Millennium City (Multi-Fandom RP)

Ben Tennyson
Status: Alive/Healthy/Bruised

Ben caught the can and turned towards Marie. The boy nodded as Marie gave him instructions on how to use the can. That's when he got an idea. "Hey, Marie! As I was taking out Eggman, I saw how effective this was.. so instead of using one of these for an effective blow, how about we use two!" He called out. The teenager got ready to open the can, but made sure not to just yet in case it automatically shot out the ink missile. "So, you up for it?" Ben asked, turning toward Bowser.

Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind @Bank​
Castle wasn't exactly surprised when someone diverted his aim. It would be fair to say he had some suspicions that someone in the group, likely All Might, would object to how he did things. It was, after all, the exact reaction he'd dealt with on more than one occasion back home. What was surprising, and, as far as he was concerned, not in a good way, was the fact that somebody came to back him up. The kid from earlier that had saved his ass from being blown to bits by a missile. Not only that, but he'd escalated it to pointing the gun right at All Might, something that actually made Castle's scowl drop into a look of concern.

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"What the hell are you doing, kid? Back the fuck off. Put the gun down before you get hurt." Castle had never been a fan of people trying to edge in on his war. After all, he saw himself as every bit as bad as the people he hunted, so inviting copy cats was just inviting more people to hunt. Without waiting for a response, Castle turned his head back to All Might and looked the hero over for a few seconds. He didn't just get Captain America, I-only-kill-when-necessary vibes from All Might, he got the proper Spider-Man, I'll-never-kill-anyone vibes. The kind that really tended to throw a monkey wrench in what he was doing. On top of that, no matter how skilled Castle was, he'd never get the killing blow on Eggman while All Might had his glove locked down like this, and, even if he did manage to kill the scientist, it would just turn one cornerstone of this group on him, potentially trouncing him out of the group to deal with this new, strange place on his own. Castle was thinking pragmatically at this point. Survival instincts. He'd have to play nice in this group... at least, while people were watching.

After a few tense seconds, Castle moved away and tried to pull his arm free. "Whoever said I wasn't either of those things? Fine. I won't kill him. Yet. For all I know, the police here will actually take him in and keep him in." Frank shrugs. "If he gets out to hurt anyone else, though... It's on you. Not me." His scowl having returned, Castle looked the much larger man in the eye without one hint of fear in his eyes, despite his knowledge that fighting the much larger man was a lost cause. Of course, that didn't mean that, assuming All Might would, in fact, release him, he didn't deck the scientist in the face with his gauntleted hand. Had to vent at least a little bit.

DapperDogman DapperDogman Professor Spacecakes Professor Spacecakes thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Rolling his eyes, the young man glances at Castle, sighing through his nose slightly "I ain't a damn kid. I'm old enough to get myself hurt" as he talks, he gently spins the weapon in his hand, sighing as he takes the weapon and aims it upwards, pulling the trigger as the weapon refuses to fire "The safety was still on, I might not be fond of scumbags, but I'm not going to blow the head off someone because I suspect they might be one" he holsters the weapon and turns to address All Might, who clearly had something on his mind from his words. Maybe he'd known people like the 'heroes' who acted above the law back home?
All Might
View attachment 481362
Location - Bank | With - Bank Robbery Response Team | Condition - Just a scratch

Satisfied with Castle’s answer – for now – All Might released his arm when the man attempted to pull it free from his grasp. He wouldn’t have stopped him if he decided to slug Eggman a few times, so long as it didn’t get out of hand. Besides, he had more pressing matters to deal with, it seemed.

All Might turned to face the young man who’d approached the two of them during their little altercation, staring unflinchingly down the barrel of the gun. This boy’s words echoed those of the Hero Killer Stain, whose infectious ideology caused the public at large to start questioning the morals of the heroes they depended on; the ideology that inspired countless villains to rise up from the loam and fight for his cause. Unlike Stain, however, this boy clearly did not find All Might to be ‘worthy.’

“A true hero’s duty is not to serve as judge, jury, and executioner to those who would do harm to others. It is to protect life to the best of our abilities. Kill a murderer and the number of murderers in the world does not change. We cannot allow the cycle of death and vengeance to continue by sinking to that level ourselves. I do not know this man, but I will not deny him the opportunity to reform. Everyone has the potential to change.”

Even me?

All Might almost couldn’t stop himself from flinching slightly as All For One’s voice nagged in the back of his head once more. His fists clenched at his sides. He wouldn’t dignify the specter with an answer. His arch nemesis was locked away in the deepest bowels of Tartarus, sustained by countless tubes and wires, unable to move so much as a finger without countless turrets training on him to shoot him down. He would be locked away down there to rot for the rest of his life. For the rest of his unfairly long life…

All Might turned from the two, the tattered remains of his cape fluttering behind him with the motion.

If he escapes, the responsibility will be mine, and mine alone. If he dares to conspire to hurt anyone in this city again, I will be here… And I will break him once more.”

And with that, the old hero started his way back towards where the others were still fighting Bowser.

( DapperDogman DapperDogman , BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 )​
"A heroes duty?" the young ex-hero asks, raising a brow. He'd heard it before, the same spiel about being the one to put criminals in the hands of the law. "Protecting life, I can agree with. But if you kill two murders, the number goes down" he knew it was an expected response, but it didn't make it any less true "And if you kill a rapist, the number of rapes goes down, and if you kill a person taking bribes from drug dealers, the number of drug dealers poisoning kids goes down" he sighs softly as his face softens, the old man clearly having proved his point by now "It ain't about being a hero. It's about being one of the few people who can't be bought off. When it's the truly virtuous against the corrupt, the virtuous have a lot of burdens to shoulder. So maybe it's not in my job description, but when the judge, jury, and executioner have been bought off? I'll happily pull their shifts for them"

He growls as he tightens his hands, frustrated at having his morals questioned by someone who wants to let a criminal who could have killed innocent bystanders walk without any punishment. "It might not be my place, but if I don't do it, then who will?" he asks, kicking at the dirt and sighing as he checks in on the fight with Bowser, making sure things were under control "I just chase down the same criminals over and over? Hope they'll learn their lesson this time? People die when you do that. Innocent civilians die because of people that are too afraid to put a stop to these rampaging lunatics!"

He throws his hands up in frustration as the hero walks away, cursing under his breath as he turns back to Eggman, his eyes glowing like hot coals as he sighs through his teeth "Maybe you're right, maybe we give them one chance...And if they don't change, that's when we deal with them" He rubs his temples in frustration as he found himself unable to let out the anger that All Might had caused him. "I swear, heroes just get preachier every damn time you try to work with them" he mutters under his breath "We'd better try to get inside that bank, the hostages need saving, still"

BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 Professor Spacecakes Professor Spacecakes
Marie - healthy
Splatterscope | 2x Inkstrike

Marie looked toward the teenaged boy, Ben, as he suggested the use of two Specials at once, referencing her use of the Splatterscope. Clearly Ben didn't realize that the two weapons were in totally different leagues! One Inkstrike would most definitely be more than enough to deal with Bowser, and more wouldn't yield any significant increase in effectiveness. "No can do, Ben. You already get a lot of bang for your buck- just try it out!"

( ghxstfreak ghxstfreak finally I am free from the shackles of real life)
Ben Tennyson
Status: Alive/Healthy/Bruised​

Ben felt like arguing against Marie, but he had to hurry. "Alright, fine!" He called out before opening the can. A touchscreen showed up showing the area they were all in. "Hmmm.. I'm gonna have to go with the fire turtle!" He yelled, tapping the screen. The ink missile zoomed around before turning towards the fire turtle. Directly in the middle of his face. Ben took this as an opportunity for attack, running over and leaping to kick Bowser, yet again, in the face.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind

  • Delsin Rowe Location= Millennium City - Slaughterhouse
    Mental Condition= Tiny Bit Afraid
    Physical Condition= Fine
    Current Powerset= Shinsoo

    Interaction Delsin listened to the message with interest as he peered into the room. This was shaping up to be a horror movie. This was going to fun...or not. It always seemed so much more entertaining in the movies, but everything seems fun on video. Delsin stepped into the room behind all the other behind others who were probably dumber than him. “Alright, Saw, let's play your game...”

    Notes Interacting With: Centurion_ Centurion_ (GM)
    Group Members: Zerulu Zerulu Professor Spacecakes Professor Spacecakes Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind ManyFaces ManyFaces marc122 marc122 domisunique domisunique FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Haz. Haz. June Verles June Verles

    Italicized Colored= Internal Dialogue
    Bolded Colored= External Dialogue
    Delsin's Speech Color= #54ACD2

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  • Pallet.jpg
    ~Pallet Glacemen~
    Location: Libra Base (Blackjack's Shop)
    Inventory: Folia Auream (A golden knife)
    Power: Elemental control over fire and water, healing, and Demon form
    Mood: Prideful, angry
    Condition: Healthy, Demon form
    “I don’t see what that has to do with your inability to not imagine me bent and begging.” Pallet shot back. It didn’t matter how clear cut the relationship was, Pallet was not the keeper of Audun’s mind, it was not her job to make sure he didn’t get led astray from his lover. It was his job and his job alone. If the relationship wasn’t clear cut, and he was allowed to have his thoughts, than why was he complaining? Unless this had more to do with just the physicality of it all...Was Audun having more than a physical attraction to Pallet without fully realizing it? It was really the only thing that explained his defense against the thoughts, him confronting her about his guilt, and his reaction to her in general.

    Pallet hesitated, she wanted to say she had never desired anything from a Nephilim, it had been true before, but now it would have been considered a lie. Her shoulders slumped ever so slightly. It probably wouldn’t have been noticeable other than the fact his hand was still on her shoulder. “You were the closest thing to home there was.” There was a mixed undertone to her voice, almost as if she was genuinely sad about not being in her world. It was true, despite the differences in their worlds, Audun was the closest thing to normalcy that this city held. And the Demon was young, and though she’d spent some time from home, she was obviously spoiled and received quite a bit of special treatment, which meant coming to a place where no one would bat an eye at her, of course she was going to cling on to the first person that seemed to show any interest, it had been a bonus that Audun was from a similar world.

    At Audun’s outburst, Pallet blinked in surprise, her red eyes flashing back to blue. She’d not expected him to react in such a way. The insult, which had technically been a mild insult even to Pallet, it was merely the reason she was being called, and the person who was calling her, a whore had pissed her off. She never imagined his succubus being called a whore would set him off like this. Pallet wondered if this had anything to do with her previous thought of Audun being more than just physically attracted to her; why else would such a harmless insult from someone he apparently hated cause such a reaction. As Audun continued with his outburst, his arm spasming as it Evolved, Pallet stood her ground. The second that Audun’s right arm touched her skin, the Demoness burst into blue flames, the horns growing from her head, the indigo tattoos finding their way around her body, her crimson eyes returning, and her clothes fading away into the same translucent dress. No, Pallet was not going to back down, not to Audun. He had attacked her pride, he was making it seem as if she was less than a succubus low life, and he was not going to survive trying to harm her. The Demoness held Audun’s gaze, unwavering. She was silent for a long moment before her lips finally parted, she pushed herself up onto her tiptoes, moving ever so slightly closer to him, after all he was huge, she was never going to reach anywhere near his height. When she spoke, her voice was nothing more than a whisper, her voice as smooth as silk and dripping with new found sexiness. “Do your worst.”

  • I groaned when a woman rushed below me and shot electricity at Bowser. I said push him towards me, not act as bait where you could get killed. Really need to improve on the sign language otherwise someone will died because of me again. The Italian man also jumped into the air and attempted to blast the turtle with thunder. Bowser ducked into his shell before either attack fried him. He then leapt into the air with his rear end aimed at the Italian man and the woman.

    Time slowed upon realizing that I had launched myself at Bowser, hands outstretched in a grappling motion. I did not held a chainsaw. No doubt dropped in my rush to redirect the turtle away from my allies. Guessing from the angle I was going at, I would meet Bowser either as he descended or when he landed.

    The crashing of the robot alerted me to Eggman’s fall. I cracked a grin. Bowser was backed into a corner. His minions were knocked out or scurrying away. His body weakened. His ally defeated. I expected this to end quickly. But the crackle of thunder, the whistle of a missile, and the other attacks of my allies told me this ending was going to be painful.

    My mind screamed to throw myself aside. There was no way Bowser would recover in time. And if he could, he would be defeated quickly. But I shot back with what if he harmed someone? No response. I flexed my fingers, ready to grab and hold Bowser down to allow every attack to hit us. This wasn’t what I had in mind, but might as well fully commit to it.

Name: Cyrus Smith.
Inventory: Nitro-glycerine satchels and a double barrel coach gun.
Power: Selective phasing
Interacting: QizPizza QizPizza marc122 marc122
Mentioning: Centurion_ Centurion_ @SlaughterGroup GinkyGotBack GinkyGotBack
Status: Calm
Currency: 1000$

Cyrus slowly made his way across the room calmly, he attempted to stare deeper into the cages but he needed light to get a better view. He would have wanted to step further in but he deciding to follow Yuuki's advice and only thread where the more... bold members of the group have walked. However, this problem was fixed when all their questions were brought into the light, literally. Apparently, the young man couldn't use his spectral blades at the current point in time but what he provided was better, that plus the fact that the man seemed unable to use more than one sets of powers at a time, interesting.

"I am captain Cyrus Smith, happy to be made your acquaintance.".

His attention was then grabbed by the mad doctor's jest towards him, he turns towards him seemingly not amused yet somewhat intrigued;

"Excuse me but what is your shtick, Herr....? Are you a caricature of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein? Did you also manage to create life only for it to come later and bite you in the back? But nonetheless, I've never experimented on humans before if that's what you mean unless you count war as weapon testing." Because if then, the humble captain has tested a lot on multiple hundreds of humans, but he decided against mentioning that part.

The contents of the cages were very peculiar, they were filled with mannequins that were maltreated in some special way. As they stepped in the contamination zone he finally understood what those mannequins must have represented, he sighed as he then turned towards the Kobayashi and grabbing her by the shoulders;

"Miss Kobayashi, in reality, if every person he kidnapped played this game that means they're probably dead if we base their conditions off the mannequins. I will proceed into the slaughterhouse, you don't have to but if you want to I promise to do my best to keep you safe."
Tony was suddenly on a bus without having any recollection of being there. He checked to see if his suitcase was still with him. Luckily it was and tony felt the bus slow to a stop. When he exited the vehicle he was presented with an incredibly advanced city. "Well. At least it isn't hammer tech. That guy is a prick." With his suitcase by his side he put on his aviator shades and asked, "JARVIS, Where am I?" LOCATION UNKNOWN SIR. " Well that's comprehensive." I DO MY BEST SIR. "Jarvis not right now." OF COURSE SIR. With suitcase in hand and shades over his eyes, Tony then merged with the hordes of people moving about the city streets and sidewalks.
Amidst the bustling populace of Millennium City, past the hard-thought decisions of unbeknownst heroes and shadow-embalmed dealings of grimy alleyways - there was but one question that, no doubt, hung insatiably over every citizen. A question, indeed, that stretched beyond the mere fabric of time and space, one that no simple individual possessed the knowledge to, nor fathomed so much as a educated guess in its enigmatic direction of solution.
The question, of course, being:

Where tf is Pink Guy?

Screen Shot 2018-09-15 at 17.18.19.png
Fear not, for the question holds true only one solution: Pink Guy was practicing his break-dancing back at Libra headquarters. Hark, for he had not abandoned his allies, but had simply held low in their stead, yet followed true on their beaten path to haven, wherein he awaits what required task of his abilities will follow.

A sensation arose from his stomach - hunger. Pink Guy concluded that it would be worth inquiring about the provision of nutritional sustenance, and so he skipidy-dippity-flippied the fuck outta the room to go hunt down who to pester about getting food.

  • All Might's diatribe was something Castle had fully expected in his initial assessment of the man. Most powered men and women in capes were like this. Too afraid to do what was necessary to keep people like this from hurting others. Frank wasn't scared, though. Not scared of All Might, and not scared of going to sleep that night having killed a man. Even so, he would let Eggman live for now. After all, Castle knew very little about the man; for all he knew, the scientist knew full well the only people that would get hurt by the blast were Castle and his allies. Still enough for Castle to want to put one through his skull, but not enough to get thrown in prison or beaten unconscious by All Might for. Umbra had said something about getting the hostages out, pulling Castle from his train of thought. "Hostages will be fine. Whole point of extraction was get them out and away from the fight. The fight's winding down. If there are threats inside with the hostages, we'll take care of them."

    Screen Shot 2018-09-15 at 11.01.04 AM.png

    Kill a murderer in the world, and the number of murderers stay the same. Words Frank had heard on more than one occasion when talking about what he did. Castle was on the same page as the kid, though. "Kill two, and you're down one. Kill two hundred, and you're down even more. Kill a thousand..." Frank trailed off, since he knew the argument was pointless. No, they still had a big fuck-off turtle to kill. He reached down and charged up the War Machine gauntlet. It'd need some time to replenish after he fired only a few shots with it at this setting, but it was more or less revved up to the point where it was known to blow enormous holes through solid steel, let alone the body of a man, or, in this case, a dragon turtle. Frank's left arm would be more or less useless, but he didn't need it for what he was about to try to do. Castle quickly closed into melee with the turtle, throwing a superman punch with the gauntlet at Bowser's head, relying on its titanium and what boosts it gave him to his strength to maybe put the creature off its balance. Quickly, he'd follow up with a point blank shot aimed straight towards Bowser's torso. Castle leaned into his combat training, and also his new adoptive muscle memory power. He'd been watching Bowser fight for several minutes now. Seen how he moved. He let himself be taken by the rhythm of the fight, using his nearly perfect memory of how the dragon turtle fought to predict what the man was going to do and his new superhuman reflexes to act against those moves. Every quick dodge was followed by a punch, and another blast from the gauntlet. Even if it wasn't enough to take Bowser down, hopefully the onslaught of the ducking and weaving vigilante would be enough of an opening for someone who could do the damage it took to take him down to get in there.

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  • Audun Location= Millennium City - Libra Base
    Mental Condition= Angry/Sorry
    Physical Condition= Evolved (Right Arm/Wings)
    Disposition= Generally Evil

    Interaction Audun had hoped Pallet would back down, but she was just as prideful and angry as he was. In his world, you would be hard-pressed to find a Succubus submiting to an Seraph, much less a Nephilim. He supposed it was only reasonable to assume the same about the demon in front of him. A demon and an angel facing off in this way could lead to disastrous consequences. Cities leveled, thousands of families slaughterd unintentionally...or maybe intentionally in some cases, and the surrounding landscape reduced to a smoldering crater. Audun doubted either of them had the power to do such damage, but the damage to their immediate area would still be massive.

    The Nephilim was too angry to flinch at Pallet's flames as she transformed. It was her demon form once again. The one that would normally have driven him to act on his desires. However, rage was a much stronger emotion than lust, and with some like Audun, they went hand in hand. Somewhere in himself, Audun didn't want to attack her. Behind the rage he felt, there was pity for the demon. The words she spoke about her feeling at home with himself felt so genuine...but with a demon like her, one can never be sure. He fell for Taryn's words the first time, after all. But as much as he knew the possibility of deceit beneath her words, he hoped that what she said was true and that she would forgive him.

    When Pallet stood up to him and give him the three words of challenge, Audun knew that there wasn't going to be any peaceful way to resolve this. She had no plan to back down and even if Audun did have the desire to back down, the blow to his pride would be imeasureable. A Seraph that backs down from a demon's challenge was one that failed to fulfill their duty, even a Nephilim had the obligation to do so. His black eyes bore a sad expression as he whispered, "Then both of us are fools..."

    Audun suddenly drove his Evolved palm into Pallet's shoulder. The normally, such a strike would simply knock back someone of Pallet's stature. However, with his arm being Evolved, the strike sent the demon flying backwards into the wall instead. His whole damned arm with be destroyed by the end of the fight, but that didn't matter. The only thing that mattered was winning the fight. Audun's arm shot out for Logarius' Wheel and he let Evolution consume his wings and turn them inky black and razor sharp to match his --ironically-- demonic visage. He would try his hardest to no kill Pallet, but should the situation call for it, she must die at his hands and his hands only. The Nephilim allowed his rage to take control and roared, "Prove to me you have the power that makes you think you can be so damned arrogant!"

    Notes Interacting With: Nightwisher Nightwisher (Pallet)
    Group Members: None

    Italicized Colored= Internal Dialogue
    Bolded Colored= External Dialogue
    Audun's Speech Color= #ff9900


  • Vaughn
    headed towards the elevator, which was supposed to take him to the Industrial District. Without any reason, the lift went the opposite direction. As he lowered down to C level, the light slowly faded away, taken over by complete darkness (no, not that Darkness...). He reached behind himself, in hope that he'd hit some button. A pretty tough hit on the control panel and he increased back to B level. Without hesitation, he hopped off from the platform and sprinted back towards the 3D Printer. After a relieved sigh, he turned the machine, inserting some coins. After a few blinding flashes, a brand new suit appeared. He lifted up the outfit excitedly, trying it on.


    After a series of cool poses in front of the mirror, Vaughn decided to check on the rest of the group. He casually strolled towards the crowd, just to see what was going on. A Viking looking man and a small kid fighting? The Hyperion shook his head before turning around and taking a seat. He watched the conflict from a distance.

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    - Part I: The Puppeteer's Game

    - Part II: ███ ████

    - Part III: █████ ██████

    Quest Premise: Klaus has picked up several strange disturbances at a meatpacking factory in the Industrial District, he has asked for a group to head down there and check what's happening. What is causing the disturbance and why it is happening is unknown.

    Quest Participants:
    - Delsin Rowe ( QizPizza QizPizza )
    - Vonyish ( Zerulu Zerulu )
    - Dr Junkenstein ( Professor Spacecakes Professor Spacecakes )
    - Jerome ( Sleek Sleek )
    - Holly ( Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind )
    - Wes ( ManyFaces ManyFaces )
    - Cyrus ( June Verles June Verles )
    - Kobayashi ( marc122 marc122 )
    - Vhyjho ( domisunique domisunique )
    - Marcus ( FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla )
    - Mista ( Haz. Haz. )
    - Yuuki ( GinkyGotBack GinkyGotBack )
Vonyish looked up at the television and listened to the puppet speak, he seemed like a fair and just man to Vonyish, so he would accept the terms. After he spoke however a gas filled the room, the marine doubted that it wouldn't get past his respirator but it seemed it had, his body fought hard to expel the gas, falling to his knees and looking up in faith, eventually his body caved, his armour clad body clanking to the floor.

When they woke however he was pleasantly surprised to feel his head hadn't been trapped, but this did mean someone else had the trap, he quickly scanned the group before resting his eyes on Holly, "I doubt you'd take the initiative and take your life for us so I will be taking Challenge 1" He turned left walking over to the door to challenge 1, "And I won't be needing the clue" the marine had faith in his ability and doubted anyone would refute him going into the challenge room and take his spot. So he entered the room to see what was going on.

Centurion_ Centurion_ @SlaughterHouse
All Might
Location - Bank | With - Whiplash | Condition - Scuffed, not much time left...

All Might could have just left the argument there, could have just walked away and dealt with it at a more appropriate time. Maybe he should have. But the way this boy spoke, so jaded and cynical, so close to the edge of a very dark path… He couldn’t leave well enough alone. A hero’s job was to help where they weren’t asked to. This boy certainly didn’t want his help – hell, he’d probably resent it – but the old hero had to try.

Besides, he could already feel the blood beginning to pool in the mangled remains of his lung, his muscles starting to strain to stay in their current form. He was out of time. He’d turn back to his true form any second now. He wouldn’t be any help against Bowser now. He’d just get in the way.

All Might turned back to the boy, a flash of bright blue sparking in his shadowed sockets as he spotted the seething anger burning in the young man’s eyes.

“I… Am sorry that the heroes you’ve known have proven to be such disappointments. I would be lying if I said that some of my own compatriots didn’t have less-than-altruistic motivations for becoming professional heroes. Some are in it for the money; others, the fame. But so long as such goals do not interfere with the faithful execution of their duties, then their motivations are just. The instant a hero forsakes the trust and safety of those they are sworn to protect in favor of their own selfish desires, however, then they forsake the title of ‘hero’ as well. Against such underhanded deviants, I would fight with you at your side.”

As All Might spoke, the vigilante would find that his voice never raised in anger at their ideals. Instead, his tone remained gentle and calm as he strode back towards them. Once he stood before the boy, he came to a stop, one of his massive hands coming down to gingerly rest on the young man’s shoulder.

“But that does not mean we should sink to the methods of villains to correct course. Ours is to strike fear in the hearts of those who would do evil, not in those who we swear to protect. Take the life of even a villain, and the public’s faith in your dedication to peace wanes. Death begets death, and if both the villains and the heroes are killers, who can people look to for an end to all the bloodshed? Heroes cannot simply use whatever means they choose to combat the evils of this world. They must serve as symbols of peace, discouraging those who would do harm to others from ever acting on their dark desires, and inspiring everyone to do whatever good they can.”

( DapperDogman DapperDogman )​
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  • Delsin Rowe Location= Millennium City - Slaughterhouse
    Mental Condition= Tiny Bit Afraid
    Physical Condition= Slightly Drowsy
    Current Powerset= Shinsoo

    Interaction “Huh...It actually is Saw...what are the chances?” Those were Delsin's last words before the gas was release and he began to fall asleep. Man it would've been cool to have his smoke powers. He could just suck it all up. But...the madman did warn them about trying to resist. He probably pulled out some hallway gatlings or something. Not fun at all.

    When Delsin awoke, he recalled what Saw said about the challenges and looked over at Midget Elf to see the collar on her. He immediately began to think of ways to get it off. He could blast it off or use that Fast Skip ability...but then again, Saw would probably have a precaution against that. He'll probably just kill everyone in the room. That mean that Delsin had to play his game. Just like how he played Eugene's game. He got up and walked over to the door for the second challenge as the big armor guy went for the first.

    Notes Interacting With: Centurion_ Centurion_ (GM)
    Mentioned: Zerulu Zerulu (Vonyish) Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind (Holly)
    Group Members: Zerulu Zerulu Professor Spacecakes Professor Spacecakes ManyFaces ManyFaces marc122 marc122 domisunique domisunique FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Haz. Haz. June Verles June Verles

    Italicized Colored= Internal Dialogue
    Bolded Colored= External Dialogue
    Delsin's Speech Color= #54ACD2


Internally Dying and Frightened


Walking Cane- A fancy cane that makes the user 25% faster

Thulecite Club- A spiked club made of thulecite that cab summon shadowy tentacles

Blowdart Gun- A blowdart gun that can shoot an assortment of darts, including fiery molten ones

Balloonomancy- Can make infinite balloons... No one knows where they come from

Mime Magic- Making Invisible stuff with hand motions



Seeing people step up one by one to the mysterious person's challenge Wes felt conflicted. On one hand these seemed like a terrible idea and that he'd get killed, on the other hand if he was with the others those odds went down. The mime just seemed to space out. Snapping out of it upon deciding he would go. Wes took a deep breath and sighed, hoping he wouldn't regret his choice. The mime followed the rest of the much braver group to play whatever game this puppet had in mind. If it was simply puzzles it couldn't be too harsh. The starving and dehydration part did worry him though.
Wes simply accepted his fate and crumpled to the floor upon being introduced to the sleeping gas. Waking up on a cold floor, the mime got back to his senses. The others would be up soon in fact he wasn't the first as it seemed Vonyish had other plans. The mime made no move to follow him and instead decided to watch and wait for the others to wake up. Which would hopefully be soon.

Centurion_ Centurion_ @Slaughterhousegroup
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  • Whilst still watching the giant Egghead’s robot go down in flames, Woods found that Shilo quickly rejoined him after scoping the area. She was a nice change of pace, since she really was a reliable person that he could depend on as far as he could tell. However, the Sitrep that she brought was kind of alarming- there were no sign of any hostages. Either that was good- maybe the civs fled in time- or bad if all of them just got massacred altogether. He only nodded before she commented on her lack of firepower. In turn, this got him quickly thinkin— some folks weren’t using all their firepower. Maybe he could get them to “lend” him some guns for a few moments?

    “Here, take mine- it’ll do better than your pistol, just try not to inflict friendly fire with the underbarrel.” Of course, his last statement was referring to the M203 below his M16A3- he had already flipped a new 40mm HE round in as soon as the bot blew up from his and some others’ attacks. The Marine tossed the assault rifle at the assassin before choosing to begin running towards the giant turtle, despite not having any guns and pretty much left with just his fists as a “weapon”. He came to a stop a few feet away from the action, remaining far enough to stay out of danger but close enough to hopefully get Castle’s attention. The guy was engaged in close-quarters combat, but as soon as Woods saw an opportunity to talk, he’d quickly take it.

    Castle! Toss me your fucking gun!


  • 0a91b3f97bbf3a14d1fea0fbe9e9c12e.jpg
    ~Shilo Saga~
    Location: Bank
    Inventory: 2 katar, 6 throwing knives, 1 Bowie knife, 1 Glock .45, and a M16A3.
    Power: Light Control
    Mood: Focused, pissed
    Condition: Minor head injury
    Shilo was already holstering her pistol by the time Woods had tossed the gun, she caught it with one hand at first, stabilizing it with her second, she quickly notched it into her shoulder, aiming. “I’ll do what I can.” She called back. The assassin did as she was told, being extra careful about the friendly fire considering she knew much less about the gun than she did most any other weapon she’d ever used. She pulled the trigger.

    Shilo watched as Woods ran, thinking for a second he was about to join in the fight bare handed. “Fuck, I would have been better suited for that shit.” She murmured to herself, taking aim again and pulling the trigger a second time. Her attention was pulled back to Woods when she heard him calling to Castle. Oh...that makes more sense. She thought.

    Shilo side stepped across the field, getting different angles on her attacks so any time Bowser went to block one, the next wasn’t coming at the exact same spot. However, since she had to side step to the left, she was blind on that side, and though she was being careful, and trying to read her surroundings and shoot at the same time, whilst also being extra careful about friendly fire, eventually her handicap did come to bite her in the ass. The assassin lifted her foot to step, running into a rock, she tripped, falling toward that direction. She took her finger off the trigger as to not accidentally shoot, however she was unable to catch herself fully and her head hit the ground and the debris around her. She lay there for a moment, her ears ringing, her vision blurred. Shilo groaned, sitting up. She felt warm, sticky liquid dripping down the side of her face. A gash, probably about half an inch long, and not very deep, trailed across her hairline and down her forehead. Blood dripped from it, tracing down her cheek, staining her white skin. “Fucking blind ass eye.” She cussed to herself, getting back to her feet. The blood wasn’t going to fuck with her vision, luckily, as it was on the side that was already blind. She took aim once more, looking again for the most vulnerable spot she could find.

All of your combined attacks severely weakened the Koopa enough to send him down to one knee, gasping for air. “Y-you wimps really… huff… did a number on me…” He huffed out as he struggled to stand, chuckling in the process. “But…. I’m gonna kick all of your wimpy little—“

“Enough of this!”

A loud, intimidating voice rang out across the landscape as what could only be described as a blast of pure green energy flew through the air and hit Bowser right in the torso, sending him flying back and landing right on top of Eggman, knocking them both out in the process. Those of you who looked up to find the source would find a tall reptilian in a suit, standing at about seven feet, staring down the two culprits with what looked like a wand in his hand.


“Toffee…” Midna sneered before immediately flying over to the overgrown reptile in an attempt to strike him, only to be blasted by a beam of green magic as well. The beam sent her flying through the air before landing on the ground beside your two foes.

“Attention citizens of Millennium City!” The lizard, who was apparently Toffee, exclaimed as he stepped forward into the sunlight. Crowds and various news stations had already gathered around the scene, having watched the fight since the very beginning. All of them now focused on Toffee. The centerpiece. “You have twenty-four hours to surrender your police force and city hall over to me. Failure to do so will result in more deaths.”

“The hell do ya mean more deaths!?” An officer shouted as he trained his gun on Toffee. “Put the magic wand down and place your hands behind your— HRK!!” The police Officer was interrupted by that same green energy being shot through his throat. The man clutched at his windpipe as blood spilled out and he collapsed to the ground, lifeless. Many civilians began to flee in terror as the sounds of their screams filled the bustling streets. The officers began to open fire on Toffee, though he simply rose his wand up into the air and just before the bullets hit them, they were enveloped in a green aura similar to Mabel’s and flung back at the officers.

He then turned to face all of you, specifically All Might after he had recently transformed back into his weakened state, and fired a blast right towards him! Just as it hit him, however, Midna suddenly appeared in front of him and blocked the shot entirely! Her small feet slid across the ground as she grit her teeth and grunted.


“L-LEAVE!!! NOW!!!! I CAN HANDLE THIS!!!!” Midna shouted not just to All Might, but the entirety of the group as well. Without much of a choice, all of you entered the plane and flew back to the Libra headquarters.


Once you all arrived at the headquarters, Klaus was waiting for all of you near the centerpiece map projection of the room. “I’ve seen that you’ve all encountered Toffee.” Klaus said with his head tilted downward and arms crossed.


“Yeah! And we could’a kicked his ass if that fuckin’ elf freak hadn’t stopped us!” Revy shouted angrily in response to Klaus, who only sighed and shook his head in response.

“No… you don’t understand. Even with your combined efforts, you all wouldn’t have had what it took to overwhelm Toffee, let alone defeat him.” Klaus explained before standing up and strolling around the room. “We’ve encountered Toffee before. A few months back his goons, Mabel Gleeful and Roman Torchwick, attacked our base and killed two of our closest allies.” Klaus proceeded to tap a few buttons on a control panel, causing two images of separate females to appear above the holographic centerpiece in the room.


“Chain Sumeragi and K.K. They’d been with Libra since the beginning… and he killed them without a second thought.” Klaus said as he appeared to tense up, both fists balling up so tightly that you could see his veins pop out of his hands. He eventually released moments later and let out a sigh. “They got away. After numerous raids on his supposed bases, we managed to recover a single video. The contents of said video showed Toffee torturing the one you have all come to know as Midna… your friend Marcus has already seen that video.” Klaus further explained as he finally looked up to face all of you, a look of determination now overtaking his face.

“Luckily, with Toffee’s most recent attack, we have just what we need to track the signature his wand emits back to his precise location…” Klaus paused for a moment and turned away again. “However, it will take a while to finish tracking, so I suggest that all if you take it easy and rest for the time being.”

Just as Klaus finished talking, the small rodent you all knew as Rocket walked into the room with a gang of new faces. “We got some newbies here.” Rocket explained before transferring all of you one-thousand more credits. “Here. This is part of the money that Toffee had paid those two merc jerkoffs. Go buy yourselves somethin’ from Blackjack if you feel so inclined.”

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Haz. Haz. T The Man With No Name Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 Sleek Sleek Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind ghxstfreak ghxstfreak Nightwisher Nightwisher Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak QizPizza QizPizza Everyone Everyone
Elise watched helplessly as Toffee executed the officers with their own bullets, she knew she couldn't do but watch as their lives faded before her eyes. It's almost as if a bing went off next to her as everything went in slow motion giving her time to reflect. Eventually that time was broken when she started to run for the jet, securing a seat before anyone else would take one, the whole jet ride Elise say silently, she was an operative for countless years but she never saw anything as intensely as that.

Eventually her reflection time was broken as they reached the base, she sluggishly hopped out and joined the others at Klaus, the whole time as he spoke she kept thinking about those officers, killed because they did their job, it was painful for her to recount that scenario but she had to occupy herself with something, and just than Klaus announced they will have some free time. She tried to think of something to do before remembering she'd patch up Castle properly when they got back to base, so she eagerly scanned the group, finding the merciless killer quite easily, "Hey Frank, what about that patch up I promised you."

BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

  • Castle raised his hands in a defensive position as Bowser prepared to make a last stand, dropping into a trained stance of Nash-Ryu jujitsu, the ((fictional) martial art Castle preferred. Before he could even begin to lash out at his opponent, and potentially go for the killing blow, the turtle got sent flying. The ex-marine's eyes went wide as he dove to the side, the giant beast still clipping him and sending him spinning. He felt his ribs crack yet again as he hit the pavement. For several moments, Castle just lied there, staring at the sky, the wind knocked out of him. Shakily, though, Castle struggled to his feet and stood at the ready to face this newest threat. Unfortunately, he stood up just in time to watch a police officer get blown away. His teeth grit in frustration. After all, even though he wanted nothing more than to put one right through Toffee's brain, after seeing everything that had just happened, it wouldn't likely go well.

    "We need to retreat. Too much to lose. Not enough of a chance right now, especially not while you're powered down." Castle turned his attention to All Might. It seemed the way the man's power worked wasn't too dissimilar to Banner's, though All Might seemed to have considerably more control over himself while transferred. All Might was also in the middle of talking to the kid from earlier when Toffee fired off a beam at the man. Without hesitation, Frank moved in the way, standing over the weakened hero, but Midna absorbed the beam, likely saving his life (and All Might's, as there was very little guarantee Castle's extremely mortal frame would stop the beam at all). Enough was enough. "Fucking go! You heard her! Leg it!" Castle went full drill sergeant for a few moments, his voice becoming a harsh bark more than cohesive words, hoping the sudden force of his tone would inspire their legs to start moving.

    When Castle surveyed the battlefield, though, one thing stood out: the kid in green with the freaky wrist bracelet that had been changing in the middle of battle seriously looked like he was going to try to attack their newest nemesis. That was tantamount to suicide, at least in Frank's eyes. His expression hardened further, and, in moments, he lunged across the battlefield and threw a sucker punch with his gloved hand right across Ben's jaw. Still holding his side as the bandages on his arm were continuing to soak red, he threw Ben over his shoulder and started to book it. Before too long, the group found themselves back at Libra base, where Castle found the nearest soft spot to put Ben down. He did so gently, or, at least, as gently as one could while only having full use of one arm and multiple broken ribs.

    Exhausted, Frank sat down next to Ben. Upon receiving what medical treatment could be afforded to him, he limped his way to the printer wordlessly, ignoring any initial attempts to talk to him outright. At most, they'd be met with a grunt, or even a glare. When it came to be his turn, he tapped the remainder of the War Machine armor wordlessly and gave his entire payout away for it. If this was the kind of threat they were dealing with, Castle needed to be at the level of the enemies he was facing. In moments, he watched the all-too-familiar Stark tech come out of the printer, the skill still emblazoned on its chest from Frank's run as the War Machine. Without much hesitation, he stepped into the armor, as it was pretty much all that he could do to stand. The suit's internal systems whirred to life, its scanner analyzing every aspect of the room. A couple people flashed up as potential threats, but they were mostly people Castle previously interacted with and he knew he had little to fear from. Mostly.

    First, he approached Elise, the woman that had helped him on the mission. "Good work out there. Only wish it hurt to breathe a bit less. If I'd had this armor before, wouldn't have been nearly as hard." Could have been a joke, but the faceplate and Castle's dry tone made it difficult to tell. "I hope you join up with our group. Could use someone with medical skills. I've got some, but... they're more back-alley skills than proper training. Just try not to get shot if you do." Without waiting for much of a reply, though casting a glance back to see if Elise would follow, he moved on to Revy. "You did good out there, too, despite being a suicidal maniac. Stick around. Try not to get yourself killed."


    Castle walked with new strength, aided by the armor, to All Might. "That creature out there killed a police officer, and he'll probably kill plenty of others. If you don't stop him for good, I will. This isn't about being better than them. It's not about doing the right thing. It's about stopping people like this from hurting others. If we'd acted more decisively, we might have cleared out and that man could still be alive." His voice was almost robotic, filtered by the armor. His helmet opened up to show his face shortly, though, a haggard, worn expression written across his face. Some of his own blood was still splattered there, almost dry at this point.


    "Look," Castle moved to put a gauntlet clad hand on All Might's shoulder. "Usually, I'd just avoid people like you. People that interfere in my war. I can't do that, here, though. We're on the same side, and, unless I want to try to go it alone here, which seems like a poor plan, I'm gonna try to work with you, but, after a certain point, I'm not the one trading lives. You are. I've seen villains put away time and time again, only to get out and kill every single time. At what point does it become your fault? When are you, the man who won't finish the job, just as responsible for deaths of every one of his victims?" Castle's frown tightened after a moment. "I don't expect this to sway you. At all. You aren't going to change my mind, either. I'm still counting on your help, though, so I'm not exactly going to throw you under the bus because we don't see eye to eye. Just know, though... I'm not gonna stop. If it's the lives of the men I hunt or the lives of the innocent, I'll put one through their skull with a moment's thought."

    Castle released All Might's shoulder. "Either you kill men indirectly by refusing to act, or you kill men directly by preventing their deaths. It's not much of a choice, but it's one that I make every day. Every time I pull the trigger."
    Professor Spacecakes Professor Spacecakes thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Zerulu Zerulu
Elise saw some ironclad man approach her, if it wasn't for the white skull across his chest she wouldn't have recognised him. The officer was filled with glee as he invited her to join their group, "Thanks for the compliment I guess, look ill catch up with you in a bit." She took her newly earned credits and strolled over to the printer, first she inserted about 75 and out came a Ka-Bar, she didn't want to use it but you'd never know. Next she inserted in another 170, a full suit of riot gear accompanied with a ballistic shield was given to her, she placed the riot gear into a training bag and gripped the shield.

She walked over back to Frank who was now giving a lecture or rant, she couldn't tell, to the superhero that stopped him from executing one of the villains back at the bank. Some things he said was unsettling but she shrugged it off. "Hey Frank," she signalled him walking over to a nearby bench, she personally didn't expect him to actually sit down with her but at least come, "I don't think we were properly introduced, the battle was quite a mess, so, Im Elise, which you may already know." She placed her bag by her side and leaned the shield by the bench so she could lean forward, "And uhh, I'm- I was an Operative for this group called the Special Response Group in Australia, but none of that matters now, how about you?" She was interested in becoming aquatinted with Frank, giving him a smile after she finished introducing herself.

BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2

Name: Cyrus Smith.
Inventory: Nitro-glycerine satchels and a double barrel coach gun.
Power: Selective phasing
Interacting: QizPizza QizPizza marc122 marc122
Mentioning: Zerulu Zerulu Centurion_ Centurion_
Status: Disappointed.
Currency: 1000$

Their mysterious game master finally showed himself to the group. "Who would have guessed he was fancied himself a puppet master." said sarcastically, seeming relatively unimpressed. It's not the first time he has dealt with the aberrations of psychopaths, hell it wasn't even the first time today, due to that he couldn't even be bothered to flinch as he listened to the setting of this "game".

This game, however, seemed relatively simple. There will be challenges with their own rules and we just have to keep in mind the bigger picture, don't cheat the game and it keeps on until we win or die. Which meant no powers such as his. The latter part was worrying but dying in this world couldn't possibly be permanent, he got his youth back how strange would it be to get your life back after death? Seemed only plausible for not even death to be a pause in someone's experience within Millenium City.

As he woke up he saw everyone else also come to their bearings, they seemed to have been transported in their sleep to the location of this game. At first, the area was confusing but as Marcus pulled out a map and explained the situation to everyone, everything became apparent. Unfortunately, before they could strategize Vonyish decided to jump into a challenge room without help, making the clue room useless. He sighed and addressed Delsin before he could head in the other challenge room making the other clue room useless as well.

"I am going to go investigate the clue room corresponding to your challenge room, please wait."

As he left he turned towards Kobayashi who decided to join aswell extending his arm to gesture towards the clue room; "Would you like to accompany me?".

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