Milye May's Orphanage { Accepting }

(Nonono not Coko I mean...Elhrin he attended to my character and then I think he had asked about Renna to Coko. So I'm just a tidbit confused. I'm really sorry)

SongOfTheSpiritWolf said:
Elhrin blinked as he heard a faint noise coming from inside the orphanage. He stood up, yawning as he walked lazily through the door. Inside, he found one of the orphanage kids, Neilla, groaning from her room.
Elh squatted, cocking his head to the side," What...happened...?" He said quietky, blinking his one eye. Elh reached down and swiped up a glob of blood, inspecting it closely. He stared at his finger for a while, in a fixed daze. Yet he soon snapped out of it.

"Is there anything I could do...?"
SongOfTheSpiritWolf said:
Elhrin stood up and grabbed a towel, wiping off the excess blood on the ground. While he was working, he couldn't help but glance at Neilla every once in a while. Red. Red was on her forehead. That color Elh absolutely adored, whether it was on furniture or vehicles, or even on people. He thought it suited her lovely.
He cleaned off the rest of the blood that once was on the floor, then went off and threw the rag away.

"Is she okay..?" Elh spoke to Coko.
See he mentioned my oc, but described Renna's situation. So I'm not sure if it's character confusion or not)

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