Misho's Origins - REVEALED!


Elder Member
Okay, check it. I know what happened to Misho.

He is the original Thrice-Radiant Misho...'s copy.

When the Usurpation was coming down like ten thousand tons of bricks, a Sidereal who disagreed vehemantly - maybe one very personally intimately connected with Misho, who felt he was certainly not worth the wrath that he was about to recieve, or perhaps one who simply believed that this treason was wrong, decided to 'save' him in the only way she could.

She used Draw Forth One Shard, one of the high-level Obsidian Shards of Infinity Charms, to duplicate him, choosing the 'Shard learns everything the original learns' choice. Then the duplicate was rendered swiftly unconcious, and hidden as the Usurpation came down like a thousand tons of bricks. The original Thrice-Radiant Misho is killed, and she decides to hide her Misho copy very, very well - along with Eternal Dawn. She set him up to awaken at some time in the distant future, and the difference from the original was in his Essence trait - essentially, she dropped him back to a very low Essence score, which also robbed him of most of his Charms and any ability scores he would have needed the high Essence to sustain.

It explains him effectively having Past Lives (5) (he doesn't, because this is still technically his first life, but it's as much the same as no nevermind) and having no memory of his mortal life before he Exalted the second time (because he didn't - he's a shard-copy of the first Thrice-Radiant Misho.)

It's possible even that his proper Exaltation Shard came back - with the original dead, once it was freed from the Jade Prison, it was tricked into believing it was already there, and so it needed to move - thus, there's no uncomfortable metaphysical questions like "couldn't you use this to dupe Exalts you like?" (or at least none that need to be addressed now.)

And before someone says "But Misho has a reflection," We Don't Know That. It might be true that he does, but again, is sidestepped by "he has the original's Exaltation Shard, which might even have carried his original High Soul with it," mumbo-jumbo (it's Exalted; this kind of thing can happen,) or it might be that he doesn't, actually, have a reflection.

(Why yes, I have been reading Scroll of the Monk and cackling to myself imagining all the funinity one could have with that nugget of a charm.)
Ah, but there's a problem with that...

Obsidian Shards of Infinity style, much like Zeal and Void Avatar Prana, is actually a typo. It's a very long typo, but a typo nevertheless.
Zeikfried said:
Ah, but there's a problem with that...
Obsidian Shards of Infinity style, much like Zeal and Void Avatar Prana, is actually a typo. It's a very long typo, but a typo nevertheless.
I have not bwa-hah-hah-hah-ha'd so long and so hard in at least a week!

It may be a typo, but typographical errors have caused some of the most awesome in the world. Of course, they've also caused a lot of suck, but hell, enabling Misho would be justification enough for a typo that long.
I bet Jukashi has far more interesting and less conspiracy-theory laden plans for the big reveal about Misho. Besides, Draw Forth One Shard doesn't allow you to drop the clone's Essence.
On purpose, it does not, no.

However, we're talking about Plot, not "something you could use offensively/productively in-game".

Hell, it's plausable. It would explain some of the facts we have, without obviously contradicting anything.

It's a hypothesis. And as Jukashi will say, it's utterly correct. ^_^

I mean, why not. I'd allow it as a character background. You wouldn't get more than standard chargen, but you wouldn't really need it.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
I mean, why not. I'd allow it as a character background. You wouldn't get more than standard chargen, but you wouldn't really need it.
Hmmm, on the one hand giving up all Common Knowledge about the present-day world, on the other gaining all sorts of rare and proscribed information ...
Ribusprissin said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
I mean, why not. I'd allow it as a character background. You wouldn't get more than standard chargen, but you wouldn't really need it.
Hmmm, on the one hand giving up all Common Knowledge about the present-day world, on the other gaining all sorts of rare and proscribed information ...
Which is why Misho and Marena are such a good duo. She's wise and worldly of the Age of Tears, and he knows the First Age like the back of his hand.
...I suddenly had the most amusing thought of Marena trying to convince Misho that second base was now a standard form of greeting.

Fanartists! Get to it!
Yalborap said:
...I suddenly had the most amusing thought of Marena trying to convince Misho that second base was now a standard form of greeting.
Fanartists! Get to it!
She has Manipulation 5, he has Compassion 5...

I can see him getting all flustered and guilty-feeling by her putting on an upset air that he won't, and groping her to make her feel better... Then thinking it's not so bad... Then trying it on some poor random person and getting the holy @%*)% slapped out of him.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Yalborap said:
...I suddenly had the most amusing thought of Marena trying to convince Misho that second base was now a standard form of greeting.
Fanartists! Get to it!
She has Manipulation 5, he has Compassion 5...

I can see him getting all flustered and guilty-feeling by her putting on an upset air that he won't, and groping her to make her feel better... Then thinking it's not so bad... Then trying it on some poor random person and getting the holy @%*)% slapped out of him.
That would, in point of fact, be ludicrously hilarious.
My personal best is 25 weeks, IIRC.

Though he forgot to pull any theatrics on raising the thread.
((NECROED AGAIN!!! Arise my thread and see the light of day!))

Based on that current comic #334, this is perhaps not the best explanation. A sidereal would need to be in the area and I would expect that the last thing he remembered would be either mundane or leaving Yu-Shan. It's possible that he was killed by Sidereals during the Usurpation, and that someone backed him up. But that explanation gets more complicated. How did hypothetical goldy survive the precursor Bronze Inquisition?
I think the bit that may Joss this one is the apparent carry-over of sorcererous and necromantic initiations from Misho's First Age self.

It was so ostentatiously pointed out that it may be a red herring of some sort, though.
Hey guys, it doesn't need to be this complicated. It was revealed in Exalted that all the memories of an exaltation are still contained within it until Lydek strips them away. Which he usually does before returning a specific Celestial exaltation to circulation. Thats why the Internals, if you read their book, have all the memories of their last incarnation. Because their Yozi lords left all the memories. All Misho needs is for someone to have convinced Lydek to leave the full memory in the exaltation OR the exaltation was stolen from Lydeks office before he had the chance to prune the memories (ie right after Misho's murder during the usurpation when the Sidreals broke in and stole all of the solar essences) and then since Misho's last incarnation had perfect memory he gets everything. I don't know how KoC is going to work all this out but the clone theory only works if the clone is somehow chosen to become and exalted, which i've never heard of happening.
Hey guys, it doesn't need to be this complicated. It was revealed in Exalted that all the memories of an exaltation are still contained within it until Lydek strips them away. Which he usually does before returning a specific Celestial exaltation to circulation. Thats why the Infernals, if you read their book, have all the memories of their last incarnation. Because their Yozi lords left all the memories. All Misho needs is for someone to have convinced Lydek to leave the full memory in the exaltation OR the exaltation was stolen from Lydeks office before he had the chance to prune the memories (ie right after Misho's murder during the usurpation when the Sidreals broke in and stole all of the solar essences) and then since Misho's last incarnation had perfect memory he gets everything. I don't know how KoC is going to work all this out but the clone theory only works if the clone is somehow chosen to become and exalted, which i've never heard of happening.

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