Minecraftia [Inactive]

Raenil circled the small room, jumping onto the crafting table every once in a while. She watched the chat bar. It appeared that someone had been saved. Cool. Perhaps the reign of suicide was now over. She checked on her hunger bar. Yikes. She'd better get food in the morning. On that thought, she stopped moving. Perhaps wasting her energy on sprinting in circles wasn't a good idea.
Mishi smiled gently as Crystal took the apple. For the next few minutes, there was only the sound of the girl crunching on the ripe fruit. While Crystal ate, Mishi put a torch on the wall. It was her last one, and it reminded her of all the wasted torches on the ground around her noob hut. So many torches that hadn't even worked right... or well, she supposed they had worked, but they certainly hadn't done what she'd expected.

Suddenly, she heard Crystal wince, which brought her out of her inward banter on torches and mobs. "Are you all right?" Mishi started to ask, but her question was quickly answered by the sight of an arrow sticking out of the other girl's back. She winced in sympathy and suddenly remembered her own arrow. She twisted around to look at her calf where the arrow had been, but it was gone. Maybe it had been knocked out while she was climbing down? It had left its mark though: a large hole in her pants leg with stiff edges. It didn't hurt anymore, but the bloody hole annoyed her. She'd have to wash her clothes and mend the hole now. Who knew how long that would take?

She breathed out an annoyed breath just as Crystal was thanking her. "Oh, it's no problem. I mean, you did come over here to help me. It would have been rude to just let you die." She looked up through the hole in the roof and blinked in confusion. Was it just her or did the sky look lighter? "I'm going to go back to the top," she said motioning upward through the hole. "I don't think sunrise is that far off, and I want to chop this tree down." She gave Crystal a wave before jumping up onto the vines and climbing up.

Once Mishi was out of the shelter, she saw that the sky had that gray pre-dawn look to it. She hated this time. Everything looked gray and just seemed to blend together. It was good though because it meant the night was almost over. She had survived her first night! A huge grin spread over her face as she continued her climb. By the time she got to the top, the sun was just starting to peek over the horizon. Quickly, Mishi grabbed her stone axe and started cutting the tree down. She would get her noob hut done today. She would not be stuck outside again.
It was with sore arms and an aching back that Atrus set down the final block in his makeshift little hobbit home. As he drew his sleeve across his brow and stretched his popping back that he noticed the greying of the sky through the door window.

Ah, at last: morning.

Atrus hastily threw his remaining wooden stacks into a chest he'd made and drew out his stone sword he'd made earlier when he needed a break.

No was a good time; moments before the sun rose when mobs would still be out but with enough lee way for the sun to save him. Atrus needed string for a fishing rod to truly be ready. he'd find some spiders as the sun was rising.

A short while later, Atrus was on his stomach on a hill. Below him, three spiders skittered around.

"Wait for it..." He timed his jump with the waning shadows..."Now!" He leapt. The spiders turned at his movement, but instead of seeing him; their multitudious eyes were blinded by the sun as it rose up behind him.

Moments later; Atrus plunged his sword through the last spider and it dies with a hiss.

"All too easy" He congratulated himself as he collected up two pieces of string- enough for his rod.

He made his way back to his "hole"; the sounds of burning zombies ringing in his ears.
The sounds of burning zombies were heard by Badminer as well. Well, they should, because they're right outside the door, sort of on fire. "Well, that's as good of a sign as any!" He exclaimed as he removed the block blockading the door, revealing zombies and a skeleton burning and running for the water. Some of them made it, but most died from the fire before they could reach the safety of the water, leaving drops in their wake.

"Happy surviving the first night everybooooody!" He proclaimed to the rest of the server before he turned back to Raenil. "It was fun survivin' with ya, I'm gonna get fishing for that one player who wanted fish now, for things. And so I won't die, like, immediately again."
"You too, Badminer. Thanks for the lodging and axe." Raenil replied. She began thinking. What did Crystal say earlier?

She'd said to wait here, that she would commit suicide and respawn on the island. But judging by the more recent events, she guessed that Crystal didn't want to jump off of trees anymore. Good. Maybe the senseless killing really was finished. Just in case, Raenil told Crystal what she was doing.

"Crystal, I'm going to the jungle. My hunger bar is low. Hope you don't mind."

Raenil stepped to the edge of the island, taking a bone from the ground. Hoping Badminer wouldn't mind, she added it to her inventory. "Goodbye, Badminer! I'm sure we'll see each other again sometime." She called before jumping into the ocean. She tried swimming underwater at first to avoid the mobs, resurfacing when she was halfway to the jungle. When she finally reached the thick biome, she stepped up to one of the smaller trees. She took out her axe and began chopping away. Her heart picked up when she witnessed another bit disappear from her hunger bar. Hopefully she'd get a few apples from these trees.
Crystal watched as Mishi disappeared from her view before looking into the chat bar, smiling as she read through the responses. She couldn't describe how happy she was that there were some really good and genuine players in the server, every single one she had talked with being unbelievable nice. It was a nice contrast from previous servers she had been on where random players would raid and violate everything they came into contact with, destroying peoples hard work within a short amount of time before waltzing back off to wherever they came from. It was also a good thing that this server was pretty much new because she couldn't stand joining a server where people had already gathered every single helpful resource you needed to start out. Or servers where some players already had diamond armor and swords, flaunting and gloating about their findings in a way that made her just want to smack them upside before spitting on them for good measure. Of course you couldn't actually do that but a girl could dream...

Shaking her head so as to get rid of thoughts about murdering rather annoying players she decided to respond to those who had talked to her. She wouldn't want to keep them waiting when they were being so sincere. Replying to Raenil, as it would also be directed to Badminer, she began talking away.

"Alright Raenil, I'll meet you there soon but first I should probably go to Badminer for those fish. After catching an ocelot of my own with those fish I might have enough left over for you to also catch one... unless you'd rather use it for food. Hmm... well we can figure that out once the time arrives I suppose." As Crystal was talking to the two players she had steadily made her way down the tree that had almost gotten her killed and was already on the ground, her feet tracing the steps and direction of where the spawn was so she could find Badminer in an easier fashion.

After a minute or two had gone by she approached Raenil, waving at the other player in a greeting. "I'll meet you back over here right after I get the items, as previously stated. Continue on with what I just interrupted while I go on my merry way!" And with those last words she finally was back to the water surrounding the spawn, diving in without any hesitation on her part. It was weird yet strangely comforting with how many times she had repeated the same action because of how naturally it came, a smile breaking across her face.

I wonder if anyone else feels like this when repeating an action they've done all throughout their Minecraftian life.
"Hey, congratulations everyone for making the first night and no deaths!" Atrus called out across teh server after glossing through the conversations he had been ignoring all night- so distracted by his task.

Not one death during the night- actually it was quite funny. The time when no one should die; during the day right after spawning, there were so many deaths; yet the time you'd expect there to be casualties- not a one.

"So what's everyone working on?" He asked generally. "Wait, is everyone here new to this server? Who's running it?" a valid question. Come to think of it; this was the first time Atrus had been to a server that didn't imprison him in a room full of rules before letting him out into a ravaged world.
Mishi chopped down the giant jungle tree for a solid ten minutes. When she looked up at the sky, she noticed that the sun had well and truly risen. She also noticed that she had forgotten to dismantle her shelter, and it was.now just floating in midair. "Oops," she mumbled under her breath. You could see the torch inside it still though, so maybe it could act as a landmark type thing. Yeah, that sounded like a good excuse....

For the next few minutes, Mishi ran about under where the tree had been, picking up the saplings. She also picked up a few bones and potatoes that were still lying around. Next, she planted four saplings in a tight square. She was about to walk away then, having done her part in replanting the tree, when a stroke of genius hit her. She quickly crushed her bones into bonemeal, and then threw handfuls of the fine powder onto the saplings. One handful; nothing happened. Two handfuls; still nothing. Three handfuls; was it just her or had the saplings shot up a few inches? Four handfuls; all four saplings suddenly shot straight up into the air, instantly becoming a jungle giant. Mishi started dancing around the tree, laughing maniacally. "Mwahaha! I am Mishi, the giant tree grower!"

Well, that had been fun, but it was time to get to work. She looked around her slowly, trying to figure out which way to go. She couldn't see the water or beach or anything familiar. All she could see were trees and leaves. "Uh oh," she whispered softly as she walked around the tree. "I think I'm lost." Then, an amazing second stroke of genius hit her: climb a tall tree and look out. She grabbed hold of the nearest vine and began hoisting herself up. When she had climbed about fifteen blocks, she looked out and saw only jungle. Clinging to the vines, she edged around the tree, almost falling for one heart-stopping moment. Still there was only jungle. Wait! What was that? Far in the distance, she saw a little lake area. "That looks so pretty!" She shouted as she started climbing down.

The lake would be her new destination. She could make her hut later.
"No problem, it's been fun! See you when we're wearing the stuff of royalty!" Bad shouted at the disappearing Raenil as she swam towards adventure. He wished he could go on adventures into the unknown... But then the lighthouse tower of power would never get built then would it? Badminer ran around collecting the drops first around the little sculpted island, collecting about half a dozen rotten flesh and a couple bones. Aha! Bones, one of the best unorthodox weapons ever. Just get a bunch of enchanting books and an anvil, and then no one would know what hit them! Mwahaha! That, and it's funny killing mobs with a bone. Or a stick. Or raw beef.

Anyway, back to less questionable things. Bad trotted around to the shore again and started fishing, throwing the line out far to sea as he waited. And waited. And waited. And waited some more. That bobber was rather annoying to watch from this distance, should of thrown it closer than that. Eventually the bobber bobbed as a fish grabbed hold, and the new fisherman hauled in his first catch. Wow. One fish. Now to catch about a thousand more, then build a little hut over what will eventually be the tower's staircase, to keep the mobs away as he tunneled downwards for ores and stone. But first, not starving to death again.
Raenil positioned herself so that the last few blocks of wood fell directly into her inventory. The axe was broken, but she managed to punch the rest of the wood she needed. She ate one of four apples she'd received. It would hold her for a while longer. After planting some of the saplings, she turned most of the raw wood into planks. The rest she would save, as she always liked using a variety of textures in her buildings. She made a crafting table and a pickaxe for later.

Now I'm ready. I'll just wait here for Crystal. She thought, looking around to determine which way they should travel. Eventually she gave up. The trees were way too high to make a rational decision. Crystal had been on top of a tree. If there was anything to see, she would have seen it. Otherwise, she guessed they'd just wing it.
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