Miskatonic Academy


New Member
I claim the first post in the name of the Emperor and the Imperium of Man.
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I claim the second post in the name of Chaos and the Heresy of the Corpse God. Everyone knows that 2>1, so checkmate Emp.
Yo, just got back from doing stuff and I am ready to dish out some Justice. How do I submit a character and did we do character sheets?
Fengar said:
Yo, just got back from doing stuff and I am ready to dish out some Justice. How do I submit a character and did we do character sheets?
Go to the Character Sign-Up tab. The tab thing was confusing to me at first!
Some lore would be useful, maybe a bit more indepth then the overview. We should also probably try making a rough outline of the school's layout and the surrounding area, to aid with scene transitions. Like we can say, "The principal's office is two doors down on the left" Right now it's all a bit vague, both in terms of the school's size and it's relationship with the area around it.

Also is there going to someone handling the current NPC's?
Just for my two cents, I'm usually a fan of not mapping things, but merely explaining in vague terms (like "the campus consists of X classroom buildings plus Y dorm buildings plus Z extra features") so that everything relevant can be assumed to be in a conveniently accessible location without having to justify a character's location on a map. However, a rough outline of the campus could still be useful.

Unrelatedly, how do you guys like to handle scenes with extended dialogue between two players? What I'm most familiar with is figuring out the dialogue in an OOC conversation somewhere, such as instant message or my preferred method, a live-edited Google doc, and then having one person post it rather than have a long series of posts with one or two lines of dialogue in it. Annoyingly, if you're a new member this site doesn't allow you to PM, although it appears that limitation will go away sooner rather than later.
Well, we do currently have the TitanPad up, which could be used as a way to communicate dialog, at least until we manage to form enough posts to remove the restrictions on the new accounts. Personally, I've never done forum based RP, so I'm not sure what would work best. I tend to do off the cuff dialog best, but that's what I'm used to. I personally wouldn't object to agreeing on dialog beforehand though.

I guess my primary issue with the lack of mapping is that I like an excess of detail.
It's a style thing for sure, the amount of detail. I'm not gonna say one way is better or worse, especially if you're willing to draft up some maps. I might be pestered into drawing up some shitty MS Paint maps someone else could use as a guide to make something more presentable, but not right now (as it's 5AM where I am - I sleep strange hours).

As for dialogue I dunno how others prefer to do it but I'm always happy to use a chat app or google docs to come up with a draft dialogue, and then re-write it as a narrative (looking basically how my first post in the thread looks) and post it like that. I guess everyone else can chime in with their suggestions as well.
So, just got here, dialogue, should I reply now to Paul or should I wait until we find out what exactly we're doing?
I should have some graph paper and I'll see if my scanner works. I also need to draw up my character sketch, which I guess also falls under the if my scanner works category. I'm not sure how much free time I"ll have today, but I'll take a crack at it later on in the day.




We skipped forward to during the first period class I believe.

Edit: Additionally, I'm not sure what everyone prefers stylistically for occasions when dice rolls are needed, but this site allows you to make public dice rolls and link the individual results in the post. For now, it's been posted in line with the post, but it can be edited if y'all prefer something else.
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Did you place the academy outside of Arkham for a reason? Or are you just picking and choosing for Lovecraft's Lore? Just curious lol

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