Milye May's Orphanage { Accepting }


Anxious child
Everyday Children loose important people. Whether it's their Guardian's or their Parent's it does happen. Sometimes they have Nowhere to Go but The Orphanages. They are always Abandon by The city. This Orphanage in Perticular is Like living in Hell. Whenever an Inspector or an Adult visit's the children are forced in their best behavior or else they are sent somewhere. No child knowns where because Non hhave every returned after leaving. There are Rumors though. Children Being Killed, Drowned, Starved, Hanged, once they are taken to this 'Place.' It Does terrify Many.


Full Name:




Date Brought in:

History: { Includ why your there }


Like's & Dislikes:


Appearence: { Well Detailed Description or Real Photo. }



Full Name: Charlotte Irene James

Nickname: Charlie, Mainly Charlotte Though

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Date Brought in: Two years ago

History: { Include why your there } Charlie and Scarlotte were Born and Raised in South Georgia. There parents, Timmy and Rebecca, were sweet and loving. They were raised in a heavenly place, anyone could agree they were the perfect family. Until one Autum night, The family was driving home from Charlies Talent show at her school. A drunken driver swerved on the road and hit them dead on. The parents were killed immediantly, while 2 year old Scarlotte and 13 year old Charlotte made it out with basic scratches and bruises. A week Later they were shipped across the country to Milye's Orphanage in Seattle. They'd been there ever since

Personality: Funny, Sweet, Protectivee, Smart

Full Name: Scarlott Isabella James

Nickname: None

Age: 6

Gender: Female

Date Brought in: Two years ago

History: { Include Why your There } Same As Charlotte Story.

Personality: Sweet, Kind, Funny, Dependent on her Sister, Jumpy, Nice, Caring, Animal Lover.

Likes & Dislikes: Likes Animals, Dislikes Headmistress Milye

Other: Scarlotte is a Gentle Spirit who Always wants to Help. She is terrified of the Headmistress.


View attachment 13010

Charlotte's Continued Sheet


Like's & Dislike: Like's her Sister Scarlott, Dislikes Headmistress

Other: She doesn't care who they ae, you mess with Scarlotte, Charlie will hurt you.

Appearence: Charlie

View attachment 13012
I'll join c:

Full Name: Jayden Grey

Nickname:J, Jay or J.D

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Date Brought in: One year ago.

History: She was a good kid born into the wrong family, her and her little brother got abused by their drunk father, and their mother disliked them. She was abused mentally and emotionally by her mother until one day the new neighbors head screaming and crying, they called the police and she and her brother ended up in a orphanage.

Personality: Sweet and caring, but if your on her bad side, your dead to her.

Like's & Dislikes: likes to read and listen to music, she likes to play basketball and soccer with her brother. dislikes people who pretend to care, cooking, and cleaning,

Appearence: View attachment 13279

Full Name: Nicholas Grey

Nickname: Nick

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Date Brought in:One year ago

History: wasn't the best in school, but wasn't the worst. He had a good outside life but when he got home the horror hit. He was raised by a drunken father who abused him constantly and a mother who abused him mentally and emotionally. (Same as his sister)

Personality: Fun, very athletic, protective, and shy.

Like's & Dislikes: likes to skate board and write music with his guitar, dislikes school and lazy people

Appearence: View attachment 13280

(Sorry the pictures are side ways!)
Name: Coko Otnyz

Age: 17

gender: male

looks: Long black hair that goes to his back, black irises, bags under eyes, a scar on his right wrist, pale skin, fair physique, wears a black hoodie and jeans.

Date brought in: first year.

History: Coko was the smartest and the strongest, although he was strange, he did strange things, like painting pintograms with red paint on the halls. No one knew it was him. Coko came here to escape the cops, for he was charged with murder. In reality though, he was defending himself and had no choice. Coko decided to forget his parents, for they abused him. The rest he explains in notes from attempted suicide.

Personality: Intreverted, laid back, slef-hating, easily falls in love.

Likes: Cooking, hunting, meat dishes, being alone, swords, knives, blood.

Dislikes: Poorly cooked food, dishes without meat, passivity, people wanting to be around him, the idea of world peace.
[MENTION=4635]melaniebaby[/MENTION] accepted! The pic's are Fine!

[MENTION=4524]Coko_Bacon[/MENTION] Once again you amaze me. Accepted!
UngAlright, We'll rp here


Charlie guided Scarlette down the hall to her bedroom. She quietly held her hand in the dead of night. "Charlie? Is she going to Catch us?" Scarlette whispered. "Shh." Charlie hissed, "We're not allowed outside our Dorm's this late." Charlie had brought Scarlett to the bathroom, now they were trying to sneakily, make there way back to Scarlett's room. Quickly they slipped in, Charlie place Scarlett into the her be. "Good night Scar." She whispered, kissing hr forehead.

"Goodnight Charlie." She yawned. Charlie turned and walked out of the younger kid's hallway. Charlie walked with the steady, pitter-patter down the hall. She avoided the route past the headmistress room. In scenario that she would be caught. Charlie slipped into her hallway and grabbed her doorknob.
Nick sighed as he put his guitar down and ran a hand threw his hair, the headmistress had just yelled at him for playing his guitar so late. He pulled on a pair of pajama pants. He opened his door making sure no one was around, he walked quickly to the bathroom, he closed the door, used the bathroom, and brushed his teeth. He opened the door and walked back to his quickly and quietly.

Jayden laid in bed reading her favorite book for the 10th time. She was only aloud to bring two things to the orphanage, she choose the book and her music player. She sighed as she closed the book and turned the lamp on her bedside table off. She wasn't tired, but she wanted to have some time to think. At night was the time she used to bring all her thoughts inand compromise every detail with the other until sleep took over her mind and body.
Charlie slipped into he room that she shared with Jayden. She headed for bed, Believeing that Jayden was sound asleep. Because usially she is. Charlie kicked off her sneakers and crawled under her blanket. She began to close her eye's, until sheheard stirring behind her. Believeing that it was the headmistree she closed her eye's and pretended to sleep.
Full Name: Elhrin Hoss Linker

Nickname: Elh

Age: 13

Gender: male

Date brought in: five months ago

History: When Elh was 10, he lived a sheltered life. He was constantly being watched over, and grew up with no siblings. Because of this, Elhrin finds it very awkward to talk to new people. He was expected to be a fortified and upright young man, keeping a tight upper lip about everything. Even at a young age, Elh loved the number five. That same year, he was kidnapped and held for ransom. The men who kidnapoed him threatened to kill him if his parents didn't give up a thousand dollars, because they lived as very wealthy businesspeople. When his parents refused to give up the money, Elhrin was thrown down a deep old well that was at least fifteen feet deep. Miraculously, he survived, but his left leg was severely broken. Hours later, he saw that the men had stabbed both his mom and dad, throwing them into the well also. When Elh saw their bloodied corpses on the ground, he had no pity. Elhrin spent three days climbing up the 15+ ft well, he was changed. Through the process, Elh had lost his left leg and right eye, and both his hands were reduced to bloody nubs. He crawled home, then claimed his family fortune because he was the only child. Elhrin used this money to replace his leg and hands with robotic limbs. By now, everyone in the house had fled because there was no one to order them. When the police came a month later, all they found was a traumatized boy. He was then sent to the orphanage for rehabilization. Ever since then, Elh had an uncontrollable obsession with the color red, marking it everywhere he went.

Personality: broken and confused, sometimes deranged and delusional

Likes & dislikes: likes red, the number 5, and cats. Hates almost every animal, wells, and cramped spaces.

Appearance:View attachment 13354
Full Name: Reanea Leeyn Emdation

Nickname: Renna

Age: 17 (you were suppose to put something up here if you read the rules but it confused me)

Gender: Female

Date Brought in: 3, 12, 12

History: Foster home to foster home that's what it seemed until she got adopted, her name changed and she was happy until...... it all changed.....death...... that's all she knew and now she is here, scared with the clothes on her back and one small suitcase. She missed her family missed having love, her boyfriend went off to college

Personality: Depressed and a fighter

Like's & Dislikes: Likes- Books, fighting

Dislikes- Food, people taking command of her

Other: She is quiet

She lay there in bed her earphones in her ear and her hand over her head, she still had a trickle of blood running down her face, her headache was extreme it pounded in her head, she knew she was suppose to be in bed, she hadn't slept when she did she had injured herself.
Full Name: Neilia Snow

Nickname: Snowball


Gender: Female

Date Brought in: 2-28-02

History: Nielia was born in a seemingly happy family. Her mother and father treasured her dearly and raised her with love and care. She was the happy child, and the jewel of their life as they were her everything. However on the devastating day of 9/11 her father had gone off to work, although she begged and pleaded him not to. She had wanted him to stay and be her chaperone for her field trip, when he said no, she called him a stupid meanie head and when her mother told her to apologize, she didn't. She never saw him again after that day. She lost her mother 4 months afterwards. Her beloved mother, who stayed strong for her -although she knew deep down that her mother blamed her for her dad's death-, died of a broken heart. Bereft of anywhere to go or anyone to talk to, Neilia wandered the streets, eating from trashcans and camping out in parks. She doesn't remeber much of how she actually got put in the orphanage but she does remember it snowing heavliy outside, her being hungry, freezing and on the verge of passing out, and the sympathetic look of an elderly woman before she actually did. Eleven years later here she still is, in this orphanage. They call her snowball because they had found her on their doorstep covered from scruffy hair to worn boot in snow.

Personality: She's a silent girl, soft spoken girl who takes joy in the little things. She has a tendency to share with others or help people she doesn't know. She's very calm and very very slow to anger

Like's & Dislikes: She likes the snow, warm places and hot chocolate. she doesn't like being in the dark

Other: She has a tendency to shy away from people which is apart of why she's never been adopted. Also she's only 5'.

Appearence:View attachment 13361

Nielia couldn't sleep at all. Even when she tried to, she was awoken by someone's scream. That was when she officially determined that there was definitely no sleeping for her. Well at least, not for this hour. She got herself out of bed and threw on her favorite, stewie jammie pants and her dinosaur socks and headed downstairs to the kitchen for some hot coco. She was glad that noone was in the kitchen when she got there. She was never good with being around people. She made her way over to the cabinets where the hot coco usually always is and found that there was none in site.

"Darn..." she said under a sigh and clicked her tongue, "Maybe there's some in the pantry..."

She walked over to the pantry door and opened it. She scanned, and scanned, and scanned for that miracle mix and just as she was about to give up her search and settle for malta, there it was, that beautiful box of delicious hot coco at the very top shelf. She rolled her eyes,

"Always a catch," she began, "Hey here's your hot coco mix~ You want it? Ooooh sorry Snow, you've gotta be this high to reach it" she grumbled holding her hand high above her head to indicate her imaginary height requirement

She went to go find something to stand on
Elhrin sat outside, near a pile of leaves. He muttered something inaudible, and his hands were busy fiddling and crunching some dried leaves. He started to talk a bit louder and angrier," Sometimes-sometimes....some..some..t-times.." He growled between gritted teeth. Elh let out a frustrated snarl, flopping over and laying on his back. He spent a few minutes taking deep breaths, calming down.

He sighed, looking up at the sky," Hmph... Sometimes.." Elhrin sighed, blinking without emotion. He could hear that some people were still awake inside the building, but that didn't bother him the slightest.

The hair on Elhrin's head drifted over to cover his right eye. His 'bad' eye. The one he always kept shut because it had been long gone since half a year ago. He lifted a hand, pretending he could grab the moon. His eyes went blurry. Instead of a hand, was a metal imitation of one. He scoffed, letting it plop back unto the ground. "...Sometimes things change..." He rasped, talking to no one in particular.
Jayden laid wide awake in her bed, too many things on her mind, she heard a sort knock on her door. She laid there, she thought about getting up to get it, but it might have been a trap by the head mistress.

The creaked a little as a head poked in, "You still up sis?" Nick asked as he tried to find his sister in the darkness.

"Yeah, I thought you were someone else," she said sitting up and lighting the candle next to her.

"Couldn't sleep?" he asked her as he got into bed with her.

"No, you?" she asked, she thought about it for a moment and it was a rhetorical question.

"I wouldn't be here if I did," he said quietly.

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