

Black Market Witch
People often say that everything happens for a reason. It's mere phrase, a collection of words, with no science proving it true or otherwise. Yet in world full of "Why me"'s, it often proves to be the only thing that allows people to look past all the sh*t life dumps on them. The simple belief that in the end, your suffering leads to a happily ever after. And perhaps, it is the only thing that can explain the string of events that plagued a small group of teenagers in Baiting Hollow.

Baiting Hollow was a rather typical city resting on the Californian coast. Beginning to modernize, there were tall steel buildings downtown while the original brick ones littered the outer parts of the city. The beautiful coast line and the forest up north allowed Baiting Hollow to retain some of the natural beauty of its landscape. It was a generally peaceful city perhaps even described as boring by most.

At the moment, the city was preparing for the event that attracted the most tourists, Halloween. Halloween was the biggest celebration in Baiting Hollow. There were parties and carnivals, haunted houses and contests, even the trick or treating yielded mountains of candy. The biggest attraction was of course the Demon Dance Hall. It was an urban legend that said that every Halloween night, a cemetery would appear in the woods north of town. Demons, witches and all matter of creatures of the night would gather and dance among the graves. It is even said that whoever passes through its gates would be dragged down to Hell. Each year, occult enthusiasts, curious tourists and stupid teenagers would navigate through the Silent Forest and try to find this graveyard. So far none have.

But this tale begins a bit earlier, at Crowley High School. Within its halls are the four students, friends turned strangers, who are about to stumble upon something no one has before. This is the story of @Halo @Alexina @Faith Eliza Cord and @amdreams .


Okay, this is the posting order:

  1. Amdreams
  2. Halo
  3. Alexina
  4. Faith Eliza Cord

Yeah, I have no idea what order to put you guys in so first come first served. For your first post, please start with a glimpse your day at home and/or school. You could even pass eachother or something. End it with you going into the graveyard. That should give people plenty to write about.


Lucy sat at the breakfast table chewing on some toast. To her left was her older brother, Max, sipping his coffee, and to her right, were the twins, Lucas and Kevin, both in a race to see who could finish their cereal first. Though they all got along like full blood family, the Hargreaves kids all had different fathers. The only exception being the twins sharing a dad. Their mother wasn't the most chaste woman in the world.

Speak of the devil, their mom shuffled into the kitchen and poured herself some coffee. The kitchen was silent except for the twins' eating contest. Of course with everything that had happened in their lives, the awkwardness was expected. The quiet was broken when her mother's latest boo came into the kitchen. This one was a police officer. He greeted the kids good morning and gave their mother a kiss on the cheek. The breakfast finished in more awkward silence and soon the kids all piled into Max's car to go to school. Lucy didn't have a car yet but she had a motorcycle that used to belong to her father. She had gotten her motorcycle license over the summer and was itching to ride it. But the school didn't allow her to park it in their parking lot.

After dropping the twins off, Max and Lucy drove to Crowley. As she got out of the car, some students were already backing away, not wanting to anger her. The rest of the day went as usual, boring. Lucy didn't have many friends so there were no stories, conversations, or gossip. No one talked to her. To her, the day didn't end soon enough.

After school, she and Max took the twins to a haunted house. It was poorly done at best. Nothing but fake blood, cobwebs and people in costumes desperately trying to shock you behind every corner. None of the kids were scared, though there seemed to be plenty of kids who were, based on the screams heard. As they approached the end, a man with a chainsaw jumped out, scaring the twins. Lucy was also surprised and before she could think, she had already knocked the poor guy out with a straight punch to the face.

The Hargreaves had planned to take Lucas and Kevin out trick or treating after the haunted house. The twins were in matching vampire costumes and seemed set to go, except Lucas seemed to be troubled by something. Lucy bent down to his level and patted his head. "What's wrong Lu? Do you want to go home?"

The boy shook his head and continued looking to the ground. Kevin was the one that spoke up. "Evan stole Lucas' backpack and said he put in the silent forest. I hit him though. But he still won't get it back for Lucas."

Evan was a sixth grade bully. He was constantly picking on Lucas for their loose mom and also because Lucas was the more soft spoken of the twins. If she could, she would hang that brat on the flag pole by his underwear. But she couldn't fight her brothers' battles for them. She patted Kevin's head and held up a congratulating thumbs up which was mirrored back. She turned to Max. "Could you take them trick or treating yourself. I'm going to go find Lucas' backpack in the Silent Forest."

Her older brother looked at her. "Are you sure you should go alone? We can search for it this weekend."

"By then, who knows what could've happened to it. Besides, Evan's a bedwetting twerp. How deep in the woods could he have put it?"

After a bit of arguing, Lucy had won and left for north. Navigating through the trees, she noticed the complete silence of the forest, thus its name. No one knew why but there had never been any other living creatures in these woods other than trees. No birds, squirrels or even bears. For what seemed like forever, she shined the flashlight along the ground and branches without finding a trace of her brother's backpack. Maybe Eva was lying when he said he put it here. Suddenly her flashlight ran out. Smacking it a few times, she swore before putting it in her jacket pocket. Now blind, she decided to head back but found out quickly that she was lost.

She soon found some light and headed toward it. Exiting the trees she discovered that she wasn't back in town but rather a clearing. The full moon shone brightly and illuminated the space as well as the sun itself. Then she saw it. In front of her was a large iron gate and past it was a cemetery. Was this the Demon Dance Hall? This graveyard certainly wasn't one used by the townspeople. If so, she would've heard about funerals in this place.

Curious, she walked bast the rusted gates. The moonlight made each of the graves glow with a silver hue. As the wind blew it sounded like music and Lucy could swear she heard whispering and even giggling. The shadows on the ground did seem to dance even if the moonlight was steady. It wasn't like the legend said but it certainly had a scary beauty to it.
"Madison, for the last time, I can't take you trick or treating this year!" Angel said between bites of her cereal. Glancing at the clock, she sighed and ignored the seven-year-old's whining. "I was invited to a party at Katie's house. The whole swim team is going to sleep over and polar bear swim in the morning. Aaaand, I still don't have a costume bought yet!" She looked at Madison with raised eyebrows.

Angel's father lowered his news paper and looked at her over his glasses. "You're sleeping over? Angel, Arn't there boys on the swim team? You can't go if there will be boys while you're sleeping. I was seventeen once too, you know. I know what they're thinking." Madison stood up, revealing a a big smile (and missing front teeth), pigtails bouncing. Angel glared at her, she sat down.

"Dad, there won't be any boys besides Katie's little brothers. Who, I might add, are ten and nine." She smiled a bit. She was ready for this conversation. "It's not like I would even go if there were actual boys coming. You know me better than that." Angel said very matter-of-factly. Make him explain, score one for the fish. The little cheerleader in her head added one point to Angel's score board, and kicked her father's emtpy one to the ground with her head held high. "And plus, Katie's Mom will be there. Her dad is taking the boys trick or treating anyway." She forced herself not to look at the glaring Madison.

"Humph!" Madison said, defeated. She picked up her backpack, hesitating a bit. "Dad, why do we have school on Halloween? It's a holiday! That's like having school on, like, Christmas or something!" She pouted her lip.

Angel stood up and patted her head. "That's because the vampires, ghosts, and werewolves come into our houses during the day on Halloween to wait until it's dark out. Then they stalk the little kids out getting candy to eat them." She smirked and picked up her Nike bag, just as her sister screamed and ran into her room. Angel laughed out loud, to be silenced by her glaring father. As he walked past, she silently laughed into her hand and walked out the door. As soon as she got outside, she slipped off her flats and slipped on tennis shoes. I could use some exersize before practice later. She slung the gym bag over her shoulder messanger bag style, and started running up the street.

As Angel's school came into view, she started walking, wiping the sweat from her forehead as discreetly as possible. Walking up the steps, she noticed a familliar figure getting out of a car. Angel stared for a minute, ignoring the fact that it was hard to breathe. She coughed and looked away, hoping the girl hadn't seen her. Now's not the time for memories. She cracked her knuckles and jogged up the steps, hoping school would go by fast.


Multiple hours later, Angel sulked to swim class, feeling extremely tired. I feel like hell... She thought, rubbing her temples. As soon as she entered the locker room, Katie ran up to her. "Angel Fish!" She said exitedly. The swim team called her 'Angel Fish', because she is one of the fastest swimmers on the team. Katie grabbed one of Angel's hands and started jumping up and down, brown curls bouncing with her. "Have you cought your Halloween costume yet?"

Angel squinted and shook her head. "Nnn... No.. Why, what's up?" Her usually soft voice sounding strained.

Katie grinned widely, showing a set of blue braces. "I haven't gotten mine either. Sophie and Hannah need their's too. Wouldn't it be fun to shop together? Ohmigosh!" She squealed. "What if you dressed like a fish?" She said, obviously joking.

"How about we all be Dirty Devils?" Angel grinned. "I know you understand how ironic it would be for me, but it could look amazing! We can all wear horns and tails, red pleated micro-mini's, black heels and ripped up black cami's with a red one underneath?" She held her hands up equal to her shoulders, as if to say 'Well? What do you think?'

Katie narrowed her eyes and pouted her lips. Angel frowned and was about to say something, before Katie broke her pokerface. "Only if we can add vampy makeup to it!" She beamed and hugged Angel, then ran up to Hannah and Sophie to share the news. Angel sighed, peeled off her day clothes and changed into her school bathing suit. Before going into the pool area, she pulled her hair into pigtails to mimic her little sister's style.

Once inside, Angel jumped into the pool right away. The other girls laughed and jumped in after her, splashing each other. Angel pulled Katie under, only to have to resurface seconds later in a laughing fit. Nobody noticed the person walking in. As soon as the coach's whistle blew, it was all business for the next two hours.


"You look hot!" Sophie exclaimed as Angel exited the dressing room. Just for show, she leaned on one leg and twisted her devil tail in her hand. The four girls broke into laugher. "My turn! Me next!" Sophie said, rushing in with her own devil design. Sophie had opted for pink accents, and Hannah chose lime green. Angel and Katie had both matched in black and red, though Angel had ditched the camisole idea and chose a tube top resembling a corset, which exposed much of her back, and chose red plaid miniskirt, not being brave enough for anything shorter. Angel held her head high and paid for her costume, ripped off the tags, and wore it walking out of the store. She waited several minutes before the other Dirty Devils all stood with her.

"So, here's the deal." Katie said, eyes on a group staring at the four of them. "We're going to go get Sam, Dylan, and Molly before we get to my house, and since we have a few hours before everyone shows up, we can play a game or something. Party starts at ten. Hannah, what time is it now?" She stopped and winked at the group staring at them, not having any pride.

Hannah fixed her glasses as she stared at her phone. "It's eight forty seven." She said quietly. Hannah was shy and insecure about her glasses, even though Angel and her friends have told her many times it just makes her look cute.

Katie panicked. "It's getting dark! We gotta go now!" She dashed out the doors of the mall, forgetting about the accessories they were going to get at Hot Topic, and jumped into her car. The dim sun made her outfit seem creepy, scary almost. "Hurry up guys!" She yelled out to the girls, who were rushing after her. Angel slid over in the back seat, making as much room as possible for the girls coming.

Half an hour later, the seven girls were walking into Katie's house, admiring each other's costumes. Angel stopped in the middle of the living room, slid the table away from the rug in the middle of the parallel couches, and sat down. "Hey guys!" She called, "Let's play Truth or Dare while we're waiting for the other girls!" Half a minute later, the girls sat in a circle on the furry rug.

"Alright, Angel, Truth or Dare?" Sammy grinned. Oh please. I'm not like the others, I don't pick truth just for spilling crushes.

"Dare!" She said confidently, holding her head high. The other girls watched Sammy, waiting for her responce.

"Hmmm..." Sammy mumbled. Her head shot up. "Oh! I know! I dare you to go to Silent Forest and find that graveyard!" Everyone stared at her, dumbstruck.

"That's not real! That's just an old story!" Dylan said as if she had suggested they flash the football team.

"Humph. You still have to go. It's not that far away, anyways..." Sammy gave Angel a devilish grin. "Either do that, or ditch the dare and go jump in the pool with no clothes on." That was the punishment for not doing a dare with her group.

Angel considered this. "Okaaay, I'll go to the forest. Katie, can you drive me?" Katie nodded.


Angel walked alone through the forest, after wasted time of trying to convince the frightened Katie to come. She rubbed her bare arms and looked around. She hadn't brought a flashlight, so her only hope of a guide was the moon, which was very dim. Angel thought she might have been hallucinating, because she started hearing things. Soon enough, The noises became louder, twisting around the high trees. "Hello!" She called out.

There was a light in the darkness. It was very faint, but she took the chance that someone could help her. She was lost and cold. Angel rushed forward, still holding her arms and saw a large rusted gate, leading to...

"The cemetary!" She exclaimed, panicked. It's real?! She would have run but she saw a dark figure approaching the gate. The moon, which was not covered by trees, revealed a girl, but Angel could not see her face. She stayed still. After the girl had left the gate, Angel couldn't help but follow her. She bit her lip and rubbed her arms to keep warm as she stood behind the person. Her voice was shaken from the icy breeze touching her bare arms and legs.

"Wh-who are you?" She asked, just before catching a flash of familliar shiny black hair.
Mason woke to the sound of his clock radio playing some random song and the smell of bacon below. Taken a deep breath he turned over in his bed trying to wake as well as compose himself for the day ahead. Show a smile, give a laugh, make people want to be around you, never show them that deep down you’re falling apart. Things he had to remind himself over, to repeat over and over starting from the first moment he woke. It was the call of his adopted mother Mary that gave him the sign that he truly had to leave his bed. “Sweetie, breakfast is almost ready!”

“Alright Mary, I’ll be right down.” Mason knew his adopted parents hated being called by their first names that they wanted to be called mom and dad. That . . . that was hard, if not impossible for him to do though, not because of any faults of their own though. Those titles were not meant for the two that finally accepted him, who supported and loved him. No . . . those titles were used when crying out for food, or help, or desperately pleading your parents for some attention at all. They were titles used out of desperation to find any connection you could just to survive with the birth givers you were given.

A deep sigh, as he reminded himself that he had to get ready for the day ahead. Reminding himself that many people relied to see him, needed his smile, even though he felt he could never rely on them in the same way. He slept in his boxers, so getting dress wasn’t hard. A minor change and then pulling on some black cargo pants and a grey t-shirt with some witty phrase on it that usually caught attention of some sort. The bathroom trip for the basics, and gel in the hair making sure it stuck up just right, before down to great his adopted parents at the table.

Mary and Steve Williams were already there, the plates all lined up with bacon, eggs and toast. Mary was the type of woman who prides herself to be the perfect house wife. She was weaker than most therefore couldn’t have kids of her own without a high chance of death on her own part. Steve tended to be over protective of her and a brilliant enough man to get a job that paid well enough to support them all comfortably without her having to work. He was an engineer, and one of the top one in his line of work, they always greeted and left each other with a hug and a kiss.

It was like a couple out of a magazine, happy, loving, and it made Mason feel even more so that he didn’t belong there unless he had that act on in which he showed to everyone. How could he ever bring any problems to these two happy people, and risk their joy by doing so? It was just one more reason, to ball everything up. Their morning chat went on as usually, talking about plans, seeming interested in everything everyone had to say even if they weren’t really. It ended with Mason given his Mary a kiss on the check and Steve a hug before grabbing his jacket and heading outside for the bus.

He loved his jacket and pants, lots of pockets, lots of places to hid things away. They reminded him of himself in that way, look great on the outside but never know what’s on the inside. The bus was merely a few minutes later, and he shook his head smiling as he thought soon he might be able to drive to school. Pondering over the attention a car would get him verses the rides to school with others when it came to the bus and the attention he got there. It would be a hard choice to make.

The bus ride was like every other day except the discussing was more Halloween, the parties, the fun to be had and what each had planned to do. Mason laugh kindly at most things said, nodding and smiling, adding jokes and spooky words when he found it was best to get more attention. He knew his plans already, but to keep the others guessing and pestering him he would merely tell them all it was a secret. It all was too short though and they were at school in no time.

Getting out he was easily surrounded by random students wanting to hang out or ask him for favors. Lost in a crowd in away, the only small fade to his smile would be when he caught a minor glimpse of Lucy. She was part of a group he actually missed, a group . . . he started to feel would truly accept him for who he was. Especially her . . . Lucy, she saw things for what they were, gave you straight up how it was and still liked you no matter what your flaws. Ah, Lucy was an arch-angel in ways, one in which he could never get too close to in fear that her blinding light may burn him.

“Mason, Mason are you alright?” John asked bringing Mason back around to face his friend’s worried look. Confusing filling the boy’s face, as a slight crimson crossed his face. Mason could only nod to answer yes, he was alright. It was a rare site for his friend to be like this, dazing and such, so it was all too easy for John to worry. “You’re not getting sick are you? If you are maybe you should check out the nurse’s office?”

Once more Mason would give that charming laugh of his before hugging John, semi putting him in a neck lock to ruffle the boy’s hair. “I’m fine I’m fine. I just was thinking a bit. I’m allowed to do that right?” He chuckled more as John tried to get friend, secretly kicking himself for letting his guard down around some of the people at school.

John coughs and struggled in Mason’s grasp, knowing his friend meant no harm. Finally getting free he straightened his hair embarrassed. “Yeah yeah, sheesh Mason, can’t someone worry about you without getting pushed away?” Poor John, he had been trying to be Mason’s friend for years, noticing the loneness in the other. John always had the ability to get a good sense of people after all. There was nothing he really could do though, not until Mason himself was truly willing to share. “Just don’t think too much okay? You may burn out that head of yours.” The boy bit back with a slight joke before chuckling himself and taken off before Mason could counter. Instead this gave each other a friendly game of chase in away.

Mason had so many people around him, John was just another face in the crowd of the masses. The guy didn’t mean to be cruel . . . he just didn’t think anyone would really worry. John’s joke of course had Mason chase after him; never in the harmful way, just enjoying the run and exercise, leaving John with another noogie when he was caught and a smile, followed by a simple hug of friendship.

The rest of the day went as normal, he was adviser, the person you went to too get what you need like homework or pencils. The man with the smile, the man of the hour, twenty four hours a day seven days a week or so some tended to joke at times. He smiled and politely turned down party invites all day, tonight was his night he would explain. Once more everyone else just knew his plans were to remain a mystery. In truth though, he couldn’t accept any party invites, if he showed up once place he would end up upsetting someone at another. He . . . hated the fact he had to go loner that night, but it was all part of keeping popular.

After school he hung around at school a bit, checking out and helping with random clubs. Taking the long walk home, allowing himself some time to think. Was this all there was to life? Dancing to the beat of others until you die? He couldn’t help wonder how others seemed to just fit into life, when he always felt like he was barely there. As if, if he didn’t cling to the spot light he might just fade away one day.

Such thoughts were interrupted when he returned home and Mary welcomed him with the normal hug and kiss on the cheek. “It’s so good to have you home Mason, tonight is Halloween.” She reminded him of the obvious, seeming overly excited for him. “I can’t wait to hear all about the fun you had when you come home.” She smiled pulling back, she almost seemed impossible in her own ways to exist. “Don’t tell me about your day yet though, I want you to tell me and your father together alright?”

At Mary’s ditzy ways seemed to remind her of the time and before Mason could even say a word she was gently pushing him towards the stairs. She was always such a simple woman. “Oh you came home so late. You have to hurry and get changed so I can get pictures. You don’t want to be late for your plans do you?” She smiled and before he could even take a step on the first stair he would get another hug. The boy couldn’t help find her ways softening though and he merely nod.

There his costume was, all neatly set out for him on the bed. He knew it was probably Mary who did it and he couldn’t help give a small smile. This was an outfit that had to be custom made for parts of it. There was this TV series he had watched, something that never got that popular but he loved this character in it. Always wanted to be like him in ways, he was dashing and daring and got attention even when he was being true to himself. He had planned and worked out a costume to be the Daring Dragoon from the TV series Jack of all Trades.

It had so many pieces to it, it took awhile to put it all one. He laughed at the idea most wouldn’t recognize him tonight, that maybe he could be more himself without fear of being found out. He knew most wouldn’t even know who he was trying to be, but that was fine, tonight he dressed up for himself, not to impress. Coming down the stairs he posed for Mary, a true smile on his face for once. This of course made Mary ever so more happy, she knew her child better than he thought. It wasn’t as if they all were oblivious to his loneliness, they just . . . didn’t know what to do about it; how to help.

After many pictures, and words of advice, Mason finally had his way to leave. Taken up a pillow case and a flashlight he headed out to fill his bag full of candy. In truth he could care less about the candy; he just wanted to see if anyone knew who he was. That or how people reacted to him just being him. Oddly enough though, it was hard to tell, he was so happy feeling relaxed and that he didn’t have to put up a front that he was smiling and laughing as if he was.

The night was a blur, the trick or treating got dull, and after awhile he found himself by the north end of the woods. There he met up with Katie, who approached him frightened, telling him about Angel going in. That she didn’t think the girl would be in so long and that someone should follow just to be safe but she was too afraid too. Rubbing the back of his head, Mason never really feared ghost and demons; he never thought they were real. He never could really turn down an honest request though, and after a few words of encouragement, and handing his bag of candy to Katie, he would set into the woods himself to find one of his old friends.

It . . . it wasn’t like meeting with her would be like old times again anyways. He was just going to make sure she was safe, bring her back to her own little click. After all Angel was one of the few he felt an extra need to look after, Angel, Lucy, and Jesse. It was a group almost long forgotten if it wasn’t for seeing Lucy earlier and this request over Angel now. He couldn’t help laugh and wonder what it was Jesse was doing.

Stumbling over roots, ducking and pushing out of the way low hanging branches and bushes, he caught another light besides his own flashlight. Only to step out into a clearing surprise, and pale seeing two figures and a graveyard, not just one. Heading over he paused, the blonde was Angel right? She seemed to have the same matching outfit as Katie, typical girls. So . . . who was the . . . he paused in realization, both hoping and fearing the answer. It couldn’t be Lucy . . . those two wouldn’t just meet up like this still would they? He felt hurt, had the group stayed in contact still, just without him? Had he trying to open up around them merely scared them away more?

“Um . . . Angel?” Always one to break for attention, he did his best to keep smiling and step forward. “Katie . . . she sent me after you. She felt bad for sending you in alone . . .” Always the fool, a puppy following and listening to its master in away. That was Mason and everyone else in this world was his master. There he stood in the shimmering moonlight, hoping he wasn’t interrupting anything, but at the same time . . . not wanting to be left out enough to do so.

((This is the Daring Dragoon for those who want to see firsthand how Mason is dressed like: http://www.internationalhero.co.uk/d/daredrag.jpg ))
Sometimes Jesse was thoroughly convinced that he was born in the wrong town, or maybe the wrong time period…actually, what was most likely of all was that he was born on the wrong planet. Maybe he was actually an alien or mutant, whose powers would eventually kick in when he reached an adult age and status. His eighteenth birthday was less than a year away, and a large part of Jesse was secretly hoping that this would be the day that those long-dormant genetics would kick in and change his life.

He had tried this morning, as they all prepared for work and school, to share this theory with his family, and of course, this had not been a wise idea.

“What the hell are you going on about now?” his father had barked, staring at Jesse with the look of incredulous disgust that Jesse was so used to- the look that daily told him that his father simply could not accept and believe that someone like Jesse could be his son. “For the love of God, get your nose out of those pansy-ass games and comics and whatever else and go DO something!”

He looked at his wife, who as usual, was standing by without expressing any comment or opinion nearby, and said with heavy contempt to her, “Did you hear what came out of that kid’s mouth? What the hell is wrong with him, that he can’t go five minutes without wishing he was stuck in a damn alien planet?”

“It’s the only place he thinks he can actually get a girl,” Jesse’s older brother, David, had snickered, stretching his well-muscled arms over his head as he smirked at him. “Little green girls with antennae or little elf girls with giant ears are the only ones that might actually go for a scrawny dweeb like him.”

He had jostled Jesse so roughly that Jesse stumbled, almost falling, then snorted at his younger brother’s stumbling. “Do you see that, the guy can’t take a freakin’ nudge without sprawling out like a girl. Maybe it’s not the girls he wants in geekville, maybe it’s the boys. You want an elf guy, Jessica?”

“Is that true, Jesse?” his father had barked, his voice rising, and he had actually started to rise from his seat, his fists forming at his sides. “Are you GAY?”

“No, I’m not. I swear,” Jesse had protested, backing away quickly towards the sanctuary of his bedroom. “No, I like girls, I do…” he had been unable to resist from adding, however, “You know, though, the archetype of the little green men for aliens is rarely portrayed in that manner in extraterrestrial media, though…and if you’re referring to hobbits, they’re not really elves, they’re more like-“

“Yeah, he’s gay,” David sighed dramatically, shaking his head. “He’s a lost cause, Dad. It’s not your fault, you did the best you could.”

“You’re damn right it’s not! It’s all that stupid elf crap he watches, it’s all those stupid COMICS and video games and…you watch yourself, boy, or one of these days you’re gonna come home and find that all those-“

Jesse had shut the door to his room and locked it, though if his father or brother were really in a mood, then nothing he did would keep them out if they wanted in. He had taken to hiding his most rare editions of comics and his most cherished memorabilia in a locked safe beneath a stack of clothes in his closet, and he hid the key in his sock. He couldn’t risk them taking and destroying them if they were angry enough. They would do it, if provoked…and someone, Jesse just couldn’t keep from doing things that provoked them.

It was the morning of Halloween, and he had to leave for school in fifteen minutes. He knew he would have to catch a ride with David, who would undoubtedly continue his taunting all the way up and punctuate it with punches to Jesse’s nonexistent bicep and well-placed Indian burns. At school he would then no doubt be alternately ignored or taunted throughout the day, and only concentrating on every detail of what was being discussed and taught in class would serve as a distraction from letting his mind wander. Of course, this academic aptitude gave him no boosts on the popularity ladder, and Jesse would end up sitting with the couple of other kids who were also social pariahs. Jesse preferred to be left alone over taunted, but he couldn’t deny to himself that it was lonely.

Him being an alien or mutant would definitely explain why all his life, as much as Jesse had wanted friends or to be able to easily connect with and be accepted by others, he had generally been looked at as odd, geeky, or, as David so often pointed out, gay. It would explain his fascination with all thinks sci fi and fantasy, and his utter lack of coordination with sports and activities that other guys his age seemed to find so easy. If he didn’t actually have a human body, it would explain so much.

Jesse had had friends once, close friends. Mason and Lucy and Angel…they had been nearly inseparable, despite their differences, for nearly four years before they went their separate ways. He still saw them around school, but they rarely spoke or even acknowledged each other. Jesse was sure that he missed them more than they missed him, because he out of the four had had the most to lose by losing their friendship.

And then there was Angel. Jesse knew beyond a shadow of doubt that he wasn’t gay, despite his family’s conviction, because he had had a crush on Angel for years now. She was beautiful, with her blonde hair and blue eyes, and athletic…he only wished he could watch her at her swim meets. But Jesse knew that she would never return his interest, and so he did all he could to conceal it. The last thing he wanted or needed was for everyone to know he liked Angel…he would never hear the end of it.

By the end of the school day, as the Halloween evening began in earnest, Jesse knew that for him, it would just be another night home alone, with nothing more entertaining to do than watch horror movies for the umpteenth time. His parents were both out, his brother of course had a party, and had managed to give several more parting insults before departing. But as Jesse stood in the living room, swallowing his growing anger, an idea occurred to him.

David had managed to maneuver it so his girl of the moment picked him up rather than he picking her up, saving himself gas money in the process. His car, the one he was so proud of, the ones his parents had given him while Jesse, meanwhile, at seventeen, wasn’t even allowed to get a driver’s license yet, sat out in the open… entirely vulnerable.

And that was the reason Jesse took all the eggs from their fridge and all the toilet paper from their bathroom closet and got to work. When he was finished, he stood back grinning at the end result, a feeling of triumph and satisfaction at this accomplishment coursing through him. For once he stood tall…for once, he felt good.

And then the realization hit…his family would figure out pretty fast that it was rather suspicious that all their eggs AND all their toilet paper was missing, and that Jesse had conveniently not noticed a thing. He had to go replace them, and fast, before they got back and suspected him.

He couldn’t drive the car, of course, so that meant a fairly long walk to the grocery store. Jesse set out at the fastest clip he could manage, and was soon huffing and puffing. Skinny he might be, but he was also out of shape, and his muscles screamed for a break before long.

After less than twenty minutes of a fast jog he had to stop, bending over to catch his breath with his hands on his knees. But when Jesse straightened up again, it seemed that he could see something new in the distance, something he had never noticed before…a cemetery?

Of course Jesse had heard the rumors about Demon Dance Hall, about the cemetery that would mysteriously appear on Halloween night. He had hoped it to be true in the same wishful thinking way he hoped that all things of that vein were, things that made the world a more fascinating place. But could it be that it WAS…that he was looking straight at it?

Forgetting the necessity of covering his own butt, Jesse started forward with renewed energy, eager to check out this odd phenomenon. As he drew closer, he could see other people entering the gates…a flash of black hair, a boy in what looked like a pirate costume of some kind…and…no…could that really be Angel? Angel in a devil costume…Angel in a cami and a short, short, very short skirt, Angel in…

And the others…Lucy and Mason? What were they doing together?

Hurt twisted itself in Jesse’s heart, and he considered turning and leaving in silence. If they had really still been meeting all this time without him…if they were still friends, and it was only he who had been left behind….but would that really surprise him?

But he found himself calling out anyway, his voice a little too loud. “Hey…what are you guys doing here?”
As Lucy ran her fingers across one of the graves, she heard voices coming from behind her. When she turned to see who it was, her eyes widened in surprise. Angel? Mason? Jesse? What were they doing here? It had been years since they last spoke to each other. And now their first meeting in years was to take place in the Demon Dance Hall?

As she glanced toward Jesse, she looked away quickly. It'd be lie if Lucy were to say that she didn't like him. He had always been passionate about the things he liked and not afraid to like the things he did. It was a rather admirable trait that Lucy herself didn't possess in her earlier years. In truth, she missed these people a little. But they were strangers now.

Lucy crossed her arms. "Well, look what we have here. A call girl, a musketeer and a . . . well, a geek. I'm here to find my brother's backpack. Why are you here?"

She then turned her head. She could swear that the giggling was getting louder. It was very unsettling. What looked like silver wisps of smoke wafted off the graves and seemed to all head in the same direction. But the air was still. There was no trace of wind that could be moving the smoke around. "What's going on here?"
"Lucy? Mason? Jesse?" Angel stumbled back. "Katie... Maybe I should have brought my phone to call her. Huh, doubt we'd get reception anyways." Everyone is here... but where are we? Sounds of laughter grew louder as they stood. Please be the wind, please pleeease be the wind! She lost her train of though as Lucy spoke. Wait a minute.... what?

"Call girl!" Angel blushed several shades of pink. "I'm a devil!" She slumped her shoulders, realizing the joke seemed more stupid than ironic. "I-I was just dared to come out here. I didn't think we would actually find anything like this..." She stood there, cold and shaking before she realized how . . . exposed she was, and that there were boys in front of her.

"Eek!" She gasped and crossed her arms over her chest, blushing violently. "This was just for a party, I didn't think anybody would actually see me in this!" She fumbled with her corset as she looked around and realized there were what seemed like wisps around them. "I... Um... What is this anyway? Do you think it's, well, the Demon Dance hall?" She leaned against a large tomb. She was freezing, even for such a small outfit, like something cold was touching her. Ghosts? Maybe.

Angel looked at the tomb she was leading on. "I don't see writing or anything." Glancing around at the other graves, it was too dark to make out any details. "Must be too dark out here." Lost souls? I didn't think I believed in all that. She shivered and closed her eyes. "I want to leave." But then I'll get lost.
Mason paused hearing Jesse’s voice and he turned to see him as well. He couldn’t help laugh and smile over it all. Through the pain he was feeling, yes, they must have been meeting without him. God he wanted to run over and hugged the geek right then and there. Seeing as Jesse was probably the only one who wouldn’t get wrong ideas with the hugs. Where had that boy been anyways? Mason hadn’t really seen him much in the halls, and figured he had moved or something. Then again Mason had always been too busy being surrounded with others to even notice him.

When Lucy spoke Mason couldn’t help smile honestly though, she didn’t know . . . they weren’t meeting without him. Chuckling more at what she called them all, he stepped closer to her. “And what does that make you?” He didn’t mind her getting his costume wrong, for Lucy he was willing to be whatever she preferred. Course when she asked what was going on Mason rubbed the back of his head feeling a touch foolish. “You see . . . I decided to go trick-or-treating this year.” Oh they would probably get a laugh at that. He glanced at Angel to nod in her direction, “I ran into one of the other swim team girls who were worried about sending Angel in here alone on a dare. You know me; I can never refuse a damsel in distress so I came to make sure she was safe.”

Taken note of Lucy’s words on her brother’s backpack he actually managed a weak frown. He always worked to be liked by all, but even bullies he had a hard time liking back. “We could look together if you want?” Now he was kicking himself, the thoughts of keeping close to Lucy in the dark woods was . . . well he had to remind himself that being with her was nothing more than a hopeless dream.

He hesitated his eyes going over them all, taken them all in. They all had grown, and he couldn’t help wonder how much they may have changed or if they were the same he always knew. “I can’t say this isn’t a pleasant surprise though.” He paused at the laugher about him, before rolling his eyes. “Unless this is some sort of bad joke, come on out guys we all can hear you!” He called out still smiling. He didn’t seem mad at those he thought might be there to prank them. After all it was just good fun and games right?

Although deep down he was a touch hurt and upset, just wouldn’t show it. Who would do such a cruel thing? What was their gain to get the group back together even for this minor time? Who even knew about their past group? Either way he knew he couldn’t express how he really felt, not if he wished to keep the love of everyone. Not if he wished to keep the ones pulling the pranks as friends, right? Once more Mason refused to believe in the things that went bumped in the night, to him there had to be a logical reason.

The ‘eek’ from Angel managed to get Mason’s full attention and she sighed watching her try to cover herself. Without a second though he sweepingly removed his red cape like piece and draped it about her with a smile. “The colors match, and it should keep you warmer.” He spoke gently to her like he seemed to do to everyone. Only to step back left in his frilly white shirt and the pants and such. Moving to remove the mask, only to place the hat back on his head and pocket the face piece. “There, now I really am a musketeer.” He winked to Angel, as if to say it would be alright before going to glance around himself.

Mason laughed once more when the Demon Dance Hall was spoke of. “You know, it just might be.” He shook his head amused. “For all we know the Demon Dance Hall could have always been here. Some old graveyard that they filled up so had no reason to keep track of over the years. The writing could have been merely worn away over time. Although . . . it is pretty well kept, maybe it has a grave keeper somewhere about.” When Angel spoke of leaving Mason glanced to her softly. “We can go if you want, although it would be a shame if you think about it. Who knows if we will ever manage to find this place again? I . . . I actually would prefer exploring.” A voice of opinion against another, something rare from Mason . . . but this place had truly caught his curiosity and he did promise himself tonight. That tonight he would be allowed to show weakness or be himself more, well at least try too.
At Lucy's somewhat scathing tone, addressing Angel as a call girl, Mason as a Musketeer, and himself as a geek, Jesse's shoulders stooped slightly, and he shook his long hair back from his eyes somewhat awkwardly. He was used to being called a geek...actually, he was used to being called things such as a "prancing, flaming poof" and "puny beanstalk" and "Hobbit-f***er." Geek, he should register without a blink. But somehow coming from Lucy, who had once been his friend...and in front of Angel...somehow that sort of stung.

But the "call girl" remark about Angel did raise his defenses, and he looked up quickly when that comment registered, jumping to Angel's defense.

"Yeah, Angel isn't a call girl!" he said quickly. "She wouldn't do that. She's not like that. If she ever had sex it would be because she wanted to, not because she was paid, and that doesn't make you a call girl, in order to be a call girl you have to be given money, and probably, well, called...for....um..." he stuttered off, blushing furiously and ducking his head as he realized that his instinctive attempt at a gallant defense had likely managed not only to make him look stupid, but to embarrass Angel more. Jesse shoved his hands in his pockets as he awkwardly shifted the subject. "But, uh...I guess you got the geek part right, anyway."

As Angel and Mason spoke as well, both indicating that they had not come here to meet up with each other, but rather had all come alone, Jesse blinked, openly surprised. As Angel shuddered, showing both cold and unease, he stood with indecision as to how to react, what to say. Mason handed her his cape, and Jesse frowned with some slight jealousy not so much at the action, but because Mason had immediately known the correct thing to do. Jesse had never mastered that skill, whereas Mason had always seemed to possess it.

"You guys aren't...meeting here on purpose?" he says with continued surprise as Mason expounds upon his explanation for his presence, blinking again. "But the chances of the four of us, given our history and our current status with each other, which is...not really having a relationship of any kind...the chances of us all meeting here separately on our own at the same time on the same night are extremely low. We're talking ratios you couldn't see with the naked eye, in my estimation. Whoa, this is kind of like that part in Buffy where Xander and Willow and Tara and Anya are meeting up in the graveyard to bring Buffy back to life, and it's totally creepy out and Willow's acting freaky because she's having to vomit snakes and there are bugs crawling up her arms and slash marks and wind...well, minus the snake and bugs and slash marks. So far. But there's the four meeting up in the graveyard part...although since there was only one guy we have that ratio wrong too. I'd probably have to stand in for one of the girls...I'd probably be Willow, except that she was more of a badass by that point so...I'd probably be Tara."

Realizing he was babbling, and that by this point if he were home, both his father and David would have verbally slaughtered him, Jesse swallows the rest of his words back, his shoulders stooping further. Still, after a few moments he can't resist clarifying, "You didn't meet here on purpose...really? Because maybe this place drew us together then. And the myths are real and for some reason, like, it likes our energy and wanted us here."

Looking up when Mason suggested exploring, Jesse hesitated, then nodded with some enthusiasm. Of course, in all forms of media he enjoyed, such a decision never ended well, but on the other hand...he missed these guys. And at the very least, it might bring some excitement to his life.

"Yeah, I'll go. Although I will warn you that in every horror movie I've ever seen, walking through a cemetery that appeared out of nowhere when four people who share a past but no longer associate with each other were mysteriously and separately drawn there together, always results in bad things happening before the movie's end...but I kinda always thought my life was just one long horror movie taking a while to get to the climax. So why not?"
"Pissed off, that's what I am," Lucy said, answering Mason's question. She turned away from the group. "There's no need for your help. It's my brother. Besides, I'm starting to think that the little douche never even entered the forest."

Lucy raised an eyebrow at Jesse's attempt to stand up for Angel. "Would you relax for a bit? I was simply commenting on a costume. I wasn't implying anything about her social life." She looked to the ground. He didn't have to put in so much effort defending Angel though. But then again, Angel had always been more popular than Lucy. Angel was outgoing and happy go lucky, even now. Lucy was the quiet girl as a child and grew into a violent b*tch.

She was still in a bit of a bad mood when she saw Mason offering his cape to Angel. "Well isn't that a lovely scene," she said sarcastically. Still what were the chances that the four of them would meet again, and at the fabled graveyard at that. The odds were low. They were all in different cliques even and didn't even acknowledge eachothers' existences. Yet here they were.

As Jesse went on about Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Lucy began following the smoke which still flowed deeper into the cemetery. No matter how much she tried, she'd never be able to fully understand what it was Jesse talked about.

"Go home then. No one's keeping you," she said to Angel. "I want to look around a bit more. Besides, if the story is true then we won't be able to leave anyway. We'll just be dragged down to Hell by monsters or something." As she ventured down the stone path, Lucy took a look at the headstones. From what she could tell from the moonlight, there didn't seem to be any words on them. Just obscure symbols.

The smoke continued to flow in the same direction she walked in. It was creepy. She swore she even saw a smiling face form and dissipate. At the end of the cracked path, in what seemed to be the center of the cemetery, was a mausoleum. It seemed old. Parts of the stone had worn away and there were vines growing up its walls. What caught Lucy's eye was the door of the structure. It didn't seem to receive a single touch from Father Time. It also seemed to be made of a strong metal. Its pale silver hue was exaggerated by moon. And instead of a handle or knob, it bore only one word across its body, "Hades".
Angel would have been hurt by Lucy's comment, but she couldn't help but feel happy. She would never tell, but she deeply missed the days where they were best friends, sharing secrets, shopping together. She even missed the times they fought. Even having Katie and the others with her, Angel felt lonely without Lucy, Jesse and Mason. She knew that Lucy couldn't hate her, and as she looked around at the three of them, she felt safer. She smiled brightly at Lucy, even though she was already heading in the other direction.

Angel looked at Mason, slightly red. "Thank you," She glanced at Jesse, "Thank you too." Looking at the ground, she felt nothing more to say but her thoughts. "I know I never mentioned it before, but I've always missed you guys. Lucy too. Oh, Lucy?" She looked ahead, where Lucy was walking towards the senter of the cemetery. "Oh - Wait up!"

Angel rushed ahead, tugging the rim of her skirt down just in case. "Hey Lucy, Lucy where are you-" She stopped at the mausoleum. "Oh..." She stared, transfixed at the sight of it. "Ghost Adventures reference - but Portal-to-Hell much?" She began to ponder the show she was so fond of. It was a secret among her friends, but not the four of them. Angel has always been a ghost-freak, exploring said to be haunted places just like Zak Bagens and Nick Groff. She had a devilish thought.

"Hey..." She said with an evil grin, "Let's bust it open. I wanna see what it's like to be on a real ghost adventure. Yes, I'm a freak," She winked, "But I already know that. Come on, maybe we can find a crow bar around here."

Angel wasn't very used to acting this way, but something about being around her old group made her feel adventurous. She did her best to wave away the fog around her but it was still very dense and hard to see. "Never give up," She mimiced her coach in an annoying murmur. "Humph!" She huffed and went back to the mausoleum. She leaned beside the door. "Didn't see anything. Got any ideas?"
Mason seemed to jump in surprise at Jesse’s sudden bold and even semi harsh ways towards Lucy. It was his turn to be stuck, confused on what to do. He wanted to stand up for Lucy but . . . he didn’t want Jesse, one of the few people who managed to get close to hate him. His smile faded some from his face while a new conflict arose inside only for Lucy to handle herself. What a girl . . . and what a shameful man he must appear to be. He couldn’t even defend the one he crushed on due to his fears. Surly if everyone knew the truth there would be nothing about Mason left to like.

Nothing hurt more though then Lucy’s comment on the ‘lovely scene’. Mason was just trying to help a friend out and Lucy seemed, bitter . . . it couldn’t be jealous right? Mason got a goofy grin at that thought, knowing Lucy could never truly be jealous over him. “If you’re cold Lucy I could give you the shirt off my back!” He called after her in a slight tease, although deep down he fully meant it. The shirt off his back would be just the start to what he was willing to give the girl of his affections.

That of course was when Jesse started to ramble, and Mason couldn’t help smile even more brightly. That was it! The geek was SO getting a hug and noogie! Aiming to try to hug slash ruffle his old friends hair in a supportive type way if he managed or not he would say. “I missed that about you so much! I can’t understand half of what you’re saying, but I know it has to be something smart.” A chuckle left his lips and If he had hold of the other he would let him go. “So, you think it’s dangerous or something? You know most that stuff isn’t true or it would be on the news more right?” He figured Jesse probably teased about the theories. “Unless it’s one of those cover-up things, it’s not is it?”

Before he himself could go on Lucy started to head off on her own and Angel said what he as well felt. “I missed you all as well.” He said seriously before nodding only to glance to Jesse motioning him to come before chasing after Lucy himself. A few short jobs had him behind her, not wanting to impose or upset her anymore that night.

The graveyard seemed to have a hidden melody to Mason, a song of sadness, yet revenge. It’s darkness due to the fog yet melted light from the moon had given it an almost painting like feel. As if nothing here was real, and Mason couldn’t help start to wonder if this was just a silly dream of his triggered by seeing Lucy earlier that day. Upon reaching the mausoleum Mason merely stared at it in awe.

Breaking it was Angel and he merely laughed as the one who was most scared turned into the bravest. She always had been cute like that, almost like the little sister he never had. He merely shrugged when she asked him for ideas before slowly turning to Jesse if he was there. “You’re the genius here, what do you think? Willing to see what Hades has for store?” His eyes couldn’t face Lucy, couldn’t see her opinion at the moment. He didn’t want to see her mad at him, or to be pushed away like she seemed to be doing to them all.
As Mason half hugged him, laughing, and mussed his hair, Jesse blinked, startled by this unexpected affection, but then smiled a little self-consciously, not at all unpleased. And then both Angel and Mason were saying that they had missed this, being together...that they had missed him. Mason had missed him? ANGEL had missed him?

His skin warmed, tingling slightly at the thought...ANGEL had missed him. Angel had still thought about him to miss him...she hadn't forgotten him. She didn't think he was stupid or lame or anything else...she had MISSED him.

Suddenly Jesse felt so lighthearted and adrenalized at this realization that he was ready to take on anything, as long as the others went along too...certainly as long as Angel was willing to lead the way, and didn't mind him tagging along. What was a little thing like a creepily vaporizing cemetery and the apparent pathway to hell going to do to hold him back?

"Dangerous? Of course it is...we are sort of, apparently standing at the gates of hell, unless someone is a very gifted graffiti artist, but since I'm not seeing spray paint or pocket knife carvings or even shaving cream creating that label, I'll go with the option of "We are standing possibly at the gates of hell," Jesse decided, shrugging, as he stared at the mausoleum and its single written world with some fascination. "And we didn't even have to stand at an open portal and get stabbed through the small intestine to get there, or jump off a large tower and be electrocuted to death by magical energy either."

He shrugged again in response to Mason's question. "Well...Dad and David always did say I'd end up in hell one day...why not get it out of the way so I can tell them all about it? I wonder if the devil really has horns and a tail...that seems a little too obvious. Would be scarier without it....you know, better the devil you know?"
(These next four posts (one for each of us) might be a bit short because there probably isn't much to do at this moment. I apologize in advance.)

Lucy studied the door after listening to Angel's idea to force it open. There didn't seem to be any space between the door and frame that could fit a crowbar. The door itself was suspicious and it probably wasn't a good idea to open it. Still, curiosity was getting the better of her. She really wanted to see what was behind it.

She began looking around for any sort of tool that could be used to open the door. But there was nothing from what she could see. No shovels, crowbars or even a discarded lantern. The entire place seemed too clean. The grass was neatly cut. There were no weeds in sight. Even the vines on the mausoleum seemed neatly twisted with no dead leaves at all. Was someone taking care of this place?

If someone was, that would mean that the Demon Dance Hall was indeed only a myth. A bit disappointed, Lucy reached out to put her hand on the smooth metal of the door. Suddenly a sharp pain jabbed into her palm. She retracted her palm instantly. "Mother@#$%er! That door . . . bit me?" She looked at her hand. Two puncture wounds showed up on her palm and blood flowed out. She brought her palm up to her mouth to suck at the wound.

When she looked up at the door, her eyes widened. The two drops of her blood on the metal began to swell and spread until it formed a handprint. After a second or two, the blood faded away and the ground shook a bit. The letters forming the words, Hades became a pale dull red, as the air filled with giggles that were getting louder.
As she looked around at the ground, Angel began thinking about the graveyard. It's suppost to be a myth... so why is it here? She rubbed the back of her neck and looked at the stars. It looks as though it is not touched by time. Brand new, almost. she began to stand upright as she heard a scream and fell forward.

"Ah, what? Doors don't bite. Maybe the texture is just rough or something." She said, hiding her discontent of the swear word. Angel got up, dusting off her skirt. "Geez are you bleeding?" She tilted her head. She winced a bit as she brought the wound to her mouth. "Um... That might infect it. Here, let me.."

She pause as she followed Lucy's gaze. The blood of the door has began forming a handprint, fading away. The name "Hades" changed into the color of the blood. Angel frowned as she heard the voices get louder.

Is... What? What just happened... She backed up a bit, eyes widened. "Guys..." Her voice shook, "What's happening?" Are we suppost to do that?
It was when Lucy started to cuss that Mason was finally brave enough to look at her again. If only out of pure worry, wondering why, raising an eyebrow confused at what she claimed. Doors don’t bite, but maybe it was a rose thorn, or a harsh edge that got her. He was about to try and check on her only for Angel to jump in and try to play nurse in her own way. So . . . for now he stayed back, almost glad in his own way.

He didn’t even notice the blood and change until Angel asked what was happening. His head lifting to glance away from the girl back to the door he thought was someone’s silly joke. Face paling deeply at the sight of the change he started to step back. That of course was only stopped when he realized his friends were there and he frowned trying to move a bit between them and any danger. Motioning with his back to them for them all too slowly start to back up, hell even run away if need be.

“Um . . . Jesse?” He asked in such a cute weak, nervous filled voice. “What do people usually do in a situation like this to be safe?” If anyone out of the group knew it would be him right? “Please don’t tell me something like . . . get their asses handed to them.” Yeah . . . it was all fun and games till some of those fictional pieces started to become reality. This stuff was never meant for real life right? How could any of this be happening?
Jesse had not been looking at Lucy, but rather at Angel when Lucy cried out. His gaze immediately shifting towards her, he observed the puncture wound on her hand with some alarm, but also fascination. Had the DOOR bit her? This really was rather interesting...

His eyes shifted again to take in the door, then immediately widened, a slight gasp escaping him as a handprint formed on the door, along with the word Hades. As the ground shook and creepy laughter filled the air, Jesse stepped back, muttering under his breath, "Um, yes, I do believe we have found the door to hell. Perhaps I should have stopped calling this town a hell on earth because, um, someone took it a little too literally?"

However, the concept of yet another connection to one of his beloved fandoms is not lost on him, and he does appear to have some excitement as well as he blurts, "But...we literally live on a hellmouth?! Does Joss Whedon know about this?!"

Looking over to Angel, he tries to give her a reassuring smile, even as the ground quakes dangerously beneath their feet. "Uh...it appears we are standing before the doorway to hell. Which is funny because they usually refer to hell as having gates, but maybe the cemetery gate counts?"

Then Mason is questioning him, and Jesse regards him seriously, considering his response, before nodding. "Um...sorry...but...that's pretty much what happens? Usually, this is also the part where the ground splits apart so we're all on different sections separated from each other, and flames shoot up between the cracks, and a huge beast rises up and howls..."

He looks around himself quickly, as though expecting this to occur immediately after he has spoken, and adds, "Um...it would be okay with me if we broke that tradition though. I'm all for originality."
Lucy held up a hand to reject Angel's offer. "I can take care of myself." She was no longer the girl who needed everyone's help. After licking her wounds for a bit longer, she pulled her hand away. The bleeding had stopped but the puncture wounds left two small red marks on her hand.

She listened to Jesse's ramblings. Did they really stumble upon the gates of hell? Impossible. Of all the places to put this thing, they put it in Baiting Hollow, California?! What did this pathetic town have to offer?

Suddenly the giggling escalated into full blown laughter. The silver smoke formed into humanoid shapes as the apparitions flew around in the air. Through their laughter, they began thanking the group. The door before them began glowing brightly before slowly vanishing. Even with the moonlight, Lucy couldn't see through the opened doorway of the stone structure. The ground started shaking again and she could hear voices coming from the mausoleum.

She began stepping back when what looked like an enormous cloud of black smoke sprang forth through the door. In the cloud, Lucy could make out various faces, mostly ugly faces that all were smiling in a very creepy way. The force of the cloud made her fall onto her behind. The smoke seemed to blanket the sky and then dissipate as various shapes separated from the group and flew their own way. Lucy continued to stare at the sky wide eyed until a flash of black caught her eye.

Between the group and the mausoleum stood 4 fully cloaked figures. It was impossible to make out any features except for the fact that each figure was extremely tall. One of the ones in the middle was the first to speak up. "We have to thank you foolish mortals for freeing us."

Lucy quickly stood up and eyed these strangers. "Who the hell are you?! Some lousy pranksters. Pathetic costumes by the way. Did you all meet up to plan it all out? There had to been a better way to let everyone know you're all lovers."

The one furthest right bent over and began laughing. "I like this one. She's funny."

"We shouldn't waste anytime on these humans. There is much to be done."

"Why don't we just eat them already?"

"Silence." Turning to the kids, the figure continued. "We are the crown princes of Hell. For years now, we've been waiting for a chance to enter the mortal realm for centuries now. Now all we need now are vessels . . . "

"As if we'd let you just take over our bodies. @#$% off!" Lucy couldn't believe her eyes. Demons?! There was no way this was happening.

One of the other figures chuckled before addressing Lucy. "I think you're misunderstanding something. We weren't asking." After that, the cloaked figured flew into the air and then directly into the bodies of the four teens. Lucy fell to the ground clutching her chest. It felt like her ribs were being ripped apart. It hurt so much that she could barely breathe. The pain eventually subsided and she desperately gasped for breath. She looked up and around at the others. There didn't seem to be any change, but that pain was too real for it to be a dream or illusion.

(Key: In case you guys want to say something to the demons, you can control them to talk back. Just keep to their general personalities.

Lucifer- Arrogant and bossy, Lucifer sees himself as the leader of the group and hates to be demeaned or talked back to.

Satan- Satan is short tempered and a bit slow; he is too quick to fight.

Leviathan- Leviathan is more quiet and calm than his fellow princes, but also can't be bothered by trivial things.

Belial- The sillier one of the group, Belial is more carefree and loves sass and spunk.)
Angel watched in horror as the smoke formed into laughing figures. It's a dream. It's a dream. It's a goddamn, mother $*ing dream. Angel stumbled back trying to keep her balence as the ground shook once more. She grabbed one of the boy's shoulders (She thought it was Jesse) and whimpered a bit. The door was opening, but it was pitch black inside. She closed her eyes for about a minute before she opened them, revealing four figures standing before them.

"Wh-wha...." Her throught felt tight as it felt hard to breathe, and her heart was beating so fast she thought it would burst. "AAHHHHHHHH!" She fell back and crawled backwards away from the figures. Angel closed her eyes and covered her ears as they began to speak. "You're not real!" she screamed, clawing at Mason's hood to bring it over her face. Her body shook and tears burned her eyes as one seemed to be staring at her.

"We shouldn't waste any time on these humans. There is much to be done." It said in a clear male voice.

"What in hell do you want!" She yelled at the figure.

He seemed to laugh slightly at that. "What we want is to get out of Hell, actually." He took a step towards her.

"Stay away you goddamn freak of nature!" She stood up, feeling a rush. She swung at him, which didn't seem to do anything good. He blocked her fist, reached out and pushed her back to the ground. "What the He-" The figure flew up and seemed to go right through her. She screamed bloody murder as her upper back burned as though she had fell into a fire. She breathed roughly and unevenly, choking on the air. Angel threw off Mason's cape, clawing at her back, exposed due to the corset. "It's burning!" She screamed, falling back down to her knees as the pain weakened.

She winced, looking at the others. "Why..." She gasped for air, "does it hurt so much? What the heck just happened?" She refused to swear yet again, for it was probably the only time she had swore on purpose. She looked around, and to her relief, the figures were gone.
The figures, the wisp of fog with human forms, the insane laughter, poor Mason had no clue what to do. He swiped at the ghostly things, shuttering as they merely passed through his every try. Every time one passed through his hands, fingers, or arms as he tried to shoo them away was like dipping that part of the body into cold ice water. It was so cold in fact . . . it burnt. His main efforts were to try to keep them away from his friends, and he was failing. He could no more keep them away as he could touch them physically.

Why didn’t his friends run or move back when he motioned them too? He wanted to yell at them due how foolish they all were being. He stayed silent though in his anger and merely managed a glare. Sure it was rare for him something other than a smile, something so harsh, but . . . he couldn’t help it. He didn’t want them to hate him, but . . . he was so upset with them right now. Here they might all die and they just stood still chatting and glancing to beings that were obviously not good.

Then a massive cloud came and even he stepped back in fear. Sure he was scared to death this whole time, but there is a difference when you automatically react and when you don’t. He heard a small thump and when he looked back towards the others Lucy was on the ground. Almost as if given up, knowing it was over Mason joined her by her side, offering a hand. “Are . . . are you alright?” Of course that’s when everything stated to speak, and Lucy was taken charge again. She didn’t need him . . . she would never need him, and in truth that hurt was stronger than any pain he probably would receive that night.

Mason, the idiot, was more tearing himself up over being forgotten, over looked by the others than at the fact he was going to die. He game in this world to be forgotten easily, and now it seemed he would leave it the same way. Glancing down and away from the others, the few he thought actually got him he shuttered as one of the four approached him. “Bring your worse.” He narrowed his eyes glaring at it, if it was his end, may as well mock it bitterly.

It didn’t quite work like that though; instead his hooded figure merely grinned and leaned in to whisper to the boy. Something that made Mason’s body trembled, but also gave Mason a deeply surprised look on his face but brought back a twisted smile. If . . . if what the other said was true . . . A mere nod from Mason and Satan had easily decided who his match for now would be. The fire of the boy’s soul already draped in darkness, it would be quite fun in fact.

Sadly though their exchanged didn’t make the joining any less painful. It even made it worse due to the boy’s words before. Mason screamed to the heavens and felt the whole world darken around him. His body boiled and burned from the inside out, his chest exploding into bits. All the while he was being stabbed over and over with daggers that twisted and had jagged edges. At least, that’s how it felt, when it was mostly over though he found himself curled up on the ground with not a mark on him that he could see.

Mason was eerily silent when it was over. There were a lot of thoughts going through his head, and the pain and hurt from before seemed to be magnified. It was as if someone was whispering or stroking his fears and pain. If he noticed the others, he just ignored them as he moved to sit upon the ground. Leaning back he took in the stars, trying to recompose any of his normal fake smiles throughout the day. Whatever it was that happened . . . if it was real or a sick joke . . . it had got to him so bad he may need even a few days to rebuild his act and shields.
When the giggling at the doorway turns into mocking, gleeful laughter, then becomes words of thanks, Jesse's stooped posture straightens, his spine rigid, and he continues to stare at the doorway with alarm beginning to outpace fear. As the ground rattles and shakes, he reaches automatically for Angel, closing one hand around her arm with the intention of tugging her back.

"Uh, guys...maybe we should just..." he starts, but then the special effects really started up. Pouring clouds of smoke so thick that Jesse coughed and gasped, his eyes tearing, as he attempted to back away, but then the ground was shaking even more violently than before, nearly toppling him off his feet. Jesse put out his arms in an attempt to balance himself, having to let go of Angel to do so, and it occurs to him that he probably looks rather like a surfer. He would smile at that if it wasn't for the fact that it appeared that hell was immediately asserting itself in his presence.

This was soon evidenced even further by the four figures appearing once the thick smoke had somewhat thinned. Tall, even taller than Jesse himself, and he had heard more than enough cracks about the "weather up there" to realize that he was no munchkin. And clearly they were not human.

Jesse gulped, his hands pressing hard against his sides as she stared at the four beings before them, feeling quite small and rather helpless....and yet, despite his clear understanding that no good could come from this encounter, he was also quite fascinated. If this had been something he could encounter from far away, with perhaps a sturdy, fire proof cage encasing the four...then it would be one of the coolest things he could ask for. What was neater than to see the stuff of his horror movies in three D, live action in front of him?

Yet, what was more terrifying than the fact that it would undoubtedly bring about his eternal torture?

And then they were speaking...crown princes of hell? Hell had kingdoms? Did they also have queens, princesses, kings?

Jesse had no such opportunity to ask the questions quickly coming to mind before the next part slammed through his brain...vessels? Them, vessels...were they about to possess them? Were they about to-

There was no time to run, and certainly no time to attempt to hide. One of the beings was slamming into him, entering his chest so hard and fast that the breath whooshed from Jesse's lungs and did not return for several moments. Even when he was breathing again, the anguish did not stop. When the figure first entered him, it felt like he was being stabbed, sharp pain spiking through his core and spreading out to his limbs. When this began to subside, Jesse felt hot all over, as if he were burning from the inside out, and would soon blacken and melt into nothing more than charred bone. He writhed and cried out without words, dimly hearing Angel's voice screaming that she too was burning, but he could not move to help her, he could not even look at her. He could only focus on his pain, on his desperate desire that it would end.

When it began to subside, Jesse was sweating, his long hair stuck to his neck and cheeks, and he tore at his jacket, struggling out of it with much weakened effort, sucking in gulping breaths. His heart continued to race as he looked around to the others, particularly Angel, no longer seeing any of the four figures.

"Are you...okay? Everyone...where did they go? Are they INSIDE us? They're inside us...they said vessels...are we...they're possessing us?! Are we in hell, or are we....they're going to control us," he said with utter conviction, sitting up straight, his hand covering his chest in the same spot where the figure had entered, feeling his heart beneath his fingers. "They're inside us."
Lucy looked around, still clutching her chest. "I don't know," she said answering Angel. Something had definitely happened. The pain was evidence of that, but exactly what did happen? She cringed at what Jesse said. "Inside them". The phrase brought back memories that made her want to throw up. Memories of a shadow man came to mind and she shuddered.

She glanced at Jesse, who was watching Angel. He seemed okay, alive at least. She pulled her jacket close around her. Right now, she wanted nothing more than to go home and forget all this happened. She especially wanted to forget that she met the others. Maybe it was because they were the only people outside her family that knew what happened to her. Maybe it was because being with them made her feel like the weak girl she used to be. Either way, she wanted to get away right now.

"It's getting late. I don't know about the rest of you but I'm heading home. My brothers are probably worried about me." She then began leaving the cemetery but stopped at the gate. Without turning around she said, "It wasn't . . . terrible seeing you all again." Then she went home.

It was a little past one by the time she walked through the front door. Max was waiting on the couch for her. "It's a bit late. Did you find the backpack?"

"No. I'm starting to think that the brat never even went into the forest. I'll confront him about it tomorrow."

"You don't look so good. Did something happen?"

"None of your business. Look, I just want to get some sleep before the sun rises." She then went upstairs to her room and locked the door behind her. Sighing, she went to change into her pajamas but as she took of her shirt, she looked into her mirror and nearly called out. Right on her chest, over where her heart should be, was what looked like a tattoo. A simple black grim reaper, but she had never gotten a tattoo. Still, it looked kind of cool. How was she going to explain this to her brother though? Eh, she was too sleepy to do anything about it now. She flopped onto her bed and fell asleep.


The next morning, Lucy woke up early as usual and headed for the bathroom. And as she looked into the mirror to brush her teeth, she jumped back. She wasn't there. There was no reflection in the mirror and as she looked down, she wasn't there at all. Her breathing was starting to get short and just as she decided to shout for some sort of help, she came back. She ran her hands over her body to make sure she was all there. She was. But why had she disappeared in the first place? The memories of the previous night came back. Was it because of those princes? Did she somehow gain demonic powers? Great. As if there wasn't enough reason for people to hate her. Now she was a freak as well.

She had managed to shower, change and wake up her brothers without another hitch but she was a bit wary should it happen again. As she went down to get something to eat before school, she saw some of the flowers her mom's boyfriend left. They were a simple bunch but pretty none the less. But as she reached out to touch one, it immediately turned black and withered. She immediately put her hands away. She tried to touch another flower but the same thing happened again. And again. And again.

On the way to school, Lucy was silent. She had put on some black gloves. Luckily the cold, now November, air could justify her clothing choice. What if she had turned into someone like Rogue from X-men?! She'd never be able to touch anything ever again. Jesse would probably like a girl he could touch. The thought of this put her in a bad mood as she got out of the car.

A cheerleader noticed her gloves. "What? Are you a biker chick now? If you're even interested in having a guy, you should probably retain at least some of your femininity." She laughed along with the rest of her group.

Already in a bad mood, Lucy walked up to the blonde bimbo and without so much as a word, punched the b*tch square in the face. She then shed her jacket, flaunting her curves in front of the girl she hit. "Please. It would seem I'm much more feminine than you."

Lucy then went to her literature class. She wondered if the others were experiencing the same things she was. As the teacher was lecturing the class on Hamlet, Lucy stared at her phone, debating as to whether or not she should ask them. She had never had the will to delete their numbers from her phone. Hopefully they didn't change their phone numbers. She sent them a simple text, only two sentences.

We need to talk. Meet me at the Lighthouse after school.
Angel nodded. "I'm heading out too... I guess I'll see you guys at school?" She stood, still shaken, and ran out of the cemetary. She let her hair loose from their pigtails as she ran, suddenly feeling much colder. She remembered that she had ripped off Mason's cape, and the transition of temperature made her feel ice cold. She ran around trees, stomping on the leaves and sticks and whatever else was on the ground as she passed, before finally bumping straight into Katie. They toppled to the ground.

"Ow, Wha- KATIE!" She sat up quickly and hugged her friend tightly while she cried. "It was horrible in there! There were.. demon things in there, and they attacked us, and... and..." She sobbed into Katie's shoulder.

Katie hugged her back. "Angel I thought you were lost! What do you mean demons? You didn't actually find a graveyard, did you?" She frowned.

Angel didn't stop the tears. They soaked Katie's camisole and she sat up. "I'm never going in there again! No one can make me!" She stood up. Katie followed, also shaking with fear. "Please drive me back to your house." She choked out.

Katie simply nodded, opened her door for her and guided her in the car. She drove away, glancing into the forest in the rear view mirror. "Who else was in there besides Mason?" She threw a candy in her mouth. When did she get that?

"Ummm...." She began thinking about if she could share the information. "Lucy and Jesse." She decided not to provide last names.

They drove in silence for the rest of the way to Katie's. When they got there, she barely had her hand on the door before the girls jumped out and hugged Angel.

"Are you okaaay?!" Dylan and Sam cried. "Why did it take so long? We're so sorry!"

Angel reassured them. "Everything is fine. I'm fine. " She smiled a bit. "Can we just go to sleep?" Nobody disagreed.


The light burned through the curtains as November had it's first morning that year. The girls awoke and changed into their swimsuits, ready to jump in freezing water. Though it was almost winter, the sun still shone and kept the girls warm in their bikinis. They changed when they woke up, not wanting to put off something they enjoyed so much. For breakfast, they had hotdogs. Katie's mom had not restocked recently and breakfast food was not an option. At 5:30 A.M., They walked outside, ready to jump in the pool. Angel pulled her hair into a ponytail. They others followed in her stead.

"Alright, ready?" The girls surrounded the diving board. Molly Was the only one without a ponytail, having a sassy blond pixiecut. "Who first?"

Sammy rested her arm on Molly's shoulder. "Well, I'd say..." She quickly jabbed Molly backwards into the deep end. "YOU!" The girls laughed hysterically as Molly screamed about the freezing water. Sammy jumped in next, to be tacked by Molly. Next came Hannah, then Dylan, and Katie who was pushed by Angel. Angel almost jumped in, before Sophie grabbed her shoulders and held her back.

"Angel Fish, what's that?" She rested a hand on her upper back. The girls in the pool stopped splashing around and turned to look. Angel, not being able to see over her shoulders, turned around on the diving board for the girls to see. They gasped, worrying Angel. "When did you get that? I didn't think you would be the type to have a Tattoo." She said it like she would say 'addiction'.

"I never got a tattoo!" she shrieked and jumped off the diving board, rushing inside. She grabbed a hand mirror off the table and into the bathroom, where she adjusted the mirrors to show her what she cannot normally see. After seconds of silent horror, she let the mirror drop, craking into peices on the tile floor. Angel shrieked and rushed back outside, stepping on a peice of glass but ignoring the sharp pain. Blood trailed behind her as she got outside. "Who did that to me?!"

They girls looked at each other, just as confused as she was. Angel became worried. Sophie hung her arm around her shoulder. "Angel, It looked kinda cool actually. In fact..." She stood behind Angel. At first, it seemed like she was looking at it more, but the force against her back made her realize that she had been tricked. As she fell, she was in the middle of breathing and water filled her lungs. She stammered back under water, kicking at the ground to get up. Why arn't I choking? She thought as she touched her hand to her throat. A hand clasped on her upper arm and tugged her upwards.

"Sorry Angel!" Sophie let go. "I didn't mean to almost kill you there."

Angel was not choking out the water, or breathing heavily. It felt as though she had been breathing air, even while eight feet under the water's surface. Finally, the six year old in me has her mermaid powers. She thought flatly. Katie broke the silence by mentioning it was now 6:00, and time to get ready for school. Angel still felt a pain, and looked down at the pink water surrounding her. She pulled the peice of glass out of her heel, crying a bit as chorine stung the wound. She rushed out of the water, pulling her dripping body out of the pool by the edge. She followed the girls unside, still thinking about the dragon mark.


Angel walked to school with the six girls, fluffing up her freashly dried hair as it bounced with her step. She was about to answer Hannah's question about Study Hall Practice when she noticed Lucy talking to a girl ahead. She had dismissed herself from the group as she walked toward Lucy, attempting to strike up a conversation. Lucy's next action of punching the lower classman girl in the face had startled Angel. Immediately, She rushed up to the girl.

"Are you alright?" Angel lowered the girl's hand from her face, which has bleeding. She sat her tote bag down, poured some of her water into a scarf she had, and whiped off the girl's face. Angel stood about five inches taller than this girl, and since she was short already she deemed this girl as a freshman. "It's ok. Lucy had a bad halloween yesterday, she's probably just in a bad mood." She bent down to be at the girl's level. "And if you don't mind..." Angel whispered to the girl, "Please try to be nicer to her. Been a rough road for her." She ruffled the girl's hair a bit and rushed into the school.

Angel was in Social Studies class as her phone vibrated and rang. She quickly sat on it, muffling out the noise. When her ringtone stopped (the theme song to, "The Big Bang Theory"), she glanced at it. It was her first text from Lucy since November 17th, 2009. She knew since her phone still stored the data. She looked at it, somewhat confused. Why did she want to talk now? Angel passed a note to Katie, who was next to her, saying she could not come to Swim Practice tonight. When she was met with a worried look, Angel held up her hand and smiled, letting her know everything was ok.
Mason didn’t move as the girls went off. He would have offered them a walk home usually but both seemed to be in such a hurry he never even got the chance. Instead he merely lay back on the ground and took in the calm beauty of the stars as the group broke up. Knowing deep down they probably wouldn’t meet up again. It was peaceful there in that graveyard now, sure still haunting laughter and chills. It was just . . . safe as well, at least in Mason’s eyes. No one would even dream of messing with a vessel of their own prince right?

It was after he was sure they all were gone that he finally got up to stumble around looking for the cape. Draping it over his shoulder, it had taken forever to find someone willing to custom make it for him. His adopted parents would probably be disappointed if they saw how it was treated. At least in his head they would be, in truth as long as he was safe they didn’t really care. Flicking it a few times to get as much dirt from it as he could he slung it over his shoulder to head home.

Once there of course his adopted parents were by his side at once worried due to the late hour. He couldn’t help wince, and feel more fear here than he did in the graveyard in ways. Wondering how many more mistakes he would be allowed before they gave up on him. Luckily they were so upset with worry they sent him to his room and he wasn’t asked much. It would be something they discussed tomorrow after all, and hopefully that gave him enough time to come up with a more believable story than finding a myth of a graveyard and meeting the four princes of hell.


The next morning Mason woke as usually, music on the radio, Mary calling him to come down. While he was changing he paused to notice a tattoo of sorts. Only to shake his head, it all was still a touch of disbelief after all, and he was merely going through the motions. What surprised Mason most was Steve had been so worried he had stayed home that morning to hear the boy’s story. He was willing to be late for the kid, and it just made Mason feel that much worse.

Steve started but lowering the paper to silently look over his son, taken in all expressions Mason was given off. Something was wrong, that much was obvious. His normally smiling beaming boy was looking more like a numb zombie. “If you’re not feeling well you can stay home.” He started out, never good with words or expressing himself. Mary was usually the overly kind one, where he was shyer and off to the side when it came to the family. “I . . . I could stay home as well, we could make a family day of it. Hanging out . . . discussing what happened yesterday . . . planning things to do in the future?”

Mason sighed, standing for once, he normally went out of his way to make them happy but . . . he couldn’t do it, not today. “Look, I’m fine, nothing happened yesterday. You should go off to work Steve before you’re any more late.” Mason was about to storm out only for Steve to rise at once from his words almost as if awkwardly.

“You’re right son, I really should run to work.” At that his father moved quickly to kiss and hug his wife good bye, hug Mason and was off. A rare site, normally he asked Mason if he wanted a ride, but for the first time he seemed to be in quite a hurry. Leaving Mary scratching the back of her head confused, and Mason . . . well staring. Before Mary could think to pick up the slack of asking Mason where he had been she got her kiss from her son and he was off as well.


Mason of course was surrounded at school as always and for once he didn’t want to be. Even if it took awhile he eventually ended up pulling off that happy smiling act off again. Everything throughout the day went fine until he got a text from Lucy, and the whole class turned to look at him as his phone played ‘Raise Your Glass’. A cute nervous smile and blush and he moved to take it to the hall, after a small chat with the teacher. Quite surprised that he didn’t lose his phone then and there seeing as that teacher was known to collect them.

His night before had threw him so off he had forgot to put it on vibrate. Looking down at the message he couldn’t help but lean against the wall and give a goofy happy smile. Glad he was out in the hall where no one else could see. She . . . she wanted to see him again. The poor guy didn’t realize she sent the message to everyone in the group. He was just a flutter thinking Lucy wanted to see him again . . . perhaps he did have a chance with her after all. He simply replied with the words ‘As you wish.’

He spent the rest of the day floating on air in away. He couldn’t wait to see Lucy, and the poor guy was pondering the look to change into. The cologne he would wear and anything else that might just make this bold move of hers official. That might just give him the chance to win her over, or at least allow him to confess how he felt in case she was shy maybe. God . . . the butterflies in his stomach alone was making him feel sick, but he managed them happily if it was over Lucy.


((I love Halo’s idea of the whole music thing. I figured Mason would be the type to fit them each with a special ring tone.

Lucy: Raise Your Glass by P!nk

Angel: Just a Girl by No Doubt

Jesse: Hail to the Geek by Deaf Pedestrians

Mason: Everybody's Fool by Evanescence (if he had to pick one for him :P )

Had to edit them all correctly in once I found the right ones, I tend to be very picky with this stuff. xD ))
It seemed that everyone was okay….at least, as okay as people could be while harboring a prince of hell inside them. No one was bleeding or spinning their head in circles or foaming at the mouth, no one was hanging upside down from a ceiling…not that there was a ceiling to hang from, anyway. But the point was, they all seemed to be fairly normal, other than spooked, which given the circumstances, Jesse thought to be a fairly normal reaction.

He thought it might be a good idea for them to stick around each other for a few more minutes, at least, just to make sure that if something like that did happen, the others could deal with it, somehow…though generally “dealing with it” from his movie knowledge would involve a priest and restraints, and in most cases, also death.

And yet…the girls were walking away. Practically jogging, really, as if they could outrun what was now inside them. Jesse was pretty sure they couldn’t.

“Hey!” he called out, then flinched at the way his voice echoed through the cemetery, looking around fast in case someone, or more likely, something heard and came after him. “You shouldn’t walk alone! You shouldn’t…the sticking together part, that’s usually pretty important in horror movies! And with the prince of HELL now residing in your chest, or…somewhere like that…”

But the girls were either too far away to hear or ignoring him, which was also a valid possibility. Jesse watched them with a worried frown lining his brow, even as his hand moved to gingerly touch his chest. He couldn’t FEEL anything inside him, not anymore, not even a faint twinge remaining where there had once been scorching pain. Weird…but didn’t those sort of things usually take a while to have the creepiness start to happen?

Jesse bit his lower lip lightly as he glanced back at Mason, saying to him uncertainly, “Uh…Mason? These sort of things, if that happened, what just…well, happened…they sort of don’t usually end peacefully. So…if something strange, or…really really disturbing…happens…maybe give me a call? Or if you notice something with Angel or Lucy…I don’t exactly hang out with them more. Or anyone much, really. If you don’t have my number anymore…which you probably don’t…you can look up my house number in the phone book.”

He glances back at Mason before beginning to walk away too, continually raising his hand to feel his chest. Intriguing as all of it had been, there came a point where it really wasn’t so much “fascinating” to have a prince of hell leap into your chest and linger, so much as “frightening.”


What with the excitement of his life turned horror movie, Jesse had completely forgotten to replace the eggs and toilet paper in the house before he got home. So of course, he was immediately greeted with the ire of both his brother and his father.

“What the hell is wrong with you? What the hell did you do that for? I ought to take your precious little computer and smash it through your f***ing window!” David had almost howled, pushing his face close to Jesse’s and shaking him back and forth until Jesse’s head whipped back and forth on his neck. His father had hardly been any better, informing him that he was everything from a jealous idiot to a pathetic hanger-onner, whatever that meant. It had all ended with Jesse being informed that he had to wash David’s car, right there, right now, and that he would be paying to replace the paint and also for eggs and toilet paper for the house for the next month. He also had his computer taken away, but that was okay. Jesse had two more that he had built himself that they didn’t know about.

In fact, the rest of the evening would have seemed mind-numbingly normal and expected to him. Except for one factor.

Jesse’s father had refused to turn the porch light on for him, telling him that the streetlamp at the end of the sidewalk was more than enough to light his wave as he cleaned David’s car. It wasn’t, of course, and as Jesse attempted to unravel toilet paper and to scrub off the egg he could barely see, he knew he wasn’t really getting the car clean enough to satisfy them. How was she supposed to SEE?

And that was when a small ball of light appeared before him, seeming to rise up off of his palm and then hover in the air. Jesse stared at it, astonished, and quickly backed away, throwing some water on it. The light did not go out immediately, but rather slowly faded away…and only a few minutes later, it returned.

What the…was that HIM? Had HE done that…had he made that happen? Or was it the demon thing…was that his first sign of the demon possessing him?

He had finished cleaning the car as fast as humanly possible, but all the while, orbs of light kept cropping up beside him, making it that much easier for him to see. And as Jesse finally settled into bed for the night, his heart still beating much faster than usual from his prolonged unease, he hoped that when he woke in the morning, he would find that it was all just a dream.


No such luck. In the morning, as he stumbled across the room in the dark to turn off his persistent alarm clock, another orb cropped up. This time Jesse froze, then tried to knock it away with his hand in quick panic…but instead a second, concentrated beam of light, almost like a laser, shot out the tip of his index finger, penetrating and scattering the orb. Jesse could not suppress his gasp, and as he scrambled backward, knocking into his nightstand, another beam of light hit the wall. He stared at his finger, then immediately closed his hands into fists, shaken.


There were three more incidents even before he could get through first period, and each was a near miss of someone seeing. What if one of them hit someone one time? Would they burn them? Would they hurt them? What if they couldn’t see them at all? What if this was something only Jesse would notice? He didn’t know if that would be preferable or not. Or was this happening to the others too…had Lucy, Mason, and Angel been going through the same thing?

Jesse was almost as astonished by Lucy’s text in third period as by the uncontrollable occurrences happening with his body. He, Jesse, did not receive texts in class, and certainly not from a peer…from Lucy. Meet her at the lighthouse after school…just him? Or the others too?

Whatever the case, it could not be for any good reason. Still, somehow Jesse was almost excited as he texted back “Okay.” It was almost like having friends…even if it did take getting possessed by a fire-shooting demon to make them want to see his face.
(I feel so bad for Mason. Though he's not going to use his new found power to try to force himself onto Lucy, is he? Because that just cannot end well.)

Lucy was a bit surprised that she was able to get replies from Mason and Jesse. She had thought that neither really wanted anything to do with her now. Her cheeks flushed when she read Jesse's simple one word answer. It was only one word but it had also been two years since she had gotten a text from him.

The Lighthouse was, well, a lighthouse. It was abandoned long ago and located on the southern part of the beach on a cliff. Lucy sat on a boulder adjacent to the building, watching the waves crash below. When the four of them were still friends, this was their playground, their clubhouse, their haven. Now it stood as a chest of memories. The chipping white paint was more of a gray now and the light had long since gone out.

As a gust of wind blew, Lucy brought her jacket close and thought of her day. Thanks to the gloves, no more plants died by her touch but she turned invisible twice during school. Once during gym, thank God, and the other time in the girl's bathroom. Luckily no one had seen her vanish or reappear so she was in the clear. Still, was she supposed to keep looking out for this the rest of her life? And what about when summer came and she would no longer have any reason to wear the gloves? Lucy sighed before staring up at the sky.

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