Mission: Report Cards [closed, staff only]


Mood: Impatient
Location: Staffroom
Company: Staff
@'s: B Bag o Fruit Teh Frixz Teh Frixz yoikes yoikes @St Stare Zahzi Zahzi Syrenrei Syrenrei ManicMuse ManicMuse Gus Gus
Director Swan "You're late, Miss Morgan. Meeting started five minutes ago. You've not missed anything though." Swan said casually as Page took her seat, her apparent hungover nature wasn't immediately apparent, but as the secretary settled onto the chair and seemed to exude an air of self loathing and regret, Jason understood. He'd been in this situation, luckily given that he had his own office and "official" things to deal with, Jason could get away with just hiding away until he could function. Unluckily it didn't look like Page had that option today. Deciding to give her a pass, Jason smirked and shot a subtle nod of understanding her way.

Looking up at the monitor as Penny fussed about a visitor, Jason theorised it would be Aaron as the mic cut off and Penny's less than dressed body jumped out of view... He was sure she was wearing at least a skirt before, apparently this was false.

"Should we hold off until the rest arrive? I know we should be under way already but it would be useless to have to re-explain everything that's passed as each new person comes in... Who are we still waiting on." Jason asked to the room, scanning the present faces as he did so. Aaron was possibly here, the new FHSO (Fire, Health and Safety Officer) Imogen was also missing... and Luther, apparently. Aaron and Imogen were probably excusable, one could take hours to get anywhere and the other was unused to travelling to the facility, it's possible she was entirely lost. Luther however should have arrived by now.

Reaching into his pocket, Jason pulled out a slightly dated smartphone before working his finger over the touchscreen with a practised finesse, and holding it up to his ear. With any luck Luther wouldn't be too far away and they could properly get started soon.
Imogen Jarsdel
a/k/a "Evermore"
Interactions: Penny Teh Frixz Teh Frixz
If Penny was expecting Imogen to defend her powers in any way she was going to be sorely disappointed. She waited for the sarcastic, witty commentary on her name, presumed parents, and abilities to conclude with patience. This was nothing compared to those that treated her like a walking shield that existed only to accept danger and harm on their behalf. Thus far Penny wasn't demanding her entrance or sending her out into a line of fire while treating her as an unfeeling object so she considered that a big bonus. Friendship was still a possibility. "It is boring," Imogen admitted with a shrug. It would be bad form to complain in the presence of someone who was radioactive, however. Supers suffered through much worse than longevity and exceptional self-healing on a regular basis.

"If you like I would be happy to bring you things you need or want on a regular basis," she volunteered as Penny stepped away and she was granted access. With a deep breath Imogen grasped the handle and pulled the door open, stepping inside as quickly as possible, and shut it behind her. She inhaled and exhaled slowly waiting to make certain the gamble hadn't been folly. Both externally and internally she was no worse for wear other than a subtle burning sensation that was spreading across her. It wasn't enough to be uncomfortable but it wasn't pleasant either. Imogen wagered a guess that it was the result of radiation damaging her and then almost instantaneously being cleansed by her system, with the pain tolerance mitigation the vast majority of the pain that would have been associated.

"I didn't know what you liked so I brought a little of everything they had fresh," Imogen told her hostess as she held out the box. It was larger than the standard Krispy Kreme container that held only a dozen as this one held two. Was this a bathroom? Hopefully Penny would invite her farther in than where she stood.

It was fascinating. Not the toilet, sink, or bathtub, of course, but Penny. This moment. Penny was oozing her radiation and saturating her abode every passing second and yet Imogen was able to stand here and endure it with extremely minimal effects. Every beat of her heart, breath in her lungs, and thought in her mind felt like a triumph. On the vigilante scene there were plenty of unbreakable supers or regenerators that didn't make her feel particularly special. But this? This was the first step she had taken that felt unique and important. Imogen desperately wanted to be Penny's friend. Despite their differences she believed they could be kindred spirits.
Luther Rousseau
Assistant Physical Discipline Teacher
Interactions: Jason Swan Giyari Giyari
It had been a late night for Luther. She had spent a good part of the evening with some of her best friends: Sir Whiskey, Mister Bourbon, and Dame Vodka. Morning had come all too quickly and after her shower she had spent a considerable amount of time in front of her mirror trying to find something acceptable for a staff meeting. Apparently her supersuit was a bit much for a work conference and a lot of her other clothing was too revealing. That left... nothing. Jason Swan, Director of Facility 108, would certainly not be pleased if she came to work nude. With a shrug of her shoulders she gave up on her hour-long contemplation and guzzled down a full cup of hot black coffee as she donned herself in a vibrant crimson shirt that had been sheared and seemed to end halfway between her chest and navel. Her standard black jacket shrug was pulled over this and her pants, albeit tight, did cover everything and were a mundane khaki. They had been a very recent and 'conservative' purchase. Luther jumped into her boots and headed out the door as she began to munch on a protein bar who had escaped its expiration date by virtue of being a resident of the pocket dimension.

"Running late," she noted aloud to herself as she jogged down the steps. It didn't much matter if she hustled now as there was no way to blitz through traffic and get there on time. She might as well enjoy her ride. Pulling her helmet out of her abdomen she snapped it on, hopped on her motorcycle, turned it on, revved her engine, and shot off onto the street at least fifteen miles over the speed limit.

By the time she arrived at Facility 108 she was definitely late but not as much as she had expected. Luther had failed to take her reckless driving into consideration when estimating the arrival time. With a smirk she parked her ride in the dead center of the parking lot that was less full than normal (there were no students today) and made her way towards the building with her helmet tucked under her arm. With any luck this would be a short meeting and she'd be blasting her way home in less than an hour.

Luther was in the hall and her hand was on the door when her phone suddenly came to life. The unmistakable vocals of Justin Timberlake were at maximum volume just in case she had gotten a call while en route and needed to be heard over the motorcycle's engine and the deafening roar of wind rushing by. "I'm bringin' sexy back," it announced as Jason Swan called her. It was too late to pretend it was anything besides what it was; besides, maybe their fine (and she did mean fine director) might like to know that the female population appreciated his efforts. "Yeah," the synthesized vocals followed as if in agreement with her mental thoughts. Luther turned the knob and strutted in with her usual swagger of confidence.
"Them other boys don't know how to act," it continued on. Luther pulled it out of her pocket and waved it at Jason Swan with a mischievous boss.

"Don't worry boss, I wouldn't miss a staff meeting. I do appreciate you calling, though," she added as she swiped up a muffin and shoved half of it in her mouth. It was still hanging from her lips as she took an empty seat at the table, waggling her fingers to the others in unabashed greeting. Before more of Mr. Timberlake's suggestive lyrics could be heard she turned off her phone, however, just in case Jason Swan wanted her to pretend she had more dignity than she actually possessed.
Urial Ursler
Location: Staffroom
People Around: Teachers! Lots and lots of teachers
Interacting with: Page, Swan, Ward & Rousseau
@'s: Giyari Giyari Syrenrei Syrenrei Zahzi Zahzi Teh Frixz Teh Frixz B Bag o Fruit ManicMuse ManicMuse Gus Gus yoikes yoikes
Mood: Happy

Blewp blewp, Teacher stuffz
Urial watched with a smile plastered on his face and his tail wagging as the rest of the Staff made their way into the room. There was Mr. Ward, who seemed far less friendly than the rest of staff and a bit more scarier when it came to physical appearance, but Urial didn't mind. At the very least he was honest with his opinions! Then came Miss Page, who seemed a bit off slightly, perhaps she didn't get a good sleep...that or she had been drinking, which seems a bit more possible because he recognized that aura of regret on her, not because he drank, lord he hadn't been able to partake in alcohol in centuries, but a fair few of his friends did and it was always a rather amusing sight to behold. Then came Miss Rousseau, who was playing some relatively old Justin Timberlake music, which Urial giggled at ever so slightly, she seemed to be in a good mood at least, well, in comparison to Mr. Ward anyway, who seemed less than enthusiastic to be here. She even ate one of his baked muffins, which he appreciated, they took a while to make and if people were enjoying them, then that made him happy!

"Well, greetings to the three of you! I hope you had pleasant mornings."
He stated in his usual joyous tone. Well, with the majority of them here, it seemed that they were soon to start, although it looked like they were still missing someone. Urial recalled Mr. Mallory from the park incident, he wasn't exactly sure what his power was, but he during that incident he didn't seem very agile, so his current absence was most likely no fault of his own.

Listening to Mr Swan's concerns over whether they should wait for the others to arrive, he believed they should. The missing teachers could provide some useful input when it came to the other students, Urial was still fairly new to all of this and thought that getting as much information as possible about some of the students would be most optimal.
"I think we should wait until Mr Mallory makes his appearance, I'd think we'd do best in evaluating the students if we had everyone's input in the matter."
Of course, that didn't mean Urial wasn't sure what he thought of the students, he was well aware of what he thought of some of them. Kendrick and Isabelle would not be receiving good grades as a result of their actions. Ophelia though, well, now that was a student he was ready to gush about when the time came.
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"So...you a child molester or something? There are easier girls to diddle than ones hidden away under high security facility."

Speaking through a mouthful of donut and with surprising nonchalance at the stranger in her home, Penny carried the box over and set it down on the counter atop a precarious pile of dishes.

Visitors were a rare thing but becoming more and more common. She'd already been visited more times here than when she was installed back in Ohio. Probably since there were a greater number of people here and more of them had powers that could handle her presence. Plus there were apparently more blabber mouths around here too.

"So!" A bit of donut falling to her cleavage, Penny looking down at it and continued on "Estrogen. You'll really bring me things? I've got the robot bringing stuff I've ordered but I think that little bitch is traumatized or something. Pfft" she rolls her eyes and takes one last heaping bite to finish off the donut.

"Ya wanna hul meh free out stuff meeting?" She swallows. "I mean, you wanna help me freak out the staff meeting? Could pretend to be dying or something over there" she points the camera, thinking of what she could accomplish with a set of hands out in the school. She looks back though, giving Imogen another lookover.

"You aren't gonna croak right? Your making a face like you just sat on a fucking cactus or something."
Imogen Jarsdel
a/k/a "Evermore"
Interactions: Penny Teh Frixz Teh Frixz
"My romantic interests are even more boring," Imogen reassured. That was an avenue of discussion she was sure Penny didn't want to traverse down and she wasn't exactly keen on it herself. If the younger woman was expecting thrilling stories of the dating world she'd be incredibly disappointed in Imogen's total lack of success there. Being thirty-seven but looking like she was in her mid to late twenties meant a lot of decent guys were creeped out and the creepy guys were attracted. It would be hilarious if it wasn't her life. That wasn't entirely true, though. She had recently met someone but he had the potential yet to decide he was put off by her abilities. Well, no need to give Penny ammo; she was pretty proficient in making snarky comments without assistance. "I thought you might want some company," she added. Undoubtedly this thought would be met with snark from Penny as well, but she found it hard to believe anyone could live in this much isolation without being lonely. Penny could put on as much bravado as she wanted and ridicule Imogen, but she wouldn't feel poorly for making the visit.

"And yes, I'd bring you things as long as you're not looking for weapons or drugs. Can't stand the touch of a gun personally and I'd rather not have my blue card revoked. I'm sure my cell phone number is in that file so you can just text me what you need. My work is my only real time commitment," she shrugged in referenced to her availability. While she wasn't offering it yet, Imogen was comfortable enough financially she might also consider footing the bill if Penny didn't have the money to pay for it herself and it was a reasonable request. She wasn't generous enough to buy a radioactive women who couldn't leave her bunker a brand new car, but she could see Penny wasn't living the high life. Idly Imogen wondered what sort of delivery system they did have in place and how it worked.

"Strictly speaking, what can kill me is more theoretical than anything," she said wryly, not catching the cynical undertone that bled through her words before they had already been uttered. "I'm fine, but thank you for asking." Most wouldn't even bother. The little barb about her expression was dismissed mentally; Imogen was too delighted that Penny was concerned over her well-being. It was refreshing and encouraging.

"About the staff meeting," Imogen began, trying to think of the most diplomatic way to approach her confession. "As far as I'm aware, they do not know that I know about you or this bunker. When I was proposed this job, I requested to know where the stairs downward led to and the nature of the facility's power source. I work in safety, so it was a concern of mine. The staff of Facility 108 were not a part of the discussion, just AEGIS corporate." Penny could infer what she failed to elaborate on; that Jason Swan and the other personnel were still unaware because Imogen hadn't cleared this visit through her superiors. This had been a surprise for her hostess but it would also be for everyone else in attendance certainly. That alone might ruffle enough feathers Penny could be satisfied.

"Do you mind if I have a glass of water?" If, of course, Imogen could find anything resembling a glass and a sink.

"Help yourself, I'm behind on dishes though..." The mountain of used cups and dishes attested to this. "It's only been like, a couple weeks max for most of them though, I've been in Iso most of my life and mold and shit doesn't seem to grow around here plus Larry never shows up to wash 'em."

Looking around, it was probably becoming obvious Penny's hygienic habits were somewhat lacking. Stacks of dirty dishes, old half eaten frozen meals, crumpled bags of Doritos squished in the cushions. It was what one would expect of a girl raised in isolation with her 'parental' figures behind six feet of concrete and glass.

"So uh. Immolation or estrogen or whatever your name is. Tour of here is pretty simple." Penny letting Imogen's words digest a bit while she explained the layout of her home.

"You are in the main entrance, foyer or whatever. Kitchen is just right there, tv right there, bedroom and bathroom in the back. Emergency venting in the back. Don't fuck around with the pod, its for ejecting me if I go critical or something. Ka-pow" she gestures with some flair for the explosion. "'Mostly chill in here though. I had this whole thing setup for the meeting but the joke isn't landing with those idiots." She shrugs .

Turning back to face her visitor, Penny grinned. "So they don't know you are here right? We could like, fake an attack or meltdown. Quick! Throw stuff at me from off screen, I'll run over and act all panicky."
Imogen Jarsdel
a/k/a "Evermore"
Interactions: Penny Teh Frixz Teh Frixz
"I do want to keep this new position," Imogen replied as she glanced about. It surprised her that Larry, the pleasant and reasonable robot she had met during her initial inspection of AEGIS 108, would be tasked with doing Penny's dishes. Was that part of his programming or part of his duties? Or was he simply unable to tolerate seeing the disaster zone that Penny kept referring to as a living room? As Imogen stepped through the debris she contemplated whether it was really her place to criticize the room of someone that hardly ever entertained visitors. Probably not. "I won't stop you from pranking them, but my participation might create a less than pleasant work environment for me after I leave here."

She had made it to what was supposedly the sink and stood there a moment. Penny was an adult and could be filthy as she wanted to if it didn't affect her negatively but... Imogen couldn't just do nothing. Arguably all her work was of the service variety: she got involved in safety out of concern for others, tested crashing cars to help mitigate the injury others might suffer, jumped in front of bullets to shield her comrades. As the years crept on Imogen had come to realize this selflessness was a full-blown complex and meant that she wouldn't be reclining on a beach sipping expensive champagne when she celebrated her 200th year. No, her compulsion to help was as relentless as her regeneration.

Imogen sighed at herself as she knelt down, dug around in the cupboard under the sink, and pulled out an empty trash bag. The trash can was already overflowing and there was no sense in punishing it any further. Starting from where she stood she began to work her way towards the living room, taking all the obvious trash and shoving it inside the bag. She'd wash the dishes too of course, because she just couldn't help herself, but there was no sense in pursuing that until there were paths through the rooms and clean surfaces to work with.

Did she ask Penny if she could clean? No. Imogen could already anticipate the answer. Even if she was thankful she'd probably crack another joke, protest, or ignore the gesture altogether, but that was fine. Imogen could be satisfied without gratitude... though her regeneration was more active than normal and it was making her hungry. As she tossed an old TV dinner into the trash bag, she took a doughnut from the box and ate it in two large bites.
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Aaron Mallory


Location: Staff Room
Nearby: Staff!
Mood: Appologetic
@s Giyari Giyari Syrenrei Syrenrei B Bag o Fruit Lemon Boy Lemon Boy Teh Frixz Teh Frixz Zahzi Zahzi

Aaron opened the main building's side door bustled down the hallway toward the staff room. The murmur of conversation issued from under the door. While his hearing was not particularly sharp, he had a feeling his name was being bandied about. Perhaps that was just paranoia, or perhaps Urial's end of the conversation had slightly more range than ordinary sound vibrations. Either way, Aaron felt genuinely abashed. He absolutely hated to keep his colleagues waiting, and 'sorry I overslept' felt entirely to prosaic to say out loud. Shamefacedly, he opened the door and walked in.

Hey everyone. Terribly sorry to hold you all up... Say, are those muffins... chocolate chip?”

Suffering from a sudden compulsion, he scooped up half a dozen of the muffins, disappearing two instantly as he stepped up to the coffee pot. He laid out six mugs, filled three, and refilled the machine with fresh water as he washed down four more muffins. Suddenly remembering his manners, he turned back to face the rest of the staff with a painfully awkward, “...so. What did I miss so far?”

"Ya know what sucks.." Penny leaning on the island counter to watch Imogen wordlessly start cleaning up. It was a cute gesture but a bit of a futile one that was for some reason starting to irk her a bit. Penny pushed down the rising ire, channeling it into the pool of cynicism and rudeness she tried to cultivate.

"What sucks is that all this crap, it's gotta be burned or destroyed or whisked away someplace. All my things. Clothes, old computers, games, gifts. Even trash and shit, it's all bio-hazard rated. Once a year they come through and do a full sweep to clear out shit and then if I move installations, they do a full purge and I start all over again." She shrugs, taking another donut from the box. "There is a compacter in bedroom closet if you insist on chucking things out. Make sure you toss out your own balls because you just pussied out of a great prank on the staff because of 'MUH work environment wah wah'."

"you speak any Spanish by the way?" Penny then starting to fiddle around with the camera. Getting her connection reset and logging back into their staff meeting.
Imogen Jarsdel
a/k/a "Evermore"
Interactions: Penny Teh Frixz Teh Frixz

"Well if you ever need help replacing it, I'm happy to help. Come to think of it," she paused, shoving some used paper towels into the bag. "One of the new faculty can store things inside a pocket dimension as her power. If you had a way to safely transport it to her, I bet she could store it for you when they do a sweep. Maybe put some keepsakes in a lead box, I could take it to her, and then bring it back when they're gone. No reason they'd have to know." Imogen probably shouldn't be volunteering Luther Rousseau for anything on a whim, but if she was anything like first impressions and her public history indicated, she was not as strict about following the rules as most. In fact, Imogen believed Luther considered laws and regulations as more of suggestions and was more beholden to her own moral compass than any societal construct.

The cut at her courage struck closer to home than any of Penny's other blows. Imogen was well aware of her flaws but she knew that she was not a coward. Even as an immortal it took a significant amount of willpower to walk into danger, feel all the pain, and keep going. To date she had not fled from any violent confrontation though her sense of self-preservation screamed she ought to not test her limits. "I assure you I never had any, and if I did they would immediately have grown back," she replied wryly. Penny was disappointed and she understood that, this was like a new play time for her, but couldn't she at least consider the leap of faith even coming here was? Imogen finished stuffing the trash bag and tied it shut. Once the apartment was relatively clean she'd incinerate all the full bags at once.

"I know some conversational Spanish," she admitted. "People aren't often happy to see me," she elaborated, "and are rarely completely honest. I picked up enough to know when they are lying to me or swearing at me." This didn't apply only to her job as a safety consultant, either; vigilantes and law enforcement weren't angels when it came to profanity. Spend enough time around factory workers, cops, and underappreciated supers and you'd learn how to cuss in just about every language spoken in Baltimore- and even some that weren't.

"What sort of things do you do down here?" she asked as she brushed some hair out of her face that had fallen loose. "Do you ever paint? You could paint a wall, maybe do a mural of some sort. I can't imagine they'd have any reason to paint over it if you did."
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Visually, the gathering up of her tendrils and preparations for her evacuation proceedings wasn't interesting. An MRI with the proper filters would have been able to see the process and would've been able to see how astoundingly similar it was to a watching a pipe get clogged.

Personified in her the mind of miss Kingsley however, things quite the oppsite. The exit door opened up, only instead of light, she was hit by muffins and coffee. Sputtering and coughing, she pressed forward. She'd pulled back enough to lose her connection to his eyes and ears, most of her mass now located just below the eppiglottis so it was a risky move but she had to get out of him. The rumblings from the outsiders, the pain and control they could inflict on her was by and large something she couldn't handle.

Globbing up further, Kingsley takes another few steps. Suppressing a contraction in his esophagus, he must be able to feel something coming. A moment later, her thick orangish tinted slime rests on the back of his tongue. He could probably just taste her weird citrus and copper flavor when she came to a halt. She was having a slight issue detaching fully and needed a push. Probably due to her overfeeding. More would be coming out than went into Aaron.

A bit of her reaches up to the top of his throat and pulls on his uvula while purposefully attacking his gag reflex. She could feel the muscles contract across his body.

Here we go...

Gus Gus

"Yeah I read that somewhere, s'cool. I wouldn't call in any of your favors on that one though, I don't have anything I care enough to bother with tossing into a dimensional garbage disposal unit. Burning meaningless shit is cathartic, good for me." Swiveling the camera around silently, Penny aims at Imogen. "Hey gimme some of that conversational spanish will you?" She shouts over to Imogen, hoping at least a couple plans would pan out. She seemed to be falling flat lately, her racial jokes and even some of the sex stuff failing to even get an uncomfortable chuckle. It was just, awkward silence. Fucking lame. Did a humor virus get out and destroy the fun parts of the brain up on the surface?

Replaying back some of her jokes at Imogen, Penny felt it was all golden up until she realized how much she was giving away unintentionally. Rolling her eyes at her own stupid decision to randomly announce that AEGIS probably torched up her childhood blankie, she silently vowed to be more careful. It was different with people around her in actual person. She didn't see the text splayed out before her, able to delete and refine what she wanted to say. Nor was there any sense of being watched like on camera, the unblinking eye letting you know to measure stuff out. It was just 'in person'. For a brief few moments, she felt an odd sense of vulnerability at having the invulnerable person here. A discomfort suddenly replaced by the need for an irrational hateful comment at the expense of someone undeserving.

The record button flips back on and Penny's screen comes back on in the staff room. Now showing Imogen in the little kitchen toting garbage around and tidying up.
Aaron Mallory

Location: Staff Room
Nearby: Staff
Mood: Urp!
@s Teh Frixz Teh Frixz Giyari Giyari Lemon Boy Lemon Boy B Bag o Fruit Syrenrei Syrenrei

Aaron's legs suddenly felt weak and he dropped to his knees, shattering the cold tile floor. Waves of nausea washed over him, and he managed to gasp a warning to his colleagues before speech became impossible.

"So sorry! I think 7-11 gave me food poisoning. Stand back! ...there's gonna be a lot!"

Maybe it was something to do with her hosts abilities, the densities of his muscles, or just luck of the draw but it took all of Kingsley's might not to let out a single swear when the catapulting force of what was technically a galactic scale object decided it didn't want her inside him anymore.

It's not a gushing flow like Aaron was expecting, though who could blame him, but a solid gelatinous like plug covered in slippery mucus that could have been fired out of an air cannon. There is even a bang as an air pocket collapsed from the force of the expulsion to be met with the wet slap of Kingsley striking the wall opposite the coffee and food enticements.

The impact scattered Kingsley significantly, her mass covering a good ten square feet of the wall. Most of the nearby 7-11 was firmly lodged in the goo in various states of digestion and the air was filled with a surprisingly pleasant citrus smell, though a bit tangy. To top the image off, the impact had completely disrupted Kingsley's pseudo skeletal 'core' making it seem like a roughly ground chicken skeleton was thrown into the slime mix.

With the closest analog being a sudden cold clock to the head, Kingsley was completely disoriented. Not only from the sudden loss of comfort inside her host but from being so beautifully scattered across the wall. As such, her first instinct was to find something to solidify and reform on. Slowly, but visibly dozens of tendrils reached out feebly to find something to give her consciousness a sense of self as the little black chunks of bone in the slime began slowly floating together to reform her core.

Gus Gus Giyari Giyari Lemon Boy Lemon Boy Syrenrei Syrenrei B Bag o Fruit
Aaron Mallory

Location: Staff Room
Nearby: Staff... and guest?!
Mood: W... T.... A...... F?!
@s Teh Frixz Teh Frixz Giyari Giyari Lemon Boy Lemon Boy B Bag o Fruit Syrenrei Syrenrei

Aaron stared in horror at the thing that had just come out of him. Not the food and beverages, though that was certainly horrific enough. No. The thing that appeared to be a mockery of the human form sculpted from orange flavored jello. Rising unsteadily to his feet, he crossed the room to get a closer look. The hair on the back of his neck stood up, and a chill spread through him as he realized he had no idea how long that had been inside him. Very softly, he spoke vaguely toward Director Swan, his voice trembling, just ever so slightly.

"Jason? Do we have containment protocols for this?"
@: Teh Frixz Teh Frixz Giyari Giyari Lemon Boy Lemon Boy B Bag o Fruit Syrenrei Syrenrei Gus Gus
Location: Staff Room

Director Swan, of course, had to make a point of noticing she was late.

"Five minutes? Give me a break. I was hugging a toilet 30 minutes ago. Be grateful, I showed up at all!" The snide response rolled through her mind. However, no such statement would ever see the light of day! Not today. Likely not ever, at least not in front of her boss.

"Sor-ry," mumbling between sip of water, she was grateful another distraction quickly arose. Plus, it was apparent she was not the only one running late this morning. Thank God for small favors.

After Luther's appearance, Urial's comment seemed to work like magic. Aaron too, made an appearance. Page was grateful for the attack on the muffins. With the numbers of muffins in the rooms, shrinking by the second, the smell too, started to fade.

Nursing her water bottle, Page shifted her attention back over to the monitor for Penny. Still blank. Great. If it wasn't one person missing, it was another. Just as Page was throwing down with a dramatic sigh, the screen for Penny the pain, sprang back to life.

That like fact was undermined by the sudden earthquake in the room. Startled, Page used a free hand to grip the side of the desk, as if it would in some way save her.

Before registering what was happening, in its entirety, Page felt the vomit-spray speckle the side of her face. Realizing what had just happened, sort of, she felt her stomach tense. There was no swallow this one. Her mouth went dry. The mere thought of having someone else's stomach goo on her was all it took.

The young firebug scrambled to her feet, slide across the mucus coated floor and located the trash can beside the coffee table. Leaning over, there was no holding back. After all the water she had been sipping on since arriving was in the trashcan, Page gave a pitiful groan, oblivious to the tendrils wriggling just inside her peripheral vision.

"Jason? Do we have containment protocols for this?"

Wiping a bit of her own spittle with the back of her sleeve, Page looked up, assuming he meant the mess. Now noticing the new addition to the room, the embarrassment of her own spectacle shrunk to the back of her mind. Defensively, a faint glow of orange emanated from the palms of her hands.

"Burn it with fire," Page suggested. At least this new creature had taken her mind off the throbbing of her head and bubbling stomach.

Allen McNabb Giyari Giyari Teh Frixz Teh Frixz yoikes yoikes Lemon Boy Lemon Boy Zahzi Zahzi Gus Gus ManicMuse ManicMuse Syrenrei Syrenrei The Oldest Blueberry The Oldest Blueberry @Remaining Questions DamagedGlasses DamagedGlasses DJ MagicHat DJ MagicHat "W-I-..." "Excus-" "Err..." "Pard- oh..." "Ahhhem... Hm." "Ah..." and so on and so forth Allen carried on, Lazarus waiting for the opportunity to:
- call Ms. Urbain on her inappropriate use of language, specifically 'shit' 'shit' 'super-ass' 'fuck' 'fucking' 'pedophile fetish' 'fuck' 'god damn' 'shit' 'fucking' 'fuck' and 'shit'.
- call Ms. Turnbull on her inappropriate use of language, specifically 'Nazi pinko commie bastards'.
- ask why Mr. Bismark is screaming.
- call Mr. Swan on his inappropriate use of language, specifically 'hellhole'.

However, no opportunities arose for Allen's slow speech to invade the snappy, fast paced conversation (not for lack of trying). Finally, when Mr. Mallory's face erupted with some unidentified slime, Lazarus deprioritized any of these actions to think quickly about how to react. How would a human react?? Well... this is an odd thing. No, a surprising thing! Didn't we watch a show recently where humans reacted to surprising things... ah yes! We shall have Allen spring from his chair!

Lazarus had Allen spring from his chair, which went about as well as anyone familiar with Allen McNabb might imagine. The chair flew out backwards from behind him and Allen tumbled forth. Lazarus went to battle stations trying to keep his legs underneath him, which caused him to charge forward rather than catch himself before he landed face-first in the wall, specifically in Kingsley, with a disappointed-sounding 'splop'.
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A high pitched ringing pierced the muffled sounds of the world as the slime known as Kingsley attempted to reform into some semblance of anthropogenic structure. Like a knife it pierced her with the worrisome word 'Fire', which without having even touched her was burning her to the core with fear.

She had been stuck between a rock and a hard place, only now it seemed that the hard place she was at had a good chance of setting her on fire. In desperation she feebly tried calling out, psudeopods vibrating weakly with mostly inaudible pleas for help, for mercy, wishes to go home. It was all very unbecoming as Kingsley's mother would say. But she wasn't here and the realization that her existence was in great danger was in fact here. Quite likely too.

When struck by the corpse, Kingsley instinctually had to react. Her perception of the world was a blurry mess of noise and fear and with an unoccupied body being thrown at her, it was like crawling into a life raft in a hostile sea. Immediately she sought safety inside this empty body, globs of her body lurching to envelop and enter a place to get her bearings.

Only it wasn't empty was it. As her first tendrils entered the nasal cavity of the body, she knew something was wrong. Like the angry thrum of a swarm of bees on one of her uncles old farm, there was a hostility in the air. A flash of an old mans face entered her mind, accompanied by a single shrieking word!


Kingsley can't help but cry out as she rapidly withdrew from the fallen body, flopping away rapidly towards the upper corner of the wall. The shock to her system at least cleared her head, enough where most of her skeletal coloration was finished. With what could be technically called hands, Kingsley covered her face. Desperately trying to prevent a fatal strike on her person. Her vocals suddenly kicked in, like someone turning off a mute button.

"-ease! Leave me alone! Don't hurt me please! Keep that thing away from me! Please don't burn me, I beg of you! Please!"

Allen McNabb Giyari Giyari Teh Frixz Teh Frixz yoikes yoikes Lemon Boy Lemon Boy Zahzi Zahzi Gus Gus ManicMuse ManicMuse Syrenrei Syrenrei The Oldest Blueberry The Oldest Blueberry @Remaining Questions DamagedGlasses DamagedGlasses DJ MagicHat DJ MagicHat ... What just happened? Uhm... Oh, we're on a wall... Lazarus had Allen push off sideways from the wall against which he was leaning, causing him to twist and land on his ass on the ground.

Alright, systems, report... The slime person turned into a human-shaped slime person, and now it is begging for mercy. Oh dear! We should have Allen let it know everyone is welcome here at AEGIS.

Lazarus had Allen crawl towards Kingsley, and grin as wide as possible. "Rrr, thrrr, thrrr... he said, teeth clenched in a display of friendliness. Oh, that doesn't seem to have done the trick... maybe we need to be more direct. Um... what's another thing humans say as consolation? ... ah, yes:

"We are here for you..."

Bravo, team.
Aaron Mallory

"Allen, come away from... that."

Aaron edged forward, avoiding the worst of the smoking and singed food and fluid which had spilled across the tile floor. Considering how much he had consumed over the last hour, it wasn't all that much, but then again, it had not ever been clear what happened to food after he consumed it. Apparently, there was either a lot more where this came from, or the rest had been much more thoroughly eliminated.

"Can somebody call Ernest or LARRY to deal with this mess?"

Oh shit, it was trying to get into Allen now!

Hackles raised in revulsion, he hurried forward the last few feet, but the thing withdrew from Allen's face as if it had been burned. Relieved for the moment, he laid his hand gently on McNabb's shoulder and carefully positioned himself between the old man and the quivering mass which suddenly began begging for mercy. Human then. Some kind of super. Allen, bravely and gamely, tried to make... her? feel welcome.

A noble sentiment, if perhaps premature. He dropped to one knee to get a closer look. It was translucently orange with a rudimentary internal skeleton and organs that looked faintly human if you squinted. There seemed to be bits of food in it from the 7-11. Might have been embedded during the explosive release, but might also have been leeching off of the meal. It was impossible to tell from its physiology alone what its gender or age might be, but something in the nature of the voice, the choice of words, and the body posture suggested a young woman. He leaned in closer, slowly raised a hand palm out, fingers splayed in a gesture of reconciliation.

"Nobody here is going to hurt you if we can help it. We're just a little alarmed by your sudden appearance. Also, I have no experiences with anything alive going in me and coming out whole again... so I have quite a few questions. But let's start simple: What is your name?"
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Mood: Done with everything.
Location: Staff room
Company: Staff
@'s: Teh Frixz Teh Frixz Giyari Giyari Lemon Boy Lemon Boy B Bag o Fruit Syrenrei Syrenrei
Director Swan
He should have expected it, in fact if he wasn't certain there hadn't been anyone outside until now, Swan would have placed a bet that Luther was waiting for that phone call before she made her way into the room. He almost expected it from her now. He shook his head quietly...

"Better late than never I suppose. Good morning Miss Rousseau." He sighed as Luther took her seat. It would have been unreasonable to expect everyone to be on perfect time keeping, life happened, and with the state the city was currently in delays would be around for a while. Dwelling on the point, Jason made a mental note to allow an extra ten minutes travel time for future meetings until everything was back to the norm.

It wasn't long until their next member of faculty decided to show up, with Mallory entered the room at a fair pace for a man of his "ability".

"Nice of you to show up, Aaron... Did you..." Watching with a sort of disbelief as Aaron slammed a plate of muffins into his face without any hesitation, Swan was lost for words.

"Are you okay?" he questioned as Aaron devoured the rest of the cakes and turned on the coffee. But his words fell on deaf ears it seemed as Aaron snapped back to reality. Swan shook his head and got his mind back on topic.

"No, you've not missed much at all, in fact we hardly made any progress at all. Decided to hold off until... Aaron?" Something was definitely up, did Mallory even get food poisoning? He was a black hole. Either way Swan didn't like the looks of things. Taking a few steps back at the warning as Aaron crumpled to the floor, he watched with disgust as the large man ejected... something across the room and all over the far wall.

"Fucking hell, man!! Containment?!" he asked in utter confusion as Paige arose from the trashcan. The poor woman looked like she had been holding that back since she arrived. Just what he needed, two ill staff members.

It took a few seconds, but as the mass on the wall began to move and take on a humanoid shape, Swan clocked on to what had just happened. They had an outsider amongst them, someone who had taken it upon themselves to hide from view while they discussed delicate details about their students. There had already been an attempt to steal their student records once this year, there would not be another one.

Without more than a seconds thought, Swan reached down to his hip and pulled his gun from it's holster, pointing it firmly past Aaron and Allen towards the unknown being. Paige had the right idea, with current events across the city fresh in his mind, this could be a dangerous situation. For all he knew this could be one of the convicts, or another agent of the Knights. Swan wasn't about to take any chances.

"Do not make a single move! Lazarus, Solo, step back now." he said firmly as he clicked the safety loose on the large pistol.

"Step back, NOW!" he shouted as her steadied his aim.

"It is Kingsley. Kingsley Plumbly Smidt-Hausen Rothlundt. Please, no guns, if you hit the right spot I may not be able to talk. I just reformed. Please, I'd be on my knees begging, I don't mean any harm at all. I just-"

She pauses, thinking over what to say before bodily flinching. Long pauses in conversation were just a shade less offensive than saying ummmm. Kingsley imagined the slap colliding with her old body. Quickly she continued speaking.

"Just had to hide. I had to hide someplace but it wasn't safe anymore. I had to get out and Mr. Mallory had so much to eat, I was ejected." Her pseudo-eyes glance towards the door. "I don't even know where I am" she lied, hoping her words would be at least be corroborated by her willingness to share her name and story.

"Just please don't shoot and please keep that thing, that man, away from me. I'll be gone, I don't wish to be here."
Page Morgan
location : Facility 108>>Main floor bathroom>>Main hallway

State of being: I hate being hungover

Nearby: All staff then none


Attempts to connect with this unknown creature was all well and good but Page was not doing so well. No, not at all. Despite attempting to expel the hangover demons once, it did little to steady her. After pulling the tough card her bluff was called with time. Flames extinguishing, Page felt her stomach lurch once again. With so much embarrassment about being sick in front of the other's she was quit to make her exit. Snatching up the trashcan as if it were the only evidence to her weakness, she spoke up slightly stuttering.

"I..I'm I am going to go to the ladies room."

Clutching the trashcan with an arm, she grabbed the handle of the door and quickly disappeared, out into the hallway. Finding the closest backroom, Page quickly discarded the soiled trashcan. After getting being sick again in one of the stalls, she moved to one of the sinks. Her mind worked to wrap around what she just witnessed, while rinsing her mouth.

She for one was not keen on reentering the room until things were sorted. Taking her time in the bathroom, Page worked to fix up her hair, before reappearing in the hallway nearly ten minutes later.
Aaron Mallory

Well that escalated quickly!

Aaron fell back half a step, complying with the letter of the director's order, though not the spirit of it; he was careful to interpose his bulk between the interloper and the gun. Whatever danger she might represent, he had no stomach to see her shot to death in front of him. Besides. She had been inside his body, and come out again. She had alluded to it not being safe? That raised interesting questions that he wanted answered, for personal, as well as scientific reasons. Right now though, there were professional obligations to fulfill, so the key was to first get her out of the room alive, and then detain her until she could be questioned. Still blocking Swan's line of fire, while projecting an air of obliviousness about the fact that he was doing so, he half turned his head toward his boss, never taking his eyes off of 'Kingsley' for a moment.

"Boss, I propose that Allen and I escort Ms. Rothlund (?) to the basement of the clinic. She'll be safe enough in the holding tank down the hall from Penny until we can finish our meeting. I propose we reconvene in..." he glanced down at the mess he'd made, "...the Library? Say in about ten minutes time? After the meeting is done, I'd like to have some words with our... my... little guest."

He turned his full attention back to the unregistered super. "How about it, Kingsley? Not ideal from your perspective, surely, but the best offer you are likely to hear today, and certainly the one with the least likelihood of you being summarily shot and killed by Director Swan. What do you say? We can help you, if you'll let us.

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