Messiah of the New Night
Below is a CS Skeleton for your characters.
Race: (if your character is some form of deviant or suffers a body altering curse, include the deviance after a slash mark. Example: Dwarf/Vampire)
Age: (read over the races in the Overview tab to get an idea how these renditions of fantasy races age. If you are playing a race that is not on the article, then their age and rate of maturity is up to you.)
Appearance: (provide a detailed description or a picture.)
Occupation: (doesnt have to be any of the D&D classes mentioned in the History unless you want it to be. This here is not a dice RP.)
Homeland: (Langard, Ryuga, Astens, Hyleth Ba'gra, or some plane from the Astral Planes [Espers only.])
Spellcaster?: (answer with a yes, a no, or in-character.)
Alignment: (Lawful, Neutral, Chaotic - Good, Neutral, Evil.)
Bio: (describe your character's background and past experiences.)
Weaponry: (beginning with magic weapons that aren't casting staves will reduce your chances of being accepted. What that means is the GM would rather you not begin with a Rapier that can shoot fireballs, or something along those lines.)
Armor: (if applicable. Same rule goes for armor as it does weapons. Starting off with Magic armor or clothing is discouraged.)
Mercenary Experience: (How long have you been a Mercenary? Are you a seasoned veteran? Is this your first time? Are you not a Merc at all?)
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