Misfits ((Closed))

Endless Love

Reality TV Junkie ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Hey everyone. I'd just like to say that any of you who would be interested in being a major part of the plot should pm me, and I'll give you the deets.

Character Sign Up

((Gif, or image no anime))




Ethnic Background:

Classification: ((Jock, video game junkie, bad boy, queen bee, ect))




Savannah Santiago

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/-1.png.9d22c1286fc7065e03d72942d0067e7c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36211" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/-1.png.9d22c1286fc7065e03d72942d0067e7c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

5'2 | Eye color: Brown | Hair color: Dirty Blonde





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Italian, Colombian (( Mother ))

Norwegian (( Father ))


The Mystery








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It is often people mistake Savannah for being a loner. Although she has her two 'friends' who walk at her side at school and chat with her in the cafeteria, those people were never really an important piece of the puzzle that is Savannah's life. Although it obviously sucks not being able to quite fit into a group, the infamous group, known to most as the Pothead Kids have been interested in hanging out with Savannah lately. Since she is so unknown to everyone, they assume she is hiding something like a drug addiction or an alcohol problem, which is pretty much a free pass into their clique.


Savannah is currently living in a medium sized split level home with her younger brother Jason and her sister Sienna. Her previously abusive father left when she and Sienna were only three, and her mother pregnant with Jason. She remembers almost nothing about him other than his abusive behavior.



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I'm gonna go ahead and call a reservation on a female character, because I'm really busy right now, and probably wont get around to making a cs till tomorrow sometime, possibly Monday.
Name : Perutus Maelstrom

Age: 17

Personality : Perutus is a loner. He dispises human interaction. He is very sarcastic and belittling. He is a genius, having all academic credits at the end of his Junior year. He is now completing all fine art credits. He is also adept at all stringed and woodwind instruments.

Bio. Perutus developed his hatred for humans as he is the result of a rape. His mother, who was only thirteen when she gave birth to him. She died six months later. He was too large inside of her frame and caused mortal injury to her inside. After being told this by his single foster dad, who is an abusive belligerent drunk, he realized humans were awful and he has loathed himself ever since.

My image didn't load. Anyway, he is about 5'7 with medium black hair. He has green eyes that catch light in the most beautiful manor. His lack of body fat makes what small muscles he has look very defined
Found one just because I really like the Role play idea ^~^

@Endless Love<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Screenshot_2014-12-06-22-46-56.png.c74fe165f9c41bd1d89092eb331de616.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36233" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Screenshot_2014-12-06-22-46-56.png.c74fe165f9c41bd1d89092eb331de616.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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  1. Character Sign Up

    Blond hair green eyes
    Name: Mika almond
    Age: 16
    Sexuality: homosexual
    Ethnic Background: He's half German from his mothers side and English from his fathers
    Classification: He's the rare bad boy video game junkie.
  2. Exciting
  3. Adventures
  4. Brave
  5. Kind
  6. Hyperactive
  7. Impatient
  8. Mysterious


  1. Mika is the adventures quirky guy you will catch sleeping on the roof of a random building just because he was tired. He's to curious for his own good and way to easily bored going to great lengths to ease his boredom and often getting into trouble. He's laid back and goes with the flow. He is protective of his friends and won't hesitate to eliminate any threat to them. He can be a bit selfish and maybe a tad rude but he has a good heart despite the life he has had. He is rebellious and often does what he wants without regard for others opinions.
  2. Mika grew up in a home ruled by the bottle on the wrong side of the tracks. Growing up he learnt everything he shouldn't until he was ten. Then the police arrested his parents for abuse and he was sent to an orphanage that wasn't much better. He lived there for a year before he was adopted by a newly wed couple who fell in love with him. They were a happy family for a few years until he was 14 then his new mother fell to cancer leaving him with his father. His father is trying his best to raise him but the temptation of the bottle is sometimes to much. After that fist fly and sorry because just another meaningless word.
I'd like to reserve a female character because it'll probably take me a little bit to figure out my character :)
I've got two characters in the works, I should be finished by this afternoon. c:

@Endless Love: Alright, I've finished.

t h e s t o n e r


Ezra Vandeventer

18 | Straight | White (Dutch and Swedish)

Classification: Jock, Stoner, Popular

Personality:Ezra has never been a responsible person. Ever since he was a child, he would leave his belongings in different places all around the house, and wouldn't care if he lost something. After all, he could just buy a replacement with his parent's money. He's an easygoing fellow, and only gets angry if someone tries to provoke him. Additionally, Ezra only looks after himself, and would save his own ass rather than help others out. He's an impulsive person that acts before he thinks things through, which often leads to miscommunication and trouble. Ezra has experienced pretty much everything, which has led to him becoming very jaded and a bit pretentious. He never has trouble with the ladies, but whereas he is looking for a noncommittal, friends-with-benefits type of relationship, the majority of the girls that he is into don't think the same way.

Biography: Born and raised in Palm Springs, Ezra has always had a silver spoon in his mouth due to the fact that his father had been the recipient of a pretty hefty inheritance. He started playing soccer in kindergarten, and decided to stick with the sport since he thought it was fun. Now, Ezra is the captain of the soccer team. He's always been close with his sister, and although he isn't exactly protective of her, Ezra definitely despises the way he's seen some of the guys look at her. Now that Ezra is a senior and has already been recruited to play soccer for UCLA, he no longer cares about his academic performance. Instead, he spends most of his time fulfilling his duties as the captain of the soccer team, as well as smoking weed, taking pills, drinking, and selling illegal substances to other people. Ezra has already been caught once for drinking while underage, and UCLA has given him a warning. If he gets caught again, his athletic scholarship will be revoked and he won't have a college to go to.


easygoing - selfish - jaded - impulsive - irresponsible

t h e d r e a m g i r l


Cora Vandeventer

17 | Straight | White (Dutch and Swedish)

Classification: Popular, Jock

Personality: For Cora, the only thing that matters is her passion for life. She tries to put her heart into everything she does, and sometimes works harder than she should. Although considered "popular" in school, Cora is individualistic, preferring to be alone, or with a couple of close friends instead of a large group of people. For many, Cora is ephemeral, an unapproachable girl that they lust after but know they won't be able to have. Nevertheless, Cora is an adventurous girl, eager to let the road take her wherever it will. She doesn't like to let her problems trouble her too much, which is probably a trait that she picked up from her easygoing brother. Full of energy and pep, Cora seems to never tire out, and is always enthusiastic, which is fitting because of her role as a cheerleader. She also tends to get emotional often, and lets her feelings get in the way of rational thinking. Overall, Cora is just a girl trying to figure out life. As for her love life, Cora doesn't really mind hooking up with acquaintances, though she does prefer to start a relationship with friendship.

Biography: Like her older brother, Cora was coddled by her parents, given everything and anything that she was asked for. However, unlike Ezra, Cora decided to reach for higher goals instead of becoming perpetually lazy due to abundance of comfort. The captain of the cheerleading team, Cora is planning on doing something with her skill in gymnastics and cheerleading later on in life, but she hasn't figured it out yet. She has gone through a multitude of boyfriends, all attracted to her because they thought of her as an object that they could simply use. Although she does enjoy going to parties, Cora hasn't fallen into the world of drugs and stimulants the way that her brother has, and although she doesn't hate him for being a druggie, Cora would rather Ezra be clean.


individualistic - adventurous - energetic - passionate - emotional

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Jessica Kurt






Ethnic Background:



Bad-Girl, popular, guy magnet


rebellious, wild, daring, brave, bold, talented, fun, cool, mysterious,



Jessica is your typical bad-girl. She is rebellious, wild, daring, and fun. She could be quite mysterious at times. She has many secrets about herself and her family. She's sarcastic and times and is easily angered or annoyed. She could sometimes be quite a flirt and play hard-to-get. Jess is a thrill seeker, and she loves a good challenge. She doesn't have a set group of friends, and she hangs out with different people everyday. She sneaks out to parties, smokes, drinks, and pops pills without shame. She's quite popular, but she won't admit it. Though she is popular, she hates the prissy plastic popular types. Guys find her attractive, and it pisses Jessica off. She's also the captain of the dance team.


WIP (I'll finish later)



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Name: Sophia Bellini

Age: Eighteen

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Ethnic Background: Italian & Bulgarian

Classification: Popular/Floater

Traits: + Honest, Intuitive, Empathetic

- Impulsive, Over-Emotional, Flirtatious

Personality: Sophia has always been very empathetic and relies solely on just being honest with people, whether they appreciate it or not, because she feels that it's the right thing to do. After her mother's passing and her father leaving, Sophia started showing a whole new side of herself. Clearly acting out, she became impulsive and very flirtatious, perhaps one could even say promiscuous, and eventually that all added to her personality as opposed to being just a phase. Due to her empathy, Sophia has a tendency to be over-emotional about a lot of things but she tries to hide it by drinking and doing anything to get her mind off of it, really. Sophia's intuitive nature is sometimes overlooked based on her impulsive actions.

Biography: Sophia grew up in an upper-middle class home with her strict Italian father and loving Bulgarian mother. Money has never been an issue in her life, however, there have been many others. Her mother passed away when she was fifteen and now she only has her two brothers, Geno and Nikolai, for support in life because her father abandoned them shortly after their mother's passing. Sophia's eldest brother Geno, 24, lives with his fiance and their daughter, Ava, in another state but comes to visit occasionally only to have Sophia babysit for a weekend. Her other brother, and fraternal twin, Nikolai, still lives with Sophia in their family's old home. Sophia has been working as a waitress at a local diner to help pay bills.


Name: Nikolai "Nik" Bellini

Age: Eighteen

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Ethnic Background: Italian & Bulgarian

Classification: Jock/Popular

Traits: + Outgoing, Charming, Athletic

- Quick-Tempered, Blunt, Over-Protective

Personality: Nikolai is a very outgoing and charming guy. He does rather well with the guys and even better with the girls. His athleticism comes in handy primarily when he's taking part in any sports; managing to remain the captain of the lacrosse team for three solid years. However, Nikolai seems to have some intense anger issues that led him to become quick-tempered. He is also very over-protective, especially over Sophia, and some days it's even unbearable. The one trait he shares with his sister is his honesty, only, his honesty comes out rather harsh most of the time and he's simply blunt about it.

Biography: Nikolai grew up in an upper-middle class home with his strict Italian father and loving Bulgarian mother. Money has never been an issue in his life, however, there have been many others.

His mother passed away when he was fifteen and now he only has his two siblings, Geno and Sophia, for support in life because his father abandoned them shortly after their mother's passing. Nikolai's eldest brother Geno, 24, lives with his fiance and their daughter, Ava, in another state but comes to visit occasionally. His sister, and fraternal twin, Sophia, still lives with Nikolai in their family's old home. Nikolai has been working as a waiter at a local pub to help pay for bills.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.e90db64eff4a18c47bdf13faef1b7d38.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36282" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.e90db64eff4a18c47bdf13faef1b7d38.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Marcella Stone (Marcie, Ella)

Age: 16

Classification: The Loner

Personality: Most people would mistake her as someone who chose to be a loner. She never wanted that, it was thrust upon her. She'd tried making friends, but for some reason everyone has rejected her, so she gave up trying. She's an insecure, shy girl now, for that is what people made her.

Biography: Marcella's father died of cancer when they were very little. At age 5 her twin brother, Mark, and her were verbally abused by their mother. She always told them how useless they were, and things like that. Even now she does it. Though last year Marcella's life fell apart. Mark got cancer, the same their dad had, and died shortly later. It was two weeks before their birthday as well. The only person Ella could love, trust, and count on was gone forever. This blow has left her alone with her mother without any support from anyone. She had contemplated suicide for a short while but decided she was now living for the both of them.



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Name: Matthew Barton

Age: 17

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Ethnic Background: British and American

Classification: video game junkie

Traits: shy, sarcastic, witty, quick-thinker, loving, courageous, and intellectual.

Personality: Matthew usually likes to be left alone so that he can focus on his gaming score, unless of course it is a multi-player game. He is usually quiet, but becomes very loud and upbeat when something he is passionate about comes up in conversation. He is very shy towards new people and likes to stick with his very small group of close friends. He feels that he can only truly open up to people if they do not know that it is him. He is not comfortable in his own skin. His sassy nature and straight A's has shied people off from him, but he is very sweet and not a bossy know-it-all as people believe him to be.

Biography: Matthew grew up in a middle-class household. His mother is a part of the US Navy and met his father overseas in England. His mother is almost never home to her job, leaving him alone with his father most of the time. Matthew grew up there until he was 12 and they moved to America. He had trouble fitting in due to being raised differently and being made fun of for his different accent. He discovered that he could escape reality through video-games and online sites by becoming a different person there. He wants to meet new people, but everyone is so into their cliques that he finds it growing ever so harder to meet them. He has started to give up on that idea and prefers to just be by himself most of the time.
For those who would like to begin now I will have the first post up momentarily. Keep in mind it should be at least two paragraphs for your first post.


Zane Macintosh





Ethnic background

Irish, Scottish(Father) American(Mother)


Jock/Bad boy/rich kid


Blunt, cocky, rude, confident


Zane is in all reality a cocky asshole. He's overly confident but he's got the muscle to back it up. He has a tendency to create a posse of people wanting to hang out with him wherever he goes, as well as a natural affinity with the ladies it would seem. He's easily classified as a competitive man, never stopping until he's the winner of whatever it is he's doing. And usually that's fighting.

Zane loves to fight in underground MMA rings and is quite good at it. He thirsts for the thrill and the brutality of a match but is easily calm and controlled. He's in it completely for the feel of victory when his opponent hits the mat and doesn't get back up.


Zane was born into wealth, his father the head of a big company across seas and his mother an adept player in the stock markets, this combination gave the family a lofty standing in society and a wealthy bank account. Zane has always had access to whatever he wanted but just getting it was never enough. He wanted the sweet feel of victory when he took something, which is how he got into fighting. A simple school yard scrap with another pompous rich kid ended with Zane busting the kids nose open and knocking him to the ground. Zane followed with a kick to the stomach and kept kicking, enjoying the feel of beating his opponent to a pulp. From that moment on he began looking into MMA and other diving forms, having his father hire an instructor to train him over the years.

That like mean accepted?

I'll write up a good sized one and post now if I can

Otherwise I'll post it tomorrow morning.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.d629439dc55d5f380d1f85315cbe48c0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36304" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.d629439dc55d5f380d1f85315cbe48c0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rosie Bonnet





Ethnic Background

















Rosie really doesn't care about the well being of others. She hostile to those she doesn't know. She isn't mature given her childish nature. When she commits to something

,which is almost always art and music, she obsesses about it in till she's completed the task. Which cause her to ignore other people in her life.


Her mother and father have always been far away from her life. Always at work. After all they had a multi million dolor company to run.

They never had time for her and we're never there to say I love you or good night. Her nanny has really always been her mother. Taking care of her from the beginning of her life. She finds her self painting and playing her instruments when she finds herself alone. She has always been known as a prodigy when it came to when she played her music. Recently her nanny was fired due to the fact the parents thought she could live by herself. So there she was in a big old house with a canvas, a guitar, piano, and a violin.​



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Name: Theodore 'Teddy' McElroy

Age: 17

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Ethnic Background: All American

Classification: The Outcast

Traits: Teddy has really nothing significant about him, though his hobbies include video games, listening to music, writing, and kung-fu movies. He is best known for his ability to not stand out in a crowd and being quiet. He hasn't excelled at anything, and has shown any real talent in anything hes' tried, and hes' tried A LOT of things. He really just stands just outside every circle.

Personality:Teddy is quiet, reserved, and soft spoken, having never really said anything bad to anyone. He keeps to himself mostly but is extremely approachable and kind, his heart warming smile giving almost everyone no reason to bother him in a bad way. Teddy is rather tall, standing at 6'4, but hes' always seen slouching and sitting cross-legged in chairs to the complaints of his long legs sticking out and tripping people. He easily feels guilty and underwhelming to people who start conversations with him.

Biography: Teddy grew up into an incredibly successful and loving family, one that always supported him no matter what. Teddy's father has retired at the ripe age of 50 after his huge success in the electronics industry and his mother is a former super model. His older brother has gone off to become a musical prodigy with his younger sister in New York, leaving Teddy behind with their legacy. People expected Teddy to become something amazing as he grew older, but he went of like a dud firework, soaring high, only to not go off in the end. He constantly feels the weight of peoples expectations of him and knowing that they'll be watching him for the rest of his life. This has worn down on Teddy for the past four years and its given his patience strength, but his confidence nothing. After the years, sadly, Teddy was diagnosed with depression at the age of 16. Its only been five months since he left therapy. He feels nervous about what people think of him again, but now hes' armed with coping skills.

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