Miskatonic Academy


New Member
Character Sheet:









Additional Info:

Accepted Characters:

  • Claude Stevenson
  • Paul Grayson
  • Dorothy Hooke
  • Corinne Skye
  • Hunter Clark
  • Leucosia Kalfas
  • Roland Strom
  • Han Zhi
  • John Smith
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Name: Mack D. Verstehen

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Occupation/Grade: 10th Grader

Appearance:Human, short brown hair, blue/gray-ish eyes.

Personality: Lazy. Not a big talker at first, but can get along with just about anyone. Likes chocolate milk shakes, games and sometimes exploring.


Thanks to a mental minor element alignment and an earth major, he has the ESPer ability to feel the people around him and detect and locate presences. He mostly uses this to find quiet places to relax in.
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Name: Paul Grayson

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Occupation: Janitor/Handyman

A 5'10" man with a mess of dark hair, usually stuffed inside of a hat. An average build with a slight potbelly. He is frequently seen wearing one of several pairs of heavily stained coveralls.

Paul is a very snarky man, as he has been the janitor and handyman at a highschool for nearly 8 years. He enjoys being able to skimp by and rarely applies himself unless he is forced to.

He has worked for Miskatonic Academy as a janitor for nearly 8 years during that time he has seen countless kids and teachers pass through the doors. He has also seen countless other things pass through those doors.

Paul is a fairly skilled Alchemist, though rarely ever applies it to further himself, usually only to make his own job easier.

Additional Info:

Paul is frequently seen roaming the halls with a bucket and a mop, but rarely ever seen using said mop. Somehow he still manages to keep the school fairly clean. Rumors say you can summon him if you block the drains of all the sinks in the bathroom and leave the water running.
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Name: Claude Stevenson

Age: 16 (Birthday: December 17)

Gender: Male

Occupation/Grade: 11th grade. President of the Volunteers Club.

Claude's hair is a light auburn and is in a fashionably unruly and short not!mullet. His eyes are light brown and have an a stoic intensity to them. His skin is a natural olive/tan. His bottom canines are bigger than average and sometimes stick out of his mouth when he isn't paying attention. His face is rather angular and gives off a rather stern look. Claude is 6'4" and solidly built. He can be described as somewhat ruggedly handsome but unapproachable because of his size and what looks like a scowl on his face (really an expression cause by his teeth). Wears reading glasses every now and then.

Claude is intelligent and clever despite what his size might suggest, but also has a childlike naivety that one would not expect from him. Because of this, he is somewhat gullible. He acts stoic for the most part or at least serene. This doesn't mean he is a robot, but more like being calm is his natural state of being and making him be anything but calm is difficult. He enjoys reading non-fiction relating to his hobbies and playing board games but gets bored of them easily and replaces them with a new one frequently (he usually goes through at least two or three a month). In other words, he is usually a stoic dork who is big and imposing.

His is the son of Laura Stevenson, the daughter of the head of the rich Stevenson family. During college, his mother was raped by an unknown person and she became pregnant with him. Despite her family's wishes, his mother did not abort him and Claude was born into the world. Although his mother was very loving, his other family were rather cold towards him. This didn't really affect him in anyway. What affected him was his sheltered lifestyle which lead to the naivety he has today. When he was seven, he took up boxing to do something with the abnormal strength that he possess which is why he is so solidly built today. He still tries to practice everyday. He started going to Miskatonic during his freshman year (9th grade) but was mostly unnoticed by his classmates. He was approached by a senior and convinced to join the Volunteer Club that she was the president of. In addition to developing an unrequited crush on the president, Claude also learned of the existence of the supernatural world. Despite being powerless himself, Claude quickly absorbed the knowledge of his fellow club members and by the time senior year ended, he was involved in and resolved many supernatural incidents in the school. After freshman year, all his club members graduated and no one new had joined the club, making him the de facto president of the club. Despite not seeing or hearing from the president or any club members after graduation, Claude still keeps the club running for them (even though he is the only member).


Unknown to him and his mother, Claude's mother was raped by an Orc that had crossed over into the human realm. This makes Claude a half orc. This grants him superhuman physical abilities as well as his imposing figure that is rather easy to train. In exchange however, his magic supplies are below average. His major element alignment is Earth, his minor element is Physical and he has an Arcane alignment making him a Sorcerer. His spiritual affinity is Normalcy giving him extra effectiveness in basic techniques and mana control as well as giving him his calm demeanor. Because the cases he worked on the volunteer club mainly utilized the Exorcism branch of Summoning Magic, he is unaware of his Sorcerer abilities.

Additional Info:

He is a sucker for novelty items. His favorite food is Laura's (one of the family maids) chicken noodle soup.
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Name: Dorothy Hooke

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Occupation/Grade: 12th Grade

Appearance: Tall, thin with no curves. Relatively healthy and fit. Brown hair, brown eyes, tanned but still light skin. Very plain, your generic small-town girl. Completely normal human.

Personality: Quiet, analytical, serious, mature, polite.

Backstory: Dorothy has been enrolled in Miskatonic University since Kindergarten. Her family lives in the nearby small town of Sentinel Hill, and have for generations, so this is the only home and school she has ever known. Ever since she was a kid, Dorothy has known that there is more afoot in Sentinel Hill than just the 'normal'. She's glimpsed some of it - and she suspects her parents might be involved, and keeping it from her. Dorothy has picked up bits and pieces of what's going on, but hasn't been able to determine any of the details. For eight years, she's been hellbent on figuring out exactly what is happening in Sentinel Hill, and is intent on solving its mysteries.

Abnormality: Though she thinks she is normal, Dorothy has paranormal powers. Her elemental alignment is Earth/Mental/Arcane, and her affinity is with 'continuation'. However, she doesn't know any of this, and she has zero knowledge or skill with magic.
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Name: Corinne Skye (Goes by Skye)

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Grade: 12

Apperance: Skye is on the short side and unassuming in features, with red hair, amber-colored eyes, and generally average facial features. Her hair is worn long and straight, and she recently caved and got thin-framed glasses. She prefers to dress in modest and unassuming attire, frequently wearing the school uniform even when not required by dress code.

Personality: Skye tends to be shy and keep to herself, but is quietly driven and ambitious. Her present dream is a come-from-nowhere swiping of the valedictorian title; she has somewhat of an insecurity complex, pursuing exceptional accolades like summoning a demon at an inappropriately young age or chasing valedictorian as a means of self-validation. She hopes to become a master alchemist in the future, making a living crafting and selling magically-enchanted items.

Backstory: Skye has no family that she knows of - her admission to the University was done in its first available grade and her tuition is paid by a bank account, but she lives alone in a dorm on-campus with a modest stipend for living expenses. Insecure about her lack of family, Skye rarely talks about her history, claiming to have grown up in sunny Florida before moving to Miskatonic.

Abnormality: Last year, Skye secretly summoned a demon, named Krause. Seeking an advantage over her peers, she attempted to bring forth only a minor demon that she could magically force into helping her succeed academically, but instead bit off slightly more than she could chew and found herself bound to a more powerful demon than anticipated, one that only sometimes heeds her command and sometimes turns an order around on her. The demon always stays around her, keeping itself hidden from her classmates, usually only appearing to her in the form of a hallucination. More playful than hostile, Krause amuses himself by keeping Skye off-balance and never quite sure if he's going to help her or hinder her. Her major elemental alignment is Air and her minor elemental alignment is Mental with no Arcane alignment. This limits her to alchemy and summoning because she has yet to develop an ESPer ability.
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Name: Fengar Fuentez

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Occupation/Grade: 10th grade

Appearance: 5 feet, 10 inches tall, with short, spiky black hair and deep brown eyes. He has a slight muscular build

Personality: Charismatic, confident, impulsive, stubborn, and optimistic. Fengar has a strong sense of Justice, always trying his best to right whatever wrongs he come across and help those who cannot help themselves.

Backstory:Self-described "Ally of Justice", Fengar grew up in a less than stable environment, his mother leaving after he was born and his father an overworked policeman. A stern, but kind man, Fengar's father was not so much devoted to his job, but rather helping the people he met during his job, the beaten down, the victims, the weak, a devotion he passed down to his son. That devotion, along with a healthy love of comic books, lead Fengar to decide at an early age that he would live his life as a super hero, to save those who needed saving and to always fight evil when it showed its ugly face. Although not that many kids shared the same passion for Justice Fengar had, he never had trouble making friends, as others seemed to be drawn to him, often helping him with whatever he needed, as if compelled by something more than their like for Fengar. As he got older, his dream became more real, more fleshed out, and he began to take his super hero dream to new heights, taking more risks, trying to prevent more dangerous crimes. However, after an incident during his freshman year, Fengar was transferred to Miskatonic Academy, far away from his hometown of Fort Worth, Texas, the only place he's ever known. Alone and homesick, Fengar is nonetheless excited about starting at this new school and eager to begin helping others.


Although naturally charismatic, he has has a strong Spiritual Affinity for "Control", making people more likely to bend to his will, allowing him to not only control people, but to read their thoughts and memories as well. He rarely goes as far as that, as compromising someone's freewill and mental privacy is something to not be taken lightly, but as he has little to no training with magic, he sometimes cannot control it, and he ends up influencing others without meaning too.
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Name: Hunter Clark

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Occupation/Grade: 9th Grader


Fairly clean cut hairstyle (with a little top length) atop a rather plain face (medium nose, medium lips, brown eyes, brown hair, and a masculinity that befits his age). Hunter is mulatto, leaning more toward his black side in appearance. Lean and physically capable, but not particularly strong. Average height at 5'8" and remarkably average weight at 145-150 pounds.

Outside of school he endeavors to wear a trench coat, fingerless gloves, a deerstalker hat, and slacks (summer usually sucks for him).


Hunter sounds rather eccentric when he talks with Dorothy, showing how verbose and capable he is at some points and stammering over himself at others. With other people, he keeps to himself, remains a stickler for learning, and/or relatively awkward. Not socially awkward, but that kind of awkward where people make fun of him, he laughs with them, and probably doesn't realize that most people use him.

At times, he breaches social boundaries with his nosiness and snooping.

Back Story:

Hunter acts as though he were a typical, studious 9th grader, in some respects. His one, defining difference stems from his infatuation with the supernatural, and the craving to uncover it within the academy. So far, he simply watches people, borderline stalks them in fact, and reports to a senior known as Dorothy. Before his last year in middle school, Hunter enjoyed studying world history, culture, and language (mostly English).


He is a total creeper if unattended and literally takes notes on other student's actions if he sees them as odd or abnormal. He does such in a little, leather bound book with a heavy ink pen. His infatuation with the supernatural and discovering it is quite queer, along with his seemingly obsessive need to please Dorothy with information and random things he discovers about other students.

Completely lacking any major or minor elements. If he could use magic, his spiritual affinity would be "simplicity", in regards to how overly average he is. His affinity would make it easier for him to be consistent in spell casting, instead he is consistent in his actions, studies, and overall interactions with people (except Dorothy).

Additional Info:

Total virgin (well, he has kissed), not good with the ladies, fairly nerdy, easily disregarded due being excessively average in most regards, a yes man, and once you get close to him, he comes off as fairly creepy (currently Dorothy knows and he believes accepts his stalker like nature).
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Name: Dante "Tay" Iscariot

Age: 17

Gender: Genderfluid

Occupation/Grade: Pizzadeliveryperson, Senior

Appearance: Tay is built like a minaret; tall and slender and lanky. There might be a bit of muscle there, sparse and frugal, but mostly it's just svelte limbs and lean chest. They have a pair of skin conditions- melanism and vitiligo, respectively- which in tandem plague them with a marbled, zebra-like complexion, an onyx base with tendrils of bone-white discoloration. It also serves to make their hair, a mane of shoulder-length locks, striated with snowy strands. Tay is most often seen wearing a wifebeater, faded blue jeans that are entirely too big on them, and bloodred Converse sneakers.

Personality: Tay is a simple, clever person. They have a root set of morals- general human decency chief among them- which they stick to. They can become good friend with people who don't offend those morals, but those who do, they politely (or, if necessarily, sardonically) cut out of their life. Among friends, Tay strives to make people smile, give advice, and show support. Alone, they're much the same, however nobody is around to hear their jokes, which is honestly just a huge shame.

Backstory: Dante comes from a line of powerful ESPers; his mother, Sibyl, was a Magnetokinetic enlisted in the Wetworks Divison of the U.S. Marines during the Vietnamese War. She was infamous for running headlong into battle with a bare chest, and to this day is considered "the most dangerous amputee soldier in Armed Forces history". Tay's older half-sister, Beatrice, is currently enrolled in Miskatonic University itself, in her Junior year. Tay has spent their summer working at the Iscariot Pizza Delivery Service, owned by their step-father, Vergil. During this time, they've become quite sage at driving cars, and getting places on time.

Abnormality: Despite their extraordinary skin, Dante's primary abnormality is... a lack of abnormalities. Their soul doesn't seem to generate any mana whatsoever, making any forms of Magic or Psionics impossible for them. Though they do have a few trinkets and tricks up their sleeve, those are all pre-enchanted and pre-charged; on their own, they're totally impotent. Which is really quite strange, as they're also thought of as one of the most dangerous individuals in the school.

Additional Info: Dante is good friends with a 7th grader name Nina Black (she considers them her older sibling). She occasionally tags along on Tay's deliveries, and has a half-developed ESP ability cataloged as Pigmentokinesis- the ability to manipulate colors.
deadpool42 said:
Name: Dante "Tay" Iscariot
Age: 17

Gender: Genderfluid

Occupation/Grade: Pizzadeliveryperson, Senior

Appearance: Tay is built like a minaret; tall and slender and lanky. There might be a bit of muscle there, sparse and frugal, but mostly it's just svelte limbs and lean chest. They have a pair of skin conditions- melanism and vitiligo, respectively- which in tandem plague them with a marbled, zebra-like complexion, an onyx base with tendrils of bone-white discoloration. It also serves to make their hair, a mane of shoulder-length locks, striated with snowy strands. Tay is most often seen wearing a wifebeater, faded blue jeans that are entirely too big on them, and bloodred Converse sneakers.

Personality: Tay is a simple, clever person. They have a root set of morals- general human decency chief among them- which they stick to. They can become good friend with people who don't offend those morals, but those who do, they politely (or, if necessarily, sardonically) cut out of their life. Among friends, Tay strives to make people smile, give advice, and show support. Alone, they're much the same, however nobody is around to hear their jokes, which is honestly just a huge shame.

Backstory: Dante comes from a line of powerful ESPers; his mother, Sibyl, was a Magnetokinetic enlisted in the Wetworks Divison of the U.S. Marines during the Vietnamese War. She was infamous for running headlong into battle with a bare chest, and to this day is considered "the most dangerous amputee soldier in Armed Forces history". Tay's older half-sister, Beatrice, is currently enrolled in Miskatonic University itself, in her Junior year. Tay has spent their summer working at the Iscariot Pizza Delivery Service, owned by their step-father, Vergil. During this time, they've become quite sage at driving cars, and getting places on time.

Abnormality: Despite their extraordinary skin, Dante's primary abnormality is... a lack of abnormalities. Their soul doesn't seem to generate any mana whatsoever, making any forms of Magic or Psionics impossible for them. Though they do have a few trinkets and tricks up their sleeve, those are all pre-enchanted and pre-charged; on their own, they're totally impotent. Which is really quite strange, as they're also thought of as one of the most dangerous individuals in the school.

Additional Info: Dante is good friends with a 7th grader name Nina Black (she considers them her older sibling). She occasionally tags along on Tay's deliveries, and has a half-developed ESP ability cataloged as Pigmentokinesis- the ability to manipulate colors.
First, is Nina Black going to be an NPC our character you play. In any case, we need a sheet for her (even an NPC description would do). Second magic is a secret and the secrecy is enforced heavily. Third, is that this takes place in the 1980s so your character is going to be bullied viciously by both students and staff for their color and genderfluidity (speaking of which does it even serve an actual purpose plot wise or is it there just to make your unique without really adding anything of value?). Since none of your magical tools can be used in front of normals and your character is rather physically weak, you're putting yourself at a massive massive disadvantage early on that will only get worse.

Sorry if I'm coming off as too harsh and for any mistakes spelling wise. I'm on my phone and the screen cracked recently.
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Oh, wow. So, a character cannot identify as nonbinary unless that's exploited as a plot point, or used as a way to make them "unique"? And, that's what you use to make an accusation of special snowflake-ness. Not the ridiculous combination of skin conditions?

Here's my response; you're a piece of cissexist garbage, goodbye.
No, he's saying that in the current setting, which is 1980's your character would be harassed constantly, the skin condition aside. The skin condition would also label you for harassment. Furthermore your character's mother couldn't have served in the military as you suggest or even in the wetworks division, due to her ESP, because it has to be hidden, regardless of whether she would even have been allowed into the forces based on gender.

Also, it's Deliveryman, Delivery person did not exist at that time. Besides, you referred you your character as male a few times in your character sheet, so remind us how we're being cissexist garbage if you can't even keep your genderfluid-ness, fluid.
[QUOTE="Paul Grayson]No, he's saying that in the current setting, which is 1980's your character would be harassed constantly, the skin condition aside. The skin condition would also label you for harassment. Furthermore your character's mother couldn't have served in the military as you suggest or even in the wetworks division, due to her ESP, because it has to be hidden, regardless of whether she would even have been allowed into the forces based on gender.
Also, it's Deliveryman, Delivery person did not exist at that time. Besides, you referred you your character as male a few times in your character sheet, so remind us how we're being cissexist garbage if you can't even keep your genderfluid-ness, fluid.

I'll admit, I could have been more mindful of the time-period whilst translating this character into this setting. But, the unnecessary comment about using genderfluidity to make a character unique was still cissexist, and I'm still not likely to forgive that.
Well, if the vast majority of people in a setting do not possess a particular trait, and you give your character that trait, would you not say that the trait was given to them to make them unique?

For instance if 3/4's of the worlds population are red and 1/4 is blue, but your character is purple. Then why is your character purple?
deadpool42 said:
I'll admit, I could have been more mindful of the time-period whilst translating this character into this setting. But, the unnecessary comment about using genderfluidity to make a character unique was still cissexist, and I'm still not likely to forgive that.
Most roleplayers when they make their character some uncommon sexuality/gender do it for attention rather than actual roleplaying purposes. I want to make sure you aren't one of those people. The fact that you made your character gender fluid despite the game's setting was a red flag.

Also I just want to point out that those two skin conditions would give you splotches of different color rather than stripes.
This is a work of historical fiction. It takes place in the same year George H. W. Bush was elected President. The word "genderfluid" has not even been invented yet - at the very least I could find no earlier reference to the word before the mid 2000s. So it's a perfectly valid question to ask why your character uniquely identifies by anachronistic ideas of gender identity. I wondered the same thing, I just felt it was the GM's place to question it.

It's not our intent to deliberately discriminate, merely to explore a different time period. We're concerned that our characters would not respond in a sympathetic fashion to a non-binary gendered character, if played realistically for the era in which they grew up. Furthermore, your unprovoked hostility and insulting us for it does not fill one with confidence that you would understand and respect the desire to portray realistic characters, complete with biases, prejudices, and ignorance realistic to their era.

As for the zebra skin, well, in your own words you called it ridiculous, and I honestly have no comment beyond that. If you cannot take your own character seriously, then how can you expect us to?
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Name: Leucosia Kalfas

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Occupation/Grade: 9th Grade


Lucy is a fairly tall girl at 5'6", with hazel eyes, and somewhat long blond hair that tends to have a slightly greenish tint.


Lucy is an optimistic sort, and generally friendly, but highly insecure. She tends to focus on details and possibilities, and has difficulty with big picture thinking. Being called by her proper name is one of her biggest pet peeves.


In her early days, Lucy was aware of the supernatural but unaware of her own place in it, her earliest years spent raised in a New York community of supernatural creatures. Moving to Sentinel Hill when she was six, her parents were insistent that she not talk about all manner of things from back home, and as she grew older she started to think that all the fantastic things she remembered from her early youth were just childish imaginings. She made lots of friends at her new home, as people seemed to flock to her, and what few concerns she had about it were forgotten quickly as she filled her time involving herself with choir, drama. and the swim club. It wasn't until she was twelve that her parents told her of her supernatural heritage. Since then, she's quit choir and drama, become more withdrawn and quiet, and barely ever speaks when not necessary - going so far as to carry a notepad around with her to write on in place of talking.


Lucy has a strong spiritual affinity for song that has been passed down through her family as far back as the Age of Spirits. She has no talent in any conscious expression of magic, but every word from her takes a slightly musical tone, and tends to draw people to her whether she likes it or not - an effect which becomes infinitely more pronounced when she actually sings.
Name: Roland Strom

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Occupation/Grade: 12

Appearance: Roland is of rather plain appearance. He is 70 inches tall with black hair that he waits the longest amount of time to cut and a growing beard that he only shaves when it starts to get bushy. His pupils are always unnaturally tiny which oddly does not affect his ability to see in low light conditions. His casual clothing is of a simple style, blue jeans and a mono-colour shirt.

Personality: Roland is passive and solitary. He prefers to keep to himself and try to go through school. He can sometimes be observed talking to himself (usually angrily) writes strange messages (sometimes insults to himself) and has mood swings that cause him to say or do something incredibly rude to others and then apologizing as if he never intended such maliciousness.

Backstory: After an accident that required a heart transplant in order for Roland to survive he manifested magical powers. Unbeknownst to the doctors performing the implant, the heart was imbued with magic and fragments of a witch's soul because of a failed experiment that ended up killing said witch. She is slowly corrupting Roland's mind to try and take over but until then, amuses herself by making Roland say and do things that alienate him from others.

Abnormality: Roland's magical heart allows him to use magic that he was unable to use before the heart transplant. His elements are Water/Physical/Arcane. The Arcane elemental affinity only came into existence after the heart transplant. Due to his abilities coming from an outside source, his spell specializations are Wind/Spiritual instead of his natural elements. Although the heart gives him access to the witch's mana pool, vast library of spells and alchemical knowledge it comes at a price. The more he relies on the heart, the more the witch takes over. He has to be careful not to use the heart too much without a break or else he becomes a vegetable and the witch takes over completely. Taking a break from using the heart is usually enough to restore his mind and soul from the witch's encroachment. Another downside of using the heart too much is that the witch's soul starts to imprint on his body (extremities start turning into dust and blowing away because of the witch's Wind affinity, etc.).

Additional Info: Roland is a member of the swim team and is the top short distance swimmer on the team. He still needs to learn to pace himself when swimming. His hospitalization puts him a year older than the rest of the senior year students. He was on the honor role before his hospitalization and aims to continue that. He is also the piano player for the choir and loved to listen to Lucy sing.
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Name: Han Zhi

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Occupation/Grade: 10th Grade

Appearance: 6ft tall, black hair, pompadour, beige skin, brown eyes.

Personality: Honorable, respectful of elders, tries to maintain a positive attitude.

Backstory: Han Zhi was born in Hong Kong, China to an impoverished family. Fearing for his future, his parents abandoned him on the doorstep of the biggest house they could find. Years later, Han Zhi is now the well-educated, adopted son of the CEO of an international trading corporation. He was taken in and raised to be a fine young man, and now his adoptive family is sending him on an exchange program. Han Zhi is leaving his friends behind to study in this strange continent.

Abnormality: Han has trained in the Dog Style Kungfu ever since he hit 5 years of age. He improved much faster than his peers, seeming to have a natural affinity for the martial art. Many who have sparred against him have noted how he is like a boulder. Tough and seemingly immovable.

Additional Info: He likes the color green and dislikes senseless violence. His favorite food is stir fry. Is a big spoon. America is strange.
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Name: John Smith

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Occupation/Grade: 10

Appearance: A tall and lanky sort, John towers over most of his peers at 6'5--which may be intimidating, if he did not define "beanpole", and did not have a friendly smile near-constantly plastered on his face

Personality: John is an amicable fellow in almost all regards--outgoing, friendly, quick with a joke, however, he takes any and all rumors of the supernatural as personal challenges, and seeks to disprove them whenever they arrive. More often than not, this leads to him spending a boring night in a supposedly haunted room, waiting for smart phones to be invented, but that'll take a while, so he usually just reads--usually things on the occult, because he almost enjoys his anger that such schlock is actually published.

Backstory: John transferred from a public school his freshman year, apparently on a scholarship, although most people who met him would wonder how he managed to actually procure such a thing, as he seems the farthest thing from an academic. He was accompanied by Bruce, his identical twin brother, although their drastically different approaches towards life and personal style make them all to easy to tell apart. His life before Miskatonic was mostly boring--even the exciting parts were ultimately boring, as they predicated upon going somewhere that was supposed to be haunted or cursed, spending the entire day there, bored out of his mind, and going home satisfied in his assurance that the supernatural does not exist. He's a bit of a killjoy like that.

Abnormality: John is an ESPer with an affinity towards denial, granting him the ability to passively weaken, magic around him, even negating things that would directly effect him. This is because magic is, obviously, not real.

Additional Info: Learned martial arts with his brother--partly from actual, real karate classes, and mostly from Bruce Lee films. This gave him a rich inner life, and taught him the values of restraint and forethought. His brother's constant sneak attacks taught him how to put a man on his ass with minimal effort--mostly in the form of flipping the fucker.
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Name: Bruce Smith


Gender: Male

Occupation/Grade: 10th Grade


6'0", blonde hair, blue eyes, athlete's physique. Bruce looks like the quintessential quarterback he is. He's actually a bit skinny for a football player because his exercise of choice is Jeet Kune Do; not something that really bulks you up. If you catch him outside school and practice, he'll probably be smoking or rather, holding a cigarette and waiting for the last drag.


Typically described as an idiot, he's more or less grown into the role and gotten away with it. Brash, tactless, and with no filter on the shit that comes out of his mouth. His tongue has gotten him into trouble more often than it's gotten him out, but he's still pretty easy going. He doesn't take anything too seriously and tries to not get hung up on the small stuff, because he knows it'll all work out in the end. And with him, it usually does.


His mother was the source of his magic, but she died early and didn't pass anything on but her genes. His father raised him and his brother like normal kids on the hard streets of Detroit, the only abnormality being how good he got at martial arts for his age. But someone was in the know and ended up giving him and his brother John scholarships to Miskatonic last year. Bruce got in for sports, quickly becoming co-captain of the Football team, a somewhat unsteady position, and spent the last year getting caught up on all relevant things supernatural.


Identical Twins with John Smith, things would always just work out slightly better for him in all things chance, which lead to him never putting his nose to the grind. Why bother? Things work out for him. He also has a bad sense of privacy. If someone catches his eye, he'll totally get up in their business and trying to stop him will just make him try harder. Nobody has ever managed to force him to stay in a place (detention for example) or keep him out of something he wanted in to (personal lockers for example). Best way to get him to go away? Get in a fist fight with him, then have a good heart to heart, abuse his gullibility, and point him at the next guy.

Additional Info:

Identical Twins with John Smith, but he has a nasty scar under his right eye from a fight, so people don't usually mix the two of them up.
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