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Realistic or Modern Miss Barnett-Hawes Finishing School For Girls

Sapphire puts a hand on the wall to steady herself, glaring at the girl who ran into her. "Watch it." She growled, venom dripping from her voice. "Or do you want to get hurt?"
Rosemary saw the commotion. She turned to Lydia. "Pardon me," said Rosemary. She ran up to Sapphire and Molli. "There's no need for such a bad attitude," said Rosemary. "This girl made an honest mistake."
"Like I care." She said as she looked at the room number. "Oh hey, this is me. Sorry, it was fun, but I'll be the first to say abye bye." She said as she opened the door and walked in. "Ugh, how plain." She muttered as she threw her bag on the farthest bed from the door.
Molli flipped her hair out of her face as she looked up at the girl, but before she could say anything another girl ran up to them. "I wasn't the only one that wasn't watching where I was going," Molli growled, completely ignoring the other girl.

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Lydia was about to open her mouth to speak just as Rosemary rushed over to the other girls. She figured she ought to come between them as well like she had earlier with Rosemary and the teacher, but decided against it. Rather, Lydia closed her mouth and waited behind, shuffling her feet as the girls disputed.
Elizabeth sat in the back of the car, and, as it pulled up to the school, she gasped. The building was beautiful, in it's own way. This was to be her home for a while. The driver, upon reaching the parking area, got out of the car and opened the back door for her. "Thank you Tyler." She thanked him. He offered his hand. "It's nothing Miss Gordon." She took the hand, and got out of the car, stepping on the ground. Tyler, the driver, opened the trunk and removed one black case and a white backpack. "Will you be needing my services ma'am?" He asked. "No thank you. I've got it from here." Elizabeth replied.

Tyler smiled, and rubbed his eye with a gloved hand. "Oh Tyler, I'm not going to be here forever. I'll be back home as soon as I can." Elizabeth said, putting her hands on his shoulders. "I know ma'am, but it'll feel like forever." He checked his watch. "Madam Gordon will be wanting me back soon, or she'll think I ran away with you." He said, getting in the car and starting the engine.

Elizabeth knocked on the window. It rolled down slowly. "I'll write. Everyday." She said, blinking away tears the threatened to fall. Tyler smiled, and set the car in drive, rolling the window up and driving away.
Sapphire began unpacking her...valuables...and setting them in hard to find places. She smiled as soon as she finished and looked around the room. "I seriously need to help this poor pathetic excuse for a room." She sighed as she collapsed on the bed.
Elizabeth opened her backpack, and after some searching, found her school-sent notes. She pulled them out, and upon doing a quick study of the notes, put them back in the pack. She slung it over her shoulder and took the suitcase in one hand and started to make her way towards the entrance.
Sapphire didn't know what to do, which made her bored. When she was bored, she smoked. But she couldn't do that now, she had to save her already limited supply until the classes and the strict teachers started hounding everyone about rules, discipline, and fake smiles for those they want us to put on for those boys that plan on having us impress for their plan on finding us good husbands. She sighed, wondering who her new roommate would be here in wonderful Fifteen.
Molli looked back at the numbers when she finally saw her room number: 16, right next to the rude girl she just ran into. 'That's just great,' Molli thought annoyed before opening the door. She turned back to the girl that stepped in. "Thanks for trying to help, by the way...." Molli trailed off.

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As she saw Molli retreating into her room, Lydia walked back up to Rosemary. "Where were we?" She asked, offering her elbow.
Tara stepped carefully out of the bus, a small bag of necessities clutched in her hands. Her room was number 15, she was eager to acquaint herself with her roommate, what would she be like? She'd never shared a room with anyone before, would it be fun? She could only assume so. She cheerfully approached the building, a slight skip in her step. The halls were long and dim, and a little creepy, but that was just her being childish. She stopped outside of her dorm, her hand placed on the entrance. Taking a deep breath, Tara gingerly pushed the door open, and what she saw wasn't what she had expected. Her roommate was sprawled across the bed, smoking. She was a bit taken aback by this sight, but remained poised. "Hello there, my name is Tara Manlin, it's a pleasure to meet you. What is your name, Miss?" She said respectfully, giving a slight curtsy as she spoke.
Abbegale had been walking for over an hour with her heavy bag hanging on her back, but finally she reached it. it's pretty big Her mom had worked so hard for her to enroll here she wasn't going to let her down. 'Well... here I go, I guess' All these different people make her nervous, and insecure. She walks slowly towards the entrance. With the intentions of avoiding commotion she decides to immediately head towards her room. But on the way there she bumps up against someone by accident. 'I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I going.'
" WATCH YOUR STEP BEE-ATCH" Gertrude Spat at her, as she scuffed her kitty shoes, which she just had shined a moment earlier. "GET OUT OF MY WAY" she screamed as she continued with her bags to her room, number 42, but when she got there she was in for one hell of a surprise...
Abbegale wiped some spit of her face. that wasn't very nice, but I guess I did kinda deserve it She felt bad for troubling the other person. Anyway after picking up all the stuff that fell on the floor, she continued towards her room. There she arrives at room number 42, takes one look inside this must be some mistake , and walks towards the reception...

Awhile later.

She stands at the exact same spot. the receptionist said I wasn't mistaking, so I think I'm going to have to make the best of it She drops her heavy bag on the left bed, and takes out some books she brought and lays them down on the desk in between both beds. She doesn't say a word, and has an emotionless expression on her face. After finishing organizing everything, she drops herself face down on the bed. Now she is ready for whatever is going to wash over her in a second.
As she entered the room she saw a seemingly emotionless girl, laying on a bed,... her bed

"EXCUSE ME LITTLE MISS HIGH HEELS?" she snapped, "What are you doing on MYYYYY bed? And are those your things on MYYYYY Desk?" She takes the well organized items on the desk and throws them to the ground, crushing something with her heels on her way to pull the girl off her bed. "Be a good, uhh, 'girl' and bring mamma some ice water eh?"
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'yes, Miss' She grabbed all her stuff and threw it on the other bed. this is going to be a long, long time After organizing everything again, she went actually go get her some ice water. I think it'll save both of us a lot of trouble if I just do what she says Only it's pretty hard to find anything when you just arrived, and you don't have a map. So after walking in circles a few times, she was definitely lost. She hears footsteps echoing in one of the other halls. 'is somebody there? I'm lost can you please help me, miss?'
Elizabeth walked through the doors and look around. She then fumbled in her pack for her paperwork, but didn't find it. "Excuse me? Is anyone around here?" Elizabeth said loudly.
Blahkabelison said:
Tara stepped carefully out of the bus, a small bag of necessities clutched in her hands. Her room was number 15, she was eager to acquaint herself with her roommate, what would she be like? She'd never shared a room with anyone before, would it be fun? She could only assume so. She cheerfully approached the building, a slight skip in her step. The halls were long and dim, and a little creepy, but that was just her being childish. She stopped outside of her dorm, her hand placed on the entrance. Taking a deep breath, Tara gingerly pushed the door open, and what she saw wasn't what she had expected. Her roommate was sprawled across the bed, smoking. She was a bit taken aback by this sight, but remained poised. "Hello there, my name is Tara Manlin, it's a pleasure to meet you. What is your name, Miss?" She said respectfully, giving a slight curtsy as she spoke.
(Sorry, I didn't get any notifications)

Sapphire looked up at the girl and groaned. She was one of those. "The name's Sapphire, and it isn't a pleasure to meet you. Now either stop acting like a little priss or don't talk to me unless you have to." She said, still laying on her bed.
(Don't worry about it, my post is also really late...)

Tara felt her stomach sink in disappointment at the girl's harsh words, realizing they wouldn't become as close as she had imagined. "Oh, I apologize that I've offended you, it really wasn't my intention, I swear." She said apologetically, although her anger had already replaced the disappointment. "If you could possibly forgive me, miss, I do hope we could become friends with time." She was lying through her teeth, of course, but she had had lots of practice over the years learning to hide her real emotions behind a facade of kindness and naivety, and she she certainly wasn't going to sacrifice her front now, or any time. Who cares about what's going on in her thoughts? It's her actions that count for anything. Staying in the doorway, she broadened her smile a bit and waited for Sapphire's response.

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