• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐤 & 𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲 - cs



Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)


Categories marked with an asterisk (*) will be optional!

title: (duke, duchess, sir, lady, etc.)
residence: (london or elsewhere):
social status:

distinguishing features:
(or a paragraph describing their physical features)
face claim:

PERSONA (those marked with * are optional)

family history:
(in this section, please include whether your character comes from old money, new money, or perhaps they are middle class trying to become upper class!)

character history:
(can be divided into the following categories)

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the meddler.






full name

evelyn anastasia ellington









cis-female (she/her)



ellington house, mayfair, london


social class


  • incandescent.

    full of strong emotion; passionate.

♡coded by uxie♡
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josephine finch

the author

fc. ellipse chapell

♡coded by uxie♡


the author




  • 01.



    Lady Josephine Finch



    Josie, Jo






    Female; she/her



    Heterosexual (?)



    Goodwood House, Chichester, UK.


    Social Status.

    Upper Class


    Josephine always hated the color of her eyes. Her brothers inhereted their mothers beautiful blue hues, bright and deep like the ocean or a crystal clear pond. But she shared her father’s hazy hues, a captivating blend of dark characoal and swirling silver, as if there were a storm brewing just inside her eyes. Despite her disdain of the shade of grey, her striking eyes were often admired by some. Profundly intenese with a mysterious allure, they betrayed Josephine’s every emotion. Be it joy or fear or disgust, the stormy, clouded eyes would reveal all to anyone who peered into them for more than a moment or two.

    Despite her often severe disposition at times, Josephine’s gentle apperance wouldn’t give away her stubborn and fussy nature. Delicate face with a sprinkle of freckles and perfectly pink lips, had she not lived in the countryside of England, Josephine perhaps might be the bell of some fancy fall elsewhere. Honey brown hair falls in loose waves down her back when kept loose, soft and well maintained by her governess and herself.

    Lacking in stature, espeically in comparison to her brothers, Josephine is, at times, a spitting image of her late mother. Beautiful, strong, unaware of the effect she has on certain individuals. Striking. Certainly not what she thought of herself, but perception is often a tricky mistress.




    Ellise Chappell

♡coded by uxie♡

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  • info

    theo berkeley.

    name: The Honorable Theodore Hamish Berkeley
    nicknames: Theo, Mr. Berkeley,
    age: 19
    birthday: Feburary 7th
    gender: Cisgender Male
    sexuality: Bisexual

    residence: Cranbrook House, Middlesex, London / The Berkeley Estate, Berkeley, Gloucestershire (formally)
    social status: Nobility
    reputation: Good
    occupation: Private Tutor for the Wealthy

    face claim: Kim Ji-Woong (ZB1)
    hair: Black and Wavy, Usually Pushed Back
    eyes: Brown and Wide Eyed
    height: 5'10''
    weight: 70kgs
    health conditions: None
    body modifications: None
    distinguishing features: Prominent Lips, Sharp Jawline and Wide Eyes.

coded by weldherwings.
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Helena Althorpe

Name: Lady
Helena Althorpe
Title: Dowager Marchioness of Northampton
Age: 43
Gender: Female, She/Her
Residence: Castle Ashby, Northamptonshire, England + Forty
Hall, London,
England (during
social season)
Social Status:
Upper Class Noblewoman
Hair: Brown, long
and straight
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'5"
features: Always dressed to the


Personality: Helena is a woman who has been hardened by the world. Upon meeting her, you'll see that she's cold and keeps a good distance between herself and others. She has a graceful dignity about her, always composed and thinking through her every move. Having the ability to keep herself collected even in tough situations, she's rarely seen raising her voice or partaking in unbecoming conversation. If she ever finds herself in conflict she tends to just ignore the person, icing them out of her circle completely. She is a bit of a skeptic, being constantly bombarded with relatives trying to get closer to her for money makes her carefully assess the motivations of those around her and she tends to see the worst in people.
When one breaks through Helena's outer shell, highly built walls intended to keep her from getting hurt, they see that when she cares, she cares deeply. Fiercely loyal, she'd do anything to protect those she has allegiances with. She can be shockingly honest, coming from a place of love, believing that withholding the truth can only harm others. Even with those she isn't close to, she is never needlessly cruel. Even if she doesn't come across as the warmest person in the room, she is always kind to those around her.
A women primarily guided by survival, now with no need to fight to survive. Sometimes she wishes she took a more risky path in life, doing something adventurous, something other than becoming a wife and mother. But for now, she in content in the comfort of her wealth and power- looking to the next generation to do something bolder with their lives.
Likes: Fashion, dinner parties, gardens, the opera, birds, fruit, people with ambition
Dislikes: Rain, dogs, dancing, writing letters, selfish people
Ambitions: To find someone who she believes to be worthy of named her heir. Someone with ambition and courage, who'd do something meaningful with the money and title. Sure her children would get a chunk of money no matter what, but she believes them to be spoiled and unworthy of receiving the grand resources that being her heir would give them.
Reputation: Powerful and wealthy, people respect Helena. Being left with a title and more money than she could spend in a few lifetimes, she doesn't really need other people to approve of her to live a comfortable life. Still, people tend to suck up to her- wanting a taste of her success. This is not to say her name isn't completely clean of scandal. Having come from an initially solid upper middle class family, rising in the ranks of society rapidly through marriage, many viewed her as a gold digger. Her having two marriages, both with wealthy widowers who were a bit older than her didn't help the gossip. These whispers did go away with time though, and currently the nasty speculation that she was only fortune hunting has faded. Only ever being spoken about briefly, in the darkest corners of rooms, with the hope that the gossip would never be traced to whoever had spoken it out of fear of the now grand and powerful woman.


Family History: Helena Althorpe was born Helena Morris. Her parents, Julia and Levi Morris, were solidly upper middle class. Well off, but not having accumulated enough resources to break into society through money alone. Levi was born middle class and followed in his father's footsteps, becoming a merchant who sold expensive imports. Julia was less financially well off than Levi and their marriage was not out of love but planned out by Julia so she could secure a comfortable future for herself. They eventually had two children, Helena and Fiona Morris, both beautiful girls with much to offer.
Childhood: Growing up, Helena always felt the pressure of her parent's marriage. It was all a performance they put on really, in public they were a loving family but behind closed doors they were cold and unloving, always very tense. Both Levi and Julia were ambitious people, they wanted to use their image as a family to try and make a place for themselves in society. Helena never really had to worry about money, her family maintained a comfortable amount of wealth, but she always had to worry about her image. She was the perfect child. Always calm, polite, and poised. She took it upon herself to make sure her younger sister followed in her footsteps. A more emotional child, Fiona was never quite as collected as Helena, but Helena made sure that her sister presented herself in an acceptable way to her parents. Helena never really got much of a childhood. With her parents viewing their daughters as tickets to society, just things they could use to marry off and reap the benefits, she was made to grow up fast. She thought about her future early and perfected herself in order to not prove to be a disappointment.
Adolescence: (CW- forced marriage) Helena's adolescence was spent primarily training herself how to be the perfect wife. It was no life for a teenager to lead, still it is what she felt she had to do. A part of her was also doing this to protect her sister, thinking that if she was able to marry well enough, Fiona would be spared a life of misery in a forced marriage. She learned how to dance, play piano, sing, speak French, proper etiquette, how to be a good partner in conversation, anything that she thought would make her a more appealing wife. Her father eventually made some connections and made headway into becoming a part of society, getting himself and Helena invited to a few balls. This was mostly due to Helena appealing to Levi's more noble clients, many of whom took an interest in the girl. She was 17 when she met her first husband, 18 by the time they were married. Baronet Darby Eaton was lower down in society, but in society none the less. He had a great heap of money, and offered enough to Helena's parents so that they'd be able to buy their way into society. Nearly 20 years Helena's senior, he had a late wife who had passed away a year or so prior and a young son from his previous marriage. The girl was thrust into being a wife and mother early, which hardened her greatly.
Adulthood: As the Baronet Darby Eaton's wife, Helena lived comfortably. He had wealth and property, which was all Helena was looking for in her marriage. Society was not particularly fond of her then. To them, she was just a merchant's daughter looking for a meal ticket. The whispers were nasty, but she tried to tune them out. She had a comfortable life, she was a good wife and was good to her stepson, although he wasn't the best to her. Her stepson, Robert Eaton, was severely spoiled and didn't respect her as much as he would his real mother. She worked hard to maintain the person a of a perfect, supportive wife. She had two children with the Baronet, she had her daughter, Samantha, at 20 and her son, Gregory, at 21. She was a very compassionate mother, but was also quite strict, only wanting her children to be the best people they could be. She tried to avoid putting pressure on them to be the best in society, wanting to spare them from the childhood she had. Helena's sister married a nice merchant around her age. The man was the same social and material status as their family- so the girl's parents weren't too pleased, but Fiona was happy and that's all the mattered to Helena.
Her life was bland, living to be an accessory to a man, until the Baronet passed away at the age of 49. She was 30 then. When the will was read, most of the man's fortune went to his son. Helena did, however, receive his residence- Forty Hall in London. Well she did have a place to live, she knew she couldn't maintain herself through the rest of her life, depending on her deeply selfish stepson. So, after about a year she went back in to the marriage market, this time as a widow. Her reputation wasn't the best, but it wasn't awful either. Many people, particularly other ladies, said she was only after money, but she had a reputation as a graceful and skilled woman. She was a valuable asset. It was then that she met the widower Reginald Althrope, Marquess of Northampton. It was all so shocking to her really. Helena expected whoever she married to be merely a business transaction, someone she could provide company to and in turn receive comfort. But, Reginald was kind and thoughtful and smart, she began to develop genuine feelings for him. He was about eight years her senior, but none of that mattered, they loved each other. They got married and Helena and her children lived in the Castle Ashby along with the Marquess and his daughter. Helena had it all in those six years. Love, wealth, power. She quickly became well respected in society, everyone wanted to be on her good side. It was like a dream. That dream came crashing down when Reginald passed away six years ago. Helena got it all. The title, the money, everything was hers this time. Still, she was left with heartbreak. Mourning lasted for a while, but she did bounce back eventually (even if her late husband occupied most of her dreams). She restored herself to become the graceful, poised Marchioness of Northampton, a valued ally in society. She occupied some of her time playing matchmaker for young couples she deemed to be worthwhile personalities, making introductions in hopes that they would end up happy- unlike her in her first marriage. She was wanted at all the high society events, an audience with her became a blessing, she had connections and money- what more could a woman want?
(flexible on this, I'd love to plot a niece or nephew or someone related to Helena through a husband's side with someone's character if anyone is up for it)
Levi Morris, father, deceased
Julia Morris, mother, 63
Fiona Nelson, sister, 39
Grant Nelson, brother-in-law, 40
Thomas Nelson, nephew, 19
Desmond Nelson, nephew, 15
Baronet Darby Eaton, first husband, deceased
Baronet Robert Eaton, stepson, 28
Florinda Eaton, stepdaughter in law, 25
Duncan Eaton, step grandchild, 2
Samantha Hackett, daughter, 23
Earl Dominic Hackett, son in law, 25
Gregory Eaton, son, 20
Marquess Reginald Althorpe, second husband, deceased
Ester Sterling, stepdaughter, 21
Marquess Clarence Sterling, stepson in law, 22


The Dowager


coded by mountainpost
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  • 🕊🕊


♡design by neon reverie, coded by uxie♡
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Nicholas ambrose.

the heir.

Ioan Gruffudd.

♡coded by uxie♡





The seasons send their ruin as they go,


Lord Nicholas Percival Ambrose.

Also known as

His mother enjoys calling him Percival, or Percy. Friends call him Nick.



gender & pronouns

Cismale, He/Him.




Carlton Towers, North Yorkshire, UK.

Social Status



Earl of Surrey, An adventuring scholar aspiring to know more about the world, Soon-to-be Duke of Norfolk.


For in the spring the narciss shows its head

A mess of brown curls too thick to really push back into the popular styles sported by his peers. He complains fondly of its unruly nature amidst his travels on horseback, as it lives on his scalp freely yet bares no loyalty to him.
If it hadn't been the endless sea of thoughts brewing within the Ambrose's deep brown eyes, there wouldn't be much special about them. They're hiding something, they must be. Dark, holding secrets of the owner like a mahogany chest would possessions. They shine a warmer color under the light of the sun's tricks, some gossip that they remind them of a fiery amber.
Save the curls on his head, his hands are rougher than those of the same status as him—calloused from his seemingly endless expeditions. His smiles rarely reach his eyes, somewhat forced to those watchful enough to catch it.
— coming soon.
Ioan Gruffud circa Hornblower Retribution.


Nor withers till the rose has flamed to red,

An Atlas holding the weight of expectations and responsibilities since birth, Nicholas was a marble statue sculpted for no less than perfection. A diligent son in his boyhood, devoted to doing nothing more than to appease his father. If a guest of the Ambrose family, expect an array of tales and stories from Duchess Ambrose about her beloved son from his youth where he was practically burning the candle at both ends for his father's approval. Be it from hours spent hunched over his desk, determined to write to his father when he was away on travels, recounting the knowledge he has learned from his tutor for the day, or even walking around in the boots of his father no matter how big they were. Now as a man, things were different yet all the same.

One of the brightest minds in university. Renaissance man. A sharp wit like no other. It was no surprise that Nicholas excelled in the academe and went on to grab a taste of the world unknown. Nose stuck in a book or head in the clouds of dreams as friends fondly remarked. How odd to see him every social season engaging in small talk and smiling through hopeful flirting. The Nicholas they knew barely had any time for the sort. Hands constantly fiddling on a project and mouth spent blathering on about a future trip or one that came prior. A man of many faces is what he tried to be, an actor with many roles to play in order to still keep the little pleasures he had left.

The Nicholas society knew was a portrait painted from shards of truth. He was chivalrous to all he met, bowing and kissing another's knuckle when needed and giving politeness to those who sought it of him. Charismatic at his core, wearing a handsome smile paired with gentle laughs. He knew how to charm an audience, to give the hungry nobility the man they wished to see. A sliver of the Earl of Surrey they imagined him to be during his long periods away from their watchful eyes. All he gave were truthful, yes, but also admittedly, forced. Ambition is what fueled him in his past performances and what continues to fuel him. If it weren't for his love of his family, he would have run away and never looked back the moment he graduated university. He would have traveled across the globe and seen every corner the sun hit. Instead, he enjoyed his slivers of freedom, bit back his tongue, and did what he's always done. Be the Ambrose's beloved heir.
A young gentleman and heir to a notable title, gossip surrounding Nicholas Ambrose among husband-seeking ladies and their harpy-like mothers has mostly been surrounding his eligibility. An ideal candidate to pursue, no doubt. Though, those who attempted to earn his affections in the previous seasons canard of his demurral towards their soft smiles and batting lashes, only seeming to engage out of politeness and manners. After which, he exits the moment leaves begin to orange and fall, off on yet another venture far away from the socialites of London.

However, as he makes his return, loose lips from the staff of the Ambrose family go on about the Earl of Surrey's (and soon-to-be Duke of Norfolk) sudden change of heart. All should be taken with a grain of salt, of course, but has sparked optimistic debutants wondering: shall this be the season Lord Ambrose finds partnership?

the wide eyes of discovery ; pressing flowers between book pages to keep track ; the growing hoard of trinkets on his bedside that he has amassed from his travels ; a quiet walk along the forests surrounding his family's property ; astronomy, witnessing celestial events ; the taste of chamomile tea before bed to ease his running mind.
hollow conversations ; the rumble of thunder ; crowded rooms and the little air they give ; the taste of failure ; ticks of a clock as time bleeds out ; the stench of smoke.
; All twenty-four years of his life have been spent creating the next Duke of Norfolk and Nicholas would rather eat dirt from his yard than let it all go to waste. No matter the odds and stakes, the leaps of hurdles and hoops, and the demands of his bedridden father, he will fulfill his life's purpose.
; Selfishly, he wishes to continue his travels and learn as much about the world as he can. An academic at heart, and a curious one at that, he hopes to know more than what the writers before him had published of their adventures. And he wishes to witness life's wonders first-hand than simply through his imagination.

[ DUKE PERCIVAL AMBROSE SR. ] 59 years old. Current Duke of Norfolk, his father. A dying man too stubborn to rest till his son betroths.
[ DUCHESS CECELIA AMBROSE. ] 53 years old. Duchess of Norfolk, his mother. Desperate for grandchildren to fill an already hollowing manor.
[ AUGUSTA AMBROSE ] 20 years old. His younger sister. Both are entering the season together, both are equally as reluctant.


And in the autumn purple violets blow,

— coming soon.


And the slim crocus stirs the winter snow

♡coded by uxie♡
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the debutante

Lust for Life
vitamin string quartet

name: Marjolaine De Lacy
title: Miss
age: 24
gender: Female (She/her)
sexuality: Bisexual
residence: Landsdowne House in South Berkeley, Central London ; off-season spent at Bowood House in Wiltshire
social status: Sponsored by her maternal family relations, the Marquess John Petty-Fitzmaurice of Lansdowne and his wife, Marchioness Hortense Petty-Fitzmaurice (Upper class)

hair: Copper locks, golden in some lights and pure amber in others, frame her face natural curls: frizzy and thicker if left untamed. They are usually swept up into some fancy chignon, though hardly does the hair stay in its place.
eyes: Hazel eyes, grass green and yet dirt brown at the same time, stare with mischievous foolhardiness. Low lidded and smeared in some chalky colour, or just a swipe of tinted oil, attempt to blossom her gaze into something more vibrant and exciting. Staring and utterly so captivated, these eyes can perform a trick of looking near caramel in low light.
height: 5'6"
distinguishing features: Aside from the red hair, a remarkable and identifying feature, Marjolaine has fairly ruddy cheeks. Her laugh can be heard across the room: an annoying, bird-like cackle.
face claim: Haley Bennett



Rather coquettish and charming, Marjolaine holds herself in a feather and silk-wrapped embrace. She takes joy in fine things, far more joy than would be expected of someone who was raised upper class (proving, to the well-trained skeptic, that she was not at all). Greedy to a degree, it stems from a life of impoverishment and longing. Chatty and humorous, sometimes Marjolaine does not know when to be quiet at all. She laughs, holds herself aloft the embrace of others, and finds elation in the combined enjoyment of others. A social creature by design, de Lacy hates the silence. She must fill it, somehow, by speaking or moving about. Clinging to these fanciful daydreams of a better life, even at the cost of her own 'happiness' in a marriage or agreement, she would do it for the chance to live lavishly until her death. Self-serving at her core, she will do what is needed to elevate her position. Most of the time she is screaming at herself to run, run and never look back: but the fear of losing everything that she has gained so far, and could gain, holds her from doing the unthinkable. She is not miserly, nor would she let melancholy hold her tightly. She welcomes her emotions, as big as they may be, and will use it to persuade those around her. Crocodile tears are frequent, though they do hold some degree of realness to them. Her manipulations continue to conversation, where she tries to appear far more intellectual and inspired by French enlightenment than actually capable. Vapid, really, the statements are simple and hold no greater meaning: but she speaks them as if she was Voltaire himself. Attention is her prize, and the game is holding it.


Letting down her mother, the Marquess and Marchioness, as well as her own father's memory. To become nothing, outed for the lies she continues to tell (as amusing as they are). To be rejected and humiliated in a brutish, public way. Failure and abandonment cusp most of Marjolaine's fears.


To marry well, wealthy and into some degree of established peerage. Ideally, of course, though the Petty-Fitzmaurices have made it clear that even landed gentry would be fine to hold up their end of the bargain. To establish herself in society as someone to know, and to put the Petty-Fitzmaurice legacy on a pedestal of idolatry. To have parties, attend parties and stuff herself full of gossip, pastries and the company of others.


Most notably, being her first season and first debut, little is known about Miss de Lacy, other than that which she has sought to cultivate herself (or her family has, be extension). She reports many things about herself, and has notably considered herself younger than she is: 21, at best. She says to any who ask that her father was a renowned, former French general— Napoleon himself if anyone inquires further. She says that she is an heiress, a sponsored orphan taken in by her late mother's cousin. (Far from the truth, as her mother is at the estate in Wiltshire). Fleeing from the ceaseless fighting, seeking a new life and greater horizons in England, she has maintained consistency in the fact that she is without a doubt not from here. All are factors that, hopefully, would make her exciting and endearing enough to secure a marriage for greater tidings. Though they are desperate fabrications, it is ideal that none of these lies find themselves exposed.


Whether or not Marjolaine truly desires wealth and power (ideally) is beyond her own recognition at this point, even. Having spent so long starving, desperate for something good to happen she is clinging to the notion that if she tries and cheats hard enough she will make her way to the top (whatever the top is, really). It is what she was taught and instructed to strive for, now that she is making her way for a debut to society. Inside, really, same as anyone with nothing to lose: she desires, maybe, for something to fight for that isn't her own prosperity or that of her mother. Love, even, if you were to peel the layers of such a statement back: though she'd never admit it, finding no purpose for love aside from fleeting fancies and fun-loving courtships.

family history: Though the de Lacys, her mother's maternal family, carry little ties beyond a few businesses from cousins here and there in the British Isles, it was the marriage of Hortense de Lacy to John Petty-Fitzmaurice that cemented some amount of renown to the family bloodline (though not through the patrilineal line, and thus not enough to garner further elevation for generations to come). Elevating herself, though she and the Marquis had no kids, it was enough to mean something to her. Of Marjolaine's natural father, he is not known: her mother is, however, convinced that a young Bonaparte coupled with her that night, 24 years ago. Of Marjolaine's father by marriage, to whom her mother had tried to save herself from impiety, Martin Thouronde was a baker by trade, carrying little esteem in his own estate. Her own mother, Christine de Lacy, has little to call her own from her own immediate family. Her father, Marjolaine's grandfather, had gambled most of the money (what little they had) some years ago after Christine had run off to marry the baker's son that she had fallen for (so she claimed, though it was out of desperation from having a child out of wedlock).

childhood: Born with the same ruddy complexion and wild, orange hair that she would maintain through the rest of her life, Marjolaine de Lacy was born out of wedlock, the result of a one night stand between Marjolaine's mother and an unknown man. Though he had claimed to be a French general, no one is to say: though, despite the incorrect timeline, Christine de Lacy said that it was Napoleon himself who gifted her a beautiful child. Heavily pregnant in the streets of Paris, condemned by her father for her act, she'd fallen upon the doorstep of a young baker. Martin Thouronde had accepted the woman, loved her deeply, and they married after the child was born. Marjolaine would consider Martin her father, though it would be her own mother that told her time and time again that he was not. She told stories, deluded in her own right, seemingly waiting for the day that she'd be scooped into the life of an empress. She did love Martin, despite all of her ramblings, but not nearly so much as the dreams of extravagance that taunted her every night.

They lived in a dingy apartment above the bakery, all the while the sounds of revolution breathed new life into the Paris landscape around them. While stories boast of enlightenment, of the French people holding a grip over society that the aristocrats had once held, the truth was far more brutal. Marjolaine, as a child witnessed the starvation spreading from the countrysides to the streets; the beheadings in the name of liberty. Though she was fairly young, and unable to make much sense of it beyond what she could see and hear of those around her, the bloody stains on the guillotine would remain a particularly lasting memory. Though neither parent were particularly in favour of the revolution (favouring living and surviving above all), Martin did hold some revolutionary ideals. He attended meetings and conversations often, petitioning in favour of rights for men. Marjolaine and her mother, rather, were mere bystanders to it all. Her mother had some thoughts on the whole matter, but was not swayed which way or another: simply missing life back in England.
adolescence: Martin became entrenched deeply in political life following the revolution, conscripting by the time that the terror had ended. After serving his due twelve months he returned for more; perhaps the man had never had any life to call his own. Prior, simply the son of a baker, he'd had nothing to go for. Though he was gone often he sent what money he could off a soldier's stipends, though it was nothing at all. Marjolaine's mother spent it very rarely on upkeep at the bakery, running out of supplies and running short on payments for the space most months. Marjolaine assisted where she could, but being still so young and invigorated by life she sought to explore the city around her instead.

She fell in with a variety of crowds, floating from group to group with never any intentions. Eavesdropping at doors, at windows, Marjolaine became accustomed to gossip and rumours. Scraping for food, trinkets to sell off and whatever way possible to provide subsidiary income (as life had never regulated from the revolution, not even with Martin off fighting and sending what he could). By the time that things seemed to regulate, with Napoleon's influence restoring Paris to some sort of lull, the worst would come to pass: Martin would, in a skirmish, die in battle. Leaving Christine and Marjolaine fully and well alone, Christine's desperation reached new levels. She seemed wholly convinced of Napoleon being Marjolaine's father, raising her daughter in such a way as to fight to survive. Survival was, after all, political strife as much as a physical battle in itself.

Once old enough she took to manning the bakery with her mother, who had in recent years neglected her duties. Plagued by grief, exhaustion and her fanciful daydreams, it became clear to her that she could not live like this; could not see her daughter live this way— not so young, and with so much potential. Selfishly motivated, however, Christine wanted to see what greatness she could leech off of her daughter.
adulthood: By the time that Marjolaine was twenty-two, Christine had finally thrown in the towel and sent a latter to her dear cousin, Hortense. They had been close as children, writing often and very frequently before Christine's excommunication from the family had severed most of the contact she had with the rest of them. Pleading and desperate, Christine wrote of her young, beautiful and rough daughter (who she described to be 18 at best, nineteen soon) who she hoped to introduce into society. She described the loss of Marjolaine's father, the life they lived (a little exaggerated for benefit), and her woes of having a child who would die unknown). Though it took some time to correspond back and forth, a few years passing, eventually the bleeding heart of Hortense wept for her cousin. Inviting them both to seek refuge and start a new life outside of France, they were sent on a ship out to England.

On arrival, however, Christine made it clear to her daughter where her intentions lay. Driving home the fact that this would be better for the both of them, for whatever children she should hope to have one day, and her own quality of life. To Marjolaine, as high as the stakes were, she considered it a game. Sparing little for seriousness, but amused nonetheless, she entertained her mother. By the time they got to the estate in Wiltshire, the Petty-Fitzmaurices were rather sure that they'd been duped by their cousin. Both played their part, Marjolaine assisting her mother in spinning what lies she could. It was all necessary, and all true— she was young, simply buxom and moulded by growing up in the harsh landscape of a revolutionary Paris.

Though they were not completely fooled, they did not seek to kick the two out. Presenting their side of the bargain, and perhaps longing in part for a 'child' of their own, a sponsor to tote their name and bring it good fortune and reputation, they were empathetic to Marjolaine— but not her mother. It began to sew seeds of jealousy, but Marjolaine would ignore it, favouring the newfound lavishness that came with residing with her cousins.


marjolaine de lacy.

designed by bad ending. & coded by xayah.ღ
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Cpt. Arthur Darling

# the hussar

# theo james

♡coded by uxie♡

name: Arthur J. Darling
title: Captain, The Hon.
age: 29
gender: Male (He/Him)
sexuality: Heterosexual
residence: Lyme Park Manor, Cheshire; although Arthur flits to and from their townhouse in Mayfair, London.
social status: Upper Class
occupation: Captain in the 18th Royal Hussars.

Broad-shouldered, bold, and strapping in uniform; Captain Darling is of a brawnier, soldiering nature, adverse to the standards set by good breeding for he ought to have inherited none of it. Thick hair holds a loose, boyish curl, kept short to both frame the face and fall wayward across his forehead⁠—a complementary umber, similar in hue to his eyes for which many a scorned woman would rather equate to mud.

A square jaw undercuts high, but not necessarily shapely cheekbones, however the creases imparted by laughter and convivial merrymaking mark their worth upon his features in an open, fetching fashion⁠; deigning him of a good, albeit wayward nature. Dark brows sit low, consequently appearing brooding when not upturned with humour, though they well-match his tall-bridged nose that sits ever so slightly askew from a horse-riding incident in his youth. Maintaining his grooming with exceptional pride of his straight, full set of pearly teeth⁠—save for a select handful of capped molars and silver front canine, lost against the blugeoning hilt of a frenchman’s sabre⁠—is consequentially the Hussar’s other memorable identifier, between the impressive sideburns and moustache that sits over his fuller bottom lip. It’s been said that a man might charm with a grin, and Darling's practically shines.

Donned in the gilded finery that his familial wealth has to offer, Arthur retains a sense of what’s expected in his social circles even when travelling to and fro at the behest of the army. Acknowledging the bypass his regimental colours give him with the current climate, it’s accepted that he uses these almost too loosely to get away with behaviours that a gentleman ought not to exhibit in the presence of others. Namely his love of drink. Nevertheless, beyond the scent of gentle soaps and rosemary oil, is the fuller and almost incense-like cologne of sandalwood and bergamot.

height: 6’3”
face claim: Theo James

The black sheep of Lyme Park, Arthur projects himself as larger than life in every available excess⁠—from being known as a man of great appetites for both spirits and women, to his unsavoury temper and headstrong inclinations, what comes across as vain is a desperate grab for attention. Eager to please those around him, Darling seeks approval where he finds none in his own homelife, a compulsion for which drives the Captain to become nigh overbearing. Plying close friends, courtships, and lovers with gifts, the more extravagant the better, he seeks to omit emotional bonds in favour of the material⁠—yet this cannot be guaranteed to last, for as he may act the sympathetic fool, Darling is quick to grow bored, perhaps of the distance that he, himself, creates.

A good Captain despite his clear pitfalls, Arthur is quick to assume roles of authority without forethought. By no means a genius, his use of strategy in the line of duty, manning routine skirmishes and reconnaissance missions on the Peninsula have garnered him a healthy respect. Albeit many return from time spent in his company with tales of high morale and a young sense of reinvigorating charisma, maintaining a close relationship to his fellow officers and cavalrymen that form a basis of trust and reputation in the 18th.

Involved in sports as avidly as he gambles on them, the Captain’s penchant for horses bleeds into his love of racing them⁠—possessing his own to both breed and sell amid that of his position in the cavalry, the Darling’s foothold is firm with their admissions to the annual Derby and prized for their trusty, high quality steeds. Entirely Arthur’s passion project, though he seems to lose his earnings from their runs at the card tables.

With war comes unavoidable loss, a barrage to shake a man’s sense of life and death to the bone; where the guns rumble in the deep and boys are found trampled into the earth, Darling represses the tremor in his hands⁠—feigning ignorance of how his reliance grows with the taste of brandy still saccharine on his tongue. His days of womanising begin to grow closer to their end, with his father's demands growing in greater threat, Darling fears he must come to heel and at last comply.

To fully monetise the Darling’s stables within the horse trade; establishing themselves as Derby-quality breeders, and to settle down at his father’s behest with a girl of good reputation. One that might uplift his own public image, to see the blackguard at last reined in.

A fickle gentleman who has failed with regularity to wed, Arthur’s reputation as a rake is not entirely unfounded. With a great fondness for squandering his wealth in London’s clubs, habitually turning up to dances after imbibing too much Dutch courage, it’s not science to wonder why he’s managed to remain a bachelor all these years. However, the income and position of his family, the Darlings, proves to still endear enough that present him as an attractive option⁠—that and his notoriety for sparing little expense for whomever catches his eye. Yet there is a rumour, distant history to some, that the Captain for all his courage, turned to cowardice; having duelled over a noblewoman’s heart and shot her lover while his back was turned. A charge he was acquitted from with pressure of his father’s position as Lord Chief Justice, amid the whispers of murder.

family history:
The Darlings began their origins in the lucrative business of religion; Bishops and Archbishops, rectors and clergymen, it proved to be William Darling who broke the mould and turned his sights on lawmaking. Knighted and eventually bestowed the title of the Baron of Warrington in their home county, William Darling succeeded the role of Lord Chief Justice. Accumulating wealth and influence though without the standing of Duke or Marquess, the Darlings are a powerhouse within parliament⁠—entertaining a close relationship to the current Regent, George IV through the privy council.

Baroness Beatrice Darling, priorly known to be the beauty of her parish, whose father had purchased a baronetcy in fulfilling his role as a country gentleman, could attest to a lineage of merchants and factory barons. Her union to William was met initially with enthusiasm, however the progressive and ever-frequent loss of reality caused her presence to be swept under the rug entirely. Hidden from the public, not much is known of the reclusive Baroness, having long faded from high society as their eyes turned toward the impressive nature of her husband’s work.

Only producing two progeny from their marriage, the elder son Arthur, and that of a younger son, Matthew. It became somewhat widespread knowledge that Matthew was removed from their hereditary seat of Chesire to live with his uncle, the Bishop of Worcester and his wife indefinitely. Rumours were he must've been a bastard, yet the family decided it was best he was seperated from his mother, lest the madness impart stress upon his developing mind.

character history:
The first child of his neurotic and ailing mother, Arthur was born in the waning springtime; all but unremarkable save for how the frost hung heavy well into the season. A difficult labour followed by melancholia drove Beatrice near mad, as she confessed to having felt entrapped by the pink-faced thing that squirmed and shrieked, wailing in gasps, something she’d almost died for. Something she thought, would’ve been better off dead. It comes as no surprise that some women were never meant to be mothers, Arthur came to acknowledge as such in his youth, that the very act of mothering had shattered the remnants of her maternal compassion. This broken mirror she’d inherited from her own mother, and the mother before her, and so on.

Helpless, downy-haired, like a fledgling in the nest yet to fall, Beatrice had pressed his blankets over his infantile cries. Though she hadn’t time to silence him, pulled off by the wetnurse and resigned to being locked in her chambers until a doctor was called. She had loved William⁠—in truth, keen on him as any young girl in her first throes of fancy, albeit it hadn’t been enough to avert her fate. Expectation was to be upheld, traditions must be met, and her duties in producing an heir came to the end of an exhaustive tether; dogged by miscarriages and the sickness that plagued her waking hours whilst carrying it as she’d come to call him.

William Darling learned the ways of fathering from the church, devout as any clergyman and twice as strict, he rarely spared the rod for fear of spoiling his only son. With a wife considered to be hysteric, tended to at all hours, and his own duties on the Northern circuit acting as a judge prior to his succession of Chief Lord Justice, much of Arthur’s earliest memoirs were tutors; older Aunts who carted him off or remained as caretaker and the flitting presence of nannies, moving in the corner of one's eye as if shadowy figures of comfort⁠—ghosts in a long, hazy dream.

Beatrice would recover her faculties over the course of a decade, eventually considered stable enough to resume life with the family. It’d not be something Arthur would witness for any particularly long period, shipped off to Eton as of age eight and rarely brought home save for Christmastide due to the extensive distance needed to travel by stagecoach. During these years of her better health, Beatrice would fall with child a second time. Her last. Tempers and worries inflamed by the attempt on Arthur’s life as an infant, Matthew⁠—christened without her consent as she’d contested the name Thomas⁠—was sooner torn from her arms than allowed within her reach.

Undone and alone, isolated by a husband who couldn’t understand, Beatrice’s mental state deteriorated, delving between catatonic trances and self-inflicted wounds. William would confine her to her bed, restrained and left to rot save for the ministrations of a live-in nurse.

Arthur often felt closest when holding her hand, as his mother’s gaze focussed upon a great nothingness that consumed her from the inside out.

Eton, nevertheless, proved escapism. He’d managed to fit in well with the rambunctious nature of school, fixated upon sports and horse riding, so much so he’d begged his father for a mare of his own to train and raise⁠—granted, mayhaps out of pity. The young Darling was hardly his father’s son, preoccupied by the rowdier nature of brawling and making a fool of himself, clinging to the highs of attention and admiration other’s afforded his antics. Academia passed over his head, preferring to scale trees and kick shins; most notably being thrown from his horse at the tender age of fourteen⁠, landing on his face and permanently setting his nose off-kilter.

Matthew was soon removed from the manor at the tender age of five, although Arthur remained. He’d not minded, or perhaps he’d pretended, knowing which of his father’s sons had been cherished more. One would witness, the other living in bliss, eventually proving the more gifted of the two.

Aged seventeen, rather than devote his time and qualifications, or lack thereof, to university⁠—Darling and a group of his closest friends, decided to spend their best years in the army. All of them capable horse riders, keen strategists, and fresh-faced graduates, the cavalry’s colours called with tales of adventure and righteous slaughter. To take the King’s shilling, and look splendid in their uniforms. William detested the route, having desired another lawyer or potential rector, but instead landed with a brute.

After weeks of arguments, ones that grew in volume over the passing months, Baron Darling agreed to both purchase Arthur’s first commission and send him through Sandhurst⁠—hoping the reality and scale of such an undertaking would dissuade him. Starting off in basic training, amid most recruits, he was afforded the role of Cornet to the 18th Royal Hussars prior to a secondary promotion as Lieutenant. Stationed in Ireland until 1807, it was during his leave that the fresh-faced Elizabeth Fairfax caught his eye, the first and only heartbreak he’d entertain. To love a woman whose affections lay with another.

But a pistol fixed his quandary, laying down the gauntlet. And his father’s reputation dug him from his own grave under English Law.

On rolling 1808, skirmishes and training were to be sunk into the realities of combat⁠—chosen to support Wellington’s campaign on the Iberian Peninsula, Arthur’s case was acquitted on the grounds of inconsistent witness testimonies and that he’d had to serve. Any punishment that ought to have been dealt, whether guilty or innocent, could be chosen by the whims of God.

He’d enjoyed the distractions that parties offered in the weeks leading up to their deployment; for the near-fame of finally facing Old Boney dissuaded his gambling for that of ballroom courtships and women of loose morals. As the final taste preluding a long drought, lips that wrote farewells they’d not entirely meant pocketed easy pay, quick to turn customers from their dens of debauchery and onto sailboats chartered for Spain and Portugal. Guilt never dogged him in those early days, not for the blood that preempted his descent into war, he’d called it fair. He’d had the right to shoot that boy in the back, and Fairfax would learn to some extent now he was gone, that his proposal was more than adequate.

Rumours were she passed on her twenty-second birthday from rheumatic fever. Yet the truth, known to few, were she succumbed to that of her own melancholia.

Embarking from Northfleet, their autumnal arrival in Lisbon was met with immediate action. Fighting in and around the small town of Rueda and charging the French at Benavente. With heavy rains and the embittered cold over the month of December, upon the swollen banks of the river Esla, Napoleon’s favoured Commander Lefebvre-Desnouettes forded the channel with his light cavalry and pushed the English troops back into the inlying picket held by the 18th. Again retreating until they hit Benavente, the 18th combined with the 10th, would flank the French and send the army packing back across Esla. It’d been claimed that the sabres of the English cavalry were dulled by their iron scabbards, yet for all Arthur had known in his service, they’d never been so sharp. Severing legs and scalps, like butchers descending upon the carcasses of pigs.

Again into the fray, urging on fatigued mares, they clashed at Cacabelos prior to the battle of Corunna. Pursued again, albeit amidst a greater withdraw of British and German forces, they fled through the winter of Northern Spain⁠—without a steady supply chain of food, lack of Doctors, the weight fell off even the officers as their uniforms grew roomier with the exposure of each vertebrae; the bump and ridge of their rib cages.

Discipline broke in those harried days, floggings and hangings doing little to deter the death-drunk and starving. They looted, inebriated on wine, watching the Spanish inhabitants look at their regimental colours with such disgust⁠—to have thought that once, they’d been a source of hope to avoid Bonaparte’s closing grip. Now they were stray dogs of the Empire, gorging on the ruins.

Unable to stop for long with Napoleon’s troops so close behind, the 18th eventually made their way to the port city of Corunna⁠; finding their transport ships had yet to arrive. The final confrontation, forced by Napoleon’s upper hand. Lord Paget, commander of the cavalry, utilised his Hussars and light brigades to form a screen for others to make their way homeward. It was in these last, fraught moments, that the young Lieutenant would show his mettle to be proffered the availability of promotion with commission following the previous Captain’s unsavoury end.

Engaging the enemy’s mounted troops with a rallying manoeuvre as the next surviving chain of command, Darling fell from his saddle⁠, catching the steel hilt of a French sabre across his jaw. Fracturing the bone, breaking his teeth⁠—the loss of a canine his most miserable comeuppance⁠—yet he refused to board alongside the walking wounded, remaining in the field throughout their final dance in giving ground.

Until the order came that they could at last take leave of Corunna, the 18th were required to shoot their remaining horses and scorch all supplies, scuttling the artillery.

With the accumulation of unwashed sweat, dirt, and blood⁠—some of their own, long departed brothers in arms, and the enemy’s remaining stain, Arthur collapsed. Succumbing to rest as his face was set aflame and feet throbbed⁠, Darling’s memoirs of the journey back turning into a fog of waking nightmares, dogged by the adrenaline that hadn’t allowed him sleep and the exhaustion that compelled it.

He’d refused to return to Chesire initially, spending his first months in Mayfair with bottles of scotch and brandy rather than company. William, attending London on business with the courts and privy council, would shake Arthur from his stupor with all the violence of a man ashamed his heir had sunk so low. That he might share some lineage of his mother’s weak constitution, as shocked as he was by the thin and sunken state of his once-bothersome boy.

Slowly recuperating his health, much of his work was with the stables on the estates, Arthur building himself back up, until it seemed there was a great deal of repression rather than handling what had transpired. A Captain with a silver smile and the glorified tales of a thousand French dead. Weighing spirits in his hand as a salute, and scandalising the small population of the seasons’ most valued⁠—yet upon talk of marriage, his mind veers to a dark night in July, the flash of gunpowder and a woman’s cry.
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Prince of Nothing

#the exile

#anthony thornburg

♡coded by uxie♡

Full Name // Prince Francis of Westphalia, by birth. More recently, he goes by ‘Lord Francis’ as his title technically no longer exists, though he still answers to it.
Nicknames // ----
Age // 26
Gender // cis man
Sexuality // Bisexual
Residence // Traditionally, the palace of Wilhelmshöhe in the capital city of Westphalia. For the past few months he has been staying at the country estate of the Duke and Duchess of Somerset, but has recently relocated to London with them.
Social Status // The Former Prince of Westphalia

Hair // Long, sleek and black.
Eyes // A deep brown
Height // 6’2”, or 188 cm
Scars // A few nicks here and there from the course of life, but nothing remarkable
Distinguishing Features // Francis’s long hair is unusual, even in his home country. His beard and mustache are much more in line with continental styles than those sported in England, but he may yet still change it.
Faceclaim // Anthony Thornburg

Francis lacks the bombastic, eloquent personality one might expect in a royal. He tends to be more reserved, and usually keeps his observations to himself unless asked. Those who are not familiar with him might think him terse and even rude, but in reality he simply prefers to listen to what others have to say- If he does have something to say, he will make sure it is heard.

He has been becoming more charismatic recently, though not naturally. He is aware that his new position does not come with his peer’s perception of him as ‘stoic’ rather than ‘stuffy’, so he will force himself to make pleasant conversation when he would otherwise be comfortable with quiet, and might even be decent at it. But he will likely find it exhausting.

Francis is not ‘spoiled’ exactly, but he has been a prince until very recently, and he is a bit entitled and can be careless. He is actually wealthier now than he was as a prince (both in regards to his family fortune and his private finances) and his standard of living in England has improved from Westphalia- The capitol’s infrastructure had not been updated in half a decade, and the difficulty of trade hardly allowed for culinary delicacies. For instance, he’s not the sort to demand the finest, newest pair of boots, or one for every day of the week, but it would never occur to him that he could simply step to the side of a puddle and save the servant staff the trouble of having to clean his footwear

Francis is generally very measured in his actions. He is a proud man, and regards being in the right (or what he perceives to be right) as very important. It is not that he will not apologize or atone if he has acted wrong – in fact, he would see it his duty to do so- but that he would prefer to be put in such a position in the first place. This tendency to contemplate his personal matters has its costs though, as delay often results in inaction. Fortunately, he tends to be much more decisive in professional matters. In his time in the military he was looked to for swift decisions, and he learned the importance of having comprehensive information and reliable people who are willing to report things one may not wish to hear.

Fears // dying slowly . never seeing his missing family members again . being belittled and mocked . his nightmares
Likes // fine tobacco . a strong storm . his nieces and nephew . the quiet . learning about new scientific research
Dislikes // being in England . the Prussians and the French . people who talk over others . people, at times . English food.
Hobbies // attending lectures & exhibits . nodding while other people talk . horse riding . losing at cards against his sister

Ambitions //
Francis would love to see an independent Westphalia someday. But he's not so naive to believe it might actually happen in his lifetime.

For now, his main goal is to locate and reunite his family, and set them up for a successful life in England. He would also like to advocate in the best interests of the Westphalian people and see they are taken care of by their new governments- But he is aware he has little power to do so.

Reputation //
Francis is very new to English society, and quite a novelty- The intrigue and glamor of a royal, but without the power of one. Admittedly, he is still wealthier than most and so has power in that regard, but accidentally – or intentionally- offending him isn’t going to create international tensions. He has largely been avoiding socializing without it seeming rude because he was staying with his aunt and uncle at their faraway country estate, so most were excited to learn the Duke and Duchess of Somerset would be spending the season in London, and bringing their royal nieces and nephews with them. Now he will have to mingle with society- his aunt has already indicated he will be joining them at several functions regardless of his own wishes- and will have a chance to either make a favorable impression…. Or kneecap his family’s future in the country before it even begins.

History //
(Please note: The actual history of Westphalia has been acknowledged but ignored, like a ‘Terms and Conditions’ clause.)

The eldest child of the Westphalian monarchs, Francis was meant to one day inherit the throne. But tensions between Prussia and France found an outlet in the country, and for the last six years his home hosted skirmishes, battles, and all out war. The common people, already unhappy with their government, became even more resentful of their military’s failure to protect them, which the French and the Prussians were happy to take advantage of, promising that things would be better under their rule. Francis was on the frontlines himself on multiple locations in his role as a military officer, and each time he returned to the capitol after a futile campaign, he saw the city of Kassel crumbling further.

Westphalia tried to surrender to both powers nearly a year ago, but only recently did the two greater countries reach an accord, The land was parceled up according to who had managed to hold it, bureaucrats were installed to oversee the new territories, and the Westphalian monarchy was dissolved. Francis, who had been traveling at the time, was urged by his advisors to flee the country and join his youngest half-siblings in England, where they had traveled to stay with an aunt and uncle before the hostilities escalated.

Though he feels guilty for having done so, it was probably for the best. As far as he knows, his father has still not been able to leave the capitol, ostensibly for ‘his own safety’. His stepmother the Queen and his brother who is next in line for the throne have both written to him from the custody of the Prussians and the French respectfully, informing him that they have been told they and the rest of the family will be able to join him in England ‘soon’- Until they are no longer useful collateral for keeping himself, his father, and the opposing country in line, he supposes.

Not that his own residency in England is free of political implications either. The British Empire may be powerful enough to offer his family a new home, but he doubts its an act of benevolence. It’s a snub to their continental competitors, and an investment in the future. If the Prussians and French aren’t able to maintain control over the region- The British crown has a puppet king to install, already on hand.

But with the war so fresh in his mind, Francis is having trouble even thinking that far out. For now, he needs to prepare for his family’s (hopeful) eventual arrival- His late mother's sister is an English duchess, and she and her husband are happy to host for the time being, but Francis intends to buy his own estate. Though Westphalia’s treasury suffered greatly over the course of the war, the family’s private fortune was supplemented by ‘goodwill’ buy-offs from their adversaries, and Francis’s family should be able to live quite comfortably in England, provided he can find them a home and manage to make a good impression on London’s upper society.

Family //

Details here are subject to change if needed, but here's the general idea:

Duke Arthur & Duchess Henriette of Somerset // The Duchess is Francis’ maternal aunt, and he and several of his younger family members are currently living with them in England. Though they have only become a larger part of his life in recent years, he is very grateful to them for sheltering his nieces and nephew and for the help they have offered him in navigating his new surroundings. They have no children of their own. Arthur is in his early 60’s, and Henriette in her mid 50s.

(Former) King & Queen of Westphalia // Francis loves his father and stepmother, though being the crown prince meant his relationship with them has always looked different that the ones they have with his siblings- A bit more professional than familial. It became noticeably strained over the past few years, as he began to disagree with their handling of hostilities. Most recently he said some rather harsh things that he doesn’t necessarily regret, as he still feels he was right, but that he prays will not have been the last conversation with them. However, he knows that of all his family members, they are the ones he is least likely to see again. They are both in their 50s. His own mother died when he was 12 and his father remarried to the current (er... more recent) Queen a few years later.

Siblings // Francis is the second oldest of five surviving children. Their order, names, and approximate ages are: Sophie (29), Francis (26), Wilhem (25), Johanna (20), and Jerome (16). He has probably spent the most time with Wilhem as they are closest in age and shared duties as the eldest princes, but he will admit he has at time found his brother’s more outgoing personality to be very tiring. His sister Johanna has a much more similar temperament to himself and is probably his favorite family member to spend time with, though he insists she must be cheating at cards based on the frequency with which she beats him quite soundly. It has been nearly half a year since he last saw Johanna, and he has not been able to confirm her location.

Nieces and Nephews // Francis’ older sister Sophia married a Westphalian nobleman when she was 20, with whom she had three children: Agnesia and Henri (9), and Charlotte (6). The family of five relocated to England to live with the Duke and Duchess of Somerset ‘temporarily’ more than three years ago, with Sophie and her husband visiting Westphalia often. Sophie’s husband was killed two months ago by Prussian forces when his home territory was overrun. Sophie is currently in Paris, and Francis has been able to secure in writing that she will be released to the England in about a month. He is relieved, but not surprised- Her late husband was French on his mother’s side, she has not seen her children in nearly a year, and if rumors are to be believed, she is currently four months pregnant. It’s not good publicity for the French to be holding her against her will.

Adelaide Yorke

#the socialite

#Medalion Rahimi

♡coded by uxie♡

Name: Adelaide York, Addie to her family and friends
Title: Miss York
Age: 22
Gender: cis female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Residence: She primarily lives in her family’s townhome in London, though they also have an estate in the country.
social status: The York family is not nobility, but they are upper class due to their fortune in the textiles industries.

Hair: Dark brown with a gentle wave, generally worn up in the most fashionable styles.
Eyes: Deep brown, with the corners almost always turned up in a smile
Height: 5’6”
Distinguishing features: Adelaide has a smattering of freckles across her long nose. She is typically dressed in the finest fabrics and latest fashions.
Face claim: Medalion Rahimi

Personality: Adelaide is a charming, self assured woman with a good head for social situations. She is able to read people well, and often knows the right thing to do or say to put someone at ease. Though she can come across as a bit bombastic and over enthusiastic, Adelaide knows when someone is uncomfortable with her and does her best to rein it in. Adelaide lives for the approval of others, especially those she admires, and is a people pleaser to a fault. She will often put herself in awkward situations so as to help others avoid embarrassing themselves- Luckily, she seems able to deftly handle such situations so that everyone has a good laugh and moves on. When she has embarrassed herself, she plays it off well in public and holds her head high - Though in private, she beats herself up over it.

Likes: dancing - puddings - mathematics - fashion - lavender (the flower and the scent) - small animals (she has a pet rabbit named Eleanor) - water colors - a good game of charades

Dislikes: being late - sitting still for extended periods of time - ratafia - riding horses - playing the piano

Ambitions: Be married quickly, before her father dies. Set her family up for success. Make friends. Host excellent parties. Be liked.

Reputation: Adelaide is generally well-liked by others- She is a good friend, a great host, and has excellent connections within the economic realm and even among the nobility. During her first season, some of the snottier members of the ton viewed her as nothing more than a social climber, the way she plyied people with compliments and because her money came from industry rather than a peerage. This perception has died down a bit- It became clear that Adelaide is just genuinely enthusiastic about most everything, and of course, there were other young ladies in society who came from much more recent money and were obviously after rich husbands while Adelaide seemed content as she was. There are also some who look down on her for maintaining close friendships with both men and women of all ages- Initially this was hurtful to the always-wanting-to-please Adelaide, but she eventually decided her friendships were more important than the opinions of a few. Since her family’s return to London this season, there has been some speculation about her father’s absence- Only a few close family friends are in the know, and Adelaide and her mother trust them not to gossip.

Family History: Edward Yorke was the first son of a family of textile factory owners; Lucille Fairchild was the only child of a family of cotton importers. It was a serendipitous match. Both families had held comfortable wealth for several generations, but it was with the marriage of the two - of goods and manufacturing- that the Yorke family was propelled into the upper echelons of society.

Though originally nothing more than a business arrangement, Lucille and Edward did hold genuine affection for each other and perhaps even love. They had three children who lived past infancy, all girls - Adelaide (22), Beatrice (17) and Charlotte (14).

Character History: Adelaide had a pleasant, if unremarkable, childhood. She was a friendly and easy-going child, with an inquisitive nature and a kind heart. Her earliest memory, however, is not a happy one- Her mother sick in bed, her new baby brother stillborn, and her father drunk and lamenting that she ought to have been a boy. This stuck with Adelaide, and she has always been keenly aware that her father needs an appropriate heir. Each time her mother was with child, Adelaide prayed for a brother- But her wish was never granted. She adores her sisters of course, but she knows that without a male heir it falls to her to secure the family’s future.

Despite this, Adelaide has not taken her mission to find a husband too seriously. She enjoys the social season too much- The parties and galas, the new friends to make, the old friends to catch up with, the fashions and foods. The fun of it all has distracted her time and time again. Though her dance card is typically full, and suitors arrive at her door in the morning- she’s even seen some of them several times- but nothing has come of it.

But a few months ago, her father suffered a stroke. He lived, but his health is rapidly declining. So the pressure is on. She needs to find a husband, and fast- One that can either take over the family business, or ideally, be rich enough to pay someone else to do so. If she can’t, everything her parents have worked to build will likely go to her father’s younger half-brother… Who she doubts will lift a finger to help support her mother or her sisters.
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