Milye May's Orphanage { Accepting }

She got up out of bed and went into the bathroom dizzily blood still dripping off her face, "shit." she cursed and attempted to rinse the blood off her head passing out in the bathroom.
The best accessible thing she could find was a rolling computer chair. Was it the safest choice? She highly doubted it, but life was about taking chances and she didn't want to wake anyone up just because she couldn't find the step ladder. She got on the chair and reached for the box. Even on her tiptoes on the chair, the box was still hard to reach so she deciided to put one of her feet up on the top on the chair. Almost there... almost.... just a bit more... she thought to herself as she leaned forward trying to stand on the very tip of her toe, the chair creaked with the warning signs of falling over, something that definitely wouldn't be good for a person on a chair with wheels. She had to try and balance it. 'Got it~!' she whispered when her hand finally got a good grab at the box. She was just about to get down when the chair lurched away from the pantry, throwing her off balance and sending her crashing to the floor face first
Elhrin blinked as he heard a faint noise coming from inside the orphanage. He stood up, yawning as he walked lazily through the door. Inside, he found one of the orphanage kids, Neilla, groaning from her room.

Elh squatted, cocking his head to the side," What...happened...?" He said quietky, blinking his one eye. Elh reached down and swiped up a glob of blood, inspecting it closely. He stared at his finger for a while, in a fixed daze. Yet he soon snapped out of it.

"Is there anything I could do...?"
Coko picks her up andruns to his room. He lays her on his bed. "What now?" Coko gets a towel and wipes the blood off her head.
Elhrin stood up and grabbed a towel, wiping off the excess blood on the ground. While he was working, he couldn't help but glance at Neilla every once in a while. Red. Red was on her forehead. That color Elh absolutely adored, whether it was on furniture or vehicles, or even on people. He thought it suited her lovely.

He cleaned off the rest of the blood that once was on the floor, then went off and threw the rag away.

"Is she okay..?" Elh spoke to Coko.
Coko gave the wounded girl CPR. He didn't give her mouth to mouth though. Coko then waits for her to regain consciousness.

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