Mission: What A CAT-astrophe!

Zayne Richards

Mood: Apologetic, then Confused, Regretting his decisions Overall
Location: J Lee Park
Nearby: Mole Man Damafaud Damafaud
Cat-Scratch Fever The Mechanist The Mechanist
"Fishy-Zelda Creature" Girl Gus Gus
Others not yet seen ( The Fuzzy Pixel The Fuzzy Pixel , Noble Scion Noble Scion , Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun , Lemon Boy Lemon Boy , Malikai Malikai )

Barrier Health:

As the cats dispersed, Zayne felt a sincere sense of accomplishment...that was quickly nullified as he looked down at the man in front of him. In his desire to avoid getting scratched up himself, he neglected to factor in how his actions would cause the cats to riddle the formerly-prone man with scratches. After a quick and quiet "Ah, shit", Zayne swiftly retracted his barrier, leaving it to rest invisibly around his body, then approached the Hispanic man, kneeling down as he began to sit up. "Sorry...lemme help."

As he reached out to grab one of the clinging cats in an attempt to remove it, many of them leapt off the man in an attempt to attack Zayne in response. Zayne flinched, expecting to be scored from top to bottom, but found their claws to do little more than scrape the surface of his skin. His barrier, while incapable of stopping them outright, had dulled the cat's swipes, lessening their severity and keeping them from clinging to him. While a few cats ran off after the initial swipe, others grew curious of the strange sensation of having their attacks dulled by the barrier, swiping at Zayne's legs to try to replicate the sensation. With a groan, Zayne swung his arm at the remaining cats, half-yelling "Get out of here already!" at them. With the last few cats gone, save for the kitten on the man's collar, Zayne stood up alongside him, ready to issue a true apology, when the sound of a bystander caught his attention.

"Was it you that shouted? I fell from the tree because of that, you know."

"Yeah, sorry abou-" Zayne stopped as soon as his mind registered what he was seeing, a young man...swimming? In the ground?! Zayne hesitated for a good few seconds, his brain needing a moment to reboot. Superhero school, Zayne, remember? You're gonna see a lot stranger than that pretty soon.

"Sorry about that. I just...he was being attacked..." He said while pointing to the Hispanic man beside him. After a brief second, however, he turned to face the man, his mind now racing with questions.

"...weren't you? I mean, they weren't really attacking you, but they were definitely acting strange, right?"

Before he could say any more, his thoughts about seeing stranger things came to life as a...fish girl from those Zelda games his brother plays?...arrived at the scene.

"Hello? I am from 108. I am come to help!"

In his mind, Zayne let out another Ah, Shit, not looking forward to the implications of a Superhero Student arriving here to "help."


Aid Ward
Location: Park
Spiky Red Hair ( ChaosZereul ChaosZereul ), Scratching Post Man( The Mechanist The Mechanist ),
Nearby but Unnoticed Since He is Laying Down: Fish Girl ( Gus Gus )

He was going to give Spiky Hair another piece of his mind, but the appearance of the man laying down made him pause. He had more scratches on his body than the scratches on the old couch in his house where Sopan, the cat back home, always sharpen his claws. Frankly, he felt pity for him. Well, some pity. He would love to poke the scratches, but he didn't really know him. Yet.

"Cats like you. Do you have food on you? Maybe that's why."

Looking around, there really were a lot of cats. And by a lot, maybe two or three cat lady's houseful of cats. Is houseful a word? He thought it fit how the park looked like. That orange tubby was still hanging on a branch, hind legs frantically kicking the empty air. Aid gave that cat a smug grin. See if he would spend more effort to save him. He deserved that! The rest of the cats didn't look so good as well. While some were running about, climbing on people and running from them, most had decided to climb up a tree and got stuck up there.

Aid sighed and laid down on his back, exposing most of his body parts except his legs which was rhythmically kicking up and down to keep him afloat. Cats are cute, no doubt of it, but he wished they know how to climb down as good as they know how to climb up. He couldn't left them up there either; He had a soft spot for cats. Aid stared up at Spiky Hair and Scratching Post. His legs were getting tired. He wanted to get up.

"Can one of you pull me up? I can't get up by myself. Oh, I'm Aid. Nice to meet you!"

Grandma always say to be polite when asking for help. Actually, he could get up by himself, but it involved jumping upward using the butterfly stroke and dolphin kick, and his face would ended up in the dirt afterward. He didn't want that.
GM Post
Tags: Maple Warrain and Eliza Nova
( The Fuzzy Pixel The Fuzzy Pixel and Noble Scion Noble Scion ), Aiden Fowler ( Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun ), Isaac Thorburn ( Lemon Boy Lemon Boy ), Manami Hamasaki ( Gus Gus ), Renellius Cortez ( The Mechanist The Mechanist ), Zayne Richards ( ChaosZereul ChaosZereul ), and Aid Ward ( Damafaud Damafaud )
The trip to the park had been a relatively easy trip. Some had it easier than others, such as Manami who showed up at the park first. Upon her questioning of what to do about the cats Lowe quickly picked up the walkie talkie to give a rather simple answer, especially coming from him, "Try to get as many of those cats down from the tree as you can. Safely!" Lowe had forgotten to say 'over' in his message, something that may not go unnoticed by everyone listening in. A few minutes after these instructions were given to Manami the car carrying the rest of our cat-saving party arrived.

While they may not have been there quite as quickly as Manami had they were still in time to see that just about all the cats had not moved from their positions. All fifteen trees still held their own cats. One tree in particular seemed to house a whopping thirty cats. Said tree was also beginning to tilt over, likely from the weight of the record-setting amount of cats. A group of three trees close to the entrance each held five cats. The orange cat's tree still managed to keep a hold of him, even if he was beginning to struggle with pulling himself up. Other than these trees there were cats spread throughout the rest of the trees in the park.

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