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Fantasy Miss Petra's Hospital for the Doomed and Damned


give 'em hell, kid.


Dear Patient,

I have been informed that you may benefit from our facilities here at Ravenwood Hospital. If you've never heard of it, that's understandable... we're kind of a well-kept secret from the outside world. Of course, that being said, I'm sure you know what this letter is discussing. You're one of us, after all. No matter how you came to be this way, everything is obviously not going well for you, my poor dear. I'd reach through this paper and hug you, but I fear that would only make your condition worse. As this is just a message, I will not be addressing your specific issues here, but suffice to say I know it's rather serious. How? Let's just say us ghosts have a way of guessing these things. Now, you shouldn't feel obligated to visit Ravenwood, but it may be in the best interest of everyone. After all, we can't have the Normals figuring out our secret, now can we? I think not! That, of course, is leaving out the fact that my quaint little retreat is the best place for you to be in this difficult time. Sure, the setting is a touch rustic, and maybe some of our equipment isn't quite up to date... but we have heart here. Many types of heart, actually. Newt, frog, toad, bat... you name it, we've got it! Ahem. Whoops, I got a bit carried away there. What I meant to say is that we offer compassionate treatment and care for all types of fantastical, paranormal or magical maladies, no matter the cause, prognosis or length of treatment. What we lack in technology, we make up for in dedication and experience. Having an eternity to study does help one learn the ins and outs of medicine, and you'd be foolish to deny it!

On behalf of everyone at Ravenwood, we thank you for your consideration, and look forward to seeing you should you choose to pursue our facility. 

                Signed with ghostly love,

                        Miss Petra


If you decide to join us and attend Ravenwood Hospital, please fill out your attached patient information sheet and return it. We only accept patients without this on an emergency basis, in which case it is to be filled out as soon as the patient is stable.

so this is an idea i've had for a while, and though it's not the most original setup, i haven't seen anything very similar recently, and i think it has plenty of potential. 

the roleplay will be semi-literate (one paragraph or more) and takes place in ravenwood hospital, an abandoned victorian insane asylum that has been slightly modified by miss petra to become a secret hospital for those with incurable fantasy/paranormal illnesses and issues. it's set in the modern real world, with a few obvious exceptions. 

ghosts are quite real, and can easily interact with the living, though they usually choose to avoid being seen or heard by normals. due to the nature of ghosts, they cannot be affected by any of the issues those with a body can, and are thus only to be used as hospital staff. 

magic is a thing, but it's reasonably limited and based more on spells, potions and rituals. anyone can learn it, and there's no race or species with innate skill. those who come from a long line of magic users may have some advantage over those who're the first in their family to pick it up, but no one is born magical.

when it comes to species, think far more along the lines of modern paranormal than high fantasy. vampires, werecreatures, humans with magical abilities or who have had magic used against them, ghosts, maybe some cryptids... but no elves, dwarves, angels, demons etc. i'm fairly open-minded, so if you don't see what you had in mind here, feel free to ask and i'll let you know if what you're proposing is something that could fit the setting.

when it comes to what's wrong with your character, i encourage you to be creative. their illness does not need to be terminal, but it should be severe enough that they have obvious issues. this is not an "insane asylum" roleplay, so i ask that your character isn't a cliche "psycho murderer" type. it's absolutely fine if your character displays mental symptoms as well as physical, but this isn't a slasher movie. 

due to the rather dark nature of this roleplay, it may not be for those who are sensitive to certain topics. it will be angsty, gloomy and at times macabre, so there's your warning.

if you've read through all of this and still have questions, ask away. as this is all being set up on mobile, it may not be the most aesthetically pleasing roleplay, but i did try. 

hopefully you like it, and i'm looking forward to getting started with you guys!
Now just a few more people need to be interested and then we can have some fun c:< <3  
i will start setting it up now, it should be up and ready to go later tonight or tomorrow at the very latest.
Would you mind an extra tag-along? 0u0 The roleplay seems amazing! Not too cliche either :))
I'm so clueless, will it be hosted on the group section here? ;o; this would be my first group RP on RPN.
I might have missed it in the flood of notifications I had from sleeping in all day oops aha
it's okay... i know i invited you and a few others, but they didn't show up as pending, so i just resent the invite. you should be good to go!

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