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Fandom Mightiest Heroes (Avengers RP)


A Sad Remnant of a Forgotten Time
Earth's mightiest heroes have been captured by a mysterious group of radicals. The world is panicking and the humanity is in great need of heroes. Fortunately all hope is not lost, young heroes have sworn to save their parents. But will it be enough?
Sam sneaked into her father's basement knowing she wasn't allowed to tinker these days because he had to do something on his Ironman suits. She knew her dad was upstairs watching random things on tv. She looked at the suit, which was all over a desk. "I would recommend for you to go back to your room, Miss Stark, before Mr. Stark comes downstairs. As far as I'm concerned he has forbidden you to come downstairs while he's working on his new project!" Jarvis said. "I don't care! I wanna know what he's doing here all day long... I thought his hero days are over like he said... So, don't you dare telling dad..!" She was too occupied studying all the plans to the new suit to actually hear all the dull noises upstairs until there was a shot heard.
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Brian walked busily through the hallways of Stark Tower. He was interning there before college. Though he could probably get almost any job he wanted because of his last name, Brian wanted to make a name for himself. Currently he was working on an A.I. Brian was modeling it after Jarvis, though with a few minor modifications. He was tapping his fingers trying to think of a name. How about........Cybele, yeah, he liked that name. Brian began typing programming into his PC. He sipped at his iced coffee and played Tetris on his iPad. Brian typed furiously, he was more than halfway done, but that didn't mean he could relax. Brian sighed, the lack of a line block resulted in him losing his Tetris game.
"Dad..? What are you doing!?" she called and walked upstairs not caring to get caught anymore. "Miss Stark.." Jarvis said but got interrupted by her. "Mute." she ordered. Slowly a big mess unfolded in front of her eyes and she slowly became aware there might be something wrong. Sam heard muffled voices talking to each other. She took something heavy to protect herself with as she walked towards the voices. As soon as she arrived in the room, where Tony was, she hissed at the sight of her unconscious and bleeding father. "Dad!" She called dropping what she had in her hands and ran over to him. Sam was too occupied, trying to stop her father's bleeding, to recognize someone walking up behind her. Next thing she knew was her vision suddenly becoming black. Someone had hit her really hard on the back of her head.
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Connor was out for a morning jog, enjoying the fresh air, and getting warmed up for a training session with his father. They lived together at Avengers Mansion, and everyday, they would have a two hour, intense, training session in the training room. He felt that his father always had one up on him, because he had his shield. His father had said that his friend and teammate, Tony Stark, was working on making a shield for Connor, with the help of T'Challa, The Black Panther, who was providing him with the Vibranium needed for the shield, and the tech to work with it. Connor couldn't wait to get his own shield, but what was even more exciting for him was that his father had said, that when Connor turned 18, he would talk to the other Avengers to make Connor a supporting member of the team and that he could finally go and help out in real missions.

But, for now, it was time for more training. Connor ran right up the path to the mansion and went inside. His father, Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America, was there waiting for him. "Good hustle soldier." His father said to him " Ready for a real workout." " You know it." Said Connor. " Think you can keep up with me today?" His father asked " If you can keep up with me, I'll let you know." Connor replied, smiling. The two of them started to walk to the elevator, that would take them down to the training room, when the AI for the mansion, Jarvis, suddenly said. "Alert! Incoming projectiles" Steve only had enough time to react by putting his shield in front of himself and Connor, before two missiles blew up the front of the mansion, sending them both flying backwards.
Jason was asleep. He was a heavy sleeper. He didnt hear any of the sounds coming from downstairs, but when he heard his sister scream, his eye shot open and he sprinted downstairs. He wondered why Jarvis wasn't saying anything and he tried saying, "Jarvis?" But nothing happened. He ran around the house for a little but until he saw his sister on the floor, unconscious. He ran to her, saw blood all over the carpet. He flipped Sam over and saw no visible cuts. He thought thy she must have cut someone and he felt a smidgen if pride but he snapped back to reality. He picked her up and ran to his dad's room just to find no one there. He started screaming, "Dad?! Dad!?!? Dad where the hell are you?!" He set Sam down on the bed and checked the front door to see if he left. His dad's car was still there. But the door was broken down. He checked outside and saw no one. He thought that they might have stolen the suits. He ran down stairs and saw that the suits were still there. He went back to check up on Sam and started to shake her saying, "wake up Sam. Wake up."
Feeling someone was shaking her from far away as her eyes fluttered open. Her vision was blurry and Sam tried to blink it away. Her hand went to the place where they hit her and she groaned as a massive head ache hit in. "Oww..." she said as she slowly was able to recognize her brother. "Jason.. What happened..?" she asked confused "How did I get here?" looking around in her dad's room and recognizing the blood on her hands. Slowly her memories came back from what had just occurred. Her eyes filled with both fear and panic "Where's dad?!? I need to help dad!" She got quickly up from the bed and walked to where her dad should be, not knowing he had disappeared. "No, where's he?" she asked while searching for Tony knowing he couldn't be far away with the shot wound. "Where's he?" she asked panicking "He will be dead, if we don't help him!" Her eyes filled with tears.
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Jason grabbed the sides of Sam's face and said, "Sam. Sam. Sam! Calm down. I don't know what happened i checked inside and outside and he wasn't anywhere. What happened. Why are you bloody? What's going on?" He waited for her to calm down knowing that it might take a while. "We'll find dad. Okay? Just calm down first."
Her mind was a mess not really taking in what her brother said. Her breathing got faster as her mind raised away while her panic increased by the time her brother told her dad was gone. She tried explaining but nothing else than "He... I was downstairs and there was a shot..." her voice cracked.. Trying to clear her voice and even her breath, she looked at her brother. "I went upstairs just seeing a mess and found dad lying there bleeding..." she explained under sobs - slowly feeling tears trailing their down her cheeks "I tried putting pressure onto the wound. I think they shot him and the next thing I know wake up in dad's room.." She tried to pull herself together to keep composure as remembering her dad once saying 'a Stark never cries'.
Thoria was with her father Thor on Midgard, they were going to both train there today, she let out a deep sigh as she looked at her hammer, if she were in Asgard she would've made a big fit just to find some time to visit Loki. "Thoria, I want you to show me Thunder" Thor said, Thoria nodded at her father and she slammed her hammer on the ground and there were huge sounds of thunder around her. She looked at her father and saw that her father was about to topple so she just smiled a bit, but not enough to see her smile from a distance. "Good job, Thoria, why don't we take 5 minutes" Thor said as he then walked away and I nodded "all right" She replied back, then looked around at all her surroundings, she was still quite new to this place, were there monsters around here? She wondered. She walked a few inches and looked everywhere, she didn't want to miss anything, not even a spec of dust, then something stopped her, it sounded like a really sharp manly scream, DAD! She thought. She ran the direction where she saw her father go in and she kept running till she finally saw him, layed sloppily on a bench, his chest had a hole in it, like he'd been impaled by something. She soon then screamed, someone seemed to have been behind her the whole time and they put a sack on her head so she couldn't see, she got pounded a few times, she kept waving her hammer around like crazy, but it felt like she was hitting air. She lost balance after a few more hits on her stomach and legs and she fell backwards, her head hitting the edge of a concrete sidewalk, her ears starting to ring from the fall. She took tons of deep breaths, she removed the sack from her head and used all the energy she had left to stand up and walk towards the bench she saw her dad on. The thing was, he wasn't there! She looked around her, everywhere, but no sign of her father, she started crying, tears streaming down her face "Dad!" She yelled, feeling useless and frightened.
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Trying to calm down she looked around the room but her gaze kept on wandering back to their father's blood. "Maybe..." her voice cracked and she took a deep breath trying to hide all the feelings like panic and fear. She had learned it from her dad, trying to copy him when she was younger. Slowly her mind started working again as soon as the feelings had more or less disappeared. Slowly she drew her gaze from the blood to her brother. "Do you think someone can help us..? I mean dad doesn't only have enemies but friends... There must be an avenger knowing where dad is.. Right?" she looked helplessly at Jason hoping he would give her at least a little hope that her father hadn't die.
Connor took a moment to recover from the explosion. By the time he was starting to get up, he could hear that there was a fight going on. 'Dad.....' He thought to himself . " Hang on Dad! I'm ,Gaaaah! " Connor was suddenly punched by someone who had been off to the side of him, so Connor hadn't seen them coming. The force of the punch was enough to launch him backwards and through a couple of walls. Then, he crashed to the ground and some rubble came down on top of him, burying him. Soon after, he blacked out.
Jason smiled at Sam knowing she was a strong girl. "There we go. And good thinking. We can call Brian. I believe he is in the Stark Tower. If he doesn't respond lets try Connor. Oh and what happened to Jarvis? Bugged?" He worried about Jarvis. He was a good friend.
Sam forced a smile upon her lips slowly building up the facade she got so used to over the years, in which she was watched by the public for just being a Stark. Normally Jason was one of the very few people she was able to just be herself around. But this situation seemed to need her to at least act strong, even though she felt really helpless and useless. Her voice was a bit distant while answering her older brother "Jarvis? I think that's my fault... Told him to shut up. Didn't need a lecture while looking for dad..." She looked a bit sheepishly at him before calling for Jarvis "You can speak again, J..." Immediately Jarvis talked with a sarcastic voice "Thank you for thinking of me, Miss Stark!" "Sorry..." she mumbled.
((Sorry had gymnastics!))

Jason smiled even more when he saw Sam smile, even though he knew it was fake. He spoke to Jarvis, "Jarvis" Jarvis replied, "Yes Mr. Stark?" Jason replied, "Call Connor Rogers and if he doesn't respond then call Brian Banner. Thanks." Jarvis immediately started to call Connor's household and there was a ring for a while and no answer. Jarvis said, "Communications with the Roger household are disrupted, calling Brian Banner." Jason was very confused with what he had said. He looked at Sam and said, "Hmm. If Brian doesn't answer something must be wrong. Let's only hope." He heard a ring and waited for Brian to answer, if he could.

Brian's phone rang as the Spider-Man theme song went off. He picked it up then paused. Brian put it down and said "Cybele, answer call." The phone picked up and Brian said "Hello?" He really shouldn't be taking personal phone calls at work.


(Oops I wasn't getting notifs)

It looked like Cybele was ready to prototype. Brian sent a copy of Cybele to Sam so she could look over it. He sent it with the message. "I designed a new A.I. for the suits. I recommend you try it out." The program was called Cybele.EXE. This was exciting, his first project with Stark Industries in prototype.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/upload_2014-11-9_16-45-12.jpeg.7e6a9a7b1197b0b693f8cf04c61dc686.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34102" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/upload_2014-11-9_16-45-12.jpeg.7e6a9a7b1197b0b693f8cf04c61dc686.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Jason, excited that he heard Brian's voice, said, "Hey! Brian! Oh thank you thank you thank you! My was shot and disappeared, someone must have broken in, I saw Sam on the floor, unconscious. She's fine right now but please, do you know if anything is going on? Connor didn't answer either!" He whispered this next part, "Something must be going on. I need your help. I'm taking every precaution there is available."He started to breath heavily and his blood was pumping, what if something was actually happening? This could be dangerous, he needed to take Sam to a safe place... He started to think too much.
"What?!..... I'm in Stark Tower, pinpointing the signal. Where are you, I'll be there as soon as I can." Brian said. he was panicked this was very very bad. Like, worst-case scenario. Brian stood up and began to take strides towards the elevator.

Scott had been at home working on his suit it seemed as if he wasn't in full control of his suit yet, he could call his father but then what would he learn. He grabbed the helmet as he saw a army of ants that were gathering chip crumbs, he had not noticed how dirty his house had been due to his relentless focus on his suit, he knelled onto his knee "Hey guy you look smart" he said pointing to the rather large ant then attempting to pick it up. The ant seemed to not care as it explored his finger "wait" he grabbed his helmet and putting it on "Hey you know anything about sub atomic physiques?" he said oddly serious "No" the ant replied. he place the ant back down "bye" he removed his helmet and flopped back on the couch frustration he sigh as he picks up the phone and attempts to contact his father but no answer "Guess he's busy" he said.
Sam listened carefully to the conversation between her borther and Brian looking up at the last sentence Jason had said. "We are upstairs in our apartment... Someone attacked us at home." she interfered the call sending shivers down her spine at the memory. She felt her phone virbrate seeing the message from Brian, she opened the file. "What's 'Cybill'?" she asked confused trying to hold on to the only thing which seemed normal to her. Sam looked randomly from her phone to Jason, it was evident what he was thinking. She better made sure not to get locked up, Sam noted to herself.
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A while later, Connor wakes up. He feels like he's being crushed. He looks around and sees that he is trapped under some debris. He uses all his strength to lift up the big beams of wood and parts of the wall. "Come on." He says, grinding his teeth. Then, he pushes the debris off of himself and manages to stand up. Then, he grabs his arm in pain, and notices a big cut on his upper arm, that had been bleeding. He looks around at all the damage that was done to the front of the mansion, and quickly remembers... " Dad!" He makes his way out to the front lawn and looks around. There is no sign of him, or whoever had attacked them, just some people outside the mansion gates, taking pictures and pointing at the wrecked mansion. Connor knew there was only one thing he could do. He made his way back inside and to the hidden elevator, and went down to the sub basement of the mansion. He walked to the door of the Avengers meeting room, but it wouldn't open. "Jarvis, open this door" He said. " You do not have clearance to enter the meeting room, Mr. Rogers." said Jarvis. " This is an emergency! Override code Stephen Rogers 03 1941." said Connor, quickly. "Override accepted." said Jarvis, and the door opened.

Connor walks into the meeting room and moves towards the table in the center of the room. When he reaches it, he leans on it for support, as he is still feeling the effects of the explosion. He activates the communicator and says " Avengers! This is Avengers mansion! There is an emergency! Please respond." He waits, but no one responds. " Avengers, someone, please respond!" But there is only silence. Connor slams his fist down on the table. " What is going on?" He says.
Brian decided Stark Tower could probably do without him for a while and stepped into the elevator. He oddly pressed roof instead of ground floor and the elevator rose. Once the elevator reached the roof is sounded off "Ding!"and Brian stepped out. Brian walked to one of the helicopters and stepped in. He input destination Avengers Mansion, all the while worried out of his mind. Brian grabbed his datapad and said "Cybele, initiate call between the following Connor Rodgers, Sam Stark, Scott Pym, and Jason Stark. Cybele replied "Calling." By now Brian was about half-way to Avengers mansion, though he likely would've been shot down by national guard if it wasn't for Cybele. Brian looked out under him, everyone looked so small. Brian landed at Avengers mansion and strode up to the double doors.

In Helsinki, Kaarle was at his house. His dad, Peter had apparently left while he was out . Kaarle figured that it was just that his dad had to go out and do something. He let himself in, and sat down. He turned on YLE 24 to watch the news. it wasn't much. Just Germany discussing the crisis in Ukraine, a story about a hospital in Helsinki, and a Nigerian bombing. Nothing much, he thought, as he went to go get a snack. he was halfway to the kitchen when he realized, doesn't dad leave a not when he's gone? A shock shot through his body. He must have forgotten, he reassured himself. But no, he couldn't have forgotten. He must have been taken.
In this moment Sam decided she would do everything what had to be done to get their father back. She knew her brother would probably lock her up somewhere but she was determined enough to either try to convince her brother of her coming along to whatever they would be up to or she would go on her own looking for Tony. Her thoughts were interrupted as her phone suddenly began to ring. She accepted the call seeing it was Brian's caller ID "Sam speaking..." Sam turned on her heel and walked out of the room feeling the sudden need of being away from her father's blood. Even though it could be the only thing left of him.
Realising that no one was going to answer, Connor collapsed onto a chair. He felt so confused and sick with worry. None of the Avengers were answering the call. He had to figure out what was going on. He'd just have to bandage up his arm and get going. But, then he thought of Sam and Jason and Brian and the others. Was it possible that they were gone too? No sooner had he thought this, then his phone rang. He took his long outdated flip phone out of his pocket and opened it. " Brian?" He said to himself. At least he hadn't disappeared. Connor quickly answered the phone. "Hello? Brian?"

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