military warfare(?)


Two Thousand Club
so i was thinking today, that a survival/action/adventure military type rp would be kind of cool.

im not sure if i will go through with it, but let me know if this would be a yes on this site, or just a no.

plots around for a story >X[
well, this has not got a lot of responses like i hoped, but i will keep it up and open for ideas for a while i guess.
I feel your pain, but sometimes you'd be surprised what turns up in a week. Hell, you'll find that some people missed it entirely - Just bring it up. Mention that you have an RP idea. Other people will be curious.

Sounds good to me, just as long as I'm allowed to have a techie. Mmmm...techies... P|

Hell, even if I'm not allowed. I like these sorts of RPs xD
kaine is trying to get me to make it along the lines of a stargate rp. make it where we travel to parallel earths and whatnot. would still be along the lines of nothing to absolutely crazy. XP

but anything can go in an rp like that.
Oooh, sounds interesting...except...Stargate is the one big sci-fi franchise I haven't gotten around to watching yet! Oh, tragedy! D8

Ah, I think I'll live, but...oh...

Whenever you guys get settled, please tell us what you're thinking. I could totally get in on this sort of thing! 8D
Im not much digging that, Im a ghuge fan of stargate believe you me, I can tell you exactly how many times Daniel's died, but for a military rp I would want to do something alittle more, "realistic" or atleast set in one general setting. An Idea I had was perhaps a covert military operation in a futristic Paris. i have some ideas as to the how sand whys of that if we're inteested.No lie right now I want to do some kind of espionage type stuff.
I thought of Red Dawn when I read your idea Andrew.

Anyone ever seen that movie?

I'd be HONORED to play an RP based on that movie......

Military all teh way!

*is an army-brat*

we are about to head out for the bus station.

we have changed our plan of the star gate idea.

it is going to be thought over while we are on the bus.

when we get the internet, we will place the details about it.


as of right now, we would like to get an idea of what we are dealing with.




build: (small,medium,large)
Maybe now's not the time, until we know where we're living. I like to have an idea of setting before I get to making characters xD

See you guys soon! I'm looking forward to the update 83
there is one thing that i need to tell you. the year is like 2030 ish. not too far ahead of us.

i figure with that date, there will be a little wiggle room with the character designs.

i have the sign-up ready and everything.

there is going to be stats played into characters and slots as well, so choose wisely my friends.

SO Guys. So basically we have been discussing this and what we came up with is a diablo style inventory system. Your character has so many blocks, and your back pack does also. We will make an extensive list of items/weapons to choose from so now for the question.

For those signing up, and even those just wanting to give ideas. What type of weapons/weapon items would you like to be able to choose from? We want some of your crazy ideas besides stuff we will be adding. So get your word in now or you may not see it.

How about...and this is just as suggestion ....

a dildo-batton ? You'd smack people in the face with it and go " OOOOOOHHHHH, DILDOSMACKED BEYATCH! ", laugh and then run.

Now on a more serious note:

I want to be the driver/pilot.

As to weapons, no idea. ^^
Well item wise I'd say pretty much anything we'd see on a daily basis.

Things around the kitchen... living rooms... bedroom... stores... etc ^^ (Yes that's a LOT)
Hmm, I'm not much of a gun geek, so I think it would be cool if we could have some more traditional weapons as well! Machetes! Other blades! Uhh, other things!

My character is going to be a techie. Could little inventions and things, as well as the supplies for making them, take up inventory slots?

Flash, smoke, concussion, percussion, frag, timed, electrodart-bombs, ...


Any known-to-mankind-gun that is portable


Same as guns.

No ? Kuki ?
now you guys have the idea LOL

we are just trying to make the entire list as of now.

and biki....*hands over the plate of cookies*
name: Tristan

age: 18

gender: Male

build: Small

(Tristan is a Really good with Programming and Working with Electricity*)

*By that I mean make a circuit work right.
Oh yeah forgot to add that...

Incendiary grenades.

EMP Grenades

Sound Grenades (Just make sound to attract people)

Shockwave Grenades (Huge blast of sound)

Mini Camera's

Prototype Lazer technology (So, Pistol, SMG, Assault Rifle, Sniper Rifle, HMG, LMG, etc)

Make shift weapons (So melted together metal to make like swords, axes etc and other random makeshift stuff)
Name: Pooch

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Build: Medium

Specialty: Driving anything on 2,4 or more wheels and piloting helicopters.

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