Tohru Adachi
Location- Bank Status- Fine
Adachi watched as people started to attack at Bowser. Adachi began to yawn a bit before watching Yu summon his Persona. He smirked a little starting to get a little excited. He looked around inspecting the environment around him. Unlike most of the weak minded people who want to keep this world full of shit safe, which is what he likes to call "heros", he couldn't care less about what happened to any nearby civilians. He started to spin his revolver on his finger chuckling a bit.
He eventually stopped and raised his gun into the air as a shining blue card floated down as it did for Yu. He shot the card while shouting "Magatsu-Izanagi!" causing it to shatter. A blue light surrounded him as his Persona slowly appeared behind him.
Magatsu-Izanagi slowly raised its blade as it charged towards Bowser slashing furiously at him.
[ thatguyinthestore T The Man With No Name Professor Spacecakes BarrenThin2 QizPizza Critic Ham PhantomPyro @anyoneimissed