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Ladybug's silhouette was a stark difference against the lights of the Eiffel Tower. She didn't know if he was late, or she was early, either way she was glad for this moment of peace. This moment, just her and the beauty of Paris. Sometimes life went too fast and it was nice to just admire the city.

"Beautiful..." She whispered to herself breathlessly. She wished she didn't have to patrol so she could hang out with Chat and watch the city they protected. "Where is that Alley Cat?"
The magnificent Paris lights flew beneath Chat Noir's feet with each stride he took across the roof tops. Even with the moon shining so brightly in the night sky, the city of lights refused to sleep. Chat took a moment to admire the beauty of it all, yet it all paled in comparison to the beauty of his lovely companion. With that thought in mind, the young superhero made haste towards the designated meeting point. With one final leap from the roof tops, Chat Noir soared through the sky and extended his staff towards the ground. With barely any sound, Chat Noir vaulted himself forward and landed in a crouched position on the bridge leading up to the Eiffel Tower.

Gazing up at the landmark, he could clearly see Ladybug through his night vision.

"Ah, what a sight to behold!" Chat Noir called out to the girl dressed in the red suit with black polka dots, stepping closer before offering a deep bow to his partner. "My Lady, your prince has arrived!" He made the comment in jest, yet deep down he could feel a pang of desire strike his heart with cupid's arrow. He waited for Ladybug to come down and meet with him to discuss the plan for the patrol.
Ladybug tore her gaze away from the lights to see the end of Chat's bow. She let out a soft giggle, "Chat, charming as always," She replied with an eye-roll. She tilted her head slightly to him before turning back to the tower and gesturing to it, "Do you ever take the little things for granted? I mean, look at how gorgeous Paris is," She took in a deep breath, spun around and let it out in a huff.

"Heard any akuma rumors lately, or just the usual patrol?"
Not as gorgeous as you, Chat so desperately wanted to reply. It would have come off so smooth and charming, but he found himself choking at the very last second. Typical. Fumbling around, Chat turned away and crossed his arms over his chest in an attempt to look cool.

"Yeah, it's alright. It'd be even better if we didn't have all these damn Akuma's running a muck." He spoke nonchalantly, turning back to Ladybug as she asked about the patrol.

"I haven't heard anything, My Lady, and my instincts are razor sharp. Perhaps we should just skip our patrol and hang out instead." Chat was sure that Ladybug would never agree to being so irresponsible, especially when the Parisians relied on the two of them to keep them safe. Yet at the same time, he didn't see any harm in asking.
Ladybug tapped her chin thoughtfully, "Hmm... interesting proposal," She said pretending to mull the thought over. "But, I think it'll be better if we patrol." She clicked her tongue and slowly walked closer to him.

"However," She drew the word out, looking away from him. "If the cat is good we can play a game along the way." Smiling, she looked back at him.
Even though Chat Noir knew the rejection of his proposal was coming, that didn't stop him from pouting in disappointment when Ladybug insisted that they complete their patrol. However, as if sensing her companions feelings, Ladybug turned around and offered to entertain him with a fun game whilst on patrol; provided he behaved himself. Almost instantaneously, Chat's pout turned into a grin of delight.

"Lead the way, My Lady!" He quickly jogged beside her, giving her a playful army salute to let her know that he'd follow her plan.
Ladybug threw her yo-yo out into the Parisian skyline, "You ever play Two Truths and a Lie?" She smirked before she felt the familiar tug and she let herself be stolen by it's pull.

The moon lit the way as the sting of cold caught her cheeks, it was a nice sting, refreshing and reinvigorating. The sensation made her smile, it was such a lovely night. And I'm spending it in good company too. A bit flirtatious with a side of terrible puns, but good all the same.

She landed gracefully looking down over at the side gesturing, "Come along, Kitty." She taunted him.
Following suit after Ladybug, Chat Noir pole vaulted up through the sky with another forceful strike of his staff. Flying wildly through the air, Chat Noir couldn't help but notice the grace and finesse Ladybug held as she zipped through the air with her Yo-yo. Compared to her, he must have looked ridiculous. Ladybug brought up a familiar game that brought a cheeky smile to the cats face.

"Heh, are you sure you want to challenge me and my slick tongue to that one?" With that, he landed next to Ladybug on the rooftops, glancing at her with a smug grin.

"Well, ladies first." Chat Noir gestured for Ladybug to take her turn in the game.
"I think you'd be surprised with how amazing of a liar I am." She quipped. Letting Chat keep up with her this time, she ran at a leisurely pace as she thought for a few moments. Smiling she gave him three options,

"I have never had a pet." Then tapped her chin, "Kwami's don't count."

She threw her yo-yo out and pulled herself gently to the next building over, "I have a balcony,"

Ladybug flipped over a chimney and leaned over the edge checking out the are below, "I have always worn my hair in pigtails."

She looked up from her check below and smiled at Chat, "Well, Alley Cat, Which is the lie?"
Chat Noir pondered the three statements that Ladybug had given him whilst he jumped from rooftop to rooftop. The cold breeze whipped against his face as he hummed pensively. Considering the options, he surfed down a roof before pausing to give part of his answer.

"I'm gonna say that you've never had a pet is true. Something tells me you're not a big animal person, well aside from yours truly." Chat giggled, brushing his hair back towards his ears. He watched Ladybug fly past him to the next rooftop, and quickly pole vaulted over to be next to her. When they were side by side, he turned to her and gave his next answer.

"The balcony one is tricky. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you do have a balcony. I can just picture you staring up at the moon, calling my name." Chat Noir could feel himself starting to blush at the idea, and quickly leapt upwards and grabbed onto the next buildings roof. Pulling himself up, he turned back down to face Ladybug.

"So that means, the lie is that you always wore pig tails. I bet you experimented with lots of different styles before settling." Chat was pretty confident with his answers, and he waited for Ladybug with a smug look on his face.
Ladybug laughed, "I actually do like animals, I've just never had one," She began counting on her hand to his responses, "You wish," She stuck up another finger, "And though you may be right, I still think that I can win." She threw her yo-yo out into the night again, checking the streets below, "It's your turn." She smiled, "Impress me." She replied as she followed the pull of her yo-yo.
"My Lady likes a challenge, does she? Oh la la" Chat Noir grinned, following Ladybug through the Parisian sky. Briefly glancing down, he saw various citizens go about their night. A lot of them looked as though their evenings were just getting started. It seemed everyone was having a good time, especially Chat. Landing on the balcony of an empty office building, Chat Noir casually leaned up against the glass window panes and pondered his responses.

"Give me a moment, I need to think." The cat pensively rubbed his chin, closing his eyes in deep thought.

"I'm an only child. That's the first one." Chat Noir walked around the balcony, leaning over the edge and staring down into the streets once again. "I love Camembert Cheese. Finally, I love going to school."

The boy turned around, leaning his back against the balcony's railings. He nodded his head politely to Ladybug.

"Guess away, My Lady."
Ladybug brushed a little bit of her hair out of her face and bit her lip, "So the first one is true, I can just tell." Ladybug let a small smile slip loose and tapped her chin a little before adding, "I'm inclined to say that you love Camembert, even though I'm not sure you're a cheese guy." Then she pointed, "And I don't think anyone loves going to school." Then she smiled, "But you might be trying to trick me by making it too easy. So..." She drew out the so as she leaned forward toward him narrowing her eyes.

She threw her yo-yo out again, "I don't think you like Camembert,"
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Chat Noir could feel his cheeks flush red when Ladybug leaned in closer to him. He could make out every little detail of her beautiful blue eyes. Then, not surprisingly, Ladybug guessed correctly and then flew off into the night once again. Chat stood there for a while, watching her figure slowly disappear over the horizon of skyscrapers and apartments.

"Right as always, My Lady." He whispered to himself, feeling giddy. This had been one of the most enjoyable patrols by far. Usually it was always just business between them, but tonight Chat had been able to take a peek into Ladybug's life. A little peek, perhaps, but it meant everything to him. Using his staff, Chat vaulted up from the balcony and quickly caught up with Ladybug.

"My lady, I believe it is your turn agai-" Chat Noir's left ear twitched, and he heard the faint sounds of someone running nearby. There was a desperate panic in there steps and even so far away he could hear their heavy breaths. He turned to face where he had sensed it from, signalling Ladybug with a concerned look. "Something's wrong, Ladybug." Before Ladybug could respond, Chat Noir bolted in the direction he had heard the noise from.

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