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Realistic or Modern Milk & Honey CS



My name is Charlie what's yours
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
(Link for recruitment
link for OOC)

Ah welcome! I see you have either just joined or coming for your monthly assessment
Lets start small, shall we? What's your name? we all have names you can just call me grand-dad.
Ah nice name next question, how old are you? I am 77
ah I see next question what do you identify as there is nothing wrong with being a boy girl or ANYTHING in between I am a male
ah yes gender Identity is quite a beautiful thing ain't it? alright next question, even though no one will be able to see you and you won't be able to see anyone what do you look like just some necessary information in the event of you getting lost we need to tell the police what you look like and it's a LOT of paperwork. I have silver hair, I am 6'0, I usually wear a red suit and tie.
Ah ok! next, how long have you been here?
ah I guess that leads in perfectly with the next on what rank are you? Blue? Red? Purple or are you one of my birth kids
ok last question, how are you feeling? I'm ok
Thank you so much! make sure to grab a sweet treat and tell me what you garbed so I can restock!
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"Ah welcome! I see you have either just joined or coming for your monthly assessment."
"I'm here for my monthly assessment!"

"Let's start small, shall we? What's your name? We all have names, you can just call me grand-dad."
"Haha, don't be silly, Grand-dad, you already know my name! It's Minerva!"

"Ah nice name, next question, how old are you? I am 77."
"Of course it's a nice name, you gave it to me when I joined. It replaced my old, forgotten name. You don't remember how old I am? I'm 25. Haha, I know how old you are, we have the same birthday! We celebrated it just last week. Haha, you always make me laugh!"

"Ah, I see, next question what do you identify as, there is nothing wrong with being a boy girl or ANYTHING in between. I am a male."
"You know I'm a girl!" Minerva chuckles at Grand-dad's jokes, as it's quite obvious he was a man already.

"Ah yes, gender Identity is quite a beautiful thing ain't it? Alright next question, even though no one will be able to see you and you won't be able to see anyone, what do you look like? Just some necessary information in the event of you getting lost, we need to tell the police what you look like and it's a LOT of paperwork. I have silver hair, I am 6'0", I usually wear a red suit and tie."
Minerva chuckles again, pushing her body forward as she presents herself, "I know I've put on a little weight, so please be gentle in your assessment!" Minerva is a slightly overweight woman of Asian descent. Though she changes her clothes, she can always be seen in her signature cloak that's really more of a vest with a hood & cape attached.
Minerva chuckles as Grand-dad describes himself. Although she's lived her whole life willingly blindfolded, she had sneaked a few peeks in her childish youth. Though she remains ever diligent as she's matured, "I know what you look like, Grand-dad, you've told me before!" She obviously didn't mention the times she's been caught peeking as a child, "You're a whole head taller than me! And don't worry, Grand-dad, I will never get lost. You know I know my way around the city!"

"Ah ok! next, how long have you been here?"
She knows the questions are necessary, but she can't help but chuckle as Grand-dad asks her how long she's been there. She decided to play a prank and fib, "Uh, 4 years!"

Minerva has done these assessments often enough to know the next question. It's one she quite disliked discussing.
"Ah, I guess that leads in perfectly with the next on what rank are you? Blue? Red? Purple? Or are you one of my birth kids?"
"Come on, don't tease me like that. You know I've been struggling to pass the tests to make it to Purple rank, Grand-dad!"

"OK, last question, how are you feeling? I'm OK."
"Well," Minerva shifted in her seat, "I'm nervous because I have to retake another test later. You know I love it here! I'm trying my best! I know I'll make it to Purple rank soon! Plus, it helps that you've always believed in me!" With that, Minerva brightened up. She beamed a smile even the blind could see.

"Thank you so much! Make sure to grab a sweet treat and tell me what you grabbed so I can restock!"
"I'm taking a donut!" Although Minerva knows the place extremely well, she still bumped into the snack table in her excitement, knocking over a muffin, "And, uh, a muffin..."
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-Ah welcome! I see you have either just joined or coming for your monthly assessment

Lets start small, shall we? What's your name? we all have names you can just call me grand-dad.-

“O-oh, hi… grand-dad.” he shifts a bit nervously in place, practically whispering the word ‘grand-dad’, as if it felt strange on his lips. “My name is Abel Silva. This is actually my first assessment, so I believe it’s our first time meeting. Thank you for having me…”

-Ah nice name next question, how old are you? I am 77-

“I’m 23, sir.”

-ah I see next question what do you identify as there is nothing wrong with being a boy girl or ANYTHING in between I am a male-

“I’m a guy, and I've noticed how open you guys are here.” Abel smiled sheepishly, “It’s nice.”

-ah yes gender Identity is quite a beautiful thing ain't it?-

Abel nods in agreement, still wringing his hands anxiously.

-alright next question, even though no one will be able to see you and you won't be able to see anyone what do you look like just some necessary information in the event of you getting lost we need to tell the police what you look like and it's a LOT of paperwork. I have silver hair, I am 6'0, I usually wear a red suit and tie.-

“Ah. Um, I'm a 5’6 man with a golden skin tone. I have shoulder length dark brown hair and usually wear a hoodie and jeans.”

-Ah ok! next, how long have you been here?-

“A couple of weeks at this point, I think? I'm still having a little trouble with tracking time..”

-ah I guess that leads in perfectly with the next on what rank are you? Blue? Red? Purple or are you one of my birth kids-

Abel tilts his head and offers a polite but confused smile.

“I'm still Blue-Rank, and I don't think we're related by blood. I'll do my best to go up in ranks though!” He tried his best to sound confident in his last statement, but he feels it might have fallen a bit short.

-ok last question, how are you feeling? I'm ok-

“...I'm okay. Thank you for asking..”

-Thank you so much! make sure to grab a sweet treat and tell me what you garbed so I can restock!-

“Oh, that was fast.”

Abel said, caught a bit off guard with how quick the assessment was. He'd been racking up anxiety about this meeting for days now. He tentatively grabs a package of..something. He's still not at the point where he can tell what certain things are without sight. He's going to assume that whatever he grabbed was fruit snacks by the packaging.

“Thank you, I grabbed some.. gummies if that's okay.”

He nodded his appreciation and left.


Name: Abel Silva
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi, but leans toward girls
-Olive toned skin
-Longish(a bit above the shoulders) dark brown hair
-Brown eyes
-Height 5’6
-Usually wears a dirty maroon red hoody, jeans, and a grey beanie

He’s timid at first and tries to make a good impression on everyone he meets, but once he gets used to you he like’s to joke around with mean humor(could be self-depricative, or poking fun at others). Even on friendly terms he’s not much of a talker, but he enjoys other peoples company regardless :)

He and his parents moved to America(from Portugal) and opened up a convenience store when he was 3. He went to public school and would help at his parents store afterwords, he was often bullied for his accent by the other kids. By highschool the bullying died down and he managed to make some friends that he’d drink/smoke weed and hang out with, but he didn’t have any deep/personal realationships. He graduated with below average grades and continued working with his parents. At 19 one of his pot buddies offered something stronger: cocaine. He was hesitant at first, but accepted. Abel started using more and more, evolving from snorting to needles. His parents caught him a couple months into his new addiction and said he could only continue living/working with them if he dropped cold turkey and went to rehab. And he did. He got rid of all his stuff and cut contact with all his friends that were into it, starting fresh. A year passed and everything was good, going back to normal, past forgotten. Then, one day while Abel wasn’t at work, the store was robbed at gunpoint. His mom ended up getting shot and was put into a coma. His dad put all his energy into work to pay the medical bills, Abel was doing his best to stay strong, but when the doctors said it was no good and said it was best to pull the plug he fell into depression. His dad was similarly depressed, hardly speaking at all. Abel continued to push through, basically running the whole convenience store on his own in an attempt to make it easier for his dad. Months went by like this, until a couple weeks before Abel’s 22nd birthday he came home to find his dad hanging from the ceiling. Abel spent his 22nd birthday alone, and relapsed.
After spending the next year on a near constant binge, Abel finds himself at a new low. He’s spent all the money left to him on(wasn’t a lot, but still) drugs and was just kicked out of his apartment for missing rent…again. He’s currently spending his nights sleeping in the alleyway outside a restaurant he knows goes through a bunch of waste. One night a blind man passes him while he’s shivering in the rain. The blind man monologues to him and he takes his words to heart. After his talk with the blind man he checks himself back into rehab and goes through the grueling process of getting clean. Once out he's still homeless and alone, but he's hopeful for the future.
When he stumbles upon a pamphlet for an organization he’s never heard of, he thinks back to the blind man he met in the alley, and how he thought he was a god-send. And maybe he actually was. Maybe if he can devote himself to something good, life will be kinder to him. And maybe being closer to holy people will keep him in line. Abel decides that this is his calling, and he wants to be part of the people that find the land of Milk and Honey.

-Parents lived in: Portugal, Centro
A town called Monte Real in the Leiria district
-Abel is bilingual, knowing both English and Portuguese, he still has a slight accent but does his best to cover it up due to being bullied in school over it.
-Abel has lived on and off on the streets after his dad died(for a bit over a year)
-Abel has nearly overdosed on two separate occasions, the first was when he relapsed on his bday, someone found him so he ended up in the hospital. The second was a bit before his talk with the blind guy(which could've been a hallucination for all he knew) and he almost died alone in the alleyway. That's what pushed him to go into rehab(again)
-Abel still has visible puncture scars spotted up his left arm, but it's rare his arms aren't covered by the sleeves of his hoodie
-Abels mom made a lot of homemade food from Portugal when he was younger in an attempt o keep the family from forgetting about their roots. At the time, Abel wished he could just get ‘normal’ food like the rest of the kids(pb&j sandwiches n stuff), but as he got older and more distant from his parents he bought his own food. Now that his mom's dead, he can't help but feel the nostalgia whenever he eats Portuguese food.
-He likes fish. Sushi, tuna, fried, canned, whatever, he likes it all. But his absolute favorite is grilled sardines.
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"Ah welcome! I see you have either just joined or coming for your monthly assessment."
*Sigh* "Yes, I'm here... Again."

"Let's start small, shall we? What's your name? We all have names, you can just call me grand-dad."
*Sigh* "This is stupid. Why do you have to say this every time? Fine! I'm Gregarious Mononovitch. No, you may not call me Greg."

"Ah nice name, next question, how old are you? I am 77."
*Sigh* "18"

"Ah, I see, next question what do you identify as, there is nothing wrong with being a boy girl or ANYTHING in between. I am a male."
Gregarious Mononovitch was born blind. Completely light blind. Zero light reception of any kind. So he had no need to wear a blindfold. This also allowed his eye roll to be visible, especially since it was exaggerated. "Male"

"Ah yes, gender Identity is quite a beautiful thing ain't it? Alright next question, even though no one will be able to see you and you won't be able to see anyone, what do you look like? Just some necessary information in the event of you getting lost, we need to tell the police what you look like and it's a LOT of paperwork. I have silver hair, I am 6'0", I usually wear a red suit and tie."
Gregarious Mononovitch.jpg
*Sigh* "I'm 6'2" and even though I'm blind, I'm fly as hell, even the blind know that. My luscious, chestnut hair is always styled, and I'm rarely seen without my signature overcoat." *tch* "Yes, my walking stick doubles as an actual sword."

"Ah ok! next, how long have you been here?"
*Sigh* "A year, I guess."

"Ah, I guess that leads in perfectly with the next on what rank are you? Blue? Red? Purple? Or are you one of my birth kids?"
*Sigh* "I am obviously a Purple rank, since I'm awesome. I'm even one of your enforcers, the guy you send when others mess with our peeps."

"OK, last question, how are you feeling? I'm OK."

"Thank you so much! Make sure to grab a sweet treat and tell me what you grabbed so I can restock!"
*Sigh* "Whatevs." Gregarious leaves without grabbing any snacks or saying a word further. Though he still wouldn't have said anything even if he had grabbed a snack.
my npc
"Ah welcome! I see you have either just joined or coming for your monthly assessment."
"Let's start small, shall we? What's your name? We all have names, you can just call me grand-dad."
"oh hi grand-dad can I call you grand-pa? Oh and my name is May"
"Ah nice name, next question, how old are you? I am 77."
"oh! I am 7!"
"Ah, I see, next question what do you identify as, there is nothing wrong with being a boy girl or ANYTHING in between. I am a male."
"I'm a girl!" she would kick her legs
"Ah yes, gender Identity is quite a beautiful thing ain't it? Alright next question, even though no one will be able to see you and you won't be able to see anyone, what do you look like? Just some necessary information in the event of you getting lost, we need to tell the police what you look like and it's a LOT of paperwork. I have silver hair, I am 6'0", I usually wear a red suit and tie."
"I'm 4'2 and even though I'm blind, I have a affro, even the blind know that. I have black hair, and I have a pink dress."
"Ah ok! next, how long have you been here?"
"my whole life!"
"Ah, I guess that leads in perfectly with the next on what rank are you? Blue? Red? Purple? Or are you one of my birth kids?"
"I'm blue! but mark my words, I WILL be red one day! THEN a purple!"
"OK, last question, how are you feeling? I'm OK."
"I'm fine!"
"Thank you so much! Make sure to grab a sweet treat and tell me what you grabbed so I can restock!"
"hmmmmm, I'll have some chocolate!"
Z sat before his fellow cultsman, awaiting his monthly questioning.

The ancient man welcomed him as he had many times before, asking him the same redundant questions.

“You may refer to me as Z,” Z answered, not elaborating further. To the next question he answered “My time on this mortal earth is 15 years.”

The man then went on to give his own age, which did not surprise Z. He knew he was one of the younger members of the cult and he wasn’t at all self conscious about it.

“I identify as male, and I myself have no qualms with the nonbinary.”

As the man described himself, Z had a hard time matching the voice to the image.

“I am of average height for my age, not a centimeter shorter. My hair is a rich, natural black that is styled to perfection.” He began, touching his hair lightly. It was styled indeed, which was quite a lot of work when he couldn’t take off his blindfold. His mother had told him it was “perfectly pointy”, so he would have to trust it was right.

“My usual attire consists of dark, long sleeved shirts and stylishly torn jeans, and of course, my favorite black trench coat.”

After his description, he was asked how long he’d been a member.

“I’ve been here five months now, this will be my sixth.”

“I am currently Blue rank, though I suppose I wouldn’t mind moving up to Red.”

For his last question, the man asked how Z was feeling.

“How am I feeling? The great powers within our universe are shifting and shining light onto a new world and shrowding ours in darkness. I dread what will become of us.”

With the assessment complete, the man excused Z and offered him a sweet.

“No thank you, sir. Your offer is kind, but I have no use for such indulgences.” Z said as he walked to the door.

He paused for a moment in the threshold before quickly snatching a treat.

“Twix” he mumbled quickly under his breath before escaping.
another NPC (A Qureer?!?!)
Ah welcome! I see you have either just joined or coming for your monthly assessment
"hi... I'm here yeah" the timid young person said
Lets start small, shall we? What's your name? we all have names you can just call me grand-dad.
"River... My name is River"
Ah nice name next question, how old are you? I am 77
ah I see next question what do you identify as there is nothing wrong with being a boy girl or ANYTHING in between I am a male
ah yes gender Identity is quite a beautiful thing ain't it? alright next question, even though no one will be able to see you and you won't be able to see anyone what do you look like just some necessary information in the event of you getting lost we need to tell the police what you look like and it's a LOT of paperwork. I have silver hair, I am 6'0, I usually wear a red suit and tie.
they had purple hair and blue eyes
Ah ok! next, how long have you been here?
"one year ever since my ex boyfriend blinded me"
ah I guess that leads in perfectly with the next on what rank are you? Blue? Red? Purple or are you one of my birth kids
ok last question, how are you feeling? I'm ok
"things could be better"
Thank you so much! make sure to grab a sweet treat and tell me what you garbed so I can restock!
"I'll have a doughnut"
-Ah welcome! I see you have either just joined or coming for your monthly assessment
Lets start small, shall we? What's your name? we all have names you can just call me grand-dad.-
"Of course, Granddad. My name is Kylee Thompson, here for my monthly assessment." She stated this with pride.

-Ah nice name next question, how old are you? I am 77-
"I am 36. Sometime's I feel the years are just flying by." Kylee sighs in recollection. "Well, that's what hard work in the name of our God can do! I wouldn't have it any other way." Kylee's words resonated with determination.

-ah I see next question what do you identify as there is nothing wrong with being a boy girl or ANYTHING in between I am a male-
" I'm proud to say I am a fully transitioned female! I've been taking hormone blockers since I was 18, and am happy to be my more feminine self since 19."

-ah yes gender Identity is quite a beautiful thing ain't it? alright next question, even though no one will be able to see you and you won't be able to see anyone what do you look like just some necessary information in the event of you getting lost we need to tell the police what you look like and it's a LOT of paperwork. I have silver hair, I am 6'0, I usually wear a red suit and tie.-
"Since the last time I've seen myself I had blonde hair, I'm not old enough for it to start graying yet, right?! Haha... But yeah- my hair comes down to my collar bones, I'm 5'9 but usually wear heels that bring me up anywhere between 2-6 inches, and I try to stay fashionable with my wardrobe, but I do love my blazers."

-Ah ok! next, how long have you been here?-
"17 years! Going on 18 this upcoming fall~"

-ah I guess that leads in perfectly with the next on what rank are you? Blue? Red? Purple or are you one of my birth kids-
"Ha, no, I'm not lucky enough to be one of your actual kids by blood. But I'm as devoted, maybe even more, as one with your genes would be! I'm still in Red Rank, and would like to say I'm making good progress toward becoming Purple. If slowly..."

-ok last question, how are you feeling? I'm ok-
"Honestly? I'm great! The light of our Lord is filling me to the brim! And I get to share and spread that light to all sorts of people with your help and guidance Granddad. Even now, I'm recounting your teachings as I'm guiding one of our newer recruits to the path to the promised lands!"

-Thank you so much! make sure to grab a sweet treat and tell me what you garbed so I can restock!-
"Thank you for your everlasting generosity, Granddad. I'll help myself to a cheese danish." Kylees heels clacked as she brought herself to the snack table, felt around for a few moments before landing on her target, and moved in confident strides towards the door to leave. She did a quick, silent prayer to herself and touched a cross pattern along her chest before biting into the danish. Delicious.

Warning: Mentions of Homophobia, Transphobia, and Self-Harm are in the Bio/Backstory
Name: Kylee Thompson
Age: 36
Gender: Female(transitioned)
Sexuality: Pan, has a preference for strong bodied ppl
-Slightly sun-tanned skin
-Shortish blonde, wavy hair that reaches down about an inch past her collarbone
-Golden-brown eye’s
-Height 5’9
-Has an extensive wardrobe but is often seen in lighter-colored blazers (light grey, tan, sometimes even pink or pastel blue) with a matching, but darker-colored undershirt, and compatible dress pants/long skirts. Wears accessories to match the outfit(necklaces, earrings, bracelets, headwear) and is often wearing high heels(making her even taller depending on the heel height)

She’s very blunt with her feelings and headstrong. Can be quite inconsiderate or even rude, but she cares in her own way. She’s very opinionated and isn’t shy to confrontation, but doesn’t actively look for a fight(though it can sometimes feel like she is). If she doesn’t like someone, she’ll make that very clear. She can be very passive-aggressive and petty if she wants to be, but if she takes a liking to you you’ll acquire a very loyal friend.

Kylee(born as Kyle) was born in a heavily Christian household in Detroit, Michigan. The second she showed signs of any understanding, her path as a good Protestant began. She’d been taken to church every Sunday, taken to children's bible study on Saturdays, studied at a Christian school where there was a class every day devoted to God and the bible, sent to bible camp during the summer, and once she was old enough, attended youth group after school every Thursday.
By the age of 14, Kyle(I’m going to refer to them as Kyle with he/him pronouns during this part until the moment they discover themselves and transition to she/her to make it easier for my brain) has read through the entirety of the bible dozens(some parts possibly hundreds) of times, analyzing every verse through several different perspectives accompanied by various pastors commentary. But even with all the book smarts and knowledge of his faith, Kyle still felt distinctly separated from God. Felt wrong and dishonest in his skin, felt every time he’d bow his head or fold his hands a strong feeling of disgust towards himself, the world, and the one who created both; God.
When Kyle was brought hunting with his dad he’d struggle to keep the disgruntled look from his face when they shot, killed, then gutted the animals. When Kyle joined the football team to appease the expectant look in his parents ’ eyes, he covered his reluctance and lack of interest with false energy. When Kyle dressed himself he ignored that he seemed to be the only one amongst his friends that color-cordinated his outfits, or even owned more than one pair of shoes. When Kyle looked in the mirror he chalked his dissatisfaction, discomfort, and even anger at what was reflected in the glass up to the insecurities of a teenager.
By the time Kyle was 16, he was always angry and depressed. He hated the world, his parents, and himself. Though his belief in God never wavered, his faith in them did. His prayers stopped being sincere(or if they were, they were hostile), any time he talked with his friends about God it was accompanied by sarcasm or sneers, and the only reason he continued going to youth group was to hang out with his friends and get his parents off his back.
Whenever Kyle wasn’t making trouble with his friends(parties, drinking, being lil shits, regular teen boy stuff) he’d end up in contemplation about what exactly was wrong with him. Why he felt so different and out of place.
There was even a brief moment where he thought he was gay, but he immediately discarded it since he’d had crushes on girls before. One night while he was feeling the body dysmorphia pretty strongly along with a heavy layer of the depression he’s become accustomed to he resorts to something he’s resorted to many times before, asking about it annonamiously online. He scrolled through all the posts others had made and responses to his own posts and stumbles on someone else describing their own situation and how they felt, as he continues reading he almost scoffed when his eye hit ‘Transgender’. But instead of rolling his eyes and closing out of the tab like he’d done countless times before when he’d crossed into similar territory, he instead hesitantly taps his fingers on his desk and rereads it. He lets himself think about it. Then it clicks.
She kept her realization to herself for a long while, still struggling against her own inner transphobia before she could even try to think of her parents, the schools, and the rest of the worlds.. Months had passed with constant talking to others about it online(anonymously) and revisiting it over and over in her mind before she decided she was sure. She was a she. She always had been.
She was already months into being 17 by the time she came out to her parents, who did not respond well to it. She was told she had a week to either get over her ‘phase’ or to get out. She lost practically all her friends and was ridiculed by almost all she knew. Someone she used to bully in middle school for being queer and blind was nice enough to reconnect though, and offered her a place to stay until she could find her own place. They ended up talking a lot, and are still close friends to this day.
Kyle, now renamed Kylee got herself together and made a life for herself. By 19 Kylee was well into taking Aldactone and fully self-sufficient with her own apartment, job, and everything. And now that she was feeling confident in her identity, she decided to work on her well-strained relationship with God.
She believed fully in the existence of God but felt the church she grew up with was skewed and flawed in their understanding of them. She devoted herself to finding the correct religion and way of worship of the Lord and came across the teachings of an unlisted user. She read through the articles and essays and came to feel very attached to the ideas and messages contained in them. All she could find for where the source came from was a link to a website page titled ‘See No Evil’

-Between the ages 14-17 Kylee partook in self-harm, she started at her wrists but quickly found that to be too conspicuous and instead went with cutting her inner thigh(she did this with a hunting blade her dad got her for her b-day when she was 11)
-She was raised in an environment that wasn’t lgbtq+ friendly, so was naturally prone to homophobia, transphobia, and anything in between. She even went so far as to harshly bully people who acted ‘fruity’ or ‘gay’(there wasn’t much of a concrete def. for it with them, gay just =’d bad)
-Her blind, queer friend isn’t in the cult, but she still contacts/hangs out with her frequently. The friend found Kylee joining the cult a bit weird at first but has gotten used to it and just accepted it as it was. Whenever Kylee goes into religious zealot mode they just smile and nod their head along until Kylee’s talked her fill and they move on.
-Even though Kylee is trans and takes hormone blockers, she still strongly rejects the idea of surgical interference, since it would tarnish God’s creation. :/
-She believes that God talks to those who’re at full peace with themselves and the world around them, and to obtain that peace one needs to erase their own bia’s and prejudices by taking away the ability to even consider them(sight) and combine themselves with the world. She considers it a great honor to be able to be in the presence of the only mortal(who currently lives) who has accomplished this(Granddad) and has a direct line with God
-Even though she was happy to give up her sight to live in the way of God’s word, she’d have to admit that she was disappointed she’d never be able to see how the outfits and fashion styles she chose worked out. Blindness doesn’t stop her from keeping up with the latest fashion trends and dressing well though! She can tell the color, pattern, and type of clothing she’s putting on by small grooves and weaving patterns in the clothes that she either made herself or had custom-made.
-Even though she’s not of the Christian faith anymore, she still believes in the word from the bible. She believes Jesus was someone similar to Granddad, and that the words of the bible still pertain to her God, just from a roughly translated, human perspective.
-She discovered her sexuality a good couple of years after transitioning
The Faker
as he pushed his way into the room he could see all of it a desk the fancy chairs and he sat down smiling he had gotten away with this for 13 years now this was more easy then he originally thought.
"Ah welcome! I see you have either just joined or coming for your monthly assessment" grand-dad said with a smirk
"hi grand-dad I'm here" he said his blue eyes darting around the room
"Leopold or Leo"
"Ah nice name next question, how old are you? I am 77"
"28... where does all that time go" he would say happily
"ah I see next question what do you identify as there is nothing wrong with being a boy girl or ANYTHING in between I am a male"
"I am a transgender male fully transitioned" he said with a smile
"ah yes gender Identity is quite a beautiful thing ain't it? alright next question, even though no one will be able to see you and you won't be able to see anyone what do you look like just some necessary information in the event of you getting lost we need to tell the police what you look like and it's a LOT of paperwork. I have silver hair, I am 6'0, I usually wear a red suit and tie"
he tried to not chuckle
"I'd say I'm blonde, blue eyes, 5'9, short hair, tan and usually have a red shirt, and black slacks" all it took was for him to look at himself
"Ah ok! next, how long have you been here?"
"3 years going on 4 in a month"
"ah I guess that leads in perfectly with the next on what rank are you? Blue? Red? Purple or are you one of my birth kids"
"I'm still a blue" he said with disappointment
"ok last question, how are you feeling? I'm ok"
"Thank you so much! make sure to grab a sweet treat and tell me what you garbed so I can restock!"
"I'll have some marshmallows"
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Athena was after Leo bumped into him by accident stepping on his shoe "Sorry..." she said with a frown she got in feeling along the walls and sitting down
"Ah welcome! I see you have either just joined or coming for your monthly assessment"
"Sup!" she said with a wide smile although no one or so she thought could see her
"Lets start small, shall we? What's your name? we all have names you can just call me grand-dad"
"Athena!" she said she itched around her blindfold and then sneezed
"bless you" Grad-dad said
"thank you" Athena said
"Ah nice name next question, how old are you? I am 77"
"27" Athena said "28 in a week!" she got happy
"ah I see next question what do you identify as there is nothing wrong with being a boy girl or ANYTHING in between I am a male"
"I Identify as a woman" she said with a smile
"ah yes gender Identity is quite a beautiful thing ain't it? alright next question, even though no one will be able to see you and you won't be able to see anyone what do you look like just some necessary information in the event of you getting lost we need to tell the police what you look like and it's a LOT of paperwork. I have silver hair, I am 6'0, I usually wear a red suit and tie"
"well from my memory I have pure ginger hair that is down to my back, one green eye, one blue eye, I have a scratch under my left eye, I'm about 5'5, my outfits fluctuate but you can always find me me with my hoodie!" she would describe herself in such detail.
"Ah ok! next, how long have you been here?"
"ever since my 4th birthday!" she thought for a moment after saying that "wow..."
"ah I guess that leads in perfectly with the next on what rank are you? Blue? Red? Purple or are you one of my birth kids"
"I just got into Purple last week!" she would say energy and self confidence
"ok last question, how are you feeling? I'm ok"
"Honestly? I feel....relieved as if I am in the right place..." she would smile with such happiness
"Thank you so much! make sure to grab a sweet treat and tell me what you garbed so I can restock!"
"it was a pleasure I'm on a diet right now but I guess I'll have one bag of gummys" she said getting up and leaving
TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of child abuse and neglect, Trauma, and all around "adults-being-jerks" itice, AND S/A in bio/backstory
Name: Athena Gold
Age: 27
Gender: cis female
Sexuality: Lesbian
-sun-kissed skin
-Ginger,it goes down to her back
-heterochromia green and blue eyes
-Height 5’5
-Has no sense of fashion
She’s very kind and helpful. she is very loyal almost like a dog type loyal. she is the type to help anyone and everyone she can. but she is very quiet at times
Athena Gold, born Catie Doe, had the misfortune of growing up in an incredibly detrimental environment. Her mother, a neglectful individual who prioritized her own vices, shamefully overlooked and disregarded her daughter's basic needs. Whether it was failing to provide nourishing meals or choosing not to invest in new clothing, it became apparent that her mother's actions were not driven by financial limitations, but rather by her desire to channel precious funds towards her destructive addictions, namely drugs, alcohol, and gambling.

As if her mother's neglect wasn't enough to burden her young heart, Athena's father subjected her to unfathomable trauma from the tender age of just one month old. He perpetrated disturbing acts of inappropriate touching, shattering any semblance of trust and safety she might have once felt. The depths of despair deepened when, at the age of one, she tragically experienced the loss of her innocence to her own father. The weight of these grotesque experiences became an unbearable burden, leading Athena to intensely despise her own life.

The agony became too much to bear, and on her fourth birthday, she impulsively made the gut-wrenching decision to run away, desperately hoping to put an end to her torment. Little did she know that fate had something else in store for her. In a cruel twist of irony, her escape route led her directly into the embrace of an enigmatic, blindfolded old man known lovingly as "Grand-dad" by the many who had encountered his compassionate soul.

Athena, overwhelmed by her own suffering, confided in this gentle stranger, pouring out her heart and recounting the atrocities she had endured. Astonishingly, it was this kind-hearted individual who extended an offer that defied her expectations - a refuge from the chaos and pain that had consumed her existence. Seeing the potential for resilience and strength within this wounded girl, he presented her with an opportunity to build a new life, one untainted by her past. It was in this moment that she made the courageous decision to reclaim her identity, renaming herself Athena Gold. This symbolic act served as a powerful statement, an outward manifestation of her determination to disentangle herself from the chains of her previous existence.

Embracing this newfound chance at happiness, Athena thrived, even though her sight remained veiled behind unyielding darkness. The lack of physical vision never managed to dampen the vibrant spirit that emanated from within her. Instead, it served as an invitation for her other senses to awaken and flourish, allowing her to perceive and appreciate the world in ways that defied conventional understanding. With each passing day, Athena continued to cultivate an indomitable resilience, a testament to the human spirit's capacity for recovery and transformation.
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