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How many captives should be taken?

  • 10

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  • 15

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  • 20

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There is a new notice on the OP everyone. Also, it would be much appreciated if you could start spreading word about the RP. I'm new here; I don't have the connections you all do. PM those you know; I have high hopes for this. If you really find it interesting, don't let it fizzle out.

Character Skeleton

Name: Kristen Malken

Age: 17

Appearance (images fine):

Personality: Kristen is a bit sarcastic, not afraid to show her opinion, sometimes it bit of a biatch if you ask me, she has a mad poker face in near anything, but is a sucker for a love story, she has survival skills as she was living on the streets and in the woods since she was 14.

Love Interest (if any): No one yet, she prefers solitude.

Other: (This is Kristen talking) Nothing you need to know about me yet you stalker, but I can play hypnotising violin, if you MUST know something...
Name:Mark Williams


Appearance (images fine):http://media.photobucket.com/image/recent/Kyaani/Anime%20Guy/Koji.jpg

Personality: Doesn't like releasing information about himself until he gets to know people. Is quiet and always seems to have a calm personality which he uses to help others. Is Over protective to his little brother and will try his best to help him.

Love Interest (if any):None yet

Other: Is a hard sleeper. Has a fear of snakes.

Name:Joseph Williams


Appearance (images fine):http://animax.gportal.hu/portal/animax/image/news/Takuma.JPG

Personality:Very Shy to new people, But can be very happy no matter the situation.Is easily trusting if the person seems nice.

Love Interest (if any):None

Other: Would like to do things by himself but is stopped a lot by Mark, So will have mini disputes with him. Has a fear of Spiders.
I'll be making a charcter for this... Just a heads up... But I'll do it tomarrow, err, today (it's almost 2 am here) and I don't want to make a crap character because I'm lacking sleep.
Kristen, Mark and Joseph ALL look excellent, and I can't wait to see your character Cindy!

Also, another notice has been added to post one. Check it out if you have time, everyone.
Name: Abdel "Abby" Marcz

Age: 16

Appearance:View attachment 5370

Personality: Most people say she seems really cold at first and sometimes unapproachable, but she's just really quiet. There is however a difference between being shy and being quiet, however. If she has something to say, she'll say it, no matter how rude it is. Usually, she tends to speak more if she knows you.

Love Interest: None yet


Is it fine that I used a real pic? I had it save on my pc for rps and I'm being lazy right now. I'll go anime girl hunting if it's a problem :)
Thank you! She's like me in a way. I have all this commentary in my head and people say I'm really quiet. When i get to know them they say I'm a little mean and never shut up >.< (It's true)

((I've been staring at that little green thing in your signature for a while now and I feel compelled to click, though I know something will happen... I'm gonna click...))

Edit: I was so surprised to be sent back here, it was comical.
Haha! Yeah that's my advertising ploy.

In any case, I can be like that. I'm very quiet, but if you mange to befriend me oooooh boy.
Well, it's official. We will have 15 characters in our lovely role play. It doesn't look like any more people are going to join, so as a favor to me could some of you who only have one character create one more? There are also two pre-fabs available (One 14, Female, One 15 very nearly 16, Male) for those of you that may be interested.. I've also changed my mind (again) about the 1x1 assessments. They won't happen unless I wind up with more than 15 characters, which seems unlikely. Thanks to everyone for helping to make this happen!
Created another character.

Name: Ava Desjardin

Age: 15


Personality: Ava is outgoing, energetic, friendly, but also impulsive, stubborn and selfish

Love Interest (if any): None

In the opening post, that is, the first post, there is a "Characters" section. The heading says "Characters (X/15 Captives Taken)." Currently we are at 14/15, with 1 more on the way. Maybe 2. But I'm on the fence, because if I take the 2nd guy it'll put us at 16. And it'd suck to do that whole process of sifting through all the characters just to get rid of one.

EDIT: Make that 15/15!

Ethan looks totally adorable! I think Ria would go crazy for him lol. He wouldn't like her though.
Thanks! I sure took my time hehe. We'll he would need to meet her first which I suppose will happen.
Totally will, we all start out in the same room after all

EDIT: None of y'all's characters look like crap. Dead Eye's just happens to be extremely attractive.
That's not true TheCreativeUsername, rarely do I find female characters like yours, that makes them interesting.

Great! I can't wait to see what will happen. :P
I like anime pictures; in comics, characters are decidedly more expressive in their poise and facial expressions. I always have terrible trouble finding a realistic image that does just what I want it to do. there's so much more anime out there, that it's easier.

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