Mightiest Heroes (Avengers rp)


A Sad Remnant of a Forgotten Time

Alias (if applicable):



Bio (optional):

Child of:

Powers (if applicable):


Equipment (if applicable):
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Brian Banner





Child of:

Bruce Banner (Hulk)

Powers (if applicable):

Hulk Mode (when enraged)




Equipment (if applicable):

Specially Designed Lock Box

Radio Earpiece
Name: Connor Rogers

Age: 17

Personality: Strong, Determined, Kind

Child of: Captain America (Steve Rogers)

Powers: Acrobatics, Super strength, Advanced agility

Skills: Pilot, Stealth, Can play the harmonica

Equipment: Shield

Symbiokid said:
Name: Connor Rogers
Age: 17

Personality: Strong, Determined, Kind

Child of: Captain America (Steve Rogers)

Powers: Acrobatics, Super strength, Advanced agility

Skills: Pilot, Stealth, Can play the harmonica

Equipment: Shield
accepted, minimum post of a paragraph.
Name: Thoria Thordottir

Age: 15(Earth)

Personality: Outgoing, Excited, Curious, Determined, Friendly, Adventurous

Bio: Thoria has grown up as a princess, her father(Thor) was always busy and so was her grandfather, and her mother, so she usually spent time alone, and sometimes visited her supposedly evil Uncle Loki, but she didn't see him evil. She was trying to figure out what was so special about her, her father had a magical hammer, but what did she have? The question always bothered her, but she tried to not think about it too much, Loki taught her some magic, which was very useful, but she didn't use it when her father was around, he would never like it. Thoria loves meeting new people and will do anything she can to help others and stop the evil that lurks about, yet she still tries to figure out who she really is.

Child Of: Thor Odinson

Powers: 4 main elements, telepathy, thunder and lightning

Skills: Parkour

Equipment: Has a similar hammer like her father and it can only be wielded by people who are worthy(but she doesn't usually use her hammer very much) and she has armor on usually at all times.
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fandomlover5412 said:
Name: Thoria Thordottir
Age: 1036(Asgard) 15(Earth)

Personality: Outgoing, Excited, Curious, Determined, Friendly, Adventurous

Bio: Thoria has grown up as a princess, her father(Thor) was always busy and so was her grandfather, and her mother, so she usually spent time alone, and sometimes visited her supposedly evil Uncle Loki, but she didn't see him evil. She was trying to figure out what was so special about her, her father had a magical hammer, but what did she have? The question always bothered her, but she tried to not think about it too much, Loki taught her some magic, which was very useful, but she didn't use it when her father was around, he would never like it. Thoria loves meeting new people and will do anything she can to help others and stop the evil that lurks about, yet she still tries to figure out who she really is.

Child Of: Thor Odinson

Powers: 4 main elements, teleptelepathy, summoning(summoning God's and Goddesses take up a lot of her energy), teleportation, thunder and lightning

Skills: Parkour

Equipment: Has a similar hammer like her father and it can only be wielded by people who are worthy(but she doesn't usually use her hammer very much) and she has armor on usually at all times.
Accepted, but no summoning or teleporting
Name: Juliette Romanova

Alias (if applicable):Surviviving Ember


Personality:Juliette is skillful, sly, smart, logical, and beautiful. Juliette wanted to take up karate at the age of 5 but fighting skills past down to her and she got kicked out of karate. So instead she took up archery and she is very good at that too. Also she loves ice skating and ballet. Her best subject in school is history, She loves learning about wars. She has a long dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes I honestly don't know where she gets it from Her mother has red hair and green eyes and her father...has blue eyes and blonde hair.

Bio (optional):

Child of:Black Widow

Powers (if applicable):Can tell of someone is lying or near death and possess all of black widows powers

Equipment (if applicable):Her bow and arrow and duel pistols
Name: Sam Maria Stark

Age: 15/16

Personality: Adventurous, friendly, determined, charming, curious

Bio (optional):

Child of: Tony Stark aka. Iron Man

Powers (if applicable): is able to control her father's suits



being able to hide her real feelings behind a facade

a little bit of martial arts trained by Happy and her father - so she's able to defend herself when needed

able to tinker a weapon if necessary

Equipment (if applicable): the Iron Man suits of her father
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Name: Jason Howard Stark

Alias (if applicable): Iron Dragon

Age: 28

Personality Loving and caring when you get to know him but at first encounter, sarcastic asshole, all to protect his sister.

Child of: Tony Stark

Powers (if applicable): able to control his own suit

Skills: Weapon master, from video games, Happy, endless martial arts classes, and teaching himself a bit.

Equipment: This bad boy. And he has a bunch if different things attached to his suit like hammers, swords, axes, blasters on his hands, and jet wings. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.33b95844692a2ea9963dde7b08267f46.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34031" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.33b95844692a2ea9963dde7b08267f46.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • image.jpg
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Jessy753 said:
Name: Sam Maria Stark
Age: 15/16

Personality: Adventurous, friendly, determined, charming, curious

Bio (optional):

Child of: Tony Stark aka. Ironman

Powers (if applicable): is able to control her father's suits



being able to hide her real feelings behind a facade

a little bit of martial arts trained by Happy and her father - so she's able to defend herself when needed

able to tinker a weapon if necessary

Equipment (if applicable): the Ironman suit
Kiotaro said:
Name: Jason Lavi Stark
Alias (if applicable): Iron Dragon

Age: 28

Personality Loving and caring when you get to know him but at first encounter, sarcastic asshole, all to protect his sister.

Child of: Tony Stark

Powers (if applicable): able to control his own suit

Skills: Weapon master, from video games, Happy, endless martial arts classes, and teaching himself a bit.

Equipment: This bad boy. And he has a bunch if different things attached to his suit like hammers, swords, axes, blasters on his hands, and jet wings. View attachment 86057
All accepted, and @Jessy753 seeing as you co-own the thread feel free to accept CS's
Okey dokey ^^


[QUOTE="Allina Auburn]Name: Juliette Romanova
Alias (if applicable):Surviviving Ember


Personality:Juliette is skillful, sly, smart, logical, and beautiful. Juliette wanted to take up karate at the age of 5 but fighting skills past down to her and she got kicked out of karate. So instead she took up archery and she is very good at that too. Also she loves ice skating and ballet. Her best subject in school is history, She loves learning about wars. She has a long dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes I honestly don't know where she gets it from Her mother has red hair and green eyes and her father...has blue eyes and blonde hair.

Bio (optional):

Child of:Black Widow

Powers (if applicable):Can tell of someone is lying or near death and possess all of black widows powers

Equipment (if applicable):Her bow and arrow and duel pistols

Name: Kaarle Maximoff

Alias: Flashbang

Age: 17

Personality: An impatient guy, Kaarle is also known to use his powers for his ow good. (e.g. shoplifting)

Child of: Quicksilver

Powers: Same as his dad, but can also disappear for up to 15 seconds and reappear, well, quite explosively. The longer he disappears, the more powerful the reappearing attack is.

Skills: Can fly most planes up to Learjet size, and also knows how to walk up walls.
pokemariofan64 said:
Name: Kaarle Maximoff
Alias: Flashbang

Age: 17

Personality: An impatient guy, Kaarle is also known to use his powers for his ow good. (e.g. shoplifting)

Child of: Quicksilver

Powers: Same as his dad, but can also disappear for up to 15 seconds and reappear, well, quite explosively. The longer he disappears, the more powerful the reappearing attack is.

Skills: Can fly most planes up to Learjet size, and also knows how to walk up walls.
Accepted, feel free to post

Alias (if applicable): Savanna Carlton

Age: 16

Personality: She is brave, Outgoing, Sarcastic at times, Has a MAJOR sence of humor, Can only get mad if you make her (You have to be really annoying or mean).

Bio (optional):

Child of: Ms. Marvel

Powers (if applicable): flying, superstrength


Equipment (if applicable):none
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Is her name Savanna Carlton? Or is it her alias? I'm a bit confused

If yes, feel free to join in or else just think of a name, pls ;)

Name: Scotty Pym

Alias (if applicable): Megabee

Age: 19

Personality: He is a kind and friendly guy but get's a bit cocky and arrogant when it comes to being a superhero or just being smart and athletic. He is considered a tough guy but wouldn't pick a fight for no good reason.

Bio (optional):

Child of: Ant-Man

Powers (if applicable): Has the strength of a man of his age, height, and build who engages in intensive regular exercise. When he grows to 20 feet tall Pym can lift about 5 tons which is his max growth and when he shrinks he is regular strength.

Skills: He has great expertise in the field of robotics, artificial intelligence and sub-atomic physics. He is highly skilled in judo and karate.

Equipment (if applicable): a cybernetic helmet that allowed for communication between him and insects, such as ants. It contained three basic components, a receiver, a decoder and a transmitter. His costume is modified to contain hydraulic boots that could launch him short or long distances and allow him to land successfully or just fly. he wears gloves called "stingers" the could emit bolts of electricity. He also can fly
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Offspring said:

Name: Scotty Pym

Alias (if applicable): Megabee

Age: 19

Personality: He is a kind and friendly guy but get's a bit cocky and arrogant when it comes to being a superhero or just being smart and athletic. He is considered a tough guy but wouldn't pick a fight for no good reason.

Bio (optional):

Child of: Ant-Man

Powers (if applicable): Has the strength of a man of his age, height, and build who engages in intensive regular exercise. When he grows to 20 feet tall Pym can lift about 5 tons which is his max growth.

Skills: He has great expertise in the field of robotics, artificial intelligence and sub-atomic physics. He is highly skilled in judo and karate.

Equipment (if applicable): a cybernetic helmet that allowed for communication between him and insects, such as ants. It contained three basic components, a receiver, a decoder and a transmitter. His costume is modified to contain hydraulic boots that could launch him short or long distances and allow him to land successfully. he wears gloves called "stingers" the could emit bolts of electricity.
Accepted, I'm assuming this will be our last admission besides those who reserved spots.

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