MidWest represent!

*looks at name of topic before smiling* Howdy Fellow midwesterner~! I'm also from the mid west, more towards the gateway to the west than north or south. Enough of me rambling, Welcome to the site and I hope you have fun~!
@RoyalPhoenix32 Eh it's just long and tedious that's all.. Pain in the ass to do some cardio exercises in if you don't have have a gym or cardio equipment at home.  
Ah, I live near St. Louis. Don't get much snow here and the weather is a bitch a times. Lot better then where you two live at times.
Well, weather is wacky in the midwest. One day it can be nice and sunny the next, rainy and windy as hell. All I can say is, welcome to the midwest. Enjoy your stay! Been here all my life as well.
As a New Englander, MA to be specific. I feel you all on the snow issues.


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