Mission of the long yellow thing stealer yolo# (Lillithdemonqueen & DestreyHagane)

Destrey loves bananas and one day and evil werewolf came by and snatched her banana. Now Lillith and Destrey are on the hunt to find and kill that evil werewolf who stole Destrey's banana.

Now: "I think he went this way, Destrey." Lillith said checking out a foot print in the dirt.
Destrey perched in her tree and looked down at Lillith as she examined the print in the dirt. She jumped down swiftly and landed on her feet with one of her scythes in her hand. "Looks about right," She said as she started to sprint forward. 'FOR NARNIA!' the words escaped her mouth as she pointed a scyth to the sky.
Lillith followed right behind holding her daggers at a ready position. "Gosh the nerve of some people stealing anothers banana, WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS WORLD?!" Lillith exclaimed flailing her arms as she ran beside Destrey.
The Brit slid her skirt up and took out her other Scyth, holding at ready. The ground crunched beneath her feet as she started to run faster. The trees blocked her way so she cut the branches away. "I FOUND THE GOBLIN KINGDOM, DAVID BOWIE HERE I COME"

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