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Fandom Mightiest Heroes (Avengers RP)

Right when Jason hung up, he knew he would have to take Sam to a safe place. His phone rang and he replied with, "Yo. It's Jason. Connor, is that you? Are you ok? Are you and your dad safe?" He was panicked and hated everything about this situation. He put the phone away from his head and said to Sam while covering the speaker of the phone. "Hang up and I'll take you to a friend's house. Who is your best friend again?" He completely forgot names when he was stressed. He grabbed his car keys and motioned for Sam to go to the car. She HAD to be safe.
Kaarle tried to calm himself "It's only a one time thing" he uttered to himself. But there was no denying it. His dad had been taken to god-knows-where, and could be in danger. He ran to the computer. There might be info there. Within a millisecond he was there. That was one of the things he liked about having superpowers, they always came in handy in a crisis.
Scott was steady working once again, he really needed a life but were could he find one outside of the superhero thing it was what he was great at even though it was a rare occasion. He heard a ring it was his phone "Dad must be calling me back" he turned over the phone and looked at it "Brian?" he answered and heard "Are you okay? are you and your dad safe?" He halted for a moment then spoke. "Hello? what's going on have you been attacked?" he said sounding concerned and slightly worried, as he activated his suit to shrink placing it in his pocket.
"Everyone, I'm not sure what's going on. According to security feed my dad disappeared two hours ago. I'm headed to Avenger Mansion, I recommend you all do the same. Again, it's unclear what's happened, but we can only assume The Avengers have disappeared. This is a state of emergency. Brian out." Said Brian as he walked into Avengers mansion. Brian was arranging transport for his friends. Brian checked his datapad, Connor was in here. Brian took over the security pretty easily seeing as he designed it with The Starks. He was monitoring the premises whilst looking for Connor. The systems said he was in there.
Thoria was still on the same bench, crying her eyes out, she didn't know anyone else in this realm except for her father but he had been taken, how was she going to find anyone? How was she gonna survive?
Upon hearing the messag, Kaarle immediately knew that it had happened. He quickly replied "Kaarle Maximoff here. Not too long ago, my dad, Peter, vanished from my home here in Helsinki. I'll catch a flight to new York." He got up from the desk and quickly made his way to the airport.
Turning to her brother Sam answered Jason looking serious "I'm not going anywhere! You have the choice to either lock me up and I break out looking for dad on my own OR I'm gonna help and stay with you guys. That makes me safer being with you and everyone else, wouldn't it?" Thinking of how to convince him and continued "I'm not 3 anymore, Jason. You know that I'm able to defend myself and I'm good at improvising! Maybe you need me to get dad and you can protect me IF I need protection."
"Brian, It's Connor. I'm in the sub basement of the mansion, in the meeting room. I tried the Avengers emergency line, but no one answered. The Avengers always carry their communicators with them, so if they're aren't answering, something is seriously wrong." He stopped for a second and then continued. "Also, someone attacked the mansion and took my Dad. I couldn't stop them and didn't even get a good look at them. I'm sorry guys.....But, now we have to do everything we can to get them back."
"Hey Connor I'm on my way." Brian proceeded to enter the sub-basement. Once he reached the Avengers meeting room he said "Override code Bruce Banner 04 2060." The door slid open and Brian stepped inside. He said "Hey, Connor, long time no see. I think I have an idea." Brian grabbed his datapad and said. "Cybele, initiate Avenge subroutine." Cybele responded. "Subroutine initiated." Brian continued "Radio contact has failed with..Richard Jones, Clinton Barton, T'Challa, Natalia Romanova, Henry Mccoy.......I'm not picking up anything." Brian said in a softer voice "Avengers, Assemble".
It was 8 hours later. A Finnair plane landed at JFK. Kaarle quickly went through customs. "Guys, it's Kaarle. I've made it to JFK. I'll be there in 5.....Miliseconds!" Kaarle then hung up and zoomed over to the avengers mansion. As he zoomed through the door, he said " So, what's the scoop? "
Brian turned a laptop to face Kaarle. On it were the faces of all The Avengers, over their faces in black lettering read either MISSING or DECEASED. "Thanks for coming, Kaarle. As you can see, things aren't exactly looking up."
"I know" he said, looking up at the potriats, looking for his dad, Peter's, face. He soon found it, with the words MISSING below it. It meant there might still be hope for him.
Scott hurried out of his house and hurried down a ally way as he slid his hands across the wall until a slight tick could be heard, rubbing against the area in a circular circumference. He then heard a sound of a scan and finally a robotic voice spoke "MB, welcome" said the voice. He walked through the wall not before looking in every direction "How long until someone finds this place, need an upgrade soon" he walked through his workshop over to an computer and typed in a code his attempt at locating his father failed even with his best computer. He left and made his way towards the mansion he was only a few blocks away, on his way there he noticed a girl "Well armor, hammer, and good hair she's related to Thor" he made his way over to her. @fandomlover5412 "Your Thor's daughter right? I'm scott" he said trying to avoid her crying in order not hurt her pride "Your father has gone missing as well I assume, you should come with me" he said gesturing in the direction, he wasn't sure if she trusted him.
"It's good to see you both. It's been a long morning. We'll have to wait for the others to get here. Who else did you contact, Brian?" asked Connor.
Sam didn't want to wait for an answer and went to the elevator to go to everyone. She pressed button of the elevator to go downstairs to the Avengers floor. Hearing the bing of the elevator, she stepped inside the elevator and pressed the button to the Avengers floor not sure whether Jason would follow or not. She looked at him while the doors were still opened.
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"Well, looks like almost everybody's here." Kaarle said, turning to look at Brian, Connor and the other people in the room. " Now that we know who's here, who isn't? "
@Offspring She nodded at Scott still crying, she was surprised that someone actually talked to her, he told her the situation she was in and she didn't even know him, how did he know? He wanted her to follow him, she had some hesitations but decided that it was the only option she had, so she followed him.
Scott smiled graciously he wasn't sure if his words were enough to convince her but it did. The two made there way to the avengers mansion, Scott opens the door and heads to the meeting room "Scott Pym" he said proudly as a honorary member which really meant he was a side kick to his father. He entered and saw the other's "What's the situation? oh and I found a friend" he said gesturing to Thoria.
"Well" Kaarle said " nothing, except that we all found out that our parents have been kidnapped by some person and are being held in god knows where, and we are are their only chance of survival! But after that, nothing!"
Brian replied to Connor. "Everyone I contacted is here, I think." He sat in a nearby chair.
Jason came rushing down after thinking hard about what his little sister had said. "Ya. Everyone is here. I just counted. Sam, you understand that this is big boy and big girl stuff ok? I'm in charge when Dad isn't. So I say..." He waited for a second to finish pondering. "It's your choice. I am letting you be a big girl and make your own decision. Be safe with a friend, or come with us and have a chance of, well you know." He put his hand on her shoulder and stared into her eyes deeply.
A siren went off in the meeting room as red lights flashed. Cybele said over the intercom. "Warning, hostile approaching location." Security feed showed they were outnumbered 20 to 1, they had practically sent an army. Brian looked worried, he regained his resolve then said. "Suit up." The armed men kicked open the front door.
"I'll stop some" Kaarle said, dissapearing. A few seconds later, a loud BANG was heard, and Kaarle came running back into the room "I think I got at least 20."
She was confused but suddenly some people broke in and there were 20 of them, she felt bad if she did most of the work so she started freezing their feet so they couldn't move, but she was still confused on what was going on and who these people were.
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Scott looked around the room there were kids from many avengers and a lot of brain in one room he wasn't up to date with them all but young banner himself had a lot of muscle. He believed they would be okay but what lied ahead and was capable of defeating the avengers seemed like too much. He then heard the alarm and Brian's call to action he grabbed his suit out of his pocket and pulled off the glove and returned it normal then shooting bolt's of electricity at the group knocking out about 5 of the men the other 15 seemed to be a lot more skilled. He took it to hand to hand combat attempting to not hurt the house, he charges at the men punching one of them then countering another but they had the advantage of strategy and he was stricken from his blind side. He tucked and rolled and recovered growing to 10 feet he punted the surrounding men leaving one of them far smarter than the of the 19 that he knocked out, they engaged in battle while Scott has the advantage in strength he had the advantage in speed.

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