Minecraftia [Inactive]

~Raenil has joined the game~

And much to her surprise, the area in which she spawned was already being developed. She looked at the wooden structure on the small, sandy patch of land. She tried to peek inside, and get a glimpse of what was beyond the walls. Seeing the chests and crafting table, she could assume this was definitely someone else's project. Not wanting to go inside and risk trespassing, she wandered over to one of the signs that lay scattered about.


"Hmm. Interesting." Raenil muttered to herself, tilting a little to the left. She tried to see what was on the map besides this little piece of land, and to her dismay she could only make out the silhouettes of a few jungle trees far off in the distance. She sighed. This would definitely be a challenging settlement. Her eyes traced the wooden border along the sand, eventually finding a second player. Badminer himself, eh? That's what his username read. She looked at the sky. The sun was too low for her to start doing anything, or else she'd get caught in the dark with a bunch of hostile mobs. Instead she approached the player in hopes of settling here for the night. What a pitiful start! She wouldn't even get past spawn until morning!

"Excuse me, sir. Are you the one who has claimed this land? You wouldn't mind if I stayed here until morning, would you?" Raenil asked the player.
"WATCHAWHOZZAT?" Bad yelled as he was sneakily snuck up on, spinning around and jumping backwards, hacking at the air with his fists in what he imagined to be karate moves. Seeing that it wasn't Herobrine or a talking creeper, he straightened up and scratched the back of his head, obviously embarrassed.

"Oh, haha, sorry about that, didn't see ya there. Yeah, I've claimed this little crappy island, but not for me- oh no. I work for the greater good of Minecraftia!" Badminer struck a heroic pose, switching over to his wooden sword and holding it aloft. "That, and this spawn is a nightmare to start on," He said as he returned to a more relaxed position, putting his sword away. Bad looked at the new player quizzically, his masked head tilted to the side. She wasn't a Steve, so at least she knew what she was doing. (Bad hates Steves, always messing up stuff) He hadn't seen her before, so she must of just arrived. Man, that sucks... First showing up when night's coming... This is the reason for my existence! My lighthouse will be a haven for newcomers and guide them to epicness! In theory!

"Yeah, you can stay the night. Feel free to make some tools, I got some wood in the chests." He nodded to the little hut, ignorant of the fact that she already knows about it. "Just don't use too much, alright? I need it for the building's frame. Oh! And the sand too! I need that!"

Bad took a quick look at his hunger bar, which was dangerously low. He glared at it, in an attempt to intimidate it into going up. It went down another point in response. Oh well, he didn't have any food, but he could just jump off his hut and die, then he'd have full health, full hunger, and be right where he was working.
Raenil watched as the player reacted. She stepped back, in fear of being hit.

"Hmm. Right, then! No worries! I think it's a very nice thing you're doing, Badminer. I'm Raenil, by the way. Thank you for the supplies!" She said.

He was a very cheerful fellow. She decided that she liked him, and set off for the building. Raenil is a very strict person when it comes to resources, and is careful to use only what is absolutely needs. She took the player's offer, and took five wooden planks to craft an axe. Two sticks remained, and she put them back in the chest.

Raenil hated the whole "beat the tree into submission" thing. It was such a horrible task. With the axe, she wouldn't have to use her fists to get her first amount of wood.
Immediately after her fight with the spider, Mishi made her furnace and set it down next to her crafting table. She then put a good chunk of her wood in it to burn for charcoal. Most of the rest of her wood was turned into sticks to be made into torches once she had thr charcoal. While she was waiting, she leaned against a block and ate an apple. "Hurry up," she grumbled in between bites. "I haven't got all day." It was true, for the sun was just beginning to set.

Eyes on the sun, Mishi paced back and forth in front of the furnace. "I can't wait any more!" She shouted and took out the first five pieces of charcoal. Quickly, she made some torches and started placing them around the outside of her unfinished hut. After several more trips back to the furnace, she had a ring of torches around her hut three blocks deep with just about every block having a torch on it. She did the same thing inside, placing the torches on the sandy floor.

By the time she was done placing torches, night had fallen. Mishi looked around her little globe of light, feeling very pleased and safe. She would make it through the night. Sure, she might be bored, but she would survive. ,That was the important thing.

Since she couldn't go anywhere, Mishi decided she would spend this time making better tools. She currently only had a wooden pickaxe and sword, and both were damaged heavily. Luckily, she had just enough sticks and cobblestone to make a stone pickaxe, sword, and axe. She would have liked to make a shovel too, but she ran out of sticks. Oh well, shovels were optional.

As she was sharpening her axe, something whizzed by her head. She turned to see what it had been and saw the feathery end of an arrow. "Hey!" She shouted out. "Who shot that? This isn't a PVP server!" She looked around to see who it had been, but to her surprise, she saw a skeleton lurking in the shadows. "Well, that's creepy," she muttered. "I guess I should build a wall." She grabbed her sand and was just about to start making a wall when the skeleton stepped into the light.

Instantly, Mishi began panicking. "It's coming into the light! But the light is supposed to be safe!" She shouted as she ran around in a crazed hysteria, unintentionally avoiding arrows as well. "Safe! I need somewhere safe!" She was so hysterical that she wasn't paying attention to where she was going and tripped on the corner of her furnace. With her mouth full of sand, she suddenly remembered the room she had dug out earlier. She would be safe there! But she'd plugged up the hole with sand, and the entire floor was sand. How would she know where the hole was?!?

With no other option, she started digging, but it was too late. The skeleton was upon her, its bones clicking as it moved. Trembling like a leaf, Mishi reached for her stone sword and faced her terror.
Crystal was happy that she was in the jungle, especially on one of its huge trees. They provided excellent protection from hostile mobs and as night fell upon her shoulders, she felt relief flow through her. Well, that was until she took a glance at her hunger bar which was now only half full. Oh well, as long as I don't move or run too much, which isn't a problem since I'm on a tree, then I should be remotely fine.

Glancing up at the pixel-like stars she let out a sigh and plopped herself down onto the leaves that provided some form of shelter and faintly recognized that a new player had also joined the game. Oh, it can't be fun to join a newly made game in the middle of the night. She thought with a shake of her head.

Just as she was getting comfortable, or as much as you could be with branches poking you without mercy, she heard a shout that pierced the night's silence and practically shattered her eardrums. Worried and concerned for the gamer who made that dreadful noise, Crystal peaked out from over the leaves and saw a female player trembling like a leaf as she faced a skeleton, stone sword unsheathed and at the ready.

Must be used to playing without these hostile mobs... well she's going to get quite the surprise when a creeper stumbles up without warning. She thought again, casting worried glances to her down below. Figuring that she might as well make herself somewhat useful she stood up and leaned full over the side of the tree to make sure that her voice would carry over.

"Hey, Mishi! Wait, I can call you Mishi right? Anyways, you need to hit the skeleton with your sword. Don't be afraid of it! They are actually as dumb as a door nail once you get used to them trying to violate you with arrows!" Crystal called out with hope that it would make the player fear less of the offending creature. Just in case the words didn't encourage Mishi as much as she wanted, she used a tactic that always worked on her.

"Okay, well if that didn't work then just think that if you kill the skelly, it might drop some bones which means that you can tame your very own wolf and claim it as yours! Or, if your more of the farming type then you can use it to make some bonemeal to help grow some crops!" To be honest, both of those things helped convince Crystal when in a situation like this because she loved both animals and having her very own farm.
Looks like the wildlife's coming out, Bad thought to himself as he got back to work outlining the future ground floor. Some of the usual common mobs, zombies, spiders, and skellies, started popping up on the mainland. Not yet at spawn, but that would change soon. Working faster was the issue of the day/night/dusk/whatever the time was. The ambitious builder moved quickly, replacing sand with plank as fast as he could. Darkness had fallen and about half a dozen mobs spawned at spawn (How terribly fitting), but he got it done. And was on the opposite side of the island from his shelter.

Bad slowly drew his wooden sword as three zombies, two spiders, and a skeleton turned and looked at him, programmed pixelated bloodlust dominant on their faces. Normally, the minecraftian adventurer would just leap into the fight, but there were a couple problems with that. 1. No armor. 2. Wooden swords are crap. 3. His hunger bar was now sufficiently depleted to keep him from healing, and almost from running. 4. He was currently carrying a lot of sand and planks. Can't lose those now. Welp, there's only one thing to do.

The spiders scuttle towards Badminer with startling speed, as the skeleton slides an arrow along his bow. The zombies, however, slowly shamble towards Bad, and get in the way of the skeleton's shot. The skelly makes a clacking sound and tries to move around its undead allies to get a clear shot. The miner of badness ran around the edge of the terraformed island, trying to keep the zombies in between him and the skeleton as much as possible. He swung his wooden blade wildly as he twisted around to ward off the spiders, taking a couple hits before killing one and hurting the other. "You buggers!" Bad cursed as he took another hit, then managed an overhead chop that killed the last spider in mid-jump.

He paused long enough for the drops to vacuum into his feet before running again from the ever-advancing zombies, and the arrows that were now whizzing through the air. Bad managed to get into his hut and get the door shut before the zombies could get in. Looking rather angry at the lack of hospitality, they begin banging at the door.

"Heeeey Raenil, how's it going? Say, do you know what the difficulty's at? Or if zombies can break through doors either way? Eh, better safe than sorry." Bad quickly barricades the door with two planks before checking on his health and hunger. Both were in the bad zone. Well, that isn't good. No running for me for awhile.
Raenil watched in horror as Badminer barricaded the door, keeping the zombies outside from bursting into the hut. How many hostile mobs were out there? Judging on the condition of her fellow player, it was safe to say there were more than she would have liked. She looked at her axe. It was better than fighting with a pickaxe or shovel, at least.

"Say, Badminer...are you okay?" She asked. "I mean, do you think you can make it to morning without dying from starvation?"

In her experience, it was the worst way to go. Her mind wandered back to her more adventurous days as a noob. She'd been stuck in an abandoned mineshaft, desperately punching at the wooden supports to get enough wood to make a few torches. She was horribly lost, and her hunger bar was down to a couple bits. And so she watched helplessly as it counted down her final minutes. She respawned in her house without any of the materials or experience she'd collected over her vast journey in the shaft. That was the last day she played with the difficulty on "hard".

Still, on normal settings, your health can get down to less than one heart when you're starving. One wrong move, and you're dead.
"Huh? Oh yeah, dying. No, I don't think I'll make it," Bad said as he grinned widely at Raenil, although it was mostly hidden under his mask. "I don't plan on it."

With that suicidal sentence said, Bad moved quickly around the chests, putting away everything he had on him into the correct sections of the correct chests (He was rather OCD in that respect) and ran to the center of the hut, where he dug down into the sandy floor, heading down to the stone beneath. Badminer looked back up at Raenil, the smile still there. "I'll try not to be too loud."

Bad quickly placed three blocks of sand above him, which fell due to gravity right on top of him, completely obscuring him from view. All he heard was the sounds of him taking the last few hearts of damage before blackness... Then the hut again.

Badminer suffocated in a wall

Quickly brushing himself off, Bad grinned at his fellow besieged minecraftian. "Sometimes I wish I was a Time Lord, then I'd have the screwdriver to boot." Taking a quick look at his health and hunger, he was satisfied to see that both were full, and he was ready to rock and roll again.
Atrus gave a smile as he saw the conversations flow, people giving advice and encouragement. He like it when others were helpful. He considered adding his own two-bobs worth in, but decided that everyone had the bases covered.

Besides, he had some slightly more pressing matters to attend to. Sunset.

He had been running full-pelt for a little while now and had finally come across a nice place. A little lagoon, surrounded by hills and trees- rather picturesque actually. The hills rolling into the water- rich with clay and a squid...he never understood the whole squid getting into any body of water thing...

Hastily, he began carving his way into the side of the southern hill, just above the waterline, under a group of trees. He'd just managed to get in a few blocks deep before darkness finally hit.

He threw down his crafting table and quickly made a furnace with the cobblestone he'd gotten from this recent task. ?Cooked some wood for charcoal and lighted the place up and smalled a door on the opening he'd made.

With a satisfied smile, Atrus looked around. A small 2x2 room he'd made; just big enough to get the necessities done. This was a good spot. Once he'd taken down a couple of spiders, he'd have enough to get a fishing rod- the lagoon would be a source of consistent food. Yes, he was set to go now.

"This lagoon," He said, "is claimed here after in the name of Atrus this day of...one...Notch save the king." He gave a grin before attacking the stone around him.
Had Raenil's eyes been more than a few pixels on a video game, they surely would have widened at the sight of her fellow player suffocating himself. She could feel the words in the chat box, forming and collapsing on themselves. She didn't know what to say. Eventually, after the Doctor Who reference was made, she found her mind back to its correct state. Hehe. Because he regenerated. Wibbly-wobbly indeed.

"I see. I guess it's better than watching yourself die." she said.

Outside, she could hear a symphony of angry mobs. She stepped back a little ways. Raenil looked at her own hunger bar. She was missing a few, but she could easily make it to morning, at least.

"What do you plan on doing when morning comes?" She asked.
"Swinging my sword wildly until they die, but that's my usual plan." Bad looked through his chests, gathering what he had on him at the time, besides the sand he collected. Now, what could keep my attention until morning comes... "Yeeeah, sorry about making you have to see that. I normally don't have spectators," He said a little sheepishly as he spied the string and sticks. "Annnd, now I won't have to do that again!"

Grabbing the sticks and string (Too bad he didn't have enough to make a bow), Bad quickly constructed a fishing pole and held it up for Raenil to see. "See? Infinite food! Although that would have to wait until morning, cause mobs."
"Maybe you could get yourself an ocelot, too." Raenil said, eyeing the fishing pole. For some reason, she'd always neglected crafting fishing poles until she was settled for a while. And then, she would only go fishing for the leisure of it. Maybe trade what she caught at her market stand.

"I'd meant to ask what you planned on doing once you got off this island. Me, I'm going to find somewhere to start a farm. Get away from the sand and jungle." Raenil said. Giant wheat fields, melon and pumpkin patches, and animal pastures. No matter what she did or what server she was on, Raenil couldn't help but farm right away.
Once Crystal was doing spewing out words of encouragement to Mishi, she settled herself back in the flat line of leaves, stretching her limbs to possible dull down the aches. 'What to do, what to do...' She thought to herself her mind trying to think of things that could be any fun while having to stay up on a jungle tree. 'And I have nothing.'

Bored out of her wits, the female player decided to take a look at the chat bar in the bottom left of her sight and smiled in delight, getting back up from the sot where she was just resting. She had found a few things that had caught her interest and being the probably way too outgoing person that she was, she decided to ask. 'I'm close to the spawn, right? Well I guess I'll figure that out soon.'

Leaning over the side of the tree, Crystal opened her mouth and listened as her voice rang out in the night sky. "Hey, Badminer. From another comment it seems as if you have a fishing rod. Mind giving me some fish so I can get an ocelot myself? I'll come over there after the night is done if it's a yes. And Raenil, do you think I could go with you so we can start a farm together? It's one of my goals that I want to do... Oh! But don't worry, I'm not a creep no matter how weird that post looked."
"Mmmmmaybe. From personal experience, cats don't like me too much. Always jumping on cactus or something like that." Bad dropped the fishing pole into one of the chests for the moment; He'd rather not try fishing with mobs all over the place. Raenil's next question got him thinking more. What was he going to do when he was done here? The lighthouse tower thingy was going to take some time, especially if he wanted to redstone it... Hurm...

"Farmin' sounds nice, I have fun doing that too. Sand and jungle sucks. As for me... I don't really know for sure. My work here's gonna take awhile. May just build a small castle and life Dwarf Fortress style underground." Bad shrugged. "I don't really have anything planned. Just survive, probably."

Another player's voice sailed through the air, gently falling upon the small hut they were stuck in- And assaulted Bad's eardrums with its sheer magnitude. "Owie.... YOOOOOOOOO OTHER PLAYEERRRRR! Ooh, loud in my own ears, sorry." Bad rubbed his head as he responded. "Yeah, I can get you some fish, uh, Crystal! I am totally the fishmaster! Although, as we are currently besieged in our not-so-great castle, it'll take a bit." Yeah, doubtful the neighbors would let him go unmolested for a couple minutes to fish...
Raenil nodded. She'd always wanted to be able to build things beyond houses and silos, but simply didn't have the talent. Sure, she'd made plenty of redstone contraptions in her day, but they were all fairly simple. (Besides a working padlock, which was still her proudest achievement.)

Raenil sort of jumped when she heard Crystal's voice, but soon recovered from her fear. She began thinking to herself, hesitant to answer right away.

I've never worked with anyone else before. I hate doing that. Still, that's what got me kicked from my last server. I guess it wouldn't be too bad. The farm would grow faster, and with two people we could double the size. It would be easier to keep the farm running when things needed to be taken to places. Eh, why not?

"Sure, Crystal! Once I get my starter materials, I'll meet you in the morning." She said.
Crystal smiled when she got some responses, both of which were good. Well, at least there still are some good Minecraftians now. Sh thought in her head as she finally settled back, the screeches of the hostile mobs below only a mere hum because of how high she was off the ground. Waiting until the last of the other player's voice had sompletely dissapeared, she decided to answer back.

"Alright, and thanks to you both! Oh and Raenil, I'll just come over there in the morning. Since I don't know if I can make it back without dying of hunger then I'll probably just jump off the tree I'm in... plus it'll make me getting there easier and quicker." Crystal said, looking down at high she was from the forest floor right underneath her. Since she was alread pretty low on health then the fall would end her quick and painless.

Raenil didn't realize that speeding up the death process was such a well-trodden path. She remembered nights when she'd been completely alone in the forest, barely hanging on to dear life. She had almost always been able to make it, despite how close she was to death. Then again, by then she had valuable items and experience points. It was different when you were just starting out. Nothing to lose.
"No problemo! See you in the morning!" Bad then left the chat, which pretty much means ignore the conversations, and started to look through his chests again. All he found was the wood, planks, and sand that he put in there, along with the fishing pole he threw in there just a minute ago. Might as well just slip that into his inventory, keeping it off the hotbar for the moment. "Hmmm, not much I can make out of wood and sand. Unless there's new recipes that use only wood and sand." Shutting the chests, he switched to his inventory.

"Hmmm, don't want to die by mobs yet," Bad mused to himself out loud as he looked at his sword, switching it out for his shovel. "Meh, useless at the moment." Switching to the pickaxe, he contemplated making a little mineshaft starting in the hut, although he decided against it. "That can wait until morning." Axe. Axe.... "... I'd rather not turn into a crazy axe murderer just yet." That just left his fists. And a shrug. "Welp, I've got nothing to do until morning."
Atrus mined and mined and mined. In his head, a little ditty went through his head; something like: Diggy diggy hole... Its wasn't the most tuneful or imaginative of ditties, but it was there nonetheless.

By now, he head mined a healthy amount of cobblestone, making himself a comfortable 10x6 shelter into the side of the hill. He was a bit of a dwarf, alwasy likeing to build underground. It made things safer from griefers, but it meant he really had to be sure of where he was to be able to find his home again.

The scroll of text went past his eyes and he smiled to himself as others organised projects together. Community projects were great, though he regretted not being a part of more of them- something he hoped to address sometime, perhaps even here. but for now, he needed to be established. comfortable. Safe.

Well under way now, he set to placing his collected wood planks onto the floor. The clay outside in teh lagoon would make for interesting walls once he'd found sufficient dye for colour eventually.

For now: survival priorities.

Food, shelter and tools. While he had all these now, he was a fickle man who liked everything perfect and in surplus.

A zombies gurlge echoed through the hillside home. It sent a chill down Atrus' spine who threw down the wooden planks harder to drown out the noise.
With the skeleton only a few blocks away, Mishi heard someone shout out to her. What the--? Who shouted at someone who was about to start fighting for her life? Still, the words were encouraging. Crouching down behind a block, she thought quickly about what the girl was saying. So skeletons were kinds brainless, eh? Hehe, brainless.... She chuckled softly, but sobered up as she peeked over the block. Yep, the skeleton was still there. Great.... And it was still coming for her. Wonderful.... All right, time to fight this thing.

Slowly, Mishi stood up, and it was a good thing she moved slowly. An arrow zipped by pver her head, exactly where her head would have been had she stood up quickly. Ducking back down, she scowled, so Mr. Skeleton wanted to play dodge the arrows? All right, she was game. Moving as quickly as she could in a crouch, she took up position behind the skeleton, and stabbed it in the spine.

The skeleton moved slowly, or at least slower than the spider had moved. Now THAT had been scary. Actually...she couldn't remember the battle with the spider that well. Maybe she had post traumatic stress disorder or something. That wasn't the point though. The point was that the skeleton was slow enough that she could move around behind it again, where she again stabbed it in the back. In this way, she made quick work of the skeleton, and in no time it was dead. She collected its dropped items: an arrow and a bone, and then pumped her fist in the air. "Woo!" She shouted, jumping around. "I did it!"

Okay, so shouting and jumping around had been a bad idea. Instantly, she heard a ruckus around her and glanced around to see several mobs, consisting of spiders, skeletons, and zombies. "Oh jeez!" She shouted and started running full pelt, the mobs chasing after her. But where could she could go? Wait. Where had that person who'd been shouting at her been? She paused and looked around, but there was no one there. She started running again, shouting as she ran. "Hey, advice girl! Where are you? Do you mind sharing your haven with me? You seem to be safe, and I'm--" She broke off as something loomed up in front her, a zombie. She quickly dodged around it and continued running. "NOT!"
Crystal let out a chuckle as she glanced back down at Mishi who's victory seemed short lived. Taking quick note of where the girl and the surrounding mobs were located she licked her pink lips, shouting right back. "The name's Crystal and sure, I don't mind. Okay so about 5 blocks up take a left, then about 6 more blocks away take a right, then just keep running until you get to a giant tree. Once there, start climbing and try to get through the holes in the leaves I've made quickly because arrows will start flying." She called out as her eyes traced the path she had assigned. It wasn't that far away.

Letting out a sigh while looking at her hunger bar she called out once again to the troubled player. "Oh and if you have low hunger or health then try to hurry here fast."
Mishi rolled her eyes as the girl, Crystal, shouted down directions to her. Counting blocks? She never counted blocks, much less while she was running from a group of hostile mobs. And wait, the girl was up a tree? Were trees safe? She wasn't sure, but what could she do? Try this potentially safe place or stay down here and fight mobs until dawn? Trusting the girl seemed like a better option.

Running a short distance, she then turned left and then right. Her chest was really starting to hurt from running. She never ran, and if you ever saw her run, you should run too because something was probably chasing her. Like now! She dodged to the right quickly as an arrow whistled by her head. Was it just her or were they getting closer?

But wait! What was that giant, hulking shape looming up before her? The tree! Ah yes! Almost safe.... Of course, almost doesn't really count when a zombie suddenly spawns right between you and your safe haven. Feeling enraged, Mishi lashed out at the zombie with her stone sword. With just a few forceful swings, it was dead, and she had a potato. "A potato?" She asked herself, feeling confused. Shouldn't zombies drop, like, rotting flesh or something?

She had no time to muse the zombie droppings though. During her brief battle, the mobs had very nearly caught up with her. She ran the few blocks separating her from the giant tree and then jumped onto the vines hanging off the trunk and started climbing. True to what Crystal had said, arrows started flying at her as she climbed. Maybe the skeletons were lousy shots though because only a few actually hit her. She tried to ignore the stinging pain and warm trickle of blood as she continued her climb.

Finally, after several long moments, she collapsed on a bed of leaves at the tippy top of the giant tree. Her everything hurt. Her arms hurt from hoisting her up the vines. Her legs hurt from running so long. Her chest hurt from lack of oxygen. Speaking of which, she took a deep breath of cool, night air. "Ahhh," she murmured softly as she looked up at the stars. With the peaceful night sky above her and the cool breeze blowing across her sweaty face, she could almost forget she'd been running for her life just a moment ago, especially if she didn't ave this arrow sticking out of her calf.

As Mishi slowly stood up, she suddenly remembered. Wasn't there supposed to be another player up here? She looked around her but didn't see anyone. She also hadn't seen anyone on her way up. And hadn't Crystal said that there would be holes in the leaves? Mishi had made her own holes; something she remembered because she'd nearly fallen while doing it. But where was the girl? Had a hostile mob gotten her? Quickly, Mishi placed down one of her few remaining torches. "Crystal?" She whispered into the darkness. "Are you there?"
Crystal rolled her eyes as she looked at Mishi, the darkness nearly blocking out everything around her. It seems that when the female player rolled off to the side to avoid an arrow that had been flying towards her it had screwed with her course of action, leading her to a tree different from the one Crystal was currently occupying.

Shaking her head at the daze she had just been pulled into, the adventurer looked off to where her name had just been called, a question following after it. Slowly guiding herself forward, she answered in a voice just loud enough to be heard. "Uh, I'm about two trees away from you. It seems that your duck and roll thing had changed your path to me but don't worry, I'll be over there soon." And with that she hopped off of the edge of her tree, grabbing the nearby vine that was connected to the other tall structure.

Pulling herself up over the edge proved to be a bit more difficult than originally intended and once she made it, her stomach dropped at the prospect of doing it again. Especially because I'm low on health and I'm practically starved. She thought to herself as her stomach growled painfully. Letting out a small sigh she turned back to the task at hand and got ready to jump again, this jump being the one that would actually bring her to the tree where Mishi was at.

Pushing herself again over the edge of the bushy blocks that resembled leaves she was soon airborne, getting closer and closer to her intended goal with each passing second. Although, when she finally got to the tree it wasn't exactly what she had in mind, her momentum being a little less than anticipated, so instead landing on the actual tree itself she collided into the side and only barley managed to wrap her arms around the edge so as to not fall to a bloody and painful death.

Letting out a groan of pain as she dangled over the edge she decided to look down towards the ground and once she did a drop of cold terror burned through her veins. A group of varying mobs stared right at her with hunger and sadistic amusement gleaming in their eyes, squeals or moans of excitement coming from them just at the mere thought of getting a meal out of Crystal. Her eyes widened and she quickly shot the deep blue orbs away from the sight, letting them rest on the dark obsidian sky.

Even though she knew that she would respawn if she died it was more of the prospect of the pain she would no doubt feel before death, along with her goal of trying not to die anymore, that kept her from dropping off right then and there.

Calling out to the only thing that could really save Crystal at this point, her body too tired to pull itself back up over the edge to safety, her voice once again pierced the night time air. "Mishi! Do you think you could help me? I'm right at the edge of the tree your in and I can't pull myself up over it. You might want to hurry, and be careful, because the mobs underneath me are getting impatient and I think the skeletons are about to start firing again."
Mishi breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Crystal's whispered response. Okay, so they were in different trees. Big deal, at least they would be safe until morning. Then she heard Crystal say she was coming over. "No! Wait!" Mishi whispered urgently, but it was too late. She heard the soft swoosh followed by a loud thunk. She leaned over the edge of her tree just in time to see Crystal jump from one trunk and land, clinging to the vines, of Mishi's tree.

Instantly, Mishi thought of flying squirrels. In another situation, she might make a joke. Maybe something about not knowing flying squirrels existed in Minecraft.... However, now was not the time for jokes. Crystal it seemed was in very real danger of falling. Why doesn't she just climb up? Mishi wondered to herself. From where Crystal was, it was pretty much a straight path up to the top. The other girl seemed frozen in place though, and it wasn't a good place to be frozen in.

Sighing softly, Mishi started climbing down the trunk. "Hang on!" She shouted to Crystal. "I'm coming!" Once she was next to Crystal, she began cocooning them both in a mixture of cobblestone, dirt, and sand. It wasn't very big, but it would protect them from any arrows.

Slowly, she let go of her vine and stood on a dirt block under her. "Are you okay?" Now that she was closer, Mishi could see Crystal's hollow cheeks and the hungry look in her eyes. So that was why she hadn't climbed up; she was too hungry. Mishi dug in her pocket for a moment before pulling out a shiny, red fruit. "Apple?" She asked, holding it out to Crystal.
Crystal let out a breath of air once she was back up into a somewhat safe place, the sound of arrows hitting against the small shelter that Mishi had made. Once the adrenaline had passed she could tell that the leaps had taken a bit of energy out of her... and that there was a strange pain flaring up in her back. Curious and slightly annoyed with the emotion she looked at the area of pain only to see and arrow sticking up. Of course...

Just as Crystal was about to pull the wretched item right out she was greeted with the sight of an apple, the shiny fruit full of a brilliant red that just screamed delicious. Licking her lips she let out a soft thank you to Mishi before taking the apple and sinking her teeth into the skin, breaking it without hesitation. She worked her way around the apple slowly, making sure not to get too carried away because even though she was pretty much starving she still did have manners.

Once the apple was completely gone, nothing but crumbs on the floor, she felt much better than before and was more prepared for anything that would come. Getting up to stretch her slowly healing and sore muscles she suddenly stopped and winced, her attention going back to the arrow that was still lodged into her back. Grumbling to herself she decided to hurry up with the removal.

Crystal stood up, but much slower this time, and after standing to full height she brought her arms over her shoulders, her hands resting lightly on the wooden stick of the offending object, and with a low groan of pain ripped the weapon right out of the skin that a small trail of crimson blood began oozing out of. Hissing at the sting that the cold night's air brought to the wound when it whispered over the tender flesh she began rolling her tense shoulders as if to relieve some of the pain. "Sorry about that... and thanks for the little rescuing bit back there. I appreciate it."

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