Milye May's Orphanage { Accepting }

(oh yeah i meant Renna DX uber confusion there, my bad ^^ I meant Renna, Renna, Renna~~)

(I got confused also because I couldn't remember who anyone was, because of the use of pronouns (he,she,they) instead of names. I looked back and got mislead about names, sorrrrryyyyy~~~~~)
(*sigh* I see)

Neilia groaned as she regained consciousness. She went to sit up but when she did her her head was in a great deal of pain so she simply layed back down. She then went through what happened in her mind, "All..." she said softly and then opened her eyes to see if it was still with her. Of course the box was still there and she was on the floor still
(But i guess whichever floats your boat. Neilia's a bit onely so Elh shall accompany her^^)

Elh blinked and sighed, seeing the situation was under control. He also wanted to check another strange sound he heard in the house. Geez, the orphanage sure was noisy tonight, but nevertheless funner than usual.

He made his way to where he thought he had heard the noise, maybe of something falling to the ground. Elhrin came to see Neilia sprawled on the ground. He stood there for a moment, hen spoke in a raspy tone.

"Uh, you gonna sleep there or what...?"

he said, crossing his arms.
(lol hurray~! *heart squiggly line*)

Neilia looked up towards the doorway and there was that redhead kid, Elhrin, she thinks. She wasn't too sure of what to say at all so she stared at the box she darn near killed herself for. Finally she said, "I think...I fell" she then mentally facepalmed herself, 'Gee Snow you think you breathe too?' she thought to herself and slowly made another effort to sit up.

Rubbing her head she then asked, "I'm sorry did I wake you? I didn't mean to..." she was very shy about speaking to others
Elhrin placed his hands on his hips," You think you fell? Shouldn't you know if you fell or not?" he gumbled. Elh squatted down," Nah, was already awake. What're you doing here? I mean... laying on the ground and stuff.." he said awkwardly.
She looked back at the hot coco box, then back at him and then down at her hands, "There wasn't any hot chocolate left in the cabinets so I tried to get it from the pantry. I used a rolling chair to get it cause i kinda forgot where the headmistress leaves her stepladders...." she felt embarrassed mentioning the fact tht she used a computer chair instead of a normal one.
"Ahh..." he spoke," I see..." Elhrin scratched his head. "So... are you just gonna lay there until someone gets a stepladder...?" Elh held his hand out to help Neilia get up, grasping her hand and pulling her up. "Why... do you need hot chocolate this late at night...?" He asked quietly, inspecting her hands in cz ase she had gotten an injury while falling.
She winced a bit as he pulled her up and then shrugged, "I like hot coco," she replied silently, "Ma and Da would always give me some when I couldn't sleep..." she noticed him looking at her hands, and pulled them back. Out of all the things she hated about herself, it had to be her hands. They were coarse from working and the nails were thick and unkempt. She hated her hands even more than she hated being only 5' tall, "Why be up at this late an hour?" she then retorted, still in her small shy voice, not looking at him but at the floor
"Hmph," he snorted, eyes bleak and unfazed by her sudden question. "Because I like to. It's quiet at night." He looked away, mumbling," most of the time..." Elhrin scoffed when Neilia pulled her hands back. He felt almost a connection.

"Oy, you don't have to freak out about your hands. They're not that bad."

He huffed, trying to ease her tension at least a little. "Alrighty, you got your coco. After you drink it, you're gonna sleep, right?" He asked politely.
She shook her head, "Probably the way," she responded now looking up at him through her bangs, "It's bad to lie to your elders even if it's to make them feel better," she said with a shy smile. She then picked up the box and put the kettle on, "Want some too? Milk or water?"
Elhrin blinked, instantly responding," Milk!" He thought for a moment and responded much more politely," Milk...erm..please." He said. Elhrin was a bit surprised Neilia wasn't all so concerned by the fact that she just fell out of a chair, but he decided she wasn't the kind of girl to dwell on the past. The redheaded boy thought for moment on Neilia's comment about her hands. Maybe she wasn't so bad after all.

"No, you're hands are gorgeous compared to mine."

He still wanted to lighten her spirits, due to the fact she had only responded not to talk to elders that way. How old was she exactly to be called an elder? Oh well. Elh held out a gloved hand, willing to help the girl if she needed assisstiance with the warm coco.
She smiled, keeping her hand hidden in her sleeve as she took his. "Milk it is then~" she then said, "I'm pretty sure your hands are relatively fiine~" as she went to the fridge to get the milk and then to the cabinets to get cups. She looked at them. On the top shelf. Out of reach. Again. She sighed deeply, "Do you know where the step ladder is?" she said finally not wanting to make Elhrin get the cups for her.
"Uh..." He thought. "I think they should be in the storage room, maybe?" Elhrin suggested, due to the fact the storage room is basically a room filled with various objects that have collected there over time. Surely there would be a step ladder, right?
She gave him a black look and then gently slapped her forehead, "Hahaha duh. I totally knew that..." she really didn't. Now that she thought about it, she never thought to consider looking there, "Hehehe I'll just... get it yeah.." she went toward the storage closet to get the stepladder and came back.

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