in order to study me. It turns out, my particular brand of A.I. was actually designed as some sort of datapad helper that would search things up for people. Mr. Gregory had apparently pulled me right off a pad. Not only that, but I was supposedly never meant to develop sentience unlike some other more naturally sentient A.I.'s. Scientific wonder and whatever. Anyway, I became a project for the researcher and his team. And after a while, they informed that I would have to go to MIST so they could study my reactions, and so I could develop further.

Picture: Quite tall, but I am usually hunched or crouched, so it's less noticeable.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Faust1.jpg.13da444997c41b5a618e735a7c2e6cb2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36539" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Faust1.jpg.13da444997c41b5a618e735a7c2e6cb2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/faust-sp-stance.gif.c9f53d9a3911323b51ec4ce3b0622ba1.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36538" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/faust-sp-stance.gif.c9f53d9a3911323b51ec4ce3b0622ba1.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

Blood type: AB -

Any disorders: None that I am aware od

Liked things:

Calibrating and Learning

Almost everything else I can tolerate

Disliked things:

Sheer Ignorance

Why do you want to join MIST?:

As both a means of researching my reactions and developing abilities that would prove beneficial to me in the future.

Do you understand that it won't be easy?: Strife and conflict are necessary for any sort of progress, and I am expected to make progress. I do not doubt its difficulty.​



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Name & Nickname (if has one): Isaac Mckee (Nickname: Zero)

Age: 17

Grade: Junior

Human or Cyborg : Human

Personality: Isaac is calm and collective most of the time. He has nothing to complain about in life and is rarely sad but also rarely shows his happiness. Isaac likes to plan things out before he puts them into action. Though at some points, he can maybe be too serious, he does have a silly side.

Bio: Born a genius and raised into a rich family but never agreed with the fact that his parents gave him everything.He got a job and worked for everything he wanted or needed until he was 16 then after finding out about the things his father does underground selling illegal black market MDT's Isaac left and moved to begin a new life and enroll a MIST.Being a genius he prepared himself self teaching himself how to fight and also started creating two of his own custom class MDTs.

Blood type: A+

Any disorders: None

Liked things: likes people, the sun and snow,Sweets, cats, music and books.

Disliked things: storms, death, and more than anything, being alone.

Why do you want to join MIST?: Why would i not..i mean this is a really rare chance to become better...maybe even being the elite of my class.

Do you understand that it won't be easy?: Yes I understand...so i'll try my hardest and never give up.

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