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Fandom Mightiest Heroes (Avengers RP)

Sam sighed at his words thinking Jason underestimated her. "I know what I'm doing and you know my answer! I'm going to HELP. Period." she told him looking serious back. "I can also get into deadly trouble without things like this - like it to not!" She blinked and looked over at Brian as hearing Jarvis and him, 'what do they still want here?' she wondered 'They already have everyone'. Looking around at what she could do. She felt like she wouldn't be very helpful, if she suited up, having been told that too often by both Jason and their father. Sam needed to proof her brother she wouldn't be useless, a milestone around their neck and be actually able to help. Improvisation was something she was good at and she needed to do, right now. Looking at the screen an idea formed itself. She stepped over to take over the mansion's defense. At least she could help this way, stepping over to Jarvis's control system "Jarvis, initiate protocol 'Nightingale'." Sam ordered. "Protocol initiated, Miss Stark." Jarvis answered and started to target some of the enemies. At least some of the hours of her sneaking around and reading Avengers' protocols had been paid out.
"Jeez, I literally just bought this shirt." Brian sighed then said to Kaarle. "Hey, Kaarle, punch me in the face!" Brian then wired a few modifications into the Nightingale program. A request would be sent to Sam requesting to give Cybele access to the targeting system.
Brian began to bulk up, his skin changing to a dark green. He stood up, a massive hulk of flesh and screamed crazily. Brian, now The Beast began throwing people across the room. He grabbed someone and tossed him a few meters in the air, only for him to fall onto his fellow militants. Brian began thrashing at the militants. His shirt lay torn to pieces on the ground.
"Shit...." was all Kaarle could say. He quickly ran to a nearby room, knocking over 3 more people. " He could have told me about that. He COULD have. but no, he decides to let the other guy reveal it for him."
Sam looked at Brian's request shortly going through the parameters before allowing it to help Jarvis. Looking over as hearing the thrashing. She wasn't that surprised but couldn't help than laugh over Kaarle's face. Sam went back to her actual task and sent some missiles towards some bad guys, she mumbled "Who's useless, now?" "Should I initiate the house party protocol as well?" Jarvis asked her. Sam shortly thought about it but shook her head "No, just send Mark XLII. We might need the others suits later on!" with this being said she saw one of the Ironman suits appear on the screen and start fighting on its own while Jarvis controlled it.
Bradley was slinging through New York when he got a call. He landed on a nearby rooftop and answered it. The news made him drop his phone, the words were ringing through his head "Peter Parker Missing." He hurried home and went through his fathers things looking for a sign as to where he was. Bradley grabbed a bunched up piece of paper and got close to Avengers mansion. His radio picked up hostiles, so he approached the building and saw armed men. Bradley began fighting him and eventually made it to the conference room. Bradley was relieved when he saw the other heroes. Though his happiness was short-lived as a bullet cascaded through the air. Bradley said "Just your friendly neighborh-" his leg was shot and Bradley hid behind a table, making a gauze.
"Hey jarvis!" Kaarle called out. " If you could, could you blast the guitar solo from a song called 'Money' through all the speakers on the house " He then kicked another guy through a window.
When the armed men showed up, Connor fought along side the others, despite his injuries. 'What I wouldn't give for a shield right now' He thought as he dodged oncoming bullets. Then he saw Bradley swing in and take a bullet in his leg. Connor knew they couldn't hold up in this room, they had to move." Alright listen up. We can't stay here any longer. They have us cornered in here. Sam make sure Bradley's alright. Jason and Scott clear a path to the hanger and hold up there, in case we need to fly out of here. Brian take out any heavy artillery that comes down here and Kaarle stick with him to back him up. Sam, get Jarvis to scan top side to see if they're any nasty surprises waiting for us up there, and then you and Bradley make your way to the control room and use Jarvis to cover our backs. But, don't stay there any longer than you have to, it's safer there than here, but if you let them get to close they could corner you. And you," He says pointing at Thoria " If you can fight, I going need for you to come with me to the lower levels to make sure they aren't taking anything. I can't imagine why else they would come here unless they wanted some of the weapons locked in the vault down there. In ten minutes, everyone group up in the hanger bay. Alright move!" Without waiting to see what the others were doing, Connor quickly ran out into the hall and started making his way to the lower levels.
Sam looked over to Connor as than at Bradley. "Okay..." Sam nodded. "Give me 5 minutes." She told Bradley turning back to Jarvis and typed some commandos into the keyboard. "Jarvis..?" Sam bit her lip. "You heard Connor. Cover us up!" she told him and looked for an ear piece to be able to keep on talking with Jarvis and get news from and about the others. As soon as she found it, she attached it to her ear. Sam checked the top side via. cameras "It seems like it's still clear." she told Connor "I will tell you if something happens up there." She walked over to Bradley "Ready?" she asked. "This is the best and probably the only chance of getting there in one piece." she told him while walking over to Bradley. Taking her arm around his back and she helped him up so he can walk. Sam looked over to her brother "Stay safe! I don't need to lose more family, right now..." she told him.
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Brian grunted and charged out of the conference room, flattening two militants. He made it outside and began destroying the invader's cars. Including a satellite van, but first he tore off the broadcasting equipment. A militant approached the mansion with a rocket launcher and took aim, only to be punched in the face, launching him a few miles.
Suddenly a loud guitar solo blasted through the speakers in the house. Six men fell to the ground suddenly. Kaarle appeared on the pile, clutching a gun. "You really should defend the speaker rewiring system"
Scott finished of the guy and then suited and then began to lay his assault onto the men before him, he then headed towards the hanger and used his electrical glove to clear the path. He thought that it was odd that there was not to much man power, he worried that they were wasting energy on a bunch of minion while the elite's could be prepared to take them down as well, though this would fade soon as he got all suited up and he wouldn't be worried at all.
Thoria nodded at Connor's orders, still confused but like before this was her only option other then being a lonely lost orphan, and that's something she was working hard not to get. She followed Connor down to the lower levels, she freezed every bad guy's feet she saw and then killed them with making a hole in there body where their heart should be by putting a huge blast of fire on that spot. They were dropping dead one by one, though she was also getting hurt from a few bullets here and there but all she did was grit her teeth from the pain, even though it was lowered since she's Asgardian, it still hurt a bit, but she was still going, trying to distract herself as much as possible from the pain.
" Roger that, Sam." Connor says into his communicator." And Kaarle, I'm not sure what you mean by "going all monster" but just do what you have to, to keep them from reaching the others." Connor keeps moving down the hallways, kicking some of the attackers down and then charging into another one, and punching him out. " The stairs will be safer than the elevator." He says to Thoria " Let's move." He continued dodging and fighting until they reached the end of the hall. Connor took a second to lean against a wall and catch his breath, they had a minute before more men showed up. Now, he found that his leg was in as much pain as his arm, but he couldn't think about that right now. They had to get down there.

Then, he noticed Thoria's bullet wounds. "Are you alright?" He asked her. His tone of voice had changed from a voice of command to a voice of friendly concern when he spoke to her. " By the way, I never did ask you your name. My name is Connor. Connor Rogers."
At the lack of response from her brother she crinkled her mouth but decided she would keep a closer eye on him as soon as she arrives at the control room. If she had to help him herself or via. Jarvis, she would do so. Dismissing the thought for at least now, Sam started walking with Bradley. They were slower than Sam liked and therefore probably an easy target as well. "Jarvis calculate the quickest AND safest way to the control room and guide us!" she said holding onto Bradley not sure if he was able to walk on his own or not. She looked at him "Are you okay? I mean besides the leg..." She tried to decide for which direction to take as suddenly a few men were in front of them aiming their guns at them. "Shit..." she said.
Suddenly, the men doubled over and fell to the ground to reveal Kaarle standing there with a stolen gun. " Assistance has arrived!" He laughed. "I know a way out!"
Looking for shocked for a minute needing to digest it. As soon as she was able to move again, slowly a small smile crept on her lips. "Just in time. Thanks. Which way?" she asked him. "we need to get to the control room..." she mentioned just in case he didn't know yet.
Kaarle was confused. He produced a set of keys from his pocket "I got our way out! What is so important about the control room?"
"Connor said I should..." she said but slowly stopped talking trying to think quickly. "What about the others? We can't leave without the others..." Sam said with a serious tone looking at the keys. "Let's go there..." she told Kaarle while thinking. "Where or what exactly is your way out? We could meet the others there..."
"Here's the plan, I go out to the van i have the keys for, you go round up everyone. I drive the van through the door, get everyone in, and get the hell out of there" he said, shooting another guy.

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