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How many captives should be taken?

  • 10

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 15

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 20

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


You went to bed happy, comfortable in your little bubble of ignorance. You had fallen into bed, weary after the festivities of the fireworks display celebrating the 4th of July. As the springs, or down, or foam, or whatever you choose to sleep on adjust to your weight, you pull the covers tight around your shoulders, feeling they bring you security. You feel safe.

But you aren't.

Your family wakes up to your empty bed. It is made, and well; not a crease to speak of. Photo frames are empty, personal items missing.

It's as if you never lived.

And you?

You wake up on a mahogany wood floor, in liquid darkness. As if in the middle of the ocean at midnight, a league under, only without the comfort of the occasional living fish swimming carelessly past you. You begin to panic, wondering if you are dead. But then your ears, pricked by adrenaline, catch shuffling and gasps similar to your own. You are not alone.

Where are you? Who put you there? Why did they take you? And lastly, what do they want from you?

These are questions you and 14 others must answer along the way. Some answers will come sooner, some not until the very end, whatever that may be. Now, one last question.

Are you in?


07/05/12 - I've done some thinking and decided that after the captives are all created, I'm going to ask each participant to undergo a very brief and simple 1x1 with me through PM, just so I can get a feel for all your styles. If I decide that certain users are heading in a different direction than where this RP is going I may remove their characters with due notice and make room for new ones. Check out the new Relevant Guides section for help here. Also, DON'T forget to vote! The first option to receive more than 66% of the votes will be implemented. In the event that the five-day lifespan of the poll reaches its expiration date before that figure occurs, the option with the highest percentage of votes will be implemented. In the event of a tie, the poll will be re-issued in hopes that somebody reconsiders their vote.

07/06/12 - I added a Pre-Fabricated character if anyone wants her. It isn't that she's necessary for the plot, no-one has to take her. It's just that I like her and designed her specifically with this RP in mind, but I have two characters already. If someone wants to RP her, great. If not, also great. For those of you that have 2 characters already but have others that you'd like to see RPed, fill out a skelly for them and post it, and I'll list them in the Available Pre-Fabs section. Maybe someone will want them!

07/08/12 - I made another Pre-Fab. Yes, I have too much free time. Actually that's time I should use to do productive things, but, you know how it is... On another note, it seems that 15 is pulling ahead of 10 as a poll choice. The evening of the 10th we'll see who wins, if 66% can't be reached. And the vote is divided enough that it probably won't be. If you haven't voted, VOTE! I must say though, there's a random vote there that doesn't belong to anyone in the RP... Interesting. Lurkers, show yourselves! Also, I have added another guide to the "Relevant Guides" list.

07/10/12 -
Well, it's official. We will have 15 characters in our lovely role play. It doesn't look like any more people are going to join, so as a favor to me could some of you who only have one character create one more? There are still two pre-fabs available for those of you that may be interested. I've also changed my mind (again) about the 1x1 assessments. They won't happen unless I wind up with more than 15 characters, which seems unlikely. Thanks to everyone for helping to make this happen!

Relevant Guides

Though these were originally listed as reference for the 1x1 assessment, they really are helpful so I will leave them here for all of you.

Role Play Taboos and Terminology

How To Make A Great Post

How To Create A Unique Character

The Potential of Literary RolePlaying

Available Pre-Fabs

Name: Leslie Hutt

Age: 14

Appearance (images fine):

Something more realistic. (Pretend both eyes are covered.)

Personality: Very aloof, intelligent, and enigmatic. Passive, but self-serving and analytical.

Love Interest (if any): N/A

Other: Always is smiling just a little. Finds just about everything amusing. Also never shows eyes. Dresses for comfort.

Name: Redd Hart

Age: 15 - Very nearly sixteen, birthday being July 7th. RP setting is July 5th.


Personality: Hot-headed, and generally disagreeable, but also in love with love. For all his temper, he wears his heart on his sleeve.

Love Interest: He'll find one.

Other: Long string of ex-girlfriends, most don't last but a couple weeks.

Character Skeleton



Appearance (images fine):


Love Interest (if any):

Other: (NOTE- Mystery will be a huge element of this RP. If you have a shocking, important back-story, keep it to yourself. It'll give the RP shock value later on. If you aren't sure if it will work with the RP, PM me about it. I just don't want too much to be put up front here.)


Yeah, yeah, I know. Rules suck. But it's for the benefit of all.

1) Follow all regulations imposed by RP Nation.

2) ABSOLUTELY no bashing, bullying, harassing, hazing, insulting, etc. fellow RPers.

3) This will be very lax about content, as you could probably tell from the intro. However, no sexual content. If you want to do that, take it elsewhere. Skipping from the nibble on the ear to laying side by side after it's done, or something similar, is acceptable.

4) If you have an idea for a wild plot twist, please take it to me first. It's too easy for things to go off track if everybody decides to go crazy with it.

5) This is an intelligent roleplay. At least a paragraph, and that is 5+ sentences, will be expected, as well as decent grammar and spelling. Certainly you don't have to be perfect. But please don't be atrocious.

6) No more than two characters to a person.

There- that wasn't so hard. :D

Characters - 15/15 Captives Taken

User: Lily

Name: Ava Rose

Age: 18

Appearance (images fine):


Personality: Loud, bubbly, sarcastic

Love Interest (if any): any takers?

Other: she hates being tickled

User: kikinavi

Name: Heather Basal

Age: 16


Personality: Heather is a very basic girl. She is a funny person but is also flirtatious and mean girlish. She loves making friends and loves drama.

Love Interest: she'll find one

Other: N/A

User: asduskfalls

Name: Ria Keyes

Age: 17

Appearance: See below

Something more realistic

Personality: Extremely social, almost irritating in her talkativeness. Also very passionate and stubborn.

Love Interest: We'll see.

Other: Has a twin brother, Jonah.

Name: Jonah Keyes

Age: 17


Something more realistic (Though not quite what I'm looking for)

Personality: Quiet, bookish, aloof, observant. Doesn't really like to interact with anyone but Ria.

Love Interest: We'll see.

Other: He and his twin are inseparable. Though they seem to have opposite personalities their mindsets and opinions are pretty much identical; they think as one. It would not be exaggerating to says that they are two parts of one person.

User: Aura

Name: Jason Green

Age: 18


Personality: Jason is cool and distant. He is quite normal if you can past his defenses but he tends to be a solitary person. He does not trust easily.

Love Interest: None yet

Other: Jason is terrified of open water.

Name: Ava Desjardin

Age: 15


Personality: Ava is outgoing, energetic, friendly, but also impulsive, stubborn and selfish

Love Interest (if any): None


User: AncientPredator

Name: Josh Barker

Age: 13

Appearance (images fine): HE is of average height with long dark brown hair and brown eyes. He is wearing a grey shirt with a grey hoodie on top and blue jogging bottoms

Personality: Vey shy and doesn't like to talk to much, Is classed as "Strange or Weird"

Love Interest (if any):If anyone else wants to even tho my chars 13 :D

User: Jason Thorn

Name: Jason Thorn ( Jase )

Age: 18

Appearance (images fine):


Personality: he is smart and wise for his age.. He normally keeps to himself and doesn't make much conversation unless someone starts talking to him.. and he is very Loyal to people that he knows he can trust with his life

Love Interest (if any): no one at the moment

User: wichita

Name: Lilianna "Anna" Gracie-Hemmington

Age: 17

Appearance (images fine):

Personality: Fierce, she has a quick temper when something makes her lash out, which makes people associate such a trait with her hair color quite often. Despite that, she's very open about herself and friendly once you get to know her.

Love Interest (if any): --

Other: Is Wyatt's adopted sister.

Name: Wyatt Hemmington

Age: 19

Appearance (images fine): (Dark hair & green eyes in case the picture is too blurry.)


Personality: Highly intuitive but somewhat aloof at first glance, he always analyzes the living hell out of a person before properly getting close to them. Once he opens up he is kind and protective, especially of his baby sister.

Love Interest (if any): --

Other: Has an adopted sister named Lilianna. Also, he has a fear of extremely dark places.

User: Wingal

Name:Mark Williams


Appearance (images fine):

Personality: Doesn't like releasing information about himself until he gets to know people. Is quiet and always seems to have a calm personality which he uses to help others. Is Over protective to his little brother and will try his best to help him.

Love Interest (if any):None yet

Other: Is a hard sleeper. Has a fear of snakes.

Name:Joseph Williams


Appearance (images fine):

Personality:Very Shy to new people, But can be very happy no matter the situation.Is easily trusting if the person seems nice.

Love Interest (if any):None

Other: Would like to do things by himself but is stopped a lot by Mark, So will have mini disputes with him. Has a fear of Spiders.

User: TheCreativeUsername

Name: Kristen Malken

Age: 17

Appearance (images fine):

Personality: Kristen is a bit sarcastic, not afraid to show her opinion, sometimes it bit of a biatch if you ask me, she has a mad poker face in near anything, but is a sucker for a love story, she has survival skills as she was living on the streets and in the woods since she was 14.

Love Interest (if any): No one yet, she prefers solitude.

Other: (This is Kristen talking) Nothing you need to know about me yet you stalker, but I can play hypnotizing violin, if you MUST know something...

User: Cindy360

Name: Abdel "Abby" Marcz

Age: 16


Personality: Most people say she seems really cold at first and sometimes unapproachable, but she's just really quiet. There is however a difference between being shy and being quiet, however. If she has something to say, she'll say it, no matter how rude it is. Usually, she tends to speak more if she knows you.

Love Interest: None yet

User: Dead Eye

Name: Ethan Hall

Age: 17



Personality: Has few friends, but is loyal and caring with them.

Love Interest: None yet.

Other: Can't swim, acts on instinct.
Thanks you two. The form and rules are now in post 1. Can't wait to see your characters.
Name: Ava Rose

Age: 18

Appearance (images fine):


Personality: Loud, bubbly, sarcastic

Love Interest (if any): any takers?

Other: she hates being tickled
Name: Heather Basal

Age: 16

Appearance: View attachment 5268

Personality: Heather is a very basic girl. She is a funny person but is also flirtatious and mean girlish. She loves making friends and loves drama.

Love Interest: she'll find one

Other: N/A
Name: Jason Green

Age: 18


Personality: Jason is cool and distant. He is quite normal if you can past his defenses but he tends to be a solitary person. He does not trust easily.

Love Interest: None yet

Other: Jason is terrified of open water.
Hey y'all, I noticed that this "Other" category has only 3 RPs... Clearly not a hot-spot. I'll leave it be for now, but if we can't seem to get twenty characters I may have to ask you guys to spread the word a little bit, get others to hop on board.
I think that 20 characters might be too hectic, but that's just my two-cents.
Thanks for considering my suggestion. 10-15 would be ideal, but if the poll comes back with more I still appreciate the fact that you made a poll. :D
Name: Josh Barker

Age: 13

Appearance (images fine): HE is of average height with long dark brown hair and brown eyes. He is wearing a grey shirt with a grey hoodie on top and blue jogging bottoms

Personality: Vey shy and doesn't like to talk to much, Is classed as "Strange or Weird"

Love Interest (if any):If anyone else wants to even tho my chars 13 :D
Yayyyy some age diversity! Thank you muchly AncientPredator, don't forget to vote on the poll! First option to exceed 66% votes is the winner, unless this doesn't happen until the 5 day period is up in which case the highest percentage wins.
Name: Jason Thorn ( Jase )

Age: 18

Appearance (images fine):


Personality: he is smart and wise for his age.. He normally keeps to himself and doesn't make much conversation unless someone starts talking to him.. and he is very Loyal to people that he knows he can trust with his life

Love Interest (if any): no one at the moment
Jase looks good, I've used that image so many times for siggies and RPs and such X3. Can't wait to see him in action!
Name: Lilianna "Anna" Gracie-Hemmington

Age: 17

Appearance (images fine):View attachment 5271

Personality: Fierce, she has a quick temper when something makes her lash out, which makes people associate such a trait with her hair color quite often. Despite that, she's very open about herself and friendly once you get to know her.

Love Interest (if any): --

Other: Is Wyatt's adopted sister.

Name: Wyatt Hemmington

Age: 19

Appearance (images fine): (Dark hair & green eyes in case the picture is too blurry.)

View attachment 5272

Personality: Highly intuitive but somewhat aloof at first glance, he always analyzes the living hell out of a person before properly getting close to them. Once he opens up he is kind and protective, especially of his baby sister.

Love Interest (if any): --

Other: Has an adopted sister named Lilianna. Also, he has a fear of extremely dark places.
Looks awesome! I hope Anna fares well... But of course she will, she has Wyatt to protect her.

On another note to all, a notice has been issued on the Opening post, just under the Intro. the Notices section has a heading in all caps, and is red. You can't miss it!

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