MIST (The Magical Institute of Science and Technology)


Zero the Hero

Alright, please use the following template for your character. Also, do be kindly reminded that these are IC sheets that you turned in to be entered into the school, so act/spell like your character would.

Name & Nickname (if has one):
Human or Cyborg (Please visit lore tab for this one)
Blood type:
Any disorders:
Liked things:
Disliked things:
Why do you want to join MIST?:
Do you understand that it won't be easy?:
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Name & Nickname : Kaden Oberige (K)

Age: 15

Human or Cyborg: Human

Personality: Well I would say I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and maybe a narcisst, but being who I am... I think I deserve to have the best sets of qualities. I am also a very... Blunt person, who won't take no for an answer. A lot if people may call me a stick in the mud... But I think I'm just fine... Don't you?

Bio:I was born heir to the Oberidge family, a high class family who owns most of the hospitals in the world. I was very fortunate, I got everything I wanted and continue to, to this very day.

Blood type: O

Any disorders: OCD. I'm sorry, but how am I expect ed to function properly when things aren't clean, in tip top shape, and perfect.

Liked things:

Here's just a small list:

- School

- Cleanliness

- Cleaning Supplies

- Maids

- Servants

- My appearance

- My Intelligence

- My Tutor

- My dad

- Books

- General Knowledge

- Science

- Math

- Technology

- Etc.

Disliked things: Another Small List:

- Bad Grades

- Bullies (although many people may describe me as one)

- Idiots

- My MOM

- Too Much Affection

- Girls

- Flowers

- Outside

- Pools

- Dirt

- Non- Clean surfaces

- Trash

- Junk

- Smelly People

- Feet

- Bad breath

- Etc.

Why do you want to join MIST?:

I would love to add mastering this device to my list of personal achievments and things I'm better than everyone else at.

Do you understand that it won't be easy? No... I think it will be fairly easy, I've pushed hard to make it here and I'm not going to lose to any of the other people in this school... I'm obviously the most capable.
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Name & Nickname// Cameron Sicxto, it's pronounced "Sick-toh", but you can call me "Six"

Age// 18

Grade// Senior

Species// Kinda' difficult to get me confused with those robots.

Personality// This isn't some kind of junk mail personality quiz, now is it? Hey, man, either you take me or leave me.

Bio// [interviewer's Note: Applicant could not meet eyes and denied speaking. Records indicate very little documentation. To be investigated further.]



[Applicant is 6'2 in height, 185 lbs, muscular physique, dark reddish hair, gray eyes.]

I know, I'm a handsome son-a-bitch.

Blood type// AP, why? Well, I guess you people should know if something bad happened. Proactive. I like that, especially since trouble seems to seek me out.

Any disorders// Nothing unless my "sparkling positivity" counts.

Liked things// Food, I guess? [interviewer's Note: Applicant has not stopped fidgeting with his hands, has assembled and disassembled a ballpoint pen while speaking. Suggests perhaps an nervous release and an affinity for machinery? Upon question applicant remarked that it "hadn't clicked properly".]

Disliked things// Going hungry. People who act like they're entitled to the world. People who act like they are better than anyone else. The list goes on, but I won't bother you with it, I promise.

Why do you want to join MIST?// Not like I have anything better to do. But a smart fella' like me you really want out on the streets? *wink*

Do you understand that it won't be easy?// Maybe, but I gotta give it a shot, right? Other people can do it, have done it, they're no better than me.
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Name & Nickname (if has one): Esdeath Deathbell

Age: 18

Grade: Senior

Human or Cyborg: Human

Personality: She is a very harsh person. She is ruthless in a battle and is very cold to people she doesn't like. However, she is very kind to her friends. She is very strong, her strength rivaling even some of the teachers. She is very good at magic, but her best is at Ice magic.

Bio:She grew up in a small hunting village, where she developed strength and other skills. One day, when she was 12, she came home and everyone was dead. This didn't cause her too much emotional damage, though. She was raised with the motto, "Only the fittest survive, and the weak die off." She made sure she was going to be the strongest, so she joined MIST academy.


Blood type: A-

Any disorders: None

Liked things: Hunting, training

Disliked things: Most people, weak people, complaints, excuses

Why do you want to join MIST?: To become stronger than everyone else

Do you understand that it won't be easy?: I look forward to a good challenge.
Name & Nickname (if has one): Jason 'Janus' Collins


Now I know, you want to know all of this information so that you can keep it on record for later date, blah blah. Look, maybe a compromise? Yes. I tell you a bit. And you leave me a lone.

My parents. = bad. MIST = away from them. Away from them = good. Go figure.

Blood type: B+

Any disorders:
None that I know of

Liked things: I'm going to leave this blank...

Disliked things: Aggressive kids. Don't you dare put me in a dorm with those type. I'd rather be laid back.

Why do you want to join MIST?: Do you understand that it won't be easy?

Uh huh. Crystal clear. Just looks pretty interesting man, and I'd rather not be with my parents.

I wanna be water. I'm going to change my Cs a bit
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Name & Nickname (if has one): Amenophis Mubarak, you can just call me Amen. (A-m-in)

Age: 16

Grade: junior

Human or Cyborg: Human, I don't have time to be a cyborg chum.

Personality: Why the hell do you want to know? you'll find out when you get me.

Bio: Parents killed, blah blah blah, adopted by Principal, blah blah blah, happily ever after.



Blood type: B-

Any disorders: I'm no disabled freakazoid, go jerk off too other people with disabilities.

Liked things: I don't know why you would want to know this, but food. Definitely food... lots and lots of food....

Disliked things: I don't like fire. I was burned as a child by fire... fire hurts....

Why do you want to join MIST?: Because I don't have a choice you jack asses!

Do you understand that it won't be easy?: I don't give two damns, just accept my application already.

(OOC: I'm roleplaying the director and his adopted son.)
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(Let me know if anything needs changing, fixing or anything like that.)

Name & Nickname:
Allegria Reyers (Goes by Ally - Pronounced with a hard A and an E instead of a Y - Most of the time, though she dislikes this nickname)

Age: 17

Grade: Juuuuuunior? (I don't know grades.)

Human or Cyborg: Human

Personality: Ally likes to keep to herself most of the time... She's strange in that way, as most people around her do the exact opposite of that. She often appears to be detached from the world around her, though she's always observing it, thinking about it, contemplating the past and future. Ally's very curious, and she loves to find or preferably discover new things. If she feels strongly about something, she won't hesitate to completely break her shell and stand up for herself, though if she doesn't feel her adversary is putting their heart into their argument, she'll remain her calm composure. While she's very clever and strategic, this often goes to her head, and sometimes causes her to make silly mistakes - However, she often hides these mistakes well. Ally hates being complimented - Possibly on account of being humble or because she's trying to hide that she's not. Despite her heavy dependence on logic, she's a serious patron of the arts, and loves all things artistic, so long as they're not pretentious.

Bio: Ally was raised to love reality. She was taught everything and anything possible, from Science to Mathematics to History to Geography to anything you can name. She was taught about the Arts and grew to love them - Specifically Philosophy and music of all kinds, though she most liked the violin, and quickly picked it up. However, as she was doing all sorts of things, she was neglecting something - Her social life, which she never allowed to grow beyond her parents. She knew some social protocols, and how to handle herself in a formal conversation, though she knew little else. She learned of MIST, an academy specializing in "Magic", which she found intriguing - She hoped to find more people like herself, intellectuals, and additionally - Secretly - That she might make a few friends... Though that could stay to the side. Her future was more important than her social life, wasn't it?

Picture: Ally stands at about five feet and six inches.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c0fbdcf78_ididit.png.5b1c1e70daa45e4f83a96323cd911c77.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36185" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c0fbdcf78_ididit.png.5b1c1e70daa45e4f83a96323cd911c77.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Blood type: AB

Any disorders: Minor case of Avoidant Personality Disorder, and has asthma - She hopes that air 'magic' will help her with this, though she's not trying to get her hopes up. As a result of the latter, she often tries to avoid physical activity - At least in high amounts - And keeps an inhaler hidden in her bag/purse/whatever she has with her.

Liked things: Science - Specifically Chemistry. Loves Alchemy and the concepts behind it. Music - Classical, mostly Romantic Era music, though she likes a fair amount of other music. Ally likes writing, reading, poetry, and philosophy, be it in her own language - English - Or not. She loves languages she has no ties to - Or simply has remote ties to - Like Latin, French, Spanish, Russian and Japanese. However, she likes Latin the most. She loves romance, though she would likely never say so unless she really trusted who she was talking to, or knew they wouldn't act on that knowledge. Ally loves to learn new things, whether they're pleasant or not, as she hates being in the dark on anything more than knowing a truth, even if it's less than comforting.

Disliked things: Physical activity, of most kinds - Things she has to do or things she think might be interesting will be considered, but sports or serious, unsupported-by-magic movement will be turned away from immediately. Closed-minded people are a problem with her as well - While she's willing to see another's reasoning and even support it, even if they don't follow her logic, she cannot tolerate when someone will attack others' beliefs. She hates water, as she cannot swim (Never learned to + It's too physically draining for her). She dislikes being touched - Whether that's being brushed up against or being launched across a room from a punch, though the latter is obvious in its reasoning. Ally dislikes sleep, as well, as she believes it's a waste of time, despite being a thing necessary to function as a living thing.

Why do you want to join MIST?: "Science is a beautiful beast; It eludes us and amazes us with new discoveries, but it won't hesitate to bite back if we misuse it... Need I say more?"

Do you understand that it won't be easy?: "Oh, it's never easy. If it was easy, why would anyone want to do it?"



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Name & Nickname (if has one): Ace Follester

Age: 17

Grade: Junior

Human or Cyborg (Please visit lore tab for this one) Human

Personality: Ace is the quiet and humble type. If Ace finds something interesting or wants something, he will do whatever it takes to get it- no matter the cost. He takes his studies very seriously. His first result will be to insult you then throw a kick towards your face. Ace prefers to not stay in one place to long as he doesn't make many friends.

Bio: Will Be Explained


Blood type: B+

Any disorders: Er, no.

Liked things: Watching the stars, Martial Arts, and Reading. Smoking as well.

Disliked things: An area with lots of chatter or competition.

Why do you want to join MIST?: To prove to his parents he's not a joke. That he's worth something, that he can fight, that he is the best there is.

Do you understand that it won't be easy?: Why else would he want to join? Always up for the challenge.

Hope you like it.. idk
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Name & Nickname (if has one):

Luna Annalise Morgan

"Ann, Anna, Luna, L. "


16 1/2



Human or Cyborg (Please visit lore tab for this one)



Self-conscious, sometimes antisocial depending upon the situation. She usually comes across as accident prone, but is truly just clumsy in most ways. She's easily nervous around boys and usually avoids deep conversation. Sometimes strict and unapproachable.


Luna was raised to be the better of everyone else. Her mother was narcacisstic, therefore making Luna to think everything and everyone has to be completely and utterly perfect regardless of any type of excuses. Was told by her mother she must always be perfect in order to have love. She was taught no !an wants a broken girl. Thus, she acts heavily armored and sealed in.



Blood type:


Any disorders:


Liked things:

Nature, stars, the moon. Reading, Science, animals (preferably puppies and kittens) , music.

Disliked things:


Why do you want to join MIST?:

To escape from her mother for once and be normal rather than perfect

Do you understand that it won't be easy?:

Well aware the road ahead is rough, another reason being for her to join.
Name & Nickname: David Check

Age: 16

Grade: 11

Human or Cyborg: Human

Personality: Hard worker, very focused in most situations, enjoys dancing more than people expect.

Bio: Not a lot to say, I have had a few part time jobs over the years, I have good grades and own an absurd amount of books.



Blood type: O-

Any disorders: No

Liked things: Math and Science, good fiction, Heavy music, dancing.

Disliked things: Explaining myself, English class

Why do you want to join MIST?: It is a great opportunity for me.

Do you understand that it won't be easy?: Of course
Name & Nickname: Kristoph T. Mercer (Goes by either Kris or Krow T.)

Age: 18

Grade: Senior

Human or Cyborg: Well, unless you ain't able to tell by the fact that most of my head is metal and I ain't got human arms, I'm a damn cyborg. It's not some big secret or something like that, you know. I've got human bits, just like you do.

Personality: You wanna know 'bout my personality, to get in the school? So those fifteen brain scans weren't enough for ya? I can't believe this shit. Alright, so in case you haven't caught on from the scans, I'm unlikely to take any shit from anyone. I won't start a fight, mind you; starting fights ain't how my momma raised me. Now, if someone wants to try their luck and punch a dude who spent the last five years fighting for money, I'd be more than accommodating, since that's also how my pa brought me up. I like learning new things, as unbelievable as that is for some people when they see what I look like. I don't get you people, tryin' to act like it's some big deal a cyborg wants in the school and givin' him all sorts of scans and shit. Seems a bit rude, if you ask me.

Bio: Lessee, I was born in a fairly large family outside Jacksonville. Down in Florida, ya know? Used to be a huge port town, all kinds of Navy bases, back when that was a thing. Now its mostly just dock workers and farmers down that way. Beautiful city though, believe me. Anyway, I spent a lot of time roughhousing with my brothers and sisters down near the docks and all the other time dickin' around in the library reading about technology and all that. Learned a lot of stuff about things I ain't gonna be able to use. Well, when I was about thirteen, Pa kicked me out, saying something about how I ought to be able to get some sorta job or something with all the things he taught me. I mean, I don't hate the man or anything, but all he taught me was how to fight, so that's all I could do. I entered in some of the local fighting gigs around town, made enough that I could get some "enhancements" done, and the cycle repeated till I ended up lookin' like this and some of the old timers started calling me Krow T. Robot. I found out 'bout this school a few months ago, saved up enough cash that I could pay my way, and then here we are. Ain't much of a synopsis, but the things I left out ain't your damn business.

Picture: Can't see it too clearly, but I'm about six foot, two inches. Shortest one in my family, if you can believe that.


Blood type: Eh? Mostly oil at this point, I'm willin' to bet. I think it used to be somethin' like A negative or something like that.

Any disorders: I'm a pretty heavy smoker, yeah? Get like that workin' how I used to work and growin' up where I did. I guess sometimes I get that phantom limb itch in my arms too. Got medication for that, but even the act of moving my new arms to scratch the spot sometimes gets it. It don't always work, though.

Liked things: I like smokin' pretty well. I mean, books and all are nice, but nothin' beats a good smoke after a long day. I'm also pretty fond of any kind of sea food; fried, boiled, baked, you get the idea. Oh, I also like swimming, even though I really don't do it any more. Technician told me, "This shit is waterproof, but it ain't salt proof. Keep your ferrous ass out the ocean and you'll be good." It ain't easy finding any water down there that ain't salt water anymore, so I just gave up. I was saving towards a hot tub when I found out about the school.

Disliked things: I'm not too fond of horses. They're way too big to not be as smart as me. Bees, too. I don't like 'em. Too organized. People that try and say I'm less of a man because I'm a little more metallic than they are? They're right out as well. Damn bigots ain't willin' to admit that, hey, maybe a dude with two new arms is better than they are at some things. I say screw 'em. I worked hard to get these babies, they just don't wanna accept that I see what I want and go for it.

Why do you want to join MIST?: Simple; I ain't stupid, and I know that I'd be going nowhere fast in that festering swamp of a port town. I saw my chance to get out and do something and I took it.

Do you understand that it won't be easy?: Hell, do you know how hard it is to do what I did to even get here? This ain't supposed to be an easy ride. You gotta work hard to get anywhere and this school ain't any different.
[ Upon entering Alex looks like a little girl no older than 7 ]

Name: Alex

Age: 16

Grade: Junior

species: Human

Personality: Alex is usually very shy and quiet and doesn't speak out much for fear of people getting mad at him. Even though Alex doesn't get noticed a lot but his grades are excellent and he succeeds at almost everything he does. Alex has very few friend but tends to become quite bold around them do almost anything as long as he doesn't get in trouble.

Bio: Alex was born into a rather poor family but because of his brains managed to go to one of the most promote high school in his country where he is one of the top students. Alex tends to get bullied a lot because of his height and his looks, causing him to be shy and at times fearful of the people around him.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/anasmalleg41.jpg.2623fc309023b44cd60f40d429c5a728.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36255" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/anasmalleg41.jpg.2623fc309023b44cd60f40d429c5a728.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Blood type O-

Any disorders: None

Dislikes: Loud people or noise, when people mistake him for the wrong gender, when people mistake him for being younger than 10, bullies.

Likes: Animals, books, and music

Why do you want to join MIST?

To help further my knowledge of everything I don't know

Do you understand that it won't be easy?

Yes but that is why I want to do it because for the first time in my life something will be difficult for me to learn.



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Name & Nickname (if has one):Gaxey Moon



Human or Cyborg:human

Personality:um, well, many people describe me as shy...and agree. I don't really like talking to people and I'm always afraid that I was gonna mess up in front of everyone. But I'm actually kind of nice if you get to know me....I think...


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.fcbcc2c5f9ac7a32541093c6b7382feb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36256" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.fcbcc2c5f9ac7a32541093c6b7382feb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Blood type:um, I think it's type A-...why? Does it affect my likelihood of attending the school? I hope not...

Any disorders:well, I can't move or feel my legs. I've been like that for my whole life...I also have a growth disorder....I'm kinda short.

Liked things:um...I like silence...and flowers and gardens....and my wheelchair (I feel like it's part of me...).

Disliked things:well, I'm not a big fan of my father...um...I don't like crowds...and I don't like messing up things.

Why do you want to join MIST?:well...um...I want to help people...and I want to show people that just because my legs don't work, I still can be important and helpful.

Do you understand that it won't be easy?:um, yes I understand perfectly....



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Name: Florence Lore

Nickname: Lorey, Ren

Age: 17

Grade: Junior

Human or Cyborg: Human

Personality: Why're you asking me all these stupid questions? Did you lose my file or something? Okay, well, I'd describe myself as a strong person. Most of the time, anyways. I like to think of myself as a pretty good judge of character. A whole childhood spent in that hellhole can do that to you. Um, what else? You realise this is really awkward, right? Anyways, I'm always up for a challenge and some good fun. I'm not going to deny it - and you guys probably know this from my Freshman year - but I like bending the rules. You could say I'm a little bit of a rebel. I'm pretty headstrong and stubborn, so feel free to butt heads with me. I'm sure we'd get a good laugh out of it. Okay, fine, I'll admit it. I can be pretty temperamental, so uh, I don't know. Beware, or whatever. What else? Oh, I can be pretty impulsive and I've got a PhD in sarcasm. No joke. I love my friends from the tips of their hair to the ends of their toes, so if you hurt 'em? I hurt you. But let's not try to reach that stage, eh?

Bio: Uh, where to start... Might as well dive right into the deep end. My parents divorced when I was just a year-old babe. Both my parents remarried, and surprise surprise, both their new spouses were pretty distasteful. I live with my mom and my stepfather. He's an abusive alcoholic, who made the very wise decision of marrying a bipolar woman. Seriously, a match made in heaven or what? Things are pretty violent at home and, more often than not, I'm unwillingly dragged into it. But they've got a child now, so things are looking better. They're trying to change. I can get behind that. They might not be good for each other, but they're good for my sister. Anyways, I worked my ass off juggling multiple jobs to save up for my tuition fees at MIST and well, here I am in all my glory. Booyah.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/1680x1050.jpg.2825b00bef2ca61f20bcbf9a813f356c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36261" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/1680x1050.jpg.2825b00bef2ca61f20bcbf9a813f356c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Blood type: O+

Any disorders: Nope. I'm clean as a bean.

Liked things: Books, stargazing, music, laughing, Tetris, tea, rain... Really, the list never ends.

Disliked things: Cockroaches, answering these questions, bullies, messy rooms among a great many other things.

Why do you want to join MIST?: To escape my family, to learn, to get a chance to live my life as I've always wanted to? It's been my dream ever since I can remember.

Do you understand that it won't be easy?: Ha! Have you met me? "Not easy" is my middle name. So bring it on.



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Name: "Really you don't know my name?......huh I guess you have never seen my tv show."Amu Hatsune

Age: 16

Grade: junior


Personality: Amu's personality is beyond words. She's has a very crazy and hyper personality, making her very energetic.She's also quite oblivious and lacking knowledge in some areas, or math to say in the least. Amu is dense to some things, especially when it comes to love. She has a habit of picking up strays. She is also very kind, and will do whatever she can do to help people. Shewill also go to the full extremes if needed, as that is apart of her personality.

Bio: "You sure do want to know a lot. Ok well let's see. My mother happens to me a famous writer and I star in this tv show! Oh but she is not my really mother she adopted me! Now let's see I live with her my agent and house maid!"


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.609be9e4c4b78d8a88c67fd32bd48a15.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36269" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.609be9e4c4b78d8a88c67fd32bd48a15.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Blood type: O-

Any disorders: "none that I know of."

Liked things: "Oh! Well I like a lot of things! Um do you have time for me to list every thing this could take awhile."

Disliked things: "um........I don't know depends I guess!"

Why do you want to join MIST?:

"Actually my mom is forcing me to go. She went to the same school so now she wants me to go. But my agent is freaking out haha did you know that I found him off the street?! He was homeless and I took him in!.......wait what were we talking about?"

Do you understand that it won't be easy?: "oh I know it won't. The worst part about this is I'm terrible in math! Haha......oh man."



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Name: Peach Melba

Age: 17

Grade: Senior

Human or Cyborg: Cyborg

Personality: I’m cool. I guess I’m pretty laid back, unless something riles me up. People’ve called me cold or harsh, but I don’t think I really am. I’m more apathetic, if anything, and even then it’s about things I don’t care about.

Bio: I was born in a family. I got in an accident. I became a cyborg. I came here. The end.

Picture: I’m 5’4, a decent height. My legs can extend and hook onto things using the hooks on my feet. I can also extend the crane arm on my head. Most of my body is inorganic at this point, so I can replace a lot of parts on my body.


Blood type: My blood type (or what’s left of it) is A+.

Any disorders: If you count being a cyborg as a disorder, then yes. If not, then no.

Liked things: The things I like are:

-Minimal designs

-Reading fashion magazines

-Reading in general

-Cutting up fashion magazines

-Destroying things I dislike




Disliked things: The things I dislike are:



-Fancy buildings

-Clothing I consider gaudy and over-decorative

-Extraneous decorations

-Wastes of space

-Wasting time

-When people call me by my first name

-Or basically anything that I deem useless and annoying

Why do you want to join MIST?: The time is now, the future anew. And look at all the wonderful things you can do. I want to leave my mark on the world.

Honestly speaking though, I came here because I wanted to. Simple as that.

Do you understand that it won't be easy?: However much I wish it so, I understand that it isn’t. Stupid isn't the same thing as lazy.
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If I like your character post, it means you're accepted. Any and all questions about the applications, please ask in the OOC chat. Thank you.
Name: James Kyoshiro

Age: 16

Gender: male

Height: 5'9

Weight: ???


Disorders: He is stress prone, caused by a mind that runs at high speeds, and the fact he perceives time slower than normal people.

Likes: Learning, Training, A challenge, Socializing, Sweet food.

Dislikes: Secrets, Wasting time, illogical people and actions, spicy food.

Bio: James is called an “Image Child” a human made specifically to research, develop, and use new MTD tech. He was made and raised in relative solitude, so his social skills are limited, though he is charismatic and can please adults. A lot of countries pooled their money and assets into his creation. His mind and body is much more efficient than other people. He has already made many prototypes. He was trained thoroughly physically and mentally, though due to the genetic changes, his body stays lean and his muscles become more dense and efficient.

The skills he’s obtained: Cold reading: by looking at a person's physical actions and features, he can read them, sometimes like a book. In battle, he uses it to read opponent's moves but with enough moves, or enough sneak attacks, can be rendered useless. For now it's limited but will grow as time goes by/ data analysis: by taking in factors that he is aware of, he can come to conclusions on many things, with the accuracy increasing with how much he knows. As he grows the minimal amount information needed for an accurate prediction or conclusion will drop. / inventor: James is an inventor of many things. He uses tech to make up for his weaknesses. He likes to test things out in battle and sometimes it backfires. Inventor; RIght now, he is working on many prototypes all he has is Aegis, a secretly made hive of nanites with unknown capabilities. He was also taught martial arts by his guards, he is trying to create his own style, Jibun no Shitoku, “mastery of oneself.”

Description: James is a very beautiful femboy, and he likes to draw attention away from that fact. He has a slim frame (his muscle mass is a bit denser than normal, making him stronger than he looks) and soft facial features. His traditional wear is a black suit (vest instead of jacket) with a black dress shirt, a red tie, a black pair of boots with golden skulls on the tip. The metal skulls have runes on them. He also has black hair with purple highlights in a French braid. His eyes are also purple. His purple hair is striking as is his black hair with purple highlights, normally in a French braid down to his waist.

Why did he join: He was forced to join to increase the effectiveness of the MTD. He wants to be the best designer and bring on the new age of tech.


Name & Nickname

Avelia Aretino


17 years old



Human or Cyborg



Ever since Avelia was a little girl, she has always been very reserved with herself. She has a nature of timidness, and is often described as a shy or unsocial person. She hardly speaks. Avelia has a tendency of being emotionless, almost as if she were a robot herself. But her heart is strong. She can be bold and brave, but only in times of need or when someone asks her to be. Other then that, most of the time she is very quiet and prefers to be alone.

To some people's surprise, Avelia is one of the smartest people in the entire school, even though she rarely speaks. She spends most of her time in the library, being quite a bookworm and feeding herself information about anything and everything. Avelia thinks too deeply sometimes, and often is in a daze.


Unknown, for now

Blood type


Any disorders

Only an anxiety disorder, but nothing else

Liked things

-Any kind of book


-Peaceful and calm situations

-Earth sciences

-Writing stories

Disliked things

-Loud or obnoxious people

-When someone is too ambitious

-Abuse or any kind of violence

-Sour foods

Why do you want to join MIST?

"I want to build a life for myself. Discover new things about others, about anything in general. A normal person would never ignore a great opportunity when they see one."

Do you understand that it won't be easy?

".... I know it quite well."

A figure looked down on the registration form and frowned. 'How...trivial...' he thought as he slowly input his information.

Name & Nickname (if has one): Arvin Constellion Tomes but I shall be referred to as Tomes or Arvin. Any variation would be highly unacceptable and a grave insult to my name.

Age: Ah yes, this arbitrary measure of experience...I'd say 16-ish

Grade: I find it amusing that there are levels of education. I'd say I'm Junior

Human or Cyborg: Do I look like an emotionless halfmech to you, you ingrates? If you say yes I shall fling you out the window.

Personality: I've been told I am a good for nothing haughty arrogant braggart with absolutely no sense of humility. I find that to be untrue as I consider a person such as me to be confident and unafraid mixed with some wit and a dash of calm but they never hang around long enough to know that.

Bio: I could summarize my life in 3 simple words: "I'm rich bitch!". However I shall grace you with the story of my life. *whips out a book entitled 'The Life and Times of Arvin Constellion Tomes: A Work in Progress' an proceeds to read the entire book aloud. Basically he said things about being a misunderstood rich man that bored people to sleep. Heck, the most important thing here is that he was born. That was it.*


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/upload_2014-12-9_20-54-48.jpeg.65632c86a2e0176f092887b83a212546.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36485" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/upload_2014-12-9_20-54-48.jpeg.65632c86a2e0176f092887b83a212546.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Blood type:O

Any disorders: Me? Have a disorder? I think not good sir, aside from being rich.

Liked things: I like a lot of things. Here's a list. *Pulls out another fucking book entitled 'Things Arvin Contellion Tomes Likes. He likes a lot of things*

Disliked things:*Pulls out another fucking book. You get the idea.*

Why do you want to join MIST?: I think this would be good for me. I have a fairly high mental capacity and I'd like to put it to good use.

Do you understand that it won't be easy?: Of course I do! If it was I'd be very disappointed!



  • upload_2014-12-9_20-54-48.jpeg
    7.9 KB · Views: 49
Metaphysics said:
A figure looked down on the registration form and frowned. 'How...trivial...' he thought as he slowly input his information.
Name & Nickname (if has one): Arvin Constellion Tomes but I shall be referred to as Tomes or Arvin. Any variation would be highly unacceptable and a grave insult to my name.

Age: Ah yes, this arbitrary measure of experience...I'd say 16-ish

Grade: I find it amusing that there are levels of education. I'd say I'm Junior

Human or Cyborg: Do I look like an emotionless halfmech to you, you ingrates? If you say yes I shall fling you out the window.

Personality: I've been told I am a good for nothing haughty arrogant braggart with absolutely no sense of humility. I find that to be untrue as I consider a person such as me to be confident and unafraid mixed with some wit and a dash of calm but they never hang around long enough to know that.

Bio: I could summarize my life in 3 simple words: "I'm rich bitch!". However I shall grace you with the story of my life. *whips out a book entitled 'The Life and Times of Arvin Constellion Tomes: A Work in Progress' an proceeds to read the entire book aloud. Basically he said things about being a misunderstood rich man that bored people to sleep. Heck, the most important thing here is that he was born. That was it.*


View attachment 90703

Blood type:O

Any disorders: Me? Have a disorder? I think not good sir, aside from being rich.

Liked things: I like a lot of things. Here's a list. *Pulls out another fucking book entitled 'Things Arvin Contellion Tomes Likes. He likes a lot of things*

Disliked things:*Pulls out another fucking book. You get the idea.*

Why do you want to join MIST?: I think this would be good for me. I have a fairly high mental capacity and I'd like to put it to good use.

Do you understand that it won't be easy?: Of course I do! If it was I'd be very disappointed!
i already hate your character xD but luckily i have military privilege.
Thank you! But underneath all that he is a nice guy...well...relatively speaking...

I'm not sure if liking my post means accepted so I'll wait.

Ahh nvm...just found a post saying so...

...I don't know if I'm derping but do I pick what MDT class I want or is someone else supposed to do that for me?

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