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Multiple Settings Midway's Interest Check!


"What's your favorite scary movie...?"

Hey there! I'm May! I'm 26 and have been RPing/writing on and off since I was at least 9/10 years old! Used to be particularly big on fandom-based RPs/crossover events and the like. But as my general writing group has grown past those types of stories/events, I decided to branch out! I'm typically happy to try and work out stories with any potential partners. I've made up a universe over the past of couple of years that I'd love to see explored further!

I've been trying to find an avenue in which to try and explore my numerous OCs(my usual RP group isn't really into OCs atm/they suggested I go write on A03 and I'm just having a hard time getting into it. My thought process is 'what if I write a 100 pages and nobody gives a shit? What'll have been the point of all that time? It'll have been pointless') and you caught my eye! I have a wholly original universe I made up on my own. It's not really got a name or anything but it's generally a lot like ours only the US has taken a far more authoritarian standing in recent decades. There also exist people with powers that're known as Gifted. They can range from

-Elementals(can live up to 400 years though at around 200+ they start developing conditions similar to a senior citizen and often isolate themselves to avoid hurting others/they do not have mouths and feed off energy/speak telepathically unless they've shapeshifted into a human form)
-Mutations(think like Beast from the X-Men or if the Rhino was actually a guy with Rhino-like traits rather than a guy in a suit)
-Mental(think like mental/mind powers. Like shooting energy blasts or telekinesis)
-Physical(Superstrength, body enhancements, regeneration, etc)

Since ancient times (say around when Portugal/Spain split up America) it's been socially forbidden to acknowledge the existence of Gifted lest they get the motivation to try and rise up and conquer the 'normals.' Both World Wars in this universe were fought over Germany and it's allies openly acknowledging Gifted in their societies. One of the Gifted we follow is named 'Zeke'(his real name is Rene Moreau) a French ice elemental who was 'bought' by American agents and taken from his home in Paris to be raised as a secret weapon for the US government. Along the way he comes to see the other teenaged-aged boys in with him as brothers even if none of them are blood related.

These guys typically wouldn't fit in a run of the mill slice of life story but I'm more than happy to work with any potential partners and see if we could work something out! Feel free to DM me!

Bump!~ Putting a bit more detail here/an idea of my OCs/the universe I'm dabbling in!

The general idea is that the world is pretty much similar to ours but the existence of Gifted is considered 'The Big Secret' by the countries at large(during say this universe's take on the Cold War, you'd have the US and USSR fighting in secret to convince African/Asian countries not to openly reveal their Gifted or if they did to have them work for the other's benefit. All while continuing to treat the Gifted like second class citizens/come down HARD on any open displays of Gifted activity)

I wrote an aborted RP that detailed some of the happenings/gives you a general idea of the universe's atmosphere. It's still on here/you could search it up if you'd like! It's called 'Return to Sender' (ties into the whole naming convention of the powers being 'Gifts' and your soul being the 'Box' that houses said Gift) and is set in the early 1980s. The US in this universe after WW2 created a force known as UPROAR-basically frankenstein's monster type creatures which are cadavers of 'normals'/people who didn't have or never activated their Gift and implanting them with the heart/brain(where the Box/soul is theorized to reside) of Gifted, willingly or not. There's primordial forces at play in this universe however(they're their own seperate thing. Think of them as basically entites that're beyond what a normal person can comprehend/they each handle an aspect of our lives. Eternity can manipulate time/has existed since Earth was just a molten rock floating in the universe. 'Death' is well, he's essentially the Grim Reaper and whenever any living thing has perished, he's been there for them in their final moments and has escorted them off. His Gift is called [MY NAME IS DEATH] and he really usually only appears to those about to die or those with Gifts that make them practically immortal. He absolutely despises the latter. Prometheus is considered by many to be the first Elemental gifted/gave normals the 'gift' of Fire. ADAM is considered the first 'physical' Gifted and the first ever human to be a Gifted. Many wonder if he still exists to this day/there's a special sect of Christians that worship him) and above them all is an alien that's affectionally been given the nickname of 'Bob.'

He's NOT God(that's another guy/Heaven and Hell DO exist in this universe but they're wholly separate concepts from Bob though he's kept in touch with both) and really REALLY dislikes the idea of being called that hence one of the few mortals he's ever appeared before naming him Bob. He's more or less the overseer of Earth and generally watches things and while not trying to overstep his bounds/percieved authority, he makes an effort to enforce some kind of rules/morals amongst the population. Going back to UPROAR, the generally accepted idea is that your Gift is YOURS and when you die, welp, that's it! The Gift is bye-bye! Your Box goes off to the great beyond. UPROAR's officers basically trample on that idea and so Bob has intervened and when the officers try to use their stolen Gifts? They begin to decompose/rot and will eventually fall apart. As technology has advanced, humanity has tried to get around this by replacing the rotting parts with prosthetics but eventually you reach a point where it's questioned 'is this a new person, the corpse that had the organs shoved into it, or the person the organs belonged to?)

Zeke's parents were both Ice Elementals like him/his father had fought in the Second World War and on his mother's side, his grandfather was a White Fire elemental(one of the rarest types of Fire elementals there is! They're extremely powerful!) and Zeke was lucky enough to live in a small village on the outskirts of Paris that tolerated the existence of Gifted/the community was small enough that everyone mostly kept mum about everyone else's Gifts/didn't report them to the authorities. It was only after Zeke (who was still only named Rene Moreau by this point. Zeke was a moniker given to him by the US Agent who kidnapped him) while avoiding being attacked by a perverted stranger accidently lost control of his Gift [ALICE IN CHAINS] and froze over a good chunk of his village. Fearful of the French government taking Zeke away and his parents being punished, a certain man by the name of Richard Henderson(spoilers, he's Reinhard Heydrich who survived the events of WW2 in this universe through his own Gift: Charisma! Basically, if he believes in something hard enough, his Gift will attempt to make it so. In a form of semi-immortality/his Gift can really only be broken by complete destruction of his person or by overpowering his will with your own. He was picked up by the US forces during the war and allowed to live so long as he trained their USGU(United States Gifted Unit) and his job was basically to go to different countries and pick up Gifted that he believed would be most useful.

Zeke was taken from his parents, his friends, his country and was called Zeke simply on a whim by Richard. At the young age of 6, Zeke was thrown into a miltary base set up to resemble a 1950s/60s American summer camp. Mockingly named 'Camp Hope', the idea was that the youths there would be trained and upon turning 18 they'd perform before a group of generals from both the US military and allied countries(usually dictatorships) and would be forced into service. During his years here, Zeke eventually befriended other youths and even found some degree of love after being forced more or less to help raise a baby (Multi! He's a belgian youth with the Gift of [MR LONELY] that allows him to create hulking golems he calls Additions that he can see and hear through) with another female Gifted. At the age of 17/18 when it came time for Zeke's graduation, he rebelled and kicked off a full scale riot in the camp. Richard was horribly mutilated by Zeke in the process and I was thinking that could be where we pick things up.

It's been a couple of months since then, Zeke has lost his left arm up to his elbow, and he has to reluctantly board with criminals to hide from the feds/multi is only a toddler at this point (4) I liked the idea of/if you wanted to playing both a federal agent gifted that’s tasked with arresting Zeke and his siblings/killing them if Zeke won’t comply and I thought it’d be a fun twist if say the agent is in her 30s/40s but ends up falling for Zeke lmao. if you want a character on the ‘good’ side I’d be fine with Zeke having a ‘sister’ among all his siblings lol

Or the ‘good’ PC can even be someone Zeke saves during a battle with the authorities and takes under his wing lol. All of this hinges on if you're OK with doubling or not, I certainly am lmao

As for Zeke's siblings/some of the other OCs in this planned RP? Let me try to detail some of em!:

These are picrews I've made of some of the OCs in the universe:

I imagined Zeke looking very pale/bright blue eyes/snowwhite hair! His hand is dark blue(think what like the effects of frostbite look like) and he typically keeps it bandaged up to avoid suspicion.
zeke human 4.png

The guy with dark skin/white facial markings is one of the criminals that is letting Zeke and his sibs shack up with. His name's Curt 'Black Hole' Well/his Gift is [DEATH] and is gravity manipulation. Zeke and him both have bounties on their heads/I've got made up WANTED posters for em lol.

The girl I haven't thought of a name yet but I imagined she's another one of the criminals/but she's very fond of Multi/babies him. I pictured her as a rabbit-type mutation lol.




thumbnail_tarman (2).png

This is Black Ink! He's around the same age as Zeke if maybe two or so years older give or take? He's been through a HELL of a lot(I have an aborted RP that went into some level of detail about his past. He's a Surprise-a Gifted born of two different types. His mother was a shark-type mutation and his father was an acid elemental/a surprise himself-and because of this, it's genetically difficult for him to shapeshift like zeke and other full blooded elementals can. Ink's father was actually the inspiration in-universe for the Night of the Living Dead film! When Ink's father was little/he went with his dad/Ink's grandpa to a VA hospital. Accidentally activated his Gift [THE DEAD WALK] and reanimated a shitton of corpses. The government was capable of getting it under control but it was almost a whole nightmare.

Skip a couple of years, Ink's father was experimented on and left to sit inside a steel drum for years. It was only after a bunch of pro-gifted teenagers ambushed two National Guardsmen transporting the drum that Ink's father managed to escape/calling himself Rot, he started a zombie epidemic in 1980s L.A. It was only narrowly defeated after Ink's adoptive stepfather killed Rot, just mere inches away from his boy. Ink still has no idea that was his biological dad and perhaps it's better he never does.

So he gets by through eating people/wearing their skin like you or I would wear onesie pajamas/you'd see his eyes through the person's mouth if you looked close enough lol.


Multi is the kid in the center of the picture I linked in the original post! In most stories I tend to tell with these characters, Multi is always the baby of the bunch. In this case he's a literal toddler. But he was given up at birth by his parents to the US government/handed off at the US embassy in Brussels as they simply couldn't handle his Gift. Even as an infant, he was creating these hulking abominations that bled this foul-smelling( Ink compares it to rotting meat and diseased flesh) white liquid and have wooden skeletons under their massive eight-foot frames. They do not talk or appear to have any kind of sentience of their own/Multi controls them completely. He sees and can hear through the eyes of every single golem, which he's taken to calling Additions as he's gotten older.

In a 200+ page story that I've been working on sporadically over the years, Multi, in an effort to impress Zeke, has tried taking on the protagonists of said story( a group of revolutionary Gifted known as The Modern Crusaders. Not great people but they're the leads kinda deal lol) by himself/nearly getting Black Ink killed in the process. He's an emotional wreck with worrying about the military and his brothers learning about his betrayal/attempt to kill Black Ink. Here he's just a funny lil kid lol


'Frankenstein' (real name unknown. Frankenstein is just what everyone tends to call them) is a physical-type but they're unique in that their Gift [TYPE 0 NEGATIVE] allows them to basically pull their body apart at a moment's notice(decapitate them? Threads will fly out of the neck stump and reattach the head. Hell, he could even pull off his own head if he wanted to avoid an attack. They can also attach other's limbs to his person and temporarily use their Gift (he mostly keeps it limited to Elementals/mentals as you can't really get much out of Physicals unless you have the durability to back up throwing your body through a brick wall). They're believed to be from Eastern Europe/Ink thinks Serbia or somewhere. Frankenstein has tried to insist that Frankenstein was German so the nickname doesn't feel apt but nobody ever listens.



The piccrew isn't exactly perfect (it's more suited for anime pretty bois, not old men lol) but this is SUPPOSED to be The Shade-an older guy, probably late 50s/early 60s(he's in his 90s by present day) who's been at Camp Hope for years and has constantly failed the 'graduation' on purpose to avoid being drafted into a cause he never believed in/or to die for a country that didn't let him experience the freedoms he'd hoped for or would ever get to partake in himself.

His Gift is [I THINK WE'RE ALONE NOW] and it basically turns his shadow into a weapon. He can use his shadow as an attack dog and have it physically grapple/stab opponents. He can also use it to spy on people from afar as he can see through/hear through it like Multi does with his Additions. It also works as a holding space. If his shadow manifests under you, it can pull you into a pitch black void and you'll generally be safe/stuck there unless The Shade comes into direct contact with sunlight or he's knocked out/killed as everything currently stored in [I THINK WE'RE ALONE NOW] is shunted to the surface. For a better reference for him, look up Humphrey Bogart from Casablanca. That's about the energy I'm going for here lol.

ROSTOV 1.png

ROSTOV 2.png

ROSTOV 3.png

Rostov! He's originally from Russia(my early stories implied he was the illegimiate son of the Russian president/a jab at Putin.) He was taken overseas after his mother handed him over to members of the CIA. The CIA had recently managed to get their hands on a Bound Gift(Bound Gifts are essentially items/buildings/places that've seen so much human contact/experience that it's left something of a remnant that's granted said locale/object it's own abilities) and wanted to test it out on someone. Rostov was born a normal and although hesitant at first, he accepted the Gift: [IRON MAIDEN] which at the time had manifested as a M-160(it'd previously been owned by a Vietnam War veteran who has his own story if you're interested lol) and Rostov quickly adapted to it!

[IRON MAIDEN] basically manifests for Rostov as a suit of armor ala Iron Man/gives him natural tracking/lock on abilities. It also allows him to basically summon practically any military-grade weapon that he can think of. Guns, tank barrels, anti-tank rounds, you name it. About the only thing he can't seem to replicate is nuclear weapons and that's mostly chalked up to Rostov not knowing what goes INTO making a bomb. If he had the time to sit and study it, who knows...? But Rostov is generally an amicable fellow and wouldn't have much reason to nuke anyone!



Funnily enough was trying to find a Picrew that'd best fit what I had in mind for this fella. It actually worked out perfectly if I'm being honest! Didn't even have to change much! Just gave him a jacket, a goofy grin, a baseball cap and you have Butch Diangelo! He's just a punk. He actually nearly got himself killed at first because he attacked the US agents who came to apprehend him after finding out about Gifted activity in his neck of the woods (JOISEY BABEY) and it took a Military Gifted(i.e some of the cream of the crop that the US has in terms of Gifted) to come down to actually arrest him.

He's best buds with Rostov/the two are nearly inseparable. His Gift is [MEGADETH] and it basically turns him into a earthbender. He can't turn INTO rock/earth like Zeke looks like a natural iceman when he's not shapeshifted but he can stomp his foot and create a sinkhole or levitate a boulder over your fuckin head.


The Mercenary

The Mercenary.png

It's not the BEST piccrew and I'll probably re-make it as the RP goes on but this guy is a real menace. He's a mercenary that's encountered Zeke and crew since the latter were kids. First meeting after being sent on a secret mission to obtain files from a Cuban base in Havana, The Mercenary was also there having been hired by China for the same reason. Revealing himself as a lava elemental, he killed a good chunk of Zeke's friends and would have likely killed the whole lot of them had the Shade not intervened and saved them at the last minute.

Still, it wasn't without it's costs. HE'S the reason Zeke is missing his left arm and Zeke theorizes he's at least a 100 years old. Not an outrageous feat for an elemental but to able to control his powers so casually(only transforming his arm and little else) shows a level of control that unnerves Zeke even to this very day...


OK! I THINK that's all the major players for now! Let me know what YOU think! Sorry I took so long lmao. I'm still more than open to DM reach-outs!
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