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Fandom Millennium City: Wave Four Sign-Up Thread! [Group Fandom RP]


For record I did draw this, there's no watermarks for easier reference.
Please don't use this artwork without my permission.
If you see someone using it, please PM me about it, thank you.~

Character Name:
Yvonne `Xerxes` Wolker | Xerxes is the name his gang gave him to us as alias and he grew fond of it.
Fossil Fighters
Mid–Late 20's
Laid Back
Holds grudges

►Hand-To-Hand Combat
►Skilled dancer (Formal)

►Quick physical reflexes
(From time of childhood when bullied)
►Can cook basic things
○Laid-Back, calm tempered, tends to get into trouble via his flirty nature (Especially with angry Boyfriends/Husbands)
○Playful, but quite arrogant in himself, you may even consider him a 'manchild' at times with how ridiculously childish he can act.
○For the most part he's not overly violent, but seeing as though he spent that majority of his middle/highschool life as a bully, he can and will get physical if provoked. Granted, he normally doesn't show a flashy temper in front of his room mate.
How she tolerates living with him is beyond me.
○He's kinda obsessed with cats, as in really obsessed. His apartment alone has about ten. They're all rescues, so some require his constant/daily attention.
Run of the mill kid born to a lower-class family, he was shy and reserved, even a mute as a little child but being constantly picked on steeled his personality, as he got older he started to turn and push around his peers, and eventually became the average school bully. He dropped from Highschool to join a gang, liking the whores and money that came along with it and leaving behind his single Mother, (mostly) as not to mix her in with his 'work'.
His room mate's parents had paid his gang in bulk to provide 'bodyguard'-like services for their single daughter as she came to the city to start a new life. He's indefinitely stationed with her; living with her and providing her with living essentials until she can fend for herself using the money her parents paid his gang. As a result, he does tend to be much more placid around her as they became friends, however men (or women) coming too close to her end up getting rebuffed rather painfully by Xerxes.
You could say his life somewhat revolves around her, but he is still a free man to do as he pleases.

Objective-driven, whether it be cash flow or a girl, it changes and flips to whatever best suits him.

Posting speed:
It honestly depends heavily; most days I can come up with a response within the hour of receiving it, however if I'm preferring to watch a vlog or sketch it could take a bit longer. Granted I'm home and not doing errands.
(If I would rather sketch or relax that day, I will let you know~)
It also depends how 'interested' I am in the RP, no offense to you if I seem slower than the average at posting, and don't take it to heart. I'm not used to RP'ing daily yet.
For this week (As of typing this, August 22nd) it's going to be really hard to get more than three posts per day since we're moving out of state, and for the next couple months we'll be moving to a third place and I will be settling into an apartment, so please be patient with me until I do so if you decide to start an RP.~
I'll edit this post once I'm settled to make it obvious I'm good-to-go, I don't mind some messaging me to get in touch and become friends while waiting for this to happen.

Try adding me on Discord, or message me through the Discord group directly if this is the case.

Draw my characters :O



Character Name: Talion/Celebrimbor

Canon: Lord of the Rings

Age: Probably in his 40s, as he has a grown son.

Attributes: As a Ranger, Talion is knowledgeable of medicine, experienced in stealth and archery, and extremely dangerous in a melee, shown to be able to effortlessly take on multiple opponents at once with extreme brutality and speed. He is also shown to be a pretty skilled freerunner.

With his Wraith powers (inactive, of course, until power orbs), Celebrimbor grants Talion a wide assortment of abilities: The enhancement of more or less all of his physical attributes, the ability to see through walls, teleportation, time manipulation, mind control, and, most importantly, immortality. With his Wraith abilities, Talion is easily a tireless one man army that, after wresting the minds of Sauron's very army from them, poses a great threat to his kingdom.

That being said, without these powers, he is, once again, extremely mortal. Though very skilled, he has no experience with firearms or how to counter them, and is ultimately a very, very solitary individual that will rarely, if ever, work with others.

Personality: Talion is a humble individual, capable of great deeds of valor and nobility. That being said, he has a very ends-justify-the-means mentality, using his power to fight fire with fire as he uses almost the exact same methods Sauron does to fight him.

Despite being lowborn, Talion gained the love of a noble lady named Ioreth, much to her father's ire. When he accidentally killed a noble of Gondor trying to assault his wife, he was branded a criminal. Only the sudden discovery of Ioreth's pregnancy causes his father-in-law to intervene and send Talion off into exile rather then be tried and executed.

Thanks to his father-in law, Talion would assume a vacant post among the Rangers of Gondor stationed at the Black Gate, the gateway into the lands of Mordor. Talion lived at the outpost with his wife and son.

At the start of the game, the outpost is attacked by servants of Sauron. Talion's family is slain by one such servant, known as the Black Hand. Talion expects to soon meet his family in the afterlife. However, Talion is resurrected and joined with a Wraith known as Celebrimbor (however he is unaware of his identity), presenting him with a unique opportunity for revenge on those who have wronged him. Celebrimbor is an individual with personal motives, but Talion chooses still to cooperate with him on his journey.

Alignment: Chaotic Good


Character Name: Vincentoarmani

Canon: OC

Age: 27

Attributes: Rich, High power. And knows how to shoot guns

Personality: Chain Smokes, drinks always calm and happy e

Bio: He grew up in a Rich neighborhood, and by the age of 16 started making a little group with friends that they later called the Mafia

Alignment: chaotic good

Posting speed: i can post regularly
Akibahara Akibahara

I'm going to strike one last deal. If you can agree to never be an ass to me in any way, and treat me as any other role player on this, then I will join. But, if you fail these terms, I will... hell, you probably won't care. I WILL keep this on record. So if you do anything funny, then I'm outta here. Do we have a deal?
Why would he strike a deal with you in the first place? He doesn't gain or lose anything in the process. Buddy, Ax, if you're going to attempt something like this, then...
Do us a solid and do it right.
Akibahara Akibahara

I'm going to strike one last deal. If you can agree to never be an ass to me in any way, and treat me as any other role player on this, then I will join. But, if you fail these terms, I will... hell, you probably won't care. I WILL keep this on record. So if you do anything funny, then I'm outta here. Do we have a deal?
Axcicos from my personal view and experience throughout this rp every single rper was treated fairly to the best of the gm's and the admin's team abilities if someone has been an "ass" towards you it was either meant in a way to convey comedy sense to entertain or release the tension or you've done something where the admin team simply cannot explain where what you've done is without being courteous and therefore is your fault. If you want to join our rp yet again after leaving by yourself multiple times please do, but don't expect that the owner will go out of his way to please you while ignoring the idea of the rp. As my colleague Infant has said.
pic (the one on the left, if someone wants to crop it for me then that would be very much appreciated):644173e7859f212dcb134471ce73277c--ww-women-female-soldier.jpg

Name: Rose Woods

Canon: Kasierreich (OC)

Age: 23

Bio: Rose was born into a world full of uncertainty and strife. The first world war, which the united states did not get involved in, ended with a German victory over the Entente. In the years following the end of the war, Germany dominated Eastern Europe, Seized Britain's African colonies, and both France and Britain's far east holdings, and Berlin overtook New York as the economic center of the world. Germany helped the Russian Loyalists defeat the reds, and created an unstable republic in Russia headed by Alexander Kerensky, but they could not stop revolutions in Britain, France and Italy, which created syndicalist governments in each of those nations. The British monarchy fled to Canada, and the French Republic set up a government in exile in Northern Africa. With the Entente nations no longer being able to pay their debts to American bankers, America's economy began to decline sharply, as the German Empire, which usurped the British Empire's role as the leading global power, continued to flourish. This would end in 1936, when the Berlin stock exchange experienced its own crash, causing a second depression that sent ripples throughout the world. As this happened, Alexander Kerensky was assassinated in Russia and a second red revolution began, this time without German interference.

The United States, which teetered on the brink of collapse for several years, finally broke into civil war in 1937, between the syndicalist forces in the rust belt and northern industrial area of the US, the resurgent confederacy, and what remained of the US. Rose was living in Washington DC when the Second American civil war began. As Syndicalist forces converged on capital, U.S. Army and National guard forces began a full evacuation of the city, towards areas where the US had greater control. Her and her family, which consisted of her Father, a US Senator from Texas, her Mother, two younger sisters and twin Brother, were among those evacuated. As they evacuated, they were attacked by syndicalist forces, and she was forced to fight to protect herself and her family. She survived the attack, but before the syndicalist forces were repelled, her brother, her had joined the US army forces in defending the civilians evacuating, had died.

Her brother's death greatly changed the young woman, who was only 16 years old at the time. Before then, she never could say she truly hated someone, especially someone she didn't know. However, now, she had decided, that she despised syndicalists and their communist allies with a burning passion. They took her brother and best friend from her, and she knew they butchered countless people across Europe, Asia and the Americas that they decided were oppressors and in the way of what they wrongly called progress. As soon as she could get a hold of a piece of paper and something to write with, she left her family, leaving behind a note to them that she was going off to fight, and she would return when the war was over, and the syndicalists were driven out of the United States.

Shortly after leaving, she quickly realized the mistake she made; women did not serve in the military, at least in combat, and she did not want to be a nurse or administrator, she wanted to fight and kill, she wanted vengeance. She traveled to the front lines syndicalist held territories, joining resistance groups fighting against both the traitorous Americans and European Syndicalists sent over to assist in the "continuation of the Global revolution". She helped them ambush convoys, blow up roads and railways, and raid syndicalist camps. Sometimes, the resistance groups would even fight alongside Federal, and sometimes, although rarely, confederate forces, however, as the government retook the south, confederate forces quickly disappeared. As the Confederacy fell and the USA could focus all of its forces on the syndicalist forces, the tide began to turn. This would quickly change however, as both Mexican and Centroamerican forces joined surged into the American southwest, intent on helping their fellow syndicalists, suddenly forcing the USA into a two front war in 1939. At the same time, Syndicalist France and its European allies, along with the newly created USSR, declared war on the central powers, as syndicalist uprisings began in the middle east and Egypt. In 1941, the United states began heavy conscription of all men, and allowed women to begin serving in the active combat. Rose was quick to shed the garb of a resistance fighter, and join the US Army.

The war quickly fell into a stalemate, with US forces just barely recapturing Washington DC, and holding off attacks from the syndicalists from both the North and South. The tide would shift once again, when the Entente joined the Anti-syndicalist alliance that had formed, along with the Empire of Japan, when Communist influence from the USSR overtook China. It was at this point, in 1941, when the war entered its most brutal stage, as nearly all of the war became involved in the war, and revolutions in neutral nations forced them onto one side or the other. Rose would see some of the most brutal combat of the war from 1941 to 1944, when she was suddenly brought to millennium city. She would gain first hand experience with rifles, submachine guns, machineguns, shotguns and rifles, along with hand to hand combat, and would see countless numbers of people killed in numerous ways. In 1942, she would find a young German Shepard pup, which she would keep with her and raise as a companion. The dog, naming him Max. Max would be brought with her to MC.

Personality: At one point, Rose was a fairly innocent girl who had relatively normal aspirations. 7 Years of war would dash those aspirations away, and forge a battle hardened warrior. She is clever in combat, and is willing to hit below the belt if it means achieving victory. Before the war, she had learned a good deal about politics, and how the democratic system actually works, thanks to her father. She enjoys learning, but in recent years did not have much time to really do much learning. She has become less attached to those who fight alongside of her, having seen so many die over the 7 years of war she had fought in. She has a deep hatred for her syndicalists, communists and anarchists.

Alignment: Neutral, maybe neutral Good.
Yo, What kind of detail in the posts can I be expecting in this roleplay? That will be the deciding factor on whether or not I join.

Usually minimum a paragraph, depending on what's going on, as long as it's coherent - I just asked for you. :)

Character Name: Genji Shimada

Canon: Overwatch

Age: 35

Abilities: Cyber-Agility, Shuriken, Fan of Blades, Swift Strike, Deflect, Dragonblade

Personality: Genji values Honour above all else and based himself around it. Being a Ninja, Genji doesn't often speak. He is also quite accepting of his cybernetic enhancements, believing that both Omnics and Humans have souls.

Bio: Genji Shimada is the son of Sojiro Shimada, the deceased master of the Shimada clan, and the brother of Hanzo Shimada, the former heir to the Shimada clan. Genji was uninterested in the illegal activities of the clan and instead lived a sort of playboy lifestyle until his father had passed and leadership was passed onto Hanzo. The rest of the clan considered Genji a liability and convinced Hanzo to confront his brother, hoping to make him more active within the clan. Genji refused Hanzo's offer and in a fit of rage, Hanzo attacked Genji, leaving him in the brink of death. Genji was later rescued by Overwatch and revived by Dr. Angela Ziegler. Due to his extensive injuries, several body parts had to be replaced by cybernetics to keep him alive. For several years, Genji assisted overwatch until their disbandment. Genji became disgusted by his mechanical parts and ventured across the world until he came across the omnic monk, Zenyatta who helped him come to grips with his new "gift". Genji rejoined Overwatch when Winston issued a recall.

Alignment: Lawful Good

Character Name: Genji Shimada

Canon: Overwatch

Age: 35

Abilities: Cyber-Agility, Shuriken, Fan of Blades, Swift Strike, Deflect, Dragonblade

Personality: Genji values Honour above all else and based himself around it. Being a Ninja, Genji doesn't often speak. He is also quite accepting of his cybernetic enhancements, believing that both Omnics and Humans have souls.

Bio: Genji Shimada is the son of Sojiro Shimada, the deceased master of the Shimada clan, and the brother of Hanzo Shimada, the former heir to the Shimada clan. Genji was uninterested in the illegal activities of the clan and instead lived a sort of playboy lifestyle until his father had passed and leadership was passed onto Hanzo. The rest of the clan considered Genji a liability and convinced Hanzo to confront his brother, hoping to make him more active within the clan. Genji refused Hanzo's offer and in a fit of rage, Hanzo attacked Genji, leaving him in the brink of death. Genji was later rescued by Overwatch and revived by Dr. Angela Ziegler. Due to his extensive injuries, several body parts had to be replaced by cybernetics to keep him alive. For several years, Genji assisted overwatch until their disbandment. Genji became disgusted by his mechanical parts and ventured across the world until he came across the omnic monk, Zenyatta who helped him come to grips with his new "gift". Genji rejoined Overwatch when Winston issued a recall.

Alignment: Lawful Good


Filia Medici
(And Samson)




Filia and Samson share a symbiotic relationship, and it is this relationship that forms the basis for their fighting style. Samson is able to attack from a distance by turning his tendrils into long tentacles with sharp razor-like ends. He can also attack from afar with hairball spit attacks.

Filia herself does not really do any fighting on her own; instead, Samson fights and she just walks him from place to place. They do have some team attacks, such has when she sticks her arm out so Samson can turn her hair into gator teeth. He can also attack by turning into a donkey and have Filia deliver a hard kick to the opponent. Filia seems to have above average possibly super human endurance; whether or not this comes from Samson is unclear.

Also would like to point out that if ever Samson gets removed, he dies, as well as Filia. But if Filia dies, Samson would get to live on and find another host.

Filia is a kind and friendly young lady, with the tendency to give people the benefit of the doubt and approach them in a friendly manner. Consequently, this also makes Filia rather naive, as she struggles to identify hostile persons without being explicitly told so and even then hesitates to fight back.

Samson is shown to be a brash and rowdy parasitic symbiote. Despite those qualities, he is shown to be quite protective and supportive of Filia.

Filia was once just an average schoolgirl, but one day woke up without any memories and a second mouth on the back of her head. She was now playing host to a parasite named Samson, an unruly mop of demonic hair with incredible power. With no memories or anyone to turn to for help, if she ever hopes to piece together her forgotten past and survive the inevitable clash with the Skullgirl, Filia will need to trust this mysterious being.

Lawful Good for Filia
Lawful Evil for Samson

Posting speed:
I work best in PC, but when I'm out with my phone, I can go from decent to worst. I can be available by at least early morning, because from where I am, I can only be active at the afternoon to night time. Also, I have an RP that I am currently controlling, and that's another disadvantage for me.

First Things first!: I actually wanted a challenging rp and another character wasn't used due to me being a lazy aaaand because all characters of mine (except this one) are in someway OP and I thought "Why not?"


Character Name: attends for the names: Ar' Nillum or Aenor

Canon: She's from an universe that humans went extinct and well, their king made human technology theirs and became bipede (with five fingers)

Age: As far as she can remember? 16

1.: 20% resistance to poison.
2.: 15% more damage if she battles with a group.
3.: 30% more damage if (and only if) she is unnoticed and manage land a hit from behind her opponent (applies with stealth weapons only. And she has none)
4.: She can have an agility boost and be effective for about 6:40 seconds

1.: Can still get sick and die from diseases.
2.: Can be injured by poisons that she isn't immune (there are thousands and thousands of poisons).
3.: Can be injured in any way possible.
4.: Takes 60% more damage if attacked by surprise
5.: Takes 65% more damage from fire
6.: Recovery time for another agility boost is at least 15:30 minutes

Personality: Since she's far from anything known to her, she'll mostly be neutral about everything. She is currently weak for now, so she will try to find an ally

Ar' Nillum was born in a very long time ago but she doesn't knows exactly when, and since she lived alone in the Great Forest, her notion of time was pretty much lost causing her birhtday unknown. She ages in a pretty slow way due to the water and food consumed by Aenor in The Temple of Ruins (her home), she gets older in a slow way but she:
1.: Can still get sick and die from diseases.
2.: Can be injured by poisons that she isn't immune (there are thousands and thousands of poisons).
3.: Still gets older.
4.: Can be injured in any way possible.

Anyways, Aenor never met her fathers but Aenor knew, maybe by instincts or not, that she was a "Guardian of the Temple", besides that, Ar' Nillum lived a life away from any pokémons that adapted themselves to the Human Technology. (I'm still completing the story. Huge, btw. But there's not much since she lived isolated from everyone).

One day, while wandering in the Ruins, she inspected a stone that wasn't supposed to be there and suddenly, the time on her reality stops and she finds herself in a strange place without any weapon and her poisons didn't worked.

Alignment: Neutral

Posting speed: For a post with at least 1 paragraph: about 15 replies a day (depending on your posting speed)
Groztuk Graveboilah

Canon: Warhammer 40,000

Age: 7

Proficient at burning things, sufficient engineer, likes burning things, decent at hand to hand fighting, is really good at burning things.

Has little to no safety precautions, burns himself much too often, has heavy disdain for those with cybernetics/ are robots.

Personality: Groztuk loves fire. He started his first one the moment he was born from the ground, screaming bloody fury as he was hurled into his first battle. He loves the last cries of those dying, and the din of battle clanging all around him, just like the flaming inferno that he shoots into his foes. He is mostly concerned with finding ways to set things alight, and how to make more things that he can use to light a spark.

When not creating or spreading a fire, he is making something. He is always making something. A plan, or perhaps connections. He needs people to actually get things for him to solely make that fire. He otherwise has a wild disregard for the safety of others and himself, Often boisterous and reckless, he takes risks without any question or concern as to the reprecussions. He is eager however, to help those who aid his agenda, are in true non-fire related danger of their lives, or likes fire almost as half as much as he does.

Bio: WIP

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Posting speed: I'm doing three or so RP's right now, but the other two are kind of slow. This'll mostly be variable, but I can churn good quality posts depending on the type of posts that are expected. I dabble heavily in detailed RP's more than I would really like to admit, but if we're just doing these little one or two paragraph things, enguhbalah. You know?

At the moment, I will be doing an intro post, and will be leaving him to do whatever fire related thing he was until somebody tries to stop him.

  • Sora02.png
    Character Name:

    Kingdom Hearts



    Neutral Good

    Sora has a typical brave and heroic personality, meaning he'll willingly risk his life for people he doesn't even know yet. This urge to help others often gets him into trouble but he doesn't mind. He's extremely loyal to his friends, and has been shown to be extremely forgiving, willing to see the good in a person before the bad. As such, he has a highly optimistic outlook on life, choosing to think positively about the situations he lands himself in. He can be simple minded at times but he knows his friends, who are much more mature in that regard, have his back.

    Posting speed:
    I am usually available anytime during the evening. I run on U.S Eastern time(EST).
Last edited:



Character Name: Tsuyu Asui

Canon: Boku no Hero

Age: 16

Frog-Form (蛙 Kaeru): Tsuyu's Quirk allows her to do anything a frog can do such as:

  • Hopping long distances
  • Jumping
  • Sticking to walls
  • Extending her tongue to a maximum of 20 meters and can lift a persons entire body.
  • Ejecting/washing her stomach and secreting toxic sticky liquid (which is a bit sharp on the tongue)
  • Camouflage
  • Camouflage costume: Tsuyu's hero costume changes colors along with her, blending in with her surroundings when she uses her Camouflage ability.

Tsuyu is a straightforward and quite laid-back girl who always says what's on her mind and what she thinks about others. She prefers to be called by her given name, but has stated she only wants people she views as friends to refer to her as such.[1] She has proven to be very observant, as she was the first to note the similarities between Izuku and All Might's Quirks.

Tsuyu is also noticeably calm and collected, being able to stay level headed in stressful situations. Recovery Girldescribes her as the "perfect pillar of emotional support".[2] Her usual expression consists of a vacant stare, which makes reading her thoughts and emotions difficult for those around her.

Tsuyu has a habit of tipping her finger against her mouth while speaking or pondering.

Before starting at U.A., Tsuyu's mother and father had to travel for work often, which left them with little time to raise their young children. Tsuyu was left with the responsibilities of raising Samidare and Satsuki, such as making dinner for them. Although it was tough raising her younger siblings, Tsuyu still found her life to be wonderful.

Two years ago before starting at U.A., Tsuyu's hero studies at her middle school piled up and didn't have free time for herself. Tsuyu's busy schedule, as well as her frog-like appearance, made it difficult for her to make friends. During her time at middle school, there was a student who started stalking her; her name was Mongoose Habuko who also had difficulty making friends. Habuko often used her Quirk, which paralyzed for three seconds whoever she looked at, on Tsuyu. Despite this, Tsuyu wasn't bothered by Habuko's stalking, because she could understand her, since they were both lonely.

One day, Tsuyu mustered up the courage and asked Habuko to be friends. Habuko was touched by Tsuyu's kindness and agreed to be friends with Tsuyu. Eventually, Tsuyu and Habuko graduated from their middle school, but went to different high schools.

Two years later, the day after U.A.'s semester began, Tsuyu receives a message from Habuko which states that she made new friends at her new high school and next time she will introduce them to her. Even though they ended up going to different high schools, Tsuyu notes that she will always be friends with Habuko. Tsuyu decides that, like Habuko, she will make lots of friends at her new high school as well.

Alignment: Good (she's a hero, ofc)

Posting speed: IIIIIIIIII don't knooooooow maybe depends just like every other single wave.


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Character Name: Azurine Cori Ravenemes

Canon: OC

NAME Azurine Cori Ravenemes
HOMELAND Eitune; Of the Republic
RACE Unseelie
PROFESSION Technomancer & Loremaster (for hire)
ORIENTATION Pansexual; male lean.

HEIGHT 5' 8" WEIGHT 120 pounds
BODY TYPE Average with a bit of muscle and baby fat
EYES Blue with flakes of sea blue
HAIR Blue naturally.

SCENT Clover, Sweet Pea, and herbal scent from the Apothecary & Rituals.
THEME SONG Tove Lo - Habits (Stay High) - Hippie Sabotage Remix
SCARS / DISTINGUISHING MARKS/TATTOOS Back of neck has a small clan marking, various scars on hands and arm from rituals, Arrow along ribcage, Manticore on shoulder.


birth father & mother unknown
adopted fathers Godfry & Eric
best friends Damien McKnight & Salem Sergei Federov

dating none
familiar Teddy (Tech made Manticore)
Pets Mr Mittens | cat | Purple | Abnormality |


clan tied Aine | npc|


Arachnophilia & Oddities Addiction Has an obsession with ancient artifacts, relics, tombs, texts, and items.
Magic Addiction Due to exposure to magic from the shop and her training, if she doesn't use magic or has items on her she goes through withdrawals.
Dark Fate Having seen a twisting fate she knows something bad will happen to her. No going back now.

Loves Ducks More so rubber ducks.
Obsessed with Icees
Writes with left hand, but does everything else right-handed.

Technomancy (Ex): A technomancer gains them class level as a bonus on craft, knowledge (engineering), and program checks. The technomancer's magic now rely more and more on application of technology rather than actual arcane magic, the technomancer gain a bonus on caster level equal to their class level for the purpose of piercing spell resistance and determining how difficult their spells are to dispel. They also no longer count as having any spells or spell-like abilities if doing so would be advantageous (so a technomancer would not receive extra damage from a magebane weapon) and any spell effect they produce or item they craft no longer show any magic aura (see detect magic for details).

Influence Construct: A 2nd level technomancer adds the following spells to their spell list (and their spells known/spellbook if applicable) at the appropriate spell level: bind construct thrall (9th), charm construct (1st), command construct (1st), dominate construct (5th), greater command construct (5th). All of these spells only affect constructs, are transmutation effects, and do not have the [mind-affecting] or [compulsion] tag.

Object Familiar: A 3rd level technomancer gains object familiar as a bonus feat.

Wonderful Creation (Sp): A 6th level technomancer can use science to create items out of nowhere, they may replicate the effect of major creation once per hour. Unlike the spell it has a duration of instantaneous and cannot be used to create rare or precious material (limited to common ore, wood and other common material in-setting), although it still has any other limitations of the spell.



Two handed weapon / reach: Staff with a ‘halo’ on one end. Circuitry is build throughout it allowing her to push her own magic energy through it acting as a conduit to shock people.

Gloves: Wiring throughout with the same ability. Is a war weapon.

Every world has one thing in common: War. Rather it was to gain freedom, land, or even just for fun it seeks into every history across the realms. It comes with no surprise that her history starts with this common element.

Godfry, one of her fathers, had been called to the realm known as Eitune. One very much like our own. He was known throughout the lands for his ability to bring peace to countries in stalemate and thus was called to help the republic. Much of their known history they had been at war and the government, and its people, had grown weak and tired. Him and his adventure team, Smash & Grab, were called forth to settle the remaining fights.

Many of the towns they knew were desecrated and were very welcoming of the peace treaty - except one -. Taredgind Grove. There he found warring armies on a stand still none of them willing to budge their standing in the war. To the disman of Godfry General Snaniol planted a bomb in the city killing off nearly the entirety of the town. Those whom remained died only moments after except a single blue haired child.

Godfry took the invading army to prison for their crimes with the child in town. At this point she was only one or so unable to tell them who she was or whom she belonged to. Coming to the capitol no one could recognize her either. He had taken her to the local orphanage but with the times of war even he could tell it was crowded with not enough funding.

He left her there. He went home to his husband in his world but couldn’t get her smile out of his head or even his heart. Without a second thought they decided to go back and find the girl. It took two months of searching as she had been shuffled around to many different locations. When he found her he couldn’t be happier and neither could she. They wouldn’t let each other go.

Eric And Godfry held an adoption ceremony that acted as her birthday since they had no clue when it was. They showed her all of the love and support she could ever want raising her as their own without hiding the fact that she was adopted. As she grew she showed signs of magic, her father Godfry soon taking up order to teach her himself and putting her to work in the apothecary when she was old enough.

She was loved far greater than she ever could want to be but she knew deep inside she needed to explore. They didn’t think twice about it, knowing how her heart was, in letting her find her way. After all a few years from home when you were immortal was nothing but a blink in the time scheme. As long as she stayed in touch with them someway she was allowed to go anywhere and do anything.

Posting speed: When I can.
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Character Name: Dr. Ludwig "The Medic"

Canon: Team Fortress 2

Age: Unlisted, likely mid 40s

Attributes: [Your strengths and weaknesses/skills are included here]

The medic is a genius doctor, with a lack of ethics, coming from a time where the oath was more of an optional suggestion. He is a sadistic man, who enjoys hurting enemy mercenaries more than healing his teammates. He does enjoy healing his friends though and will put his own life in danger in order to ensure as little harm from others comes to his team as he can.

What he lacks in compassion for the sick, respect for human dignity, and any sort of verifiable formal training in medicine, the Medic more than makes up for with a bottomless supply of giant needles and a trembling enthusiasm for plunging them into exposed flesh. Raised in Rottenburg, Germany during an era when the Hippocratic oath had been downgraded to an optional Hippocratic suggestion, the Medic considers healing a generally unintended side effect of satisfying his own morbid curiosity.

Alignment: (Very) Chaotic Good

Posting speed: You know the drill. I post whenever I'm available.​

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